12 research outputs found

    Mother’s Coping strategies toward Food Insecurity during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Review Article

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted many aspects of the country, including the economy and health care.  Food insecurity is increasing, causing harm to children’s nutrition and development. As a result, mother must deal with food insecurity to providing a balanced diet for her children aged 6 to 23 months. This study aims to review the possible mother’s coping strategies used toward food insecurity to maintain child nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic. To review the literature, the researcher utilized search engine such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, Oxford journal, and British Medical Journal. "COVID-19", "Coping Strategies", “Food Security”, and "Child” were among the keywords chosen by the researcher. After filtering with the several criteria, the 17 articles were reviewed. Based on this paper review, we know that during the COVID19 pandemic, there is a coping strategy that assist mother to maintain their child nutrition. To address the problem of food insecurity, the possible mother’s coping strategy used are adaptive coping strategies such as home-cooked meals, financial support, and receiving food assistance.&nbsp

    Take-out food frequency was associated with energy intake among mothers of young children in urban slum area in North Jakarta

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    Introduction: Inadequate energy intake was prevalent among women of reproductive age, which may contribute to poor diet. Having great concern towards health and nutrition may play a role in shaping eating habit and food-related behavior to achieve a healthy diet. This study aims to examine the association between health concern and energy intake, while considering other factors such as cooking frequency and having food away from home.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in an urban slum area in Jakarta, involving 233 mothers of young children through consecutive sampling. Data was collected through interview using structured questionnaire, including 2x24-hour dietary recall. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS Version 20.Results: Energy intake of most subjects did not meet the recommendation. There was no significant correlation between health concern measured by General Health Interest Scale and energy intake. The frequency of having take-out food was a significant predictor of the energy intake. Additionally, a significant negative correlation between health concern and having take-out food was found.Conclusion: Having take-out food was associated with energy intake. Provision of health and nutrition information in the food stores might help to increase health concern to shape a healthier diet. Thus, a collaborative effort targeting both food sellers and customers is essential

    Food avoidance behaviour among children aged 2 – 6 years in North Jakarta and its correlation with weight and energy intake

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    Background: Children generally facing food avoidance or food refusal behaviour and it may affect their food consumption. But there is limited information on food avoidance behaviour among Indonesian children. Therefore, this study aimed to assess whether energy intake and body weight are influenced by food avoidance behaviour in children aged 2-6 years in North Jakarta.Methods: Participants (N=168) were recruited between February – March 2020. Data collection was obtained via interviews with the mother or caregiver of the children. Food avoidance behaviour consisting of satiety responsiveness, slowness in eating, emotional under-eating, and food fussiness was measured with the Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire. The child’s weight and dietary intake were assessed using a digital weighing scale and 2 x 24 hours food recall. Spearman test was performed to analyse the correlation between these variables. Multivariate analysis was done using linear regression to determine predictors of a child’s body weight and energy intake.Results: Energy intake among children was below the recommendation, and it was significantly correlated with the child’s body weight. Satiety responsiveness was negatively correlated with the child’s body weight (r = -0.166; p-value < 0.05) and energy intake (r = -0.210; p-value < 0.05). After running a linear regression test, we found that satiety responsiveness along with family income and child’s age was a significant predictor of energy intake among children.Conclusions: Children who are more responsive to satiety had lower body weight and energy intake. Understanding the child’s food avoidance behaviour is useful for designing intervention programs related to optimizing intake in children and malnutrition


