25 research outputs found

    Program Pendeteksi Dan Penghitung Jumlah Pengunjung Dengan Pengolahan Citra Digital Menggunakan Webcam

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    Sampai saat ini untuk mendapatkandata jumlah pengunjung umumnya masihmenggunakan cara manual. Cara manual inikurang efektif karena kemungkinan terjadinyaerror cukup tinggi baik yang disebabkan olehhuman error maupun oleh alat itu sendiri (deviceerror).Salah satu perkembangan teknologisebagi solusi yang bisa digunakan untukmengatasi masalah tersebut adalahmemanfaatkan salah satu ilmu komputer yaitupencitraan digital . Apabila pengambilan datadilakukan dengan kamera, lalu diproses denganPC (Personal Computer), maka jalannya prosesakan jadi lebih efisien, karena tidak memerlukanbanyak tenaga untuk pengambilan dataSkripsi ini dibuat sebuah programpendeteksi dan penghitung jumlah pengunjungdengan pencitraan digital menggunakan webcam.Image dari webcam kemudian diambil selisih pikselantara background image dan frame image kemudiandikuadratkan dan dibagi luasan detection window.Kata kunci: webcam, penghitungan pengunjung,metode penghitungan,detection windowI. PENDAHULUANData jumlah pengunjung suatu tempatperbelanjaan sangat penting untuk mengetahuiseberapa besar minat pengunjung untukmengunjungi tempat tersebut. Data-data tersebutselalu update setiap hari untuk dijadikan trendgrafik jumlah pengunjung. Selain itu, datatersebut dapat menjadi prediksi akanperkembangan suatu tempat atau pusatperbelanjaan mulai dari renovasi hinggareinovasi.Masalah yang diangkat dalam skripsi iniadalah bagaimana mengambil data agar diperolehjumlah pengunjung menggunakan pengolahancitra digital, kemudian bagaimana caramendeteksi adanya suatu objek, serta bagaimanacara menghitung jumlah pengunjung.Beberapa hal yang menjadi batasan dalampembuatan program ini adalah pengujung adalahmanusia dan yang dihitung hanya yang melewatidetection window yang telah ditentukansebelumnya, posisi webcam tetap(static) danberada diatas pintu masuk tegak lurus 90oterhadap bidang latar dan yang dihitung adalahobyek tunggal

    Redesain Pasar Tradisional Papahan Karanganyar Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Neo Vernakular

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    Papahan Market is a traditional market located in Tasikmadu District, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java. Papahan Market was built in 1975 by the Papahan village government. Papahan market is one of the economic drivers in the Papahan Village Area, Papahan Market has high economic potential due to its strategic location right next to the Solo-Tawangmangu highway where the road is a route that is often traversed by tourists. However, current market conditions are considered unfavorable, this can be seen from the many facilities that are not available, the existing facilities do not meet the standards and the zoning is less organized causing buying and selling activities in the market not optimal and uncomfortable. This also causes the slow pace of the economy in the Papahan Market. From the description of the problem, the purpose of redesigning the papahan market is to make the papahan market a place for buying and selling transactions that meet standards and function optimally. The market is redesigned with a neo vernacular concept approach where the concept is a blend of traditional and modern elements. Modern elements are applied to the design with the aim of adjusting to the development of an increasingly advanced era, while traditional elements are applied to the design because Karanganyar is a city that prioritizes local culture and traditions. With the redesign of the Papahan Market, it is hoped that economic activity in the market can run optimally and comfortably

    Sequencing and Comparative Genome Analysis of Two Pathogenic Streptococcus gallolyticus Subspecies: Genome Plasticity, Adaptation and Virulence

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    Streptococcus gallolyticus infections in humans are often associated with bacteremia, infective endocarditis and colon cancers. The disease manifestations are different depending on the subspecies of S. gallolyticus causing the infection. Here, we present the complete genomes of S. gallolyticus ATCC 43143 (biotype I) and S. pasteurianus ATCC 43144 (biotype II.2). The genomic differences between the two biotypes were characterized with comparative genomic analyses. The chromosome of ATCC 43143 and ATCC 43144 are 2,36 and 2,10 Mb in length and encode 2246 and 1869 CDS respectively. The organization and genomic contents of both genomes were most similar to the recently published S. gallolyticus UCN34, where 2073 (92%) and 1607 (86%) of the ATCC 43143 and ATCC 43144 CDS were conserved in UCN34 respectively. There are around 600 CDS conserved in all Streptococcus genomes, indicating the Streptococcus genus has a small core-genome (constitute around 30% of total CDS) and substantial evolutionary plasticity. We identified eight and five regions of genome plasticity in ATCC 43143 and ATCC 43144 respectively. Within these regions, several proteins were recognized to contribute to the fitness and virulence of each of the two subspecies. We have also predicted putative cell-surface associated proteins that could play a role in adherence to host tissues, leading to persistent infections causing sub-acute and chronic diseases in humans. This study showed evidence that the S. gallolyticus still possesses genes making it suitable in a rumen environment, whereas the ability for S. pasteurianus to live in rumen is reduced. The genome heterogeneity and genetic diversity among the two biotypes, especially membrane and lipoproteins, most likely contribute to the differences in the pathogenesis of the two S. gallolyticus biotypes and the type of disease an infected patient eventually develops


