218 research outputs found

    Perlindungan terhadap Korban sebagai Penyeimbang Asas Legalitas

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    Asas Legalitas merupakan suatu asas yang menentukan bahwa tidak ada suatu perbuatan yang dilarang dan diancam dengan pidana jika tidak ditentukan terlebih dahulu dalam peraturan Perundang-undangan. Asas ini muncul dari suatu pemikiran untuk membatasi kesewenang-wenangan penguasa dan hakim dalam menerapkan hukuman, kemudian diadopsi banyak negara termasuk Indonesia. Asas legalitas di Indonesia tertuang dalam Pasal 1 KUHP. Secara filosofi asas legalitas memiliki kelemahan dimana hanya berorientasi pada perlindungan pelaku, sedangkan korban sebagai pihak yang mengalami kerugian akibat suatu kejahatan seharusnya juga memiliki hak-hak atas perlindungan, ganti rugi maupun pemulihan. Korban memiliki kedudukan yang lebih dari sekedar saksi dalam pemeriksaan sehingga perlindungan korban perlu diusahakan agar asas legalitas yang berorientasi pada pelaku diimbangi juga dengan melakukan perlindungan tterhadap korban

    Metode Atm (Amati, Tulis, Modifikasi) Untuk Pembelajaran Menulis Puisi Berwawasan Lingkungan

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    This article contains conceptual ideas about innovative learning methods that can be used for learning to write poetry. This method is an ATM method. The ATM method stands for observing, writing, and modifying. As the name implies, this learning method has three main syntaxes, namely observing, writing, and modifying. Each syntax is translated back into a more specific syntax. This ATM method is implemented in learning to write poetry with environmental insight

    The Difference of Patient Satisfaction Between ISO and Non ISO Health Centers in Denpasar

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    Background and purpose: ISO has been implemented to improve quality of care and patient satisfaction in fourhealth centers in Denpasar. An assessment of the quality of services has been conducted, but there has been noassessment of patient satisfaction. This study determined differences of patient satisfaction between ISO and non-ISOcenters and related factors.Methods: The study design was cross-sectional sample survey of 298 respondents; 149 attending ISO clinics and 149non-ISO clinics. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires and analyzed with chi square test andlogistic regression methods as well as quadrant analysis.Results: Satisfaction was significantly higher (p=0.001) among ISO health centers (98.66%) compared to non-ISO(87.25%). Satisfaction levels were significantly higher (p=0.001) among ISO health centers specifically for sub itemreliability (97.99% vs 81.21%), responsiveness (97.32% vs 82.52%), assurance (98.66% vs 84.56%), empathy (97.32% vs77.18%) and phisycal appearance (97.32% vs 83.8%). Multivariate analysis indicated that factors associated withpatients satisfaction were ISO status (adjusted OR=16.56; 95%CI: 3.87-70.95) and health insurance membership(adjusted OR=3.76; 95%CI: 1.38-10.23). Quadrant analysis indicated that sub item politeness, carelessness anduntidiness were priority area for improvement among ISO health centers.Conclusion: Patient satisfaction was significantly higher among ISO health centers. Study findings indicated that subitemspoliteness, apparent carelessness and untidiness still to be improved among ISO health centers

    Evaluasi Pengendalian Internal Berdasar Coso pada Siklus Produksi untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi PT Gerongan Surajaya di Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dari proses operasional siklus produksi PT Gerongan Surajaya melalui proses Evaluasi Pengendalian Internal berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip pada COSO (COMMITTEE OF SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS OF TREADWAY COMMISSION) . Seperti diketahui COSO merupakan salah satu standar Internasional terhadap Pengendalian Internal, sehingga dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip tersebut pada salah satu Perusahaan di Indonesia akan memberikan suatu bukti adaptasi COSO terhadap Perusahaan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan obyek Perusahaan manufaktur spring bed. Manfaat dari penelitian ini bersifat applied research dimana terdapat permasalahan dalam Perusahaan terkait proses operasional Perusahaan yang kurang efisien. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah karyawan-karyawan yang berhubungan dengan siklus produksi PT Gerongan Surajaya. Metode yang digunakan meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan analisis dokumen.Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan prinsip-prinsip COSO pada siklus produksi PT Gerongan Surajaya ini masih terdapat kekurangan dan kelemahan yang menyebabkan terjadinya inefisiensi pada siklus produksi. Sehingga pada akhir penelitian diberikan rekomendasi untuk perbaikan