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    Overweight/obesity is increasing in developing countries, including Indonesia, being more prevalent in urban than rural areas. Understanding about associated factors of overweight/obesity is important for intervention purposes. The study objective was to assess factors associated with overweight/obesity in urban Indonesians. This cross-sectional study involved primary data collection among 864 adults aged 18-45 years in five major urban cities of Indonesia. Weight, height, waist and hip circumference were measured, and overweight/obesity was defined as BMI>25 kg/m2. Factors associated to overweight/obesity was ellicited by logistic regression. The study showed that proportion of overweight/obesity was significantly higher among women than men (42.8% and 29.2%). Median total energy intake was 1974 kcal/day, and median fat intake was high (75.3 g; 25th-75th percentile: 49.6-109.4 g). More than 70 percent of subjects consumed high energy dense food/beverages often. Only around 27 percent of the subjects had high intensity physical activity/PA level and more than 50 percent spent >6 hours using TV/computer, indicating low PA level. After adjusting for confounders, often consumption of high energy dense food consistenly showed association, although not signficant, with overweight/obesity. Moreover, men with higher sedentary activities indicated by TV/computer usage >6 hours/day and women with less days of performing vigorous PA had 1.4 and 3 times higher odds to become overweight/obese, respectively. Thus, overweight/obesity prevention should focus on reduction of consumption of high-dense energy food, including fat intake; coupled with increasing PA level by having more days of vigourous recreational PA and reduction of TV/computer usage, especially among married older urban adult


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    ABSTRACTThis review aims at compiling and summarizing findings of published studies that assessed factors associated with compliance of women to take recommended iron tablets during pregnancy. The review is done in 10 published studies (8 are 2002—2010 publications and 2 are 1993—1994 publications) indexed in Pubmed with the above objective. Low utilization of antenatal care/ANC services is found to be associated with low compliance as it prevents the women to receive recommended number of the iron tablets as well as decrease the opportunity of women to have encouragement from health staff to take the tablets. Supply of tablets becomes the issue since not all women receiving 30 tablets/ANC visits as recommended. Studies on influence of side-effects of taking the tablets to compliance show inconclusive findings. Some studies found the effect is very minimal, and can be managed appropriately especially among more educated women and among women with adequate counseling. Studies also indicated that support from family is important to reduce possibility of pregnant women forgot to take the tablets, the other major factor of the low compliance. Quality of counseling, e.g. clarity of the messages, is associated with compliance. In conclusion, improving support from ANC provider (such as sufficient tablet supply, clear message on the tablets benefits) and support from family may contribute to better compliance of women towards maternal iron supplementation.Keywords: compliance, iron supplementation, pregnancyABSTRAKReview ini bertujuan mengumpulkan temuan studi yang mengukur faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi selama kehamilan. Review dilakukan pada 10 studi (8 publikasi tahun 2002—2010, 2 publikasi tahun 1993—1994) yang terdaftar di Pubmed. Rendahnya partisipasi ibu hamil untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya/ANC berhubungan dengan rendahnya kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi. Rendahnya kunjungan ANC membuat ibu tidak mendapat tablet dengan jumlah yang cukup dan mengurangi kesempatan ibu untuk mendapat dukungan dari petugas ANC untuk minum tablet besi sesuai anjuran. Suplai tablet juga menjadi penting karena tidak semua ibu mendapat 30 tablet pada setiap kunjungan ANC seperti seharusnya. Pengaruh efek samping konsumsi tablet besi terhadap kepatuhan ibu belum dapat disimpulkan. Pengaruh efek samping ditemukan sangat kecil dan dapat diatasi dengan baik terutama pada ibu dengan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi atau yang mendapat penyuluhan yang cukup. Studi juga menemukan bahwa dukungan keluarga sangat penting untuk membantu mengingatkan ibu untuk mengonsumsi tablet besi. Hal ini menjadi penting karena salah satu faktor utama rendahnya kepatuhan ibu adalah karena ibu lupa mengonsumsi tablet tersebut. Kualitas penyuluhan, misalnya kejelasan pesan dari petugas kesehatan, berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu. Sebagai kesimpulan, dukungan yang lebih baik pada ibu, baik dari petugas ANC (misalnya pemberian tablet besi dalam jumlah yang cukup, kejelasan pesan tentang manfaat tablet) maupun keluarga dapat berkontribusi pada kepatuhan yang lebih baik pada ibu hamil dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi.Kata kunci: kehamilan, kepatuhan, suplementasi tablet bes