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    Generally, the problems in leachate treatment is the large operational load of the treatment which consumes high operational costs. To reduce the operastional costs, the treatment period was limited, so that the results of the treatment effluent does not fulfill the quality standards. Sending this effluent directly to the environment, will cause environmental degradation. Thus, better waste treatment methods that are efficient, inexpensive, and easy to operate with optimal hydraulic retention time (HRT) is needed. The objective of this research was to study the treatment model of submerged biofilter with a combination of anaerobic process, and aerobic-anaerobic using gravel packing. The effect of HRT, porosity and packing height to the quality of effluent was observed experimentally. It is expected that the effluent of leachate treatment can fulfill the quality standards and can be used as raw material for organic liquid fertilizer production. In the present work, landfill leachate from Wonosobo regency, and gravel from the river in the Selomerto village of Wonosobo regency were used. The HRT�s were varied of 12, 24, and 36 hours, the porosity variations were 0.32 and 0.15, and the heght of media were varied to 300 mm and 500 mm. The BOD5 and COD of the effluent were analyzed and testing also the effluent to the plant. The results showed that the variations in HRT, porosity , and packing height affect the concentration reduction of BOD5 and COD in the effluent. The results also indicated that treatment by 24 hours of HRT, porosity of 0.3


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    Fisheries are develop for increasing productivity and bussiness efficiency. The productivity of fishery product that are for increaseing the compsumption, income, employment and bussiness opportunity, and to support the regional development. The Policy to select of fish species for aquaculture is required a certain considerations and proper experiences to reduce risk and prevent failures in aquaculture. Proper assistances or guidelines will be very usefull for the farmers. The availability of computerize application, to select the type of fish in the aquaculture can help farmers to make decisions. In this research,it is used to fuzzy mamdani method to analyze the input 6 parameter : height, depth, water temperature, acidity, oxygen contentand salinity of water to get the recommendation of suitable aquaculture as output

    Estimasi Luas Coverage Area dan Jumlah Sel 3G pada Teknologi WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)

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    Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi seluler yang mampu memberikan layanan berupa voice dan data (internet) tentu membutuhkan maintenance di tiap tahunnya, baik berupa perawatan alat maupun penambahan jumlah BTS. Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan estimasi luas coverage area dan jumlah sel 3G di kota Malang dari tahun 2014 sampai 2016. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan yang dilakukan, diperoleh luas coverage area mengalami penurunan di tiap tahunnya dan berdampak pada jumlah sel di kota Malang. Dari 5 kecamatan di kota Malang, didapat penambahan 85 sel sampai tahun 2016, penambahan sel terbanyak terletak di kecamatan Klojen dengan 22 sel, sedangkan penambahan sel paling sedikit terletak di kecamatan Kedungkandang dengan 11 sel, sedangkan penurunan radius sel paling besar terletak di kecamatan Lowokwaru dengan 0,19 km dan penurunan radius sel paling kecil terletak di kecamatan Blimbing dengan 0,09 km


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    This Sorbitol Plant designed at 80.000 ton/year capacity. Product result has 70% weight purity. This plant operated along 300 day/year. The raw material is glucose and hydrogen, and High Activity Nickel as the catalisator. Reaction of producting sorbitol occur at 145 o C and 88 atm at trickle bed reactor. This plant planned to build at Pasuruan, East Java at 80.000 m 2 area and 172 employees. The needed of ra material glucose are 5248,6068 kg/hour and 58,2753 kg/hour of hydrogen. High Activity Nickle as the catalisator needed are 61.008,1843 kg/year and alumina cylindrical 16.405,7951 kg/hour. Utility steam needed are 3.359,83 kg/hour, water needed are 11.106.806,76 kg/hour and electricity needed are 3.568,11 kW. Fixed Capital required are $22.124.684,14 and Rp 374,677,709,070.90. Required working capital of Rp 471,697,085,203.51. Profit before tax of Rp 224,048,202,405.30 / year and profit after tax was Rp 112,024,101,202.65 / year. Economic feasibility of the results obtained ROI calculation before tax of 37.60%, ROI after tax of 18.80%, pre-tax POT 2.10 years, 3.47 years after tax POT, BEP was 61.32%, SDP by 45 , 88% and amounted to 28.14% DCFRR value. Based on the calculation of the economic evaluation of the sorbitol plant with a capacity of 60,000 tons / year deserves to be studied further