    Analisis Produktivitas Tanaman Padi di Kabupaten Badung Provinsi Bali

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    The development of agricultural production in Badung Regency is more emphasized on increasing its productivity compared to the enhancement of the land area. Local governments in calculating rice production using the method known as tile. Results tile is very important because it is used as the official statistical data to calculate production, productivity, forecasting, etc.. Handling of production factors in the process of planting, fertilizer use, chemical product, pest management, and lack of knowledge about the tile farmers make rice productivity did not increase significantly. This research aims to assess development of rice plants productivity, to identify and determine factors affecting rice plants productivity in Badung, reviewing, analyzing the magnitude of gap between the estimated production produced by tile to rill production of selected farmers on rice fields.The method used is multiple linear regression and the average test pairs with 550 plots using secondary data and primary data sample tile by 41 respondents. Research results show that variables which have positive relation to the yied tile variable is the amount of clumps of rice, seed, and fertilizer. Whereas, the variable that have negative relation is the presence or absence of pesticides, plant pests attacks. The coefficient of determination the five independent variables in the tile result of rice is by 82.1%, and 17.9% explained by other variables. With the confidence level of 95% the five independent variables in the regression equation simultaneously can be used on explaining the outcome variable of rice tile. All the independent variables include (1) The number of clumps, (2) quantities of seed; (3) amount of fertilizer; (4) amount of pesticides, and (5) whether there is any plant pests attacks have a significant influence on yieldof rice tile. Based on primary data obtained from 41 samples of rice farmers, there is a difference between the estimated production produced by the rice tile to the real farmers results. The average the estimated value of the rice tile results is by 81.66 kg/acres while the real production output is by 69.10 kg/acres. The results of the estimation rice production is higher 18.18% compared to the real production.This estimate gives a higher estimate of the impact on local rice production and farmers income estimates excess of Rp 48,500 per are

    Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding, Housing and Environmental Conditions as Risk Factors of Pneumonia Among Under–Five Children at Public Health Center II South Denpasar

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    Background and purpose: In 2012, the South Denpasar II Public Health Center (PHC) had the 2nd highestpercentage of reported cases of pneumonia (15.9%). This study aimed to determine duration of exclusivebreastfeeding, housing and environment conditions as risk factors of pneumonia among under-five children.Methods: The study design was a case control. The cases were 60 under-five children with pneumonia and recordedin the PHC register between 1 January 2014 to 31 March 2015. Controls were 60 healthy under-five children visiting thePHC during study. Interviews with parents were conducted using questionnaires, and observation carried out usingspecific guidelines. Measurements of house physical environment variables were using hygrometer, luxmeter androllmeter. Data were analyzed using Stata SE 12.1.Results: Characteristics of mothers was comparable in terms of age, education, and income; while the children werecomparable in terms of age and gender. Risk factors found to increase pneumonia was duration of exclusivebreastfeeding <two months with OR=5.24 (95%CI: 1.96-14.01), no Hib and pneumococcal immunization with OR=3.68(95%CI: 1.11-12.17), access to natural lighting with OR=2.72 (95%CI: 1.05-7.00) and house density with OR=3.11 (95%CI:1.18-8.19). Frequency of acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI) >1 time in 6 months with OR=10.14 (95%CI: 3.67-28.02)were also found to be risk factors.Conclusion: Duration of exclusive breastfeeding, lack of natural lighting and house density were risk factors forpneumonia among under-five children

    Analysis of Ergonomic Risk Factors in Relation to Musculoskeletal Disorder Symptoms in Office Workers

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    The development of technology has increased the number of activities workers are able to perform while using visual display units (VDUs), as well as the amount of time spent executing those activities; the developing technology, however, has also increased the probability of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which can decrease a worker’s productivity and result in a company’s economic loss. Workers at PT. X use VDUs 8 hours per day. This research aimed to analyse the risk factors that are the likely cause of some MSD symptoms experienced by PT. X workers, such as individual and psychological factors, the work environment, VDU, chair and the work patterns. This research was a cross-sectional study that used proportional stratified randomsampling with 95 participants. The study found that most of the workers experienced MSD symptoms (78.6%), of which 70.52 percent were chronic complaints, 1.37 percent were acute complaints and 6.71 percent were a combination of both acute and chronic complaints. On the other hand, 16.84 percent of the respondents did not have any MSD complaints. Risk factors that were shown to be related to MSDs include high BMI (p = 0.031), work patterns period (p = 039), job stress perception (p = 0.005) and work posture (p = 0.036). Work posture relates to seat length (p = 0.041) and seat height (p = 0.005). Job stress perception is related to the details of assignments or work (p = 0.047), duration of work (p = 0.04), duration of rest (p = 0.000), work demands (p =0.018) and job control (p = 0.009). Based on multivariate analysis, the most dominant risk factors associated with MSD complaints were the duration of rest, work posture and job stress perception. Keywords: MSDs, office ergonomics, VDU, work postur
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