40 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Semakin sempitnya jalur hijau di daerah-daerah perkotaan menyebabkan terganggunya berbagai jenis habitat burung. Dahulu masih sering terlihat burung-burung bertengger di dahan dan cabang pohon tapi sekarang kita menyaksikan burung-burung tersebut bertengger di tiang-tiang listrik atap rumah ataupun tumpukan sampah sebagai sarangnya. Habitat burung telah mengalami perubahan seiring dengan berkembangnya perkotaan. Fenomena di atas bagi sebagian orang melihat biasa saja. Tetapi bagi pencipta sangat menggelitik naluri estetis, untuk mengangkat hal tersebut sebagai tema tugas akhir dan memvisualkannya ke dalam karya lukis. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan pengalaman tentang habitat burung, pencipta merasa tertarik untuk mengangkat habitat burung sebagai konsep dalam berkarya, ketertarikan akan habitat burung memunculkan ide untuk menuangkan ke dalam seni lukis, selain itu pencipta terinspirasi dari kekaguman pencipta terhadap bentuk, warna, dan perilaku burung yang menimbulkan kesan damai, sesuatu yang telah lama hilang dari keseharian kita, terutama di perkotaan, sehingga pencipta ingin mengangkatnya dalam seni lukis. Dalam Tugas Akhir Seni lukis ini ada 12 karya lukis yang dihasilkan oleh pencipta. Karya seni lukis yang dihasilkan divisualkan dengan cara menampilkan objek burung sedang berada di habitat barunya, misalnya sedang bertengger di tiang listrik, bersarang diantara tumpukan sampah, dengan dilatar belakangi oleh gedung-gedung. Unsur unsur visual dan estetis dihadirkan dalam rangka menghasilkan karya dengan pendekatan realis, unsur- unsur visual tersebut ditampilkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan dalam berkarya. Ciri khas yang ditampilkan adalah dari segi teknik yang dipakai seperti bagaimana membuat bulu pada burung, pilihan warna yang dipakai serta komposisi.Proses penciptaan seni lukis dengan tema, Habitat Burung Dalam Perkembangan Kota ini meliputi beberapa tahapan yaitu; Penjajagan (Eksplorasi),) Percobaan (Eksperimentasi), Persiapan (preparation) Pembentukan (forming) dan Penyelesaian (Finishing). Kata Kunci; Burung, Perkotaan, Seni Lukis.   BIRD HABITAT IN CITY DEVELOPMENT BY I GEDE WIRA DHARMA PRATAMA ABSTRACT As limited the green line in urban area, cause disruption of various types of bird habitat. Before we used to see the bird perching on the tree limb and branch but now we see the bird perches on the power poles or develops. The phenomena’s above, foe some people they look normal, but for the writer they are touching aesthetic instinct, so that why the writer. Choose the bird habitant as the theme of final project and visualize them in toe painting art. Based on observation and experiences about bird habitats, the writer feels interested in choosing bird habitat as a concept in working. Feeling attractive about bird habitat will emerge the idie to express it. Into painting art, besides that the writer is inspired by the beauty of the shape, color and behavior of the birds. Which cause the peace feeling, something that we have missed specially in urban area. So that’s why the writer choose bird habitat as the object of the painting that the painter made. They are visualized by displaying object bird in among the piles of garbage, with building as the background. Visual and aesthetic elements are presented to produce art with a realistic approach the visual elements are displayed in accordance with the requirement in work. Characteristic is shown by techniques used how to make feather on the bird, the color shoes and the composition. The process in creating the painting which theme habitat bird in city development using some steps, they are exploration, experiment, preparation, forming and finishing. Keyword : Bird, City, Painting art.