    Prevalence of multiple non-communicable diseases risk factors among adolescents in 140 countries:A population-based study

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    BACKGROUND: Modifiable non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors are becoming increasingly common among adolescents, with clustering of these risk factors in individuals of particular concern. The aim of this study was to assess global status of clustering of common modifiable NCD risk factors among adolescents. METHODS: We used latest available data from nationally representative survey for 140 countries, namely the Global School-based Student Health Survey, the Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children and the longitudinal study of Australian Children. Weighted mean estimates of prevalence with corresponding 95% confidence intervals of nine NCD risk factors - physical inactivity, sedentary behaviour, insufficient fruits and vegetable consumption, carbonated soft drink consumption, fast food consumption, tobacco use, alcohol consumption and overweight/obesity - were calculated by country, region and sex. FINDINGS: Over 487,565 adolescents, aged 11–17 years, were included in this study. According to trend analysis, prevalence of four or more NCD risk factors increased gradually over time. Prevalence of four or more NCD risk factors was 14.8% in 2003–2007 and increased to 44% in 2013–2017, an approximately three-fold increase (44.0%). Similar trends were also observed for three and two risk factors. Large variation between countries in the prevalence of adolescents with four or more risk factors was found in all regions. The country level range was higher in the South-East Asia Region (minimum Sri Lanka = 8%, maximum Myanmar = 84%) than Western Pacific Region (minimum China = 3%, maximum Niue = 72%), European Region (minimum Sweden = 13.9%, maximum Ireland = 66.0%), African Region (minimum Senegal = 0.8%, maximum Uganda = 82.1%) and Eastern Mediterranean Region (minimum Libya = 0.2%, maximum Lebanon = 80.2%). Insufficient vegetable consumption, insufficient fruit consumption and physically inactivity were three of the four most prevalent risk factors in all regions. INTERPRETATION: Our results suggest a high prevalence of four or more NCD risk factors in adolescents globally, although variation was found between countries. Results from our study indicate that efforts to reduce adolescent NCD risk factors and the associated health burden need to be improved. These findings can assist policy makers to target the rollout of country- specific interventions. FUNDING: None


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    Overweight/obesity is increasing in developing countries, including Indonesia, being more prevalent in urban than rural areas. Understanding about associated factors of overweight/obesity is important for intervention purposes. The study objective was to assess factors associated with overweight/obesity in urban Indonesians. This cross-sectional study involved primary data collection among 864 adults aged 18-45 years in five major urban cities of Indonesia. Weight, height, waist and hip circumference were measured, and overweight/obesity was defined as BMI&gt;25 kg/m2. Factors associated to overweight/obesity was ellicited by logistic regression. The study showed that proportion of overweight/obesity was significantly higher among women than men (42.8% and 29.2%). Median total energy intake was 1974 kcal/day, and median fat intake was high (75.3 g; 25th-75th percentile: 49.6-109.4 g). More than 70 percent of subjects consumed high energy dense food/beverages often. Only around 27 percent of the subjects had high intensity physical activity/PA level and more than 50 percent spent &gt;6 hours using TV/computer, indicating low PA level. After adjusting for confounders, often consumption of high energy dense food consistenly showed association, although not signficant, with overweight/obesity. Moreover, men with higher sedentary activities indicated by TV/computer usage &gt;6 hours/day and women with less days of performing vigorous PA had 1.4 and 3 times higher odds to become overweight/obese, respectively. Thus, overweight/obesity prevention should focus on reduction of consumption of high-dense energy food, including fat intake; coupled with increasing PA level by having more days of vigourous recreational PA and reduction of TV/computer usage, especially among married older urban adult.</em