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    Methyl salicylate is one of the most important derivative of salicylic acid, beside aspirin. It is an ester that has a wide range of uses in many industries. In pharmaeutical industries, methyl salicylate is used as an active ingredient in many of it�s formula as an analgesic. It�s well known aroma has also made it popular in the food beverage and cosmetic industries. Opportunities of developing the methyl salicylate industry in Indonesia is still quite large, considering that there exists no manufacturer here. The plant is planned to operate for 330 days/ year with a 99,65% w/w methyl salicylate production capacity of 30000 tons/ year. The main raw material required is as much as 17909,3043 tons/ year of 99,85% w/w methanol and 31404,0759 tons/ year of salicylic acid. The process used to produce methyl salicylate is the fischer esterification with sulfuric acid catalyst. In general, the methyl salicylate manufacturing process is as follows: (i) reaction between methanol and salicylic acid with sulfuric acid catalyst in a continuous-stirred tank reactor, (ii) neutralization of acid catalyst and residual unreacted salicylic acid using dilute NaOH solution, (iii) separation of salts, (iv) methyl salicylate purification through evaporation and (v) methanol recovery through distillation . As a support, the utility plant unit supplies water as much as 88937,1358 kg/ hour, 560,7322 kVA electricity and compressed air up to 84 m3/ hour. The plant will be established in Kariangau Industrial Complex, Balikpapan, East Kalimantan province, based on availibility of raw material. The region is close to the methanol industry and close to the harbor making it easier to import salicylic acid from China as well as to support distribution of the product. Plant location is close to Wain Dam, so the source of water for the utility plant unit is from river water. Calculation of economic evaluation results in fixed capital as much as 23,470,231.33andworkingcapital23,470,231.33 and working capital 23,791,896.55. At 100% production rate, ROI before tax 37,23%, ROI after tax 18,61%, POT before tax of 2,1 years, POT after tax of 3,5 years, with BEP at 44,87%, SDP at 24,80%, and 19,19% for DCFRR. Considering the economic evaluation that has been done, this methyl salicylate plant with capacity of 30000 tons / year is worth it to be studied further


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    Dimethyleter is one of several compound in which proposed as an alternative fuel in order to reduce the dependency of community from oil and gas fuel based. In addition, its low content of NOx and SOx has benefit to reduce the environmental polution. The plant�s further development supoorted by the fact that the energy needs in Indonesia keep increasing in years meanwhile the oil production decreasing. The plant is planned to operate for 330 days / year with dimethyleter production capacity of 20,000 tons / year. The main raw material required is as much as 97,970.4 ton / year of 99% methanol. The method used is the dehydration of methanol with �-alumina catalyst. In general, dimethylether manufacturing stages process is as follows: (i) dehydration of methanol �-alumina catalyst which takes places in a fixed bed multitube reactor, (ii) dimethylether product purification through distillation. As a support, utility plant unit supplies the cooling water as much as 1,410.1383 tons / hour, 1,406.25 kVA electricity, compressed air up to 259.7143 m3/hr, and 18.5939 tons / hour of steam. The plant will be established in the city of Bontang, East Kalimantan province, with consideration of raw material oriented. Bontang region close to the methanol industry, and close to the harbor making it easier for the marketing of the product dimethylether. Plant location close to the sea, so that the source of water for utility plant unit derived from seawater. Calculation of economic evaluation results is fixed capital required equal to 16,183,535+Rp64.123.740.000andworkingcapitalequalto16,183,535 + Rp 64.123.740.000 and working capital equal to 11.931.284 + Rp At 100% production rate, obtained ROI before tax of 34,86%, ROI after tax of 13,95%. POT before tax of 2,23 years, POT after tax of 4,18 years, with BEP at 47,63%, SDP at 30,88%, and 31,94%. for DCFRR. Based on consideration of the economic evaluation results, this dimethylether plant with capacity 77000 tons / year worth to be studied further