    Level of Understanding of Palembang Aviation Polytechnic Cadets on Aviation Fire Rescue Rules and Regulations

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    This study was conducted to determine the level of understanding of Palembang Aviation Polytechnic cadets on aviation fire rescue rules and regulations. Aviation fire rescue rules and regulation is one of the courses in the education curriculum of the Diploma III Aviation Fire and Rescue Study Program (PPKP) Palembang Aviation Polytechnic which was obtained in the first semester. The type of research used in this study is a quantitative type with a cross sectional research design. This study aims to see the average difference in the pre-test and post-test scores so that the paired sample t-test analysis test was carried out. The results of the study are expected to measure the level of understanding of cadets on aviation fire rescue regulations through a pre-test as the average basic knowledge of cadets of aviation fire rescue rules and regulations, then intervention through education and training of aviation fire rescue rules and regulations material and a reassessment is carried out to get the average post-test results. So that the success indicator data is obtained through the increase in the results of the pre-test and post-test

    Economic Valuation Of Green Open Space (Gos) And Biodiversity In Banda Aceh

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    The ecological benefits of urban forests can be measured or calculated economically using multiple approaches. Therefore, the need to know the price that may be acquired if the benefits of urban forests are measured or calculated in monetary units so that the benefits of urban forest can be seen. This study aims to determine the change of green open space (GOS) land cover in urban forest, diversity of vegetation, birds, small mammals, the carbon stock and measure the Total Economic Value (TEV). Research data used in this study involves the pattern of land use changes by analysing satellite images taken in 2004 (before the tsunami), 2005 (after the tsunami), 2011, 2013 and 2016. Biological data was obtained through analysing the vegetation and animals. Total economic value of the natural resources was obtained by interviewing people who interact directly or indirectly with the study areas. TEV consists of use value and non-use value, where the direct use of urban forest in Banda Aceh is providing firewood and ecotourism. The form of indirect use is providing carbon value. Option value is in the form of benefits of biodiversity, and existence value is the existence of its flora and fauna. Forest cover in urban forest in Banda Aceh was reduced by 0.6 ha (1.3%) from 2004 to 2005. This was due to the great earthquake and tsunami disaster that struck the City of Banda Aceh in late 2004. However, in the course of time, the forest cover also continued to change and increase until 2016

    The Effect of Picture and Picture Interactive Model to Increase Student’s Learning Motivation in Elementary Science Learning

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    This research aims to determine the influence of the interactive picture and picture learning model on improving students' learning motivation in elementary school science. The author used quantitative research, which involved the entire class V A population at Oro-Oro Ombo Wetan 1 Elementary School in the academic year 2022-2023. The research method used was Pre Experimental Design with a non-pure experimental model (one-shot case study). Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire to measure the increase in students' learning motivation in class V A. For data analysis, the independent variable (x) was the interactive picture and picture learning model, while the dependent variable (y) was the improvement in students' learning motivation. The analysis used was the one-sample t-test, with a significance level of 5% (0.05), resulting in a significant t-value (2-tailed) of 0.006. Therefore, the obtained significance value of t 0.006 < 0.05 means that the null hypothesis (H0) is rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Hence, there is an influence of the interactive picture and picture model on improving students' learning motivation in elementary school science at Oro-Oro Ombo Wetan 1 Elementary School in class V A

    Hubungan Penegakan Hukum Undang-Undang Narkotika Di Indonesia Dengan Over Kapasitas Di Lapas

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    Saat ini masyarakat dunia telah mengalami perkembangan yang cukup pesat, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Indonesia sebagai  salah satu negara dengan kasus penyalahgunaan tertinggi, sudah menerapkan payung hukum kepada pelaku penyalahgunaan narkotika dan pengedar melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika yang mana hukumannya di dasarkan lagi menjadi beberapa jenis, golongan, serta jumlah narkotika yang disalahgunakan. Meskipun sudah ada regulasi atau Undang-Undang yang mengatur terkait dengan penyalahgunaan narkotika tersebut di Indonesia, pada nyatanya hukuman yang diberikan tersebut menyebabkan permasalahan baru dalam instansi Pemasyarakatan, yakni kapasitas berlebih di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dan Rumah Tahanan Negara di Indonesia. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini dengan cara  deskriptif normative atau data diambil secara langsung berdasarkan hasil analisis fenomena yang terjadi di tengah masyarakat.. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder atau data yang diperoleh melalui dokumen resmi yang dikeluarkan pihak terkait, artikel, laporan, arsip ataupun sumber online lainnya. Di akhir penelitian penulis juga memberikan saran bahwa salah satu langkah untuk bisa meminimalisir over kapasitas Lapas akibat ketidakpastian penegakan hukum narkotika ini adalah deskraminilasasi, di mana pelaku penyalahgunaan narkotika tidak dipandang lagi sebagai subjek hukum