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    ABSTRACTThis review aims at compiling and summarizing findings of published studies that assessed factors associated with compliance of women to take recommended iron tablets during pregnancy. The review is done in 10 published studies (8 are 2002—2010 publications and 2 are 1993—1994 publications) indexed in Pubmed with the above objective. Low utilization of antenatal care/ANC services is found to be associated with low compliance as it prevents the women to receive recommended number of the iron tablets as well as decrease the opportunity of women to have encouragement from health staff to take the tablets. Supply of tablets becomes the issue since not all women receiving 30 tablets/ANC visits as recommended. Studies on influence of side-effects of taking the tablets to compliance show inconclusive findings. Some studies found the effect is very minimal, and can be managed appropriately especially among more educated women and among women with adequate counseling. Studies also indicated that support from family is important to reduce possibility of pregnant women forgot to take the tablets, the other major factor of the low compliance. Quality of counseling, e.g. clarity of the messages, is associated with compliance. In conclusion, improving support from ANC provider (such as sufficient tablet supply, clear message on the tablets benefits) and support from family may contribute to better compliance of women towards maternal iron supplementation.Keywords: compliance, iron supplementation, pregnancyABSTRAKReview ini bertujuan mengumpulkan temuan studi yang mengukur faktor yang berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi selama kehamilan. Review dilakukan pada 10 studi (8 publikasi tahun 2002—2010, 2 publikasi tahun 1993—1994) yang terdaftar di Pubmed. Rendahnya partisipasi ibu hamil untuk memeriksakan kehamilannya/ANC berhubungan dengan rendahnya kepatuhan konsumsi tablet besi. Rendahnya kunjungan ANC membuat ibu tidak mendapat tablet dengan jumlah yang cukup dan mengurangi kesempatan ibu untuk mendapat dukungan dari petugas ANC untuk minum tablet besi sesuai anjuran. Suplai tablet juga menjadi penting karena tidak semua ibu mendapat 30 tablet pada setiap kunjungan ANC seperti seharusnya. Pengaruh efek samping konsumsi tablet besi terhadap kepatuhan ibu belum dapat disimpulkan. Pengaruh efek samping ditemukan sangat kecil dan dapat diatasi dengan baik terutama pada ibu dengan pendidikan yang lebih tinggi atau yang mendapat penyuluhan yang cukup. Studi juga menemukan bahwa dukungan keluarga sangat penting untuk membantu mengingatkan ibu untuk mengonsumsi tablet besi. Hal ini menjadi penting karena salah satu faktor utama rendahnya kepatuhan ibu adalah karena ibu lupa mengonsumsi tablet tersebut. Kualitas penyuluhan, misalnya kejelasan pesan dari petugas kesehatan, berhubungan dengan kepatuhan ibu. Sebagai kesimpulan, dukungan yang lebih baik pada ibu, baik dari petugas ANC (misalnya pemberian tablet besi dalam jumlah yang cukup, kejelasan pesan tentang manfaat tablet) maupun keluarga dapat berkontribusi pada kepatuhan yang lebih baik pada ibu hamil dalam mengonsumsi tablet besi.Kata kunci: kehamilan, kepatuhan, suplementasi tablet bes

    Nutrition Education Intervention Increases Fish Consumption among School Children in Indonesia: Results from Behavioral Based Randomized Control Trial

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    This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of behavioral-based nutrition education to increase fish consumption among school children using a raised bed pool. This was a randomized control trial study with a 3-months nutrition education intervention using a raised bed pool, as a medium to improve their internalization to increase fish consumption behavior. A paired t-test was used to calculate the difference in the increase of fish consumption, knowledge, attitude, perceived behavioral control, subjective norm, and intention. This study took place in a majority of low to medium urban households in Surabaya in Sidotopo Wetan I and Sidotopo Wetan II elementary school. Elementary school children at 4th and 5th grade and mother of elementary school children with 104 children were eligible and willing to participate. After the completion of interventions, significant improvement in delta-mean and effectiveness observed in attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, intention, knowledge, and fish consumption (p < 0.001). The 3 months of nutrition education intervention based on the theory of planned behavior significantly increase fish consumption among elementary school children. The increased consumption was believed to be related to the increase in children’s knowledge and attitude towards consuming fish