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    Lubrication is a vital component of machinery. Many type of lubrication has been made to fulfill different categories. This analysis is to determine of 2 different brand lubrication that has fall to ISO VG 32 category because this category is used for constant rotation at 3000 rpm. This analysis wants to know the difference in performance whether or not if it’s still in the safety range. The method that used on this analysis is qualitative. By comparing the lab result of the two samples which used in identic machinery, the result will be putted inside a graphic that using the safety range of the machinery. The end result of this analysis will be the differences in performance with the safety range, saving cost in choosing the right lubrication with a simple description. Summary of this analysis can be used as reference for comparing Pertamina Turbolube XT32 and Mobil DTE Light if the machinery has been declared compatible for those 2 ISO VG 32 lubrication categories. The final verdict of this analysis is that Pertamina Turbolube XT32 is better Than Mobil DTE Light. Keywords: Lubrication, ISO VG32, Lubrication Analysi

    Perencanaan Alternatif Struktur Komposit Gedung Laboratorium Kebencanaan Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

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    Pembangunan gedung di Universitas Brawijaya saat ini sedang gencar dilakukan untuk menunjang sarana dan prasarana mahasiswa yang setiap tahun bertambah. Bangunan bertingkat tinggi dibangun karena adanya keterbatasan lahan. Namun, bangunan bertingkat tinggi harus mampu menahan beban vertikal dan gaya gempa yang ada. Berat sendiri bangunan sangat mempengaruhi besarnya gaya geser yang diakibatkan oleh gempa. Oleh karena itu, untuk memperkecil berat sendiri bangunan dicoba untuk merencanakan alternatif struktur yaitu struktur komposit. Pada bagian struktur komposit ini, baloknya menggunakan elemen komposit bajabeton dimana profil baja yang digunakan pada balok induk adalah 14‟WF 14x12 dan 10‟WF 10x8 pada balok anak. Sedangkan pada kolom hanya menggunakan elemen baja dengan profil WF 400x400x13x21. Dimensi balok dan kolom yang digunakan telah dikontrol terlebih dahulu kuat lentur, kuat geser, dan lendutannya yang mengacu pada persyaratan dan peraturan yang ada. Agar terjadi aksi komposit antara baja dengan beton, maka digunakan penghubung geser. Sambungan untuk antara balok-kolom digunakan las, elekroda dengan fu w = 560 Mpa dan sambungan antar kolom digunakan baut tipe A325 dengan Ø = 19mm. Konsep perencanaan menggunakan metode LRFD. LRFD merupakan suatu metode perencanaan struktur baja yang mendasarkan perencanaannya dengan membandingkan kekuatan struktur yang telah diberi suatu factor resistesi (ϕ) terhadap kombinasi beban terfaktor yang direncanakan bekerja pada struktur tersebut (Σγi.Qi). faktor resistensi diperlukan untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan adanya kelebihan beban

    Using Water Balance to Analyse Water Availability for Irrigation with Upraising Surface Temperature ( Acase Study Pasar Baru Barrage in Cisadane Watershed)

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    This research aims to determine the water balance between water demand and availability at Pasar Baru Barrage. Pasar Baru Barage supply irrigation water for 22.441 ha. Irrigation water requirements related to temperature, evapotranspiration, and precipitation. Higher  air temperature in a region, influents the water requirement. This research was also conducted to see the effect of the rise in temperature of the water needs. The water requirement is calculated based on the needs of irrigation and domestic water to the raw water. For irrigation water needs calculated by planning a cropping pattern in one year in this study, it was planned to plant rice twice and once crop, evapotranspiration was calculated using the Penmann Modification method, so that water requirement in the intake area was obtained multiplying the area of irrigation. Calculation of water availability by using FJ Mock method, the maximum water availability value is 11.75 m3 / second. so that the water balance is obtained by the surplus deficit water balance method. After conducting this study, it can be seen that the air temperature in the cisadane weir of the new market is increasing from 1985 to 2018. The average temperature increases by 0.740C, the minimum air temperature increases by 0.80C and the maximum increases by 0.20C, the average evapotranspiration value decreases by 0.15 mm / day, while the average water availability decreases from the year 1985 to 2018 at 1.8 m3 / second, the amount of water needed for irrigation was 5.57 liters/ second/ha.  The calculation of the water balance in the river is based on a reliable discharge, the result is a deficit every year from 1985 to 2018. So there is a need for Pasar Baru weir to overcome the lack of irrigation water every year, based on discharge data available at Pasar Baru weir from 2013 to 2015, it can seen that the water balance has a surplus every year, the water balance deficit only occurred in July 2015 of 0.3 m3 / sec. The largest water balance occurred in March 2014 amounting to 656.97 m3 / sec. The results of this study can be used as a reference in planning and developing integrated water resources buildings especially in the Cisadane watershed and the Ciliwung-Cisadane river basin in general

    Perception Analysis of Green Construction Implementation on Construction Projects For Contractors in Banda Aceh City

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    Abstract: Along with the increasing use of natural resources, and the large number of construction waste dumping in the environment, environmental damage is increasingly visible. Many areas, especially Banda Aceh City, have experienced land and air degradation due to the pattern of life and the number of people. Currently, the construction project has a new concept, namely green construction, which is believed to be able to improve the environment caused by various developments by reducing the occurrence of environmental damage. The research objective was to analyze the perception of the application of green construction in construction projects in the city of Banda Aceh in determining the most dominant factors and the relationship between the factors of implementing green construction (X) on costs (Y). The research location was in the city of Banda Aceh. Secondary data, namely contractor company data. Primary data were 34 questionnaires. The results of data analysis using SPSS include a validity test, reliability test, frequency analysis, and Pearson product-moment correlation test. Based on the research results, it was found that the most dominant green construction factor was the application of energy conservation in construction (X5) of 95.1%, the application of energy conservation (X10) of 92.8%, and the use of construction materials (X8) of 92.5%. The largest correlation coefficient value was obtained in energy conservation (X10) of 0.882.Abstrak: Seiring meningkatnya pemakaian sumber daya alam dan banyaknya pembuangan limbah konstruksi di lingkungan, kerusakan lingkungan semakin terlihat. Telah banyak daerah-daerah khususnya Kota Banda Aceh mengalami degradasi lahan dan udara karena pola hidup dan jumlah manusia. Saat ini proyek konstruksi mempunyai sebuah konsep baru yaitu green construction yang dipercaya mampu memperbaiki lingkungan yang diakibatkan oleh berbagai pembangunan dengan mereduksi terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis persepsi penerapan green construction pada proyek konstruksi di Kota Banda Aceh dalam menentukan faktor-faktor yang paling dominan dan hubungan antara faktor-faktor penerapan green construction (X) terhadap biaya (Y). Lokasi penelitian di Kota Banda Aceh. Data sekunder yaitu data perusahaan kontraktor. Data primer sebanyak 34 kuesioner. Hasil analisis data menggunakan SPSS meliputi uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis frekuensi, dan uji korelasi pearson product moment. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa faktor green construction  yang paling dominan adalah penerapan konservasi energi pada pelaksanaan konstruksi (X5) sebesar 95,1%, penerapan konservasi energi (X10) sebesar 92,8%, dan penggunaan material konstruksi (X8) sebesar 92,5%. Nilai koefisien korelasi terbesar didapat pada konservasi energi (X10) sebesar 0,882

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Hindu Dan Budaya Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Lembaga Perkreditan Desa Di Desa Pekraman Padangtegal, Ubud, Kabupaten Gianyar

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    Hindu leadership and organizational  culture  expected  to  improve  performance andcreate  necessary  competitiveness. The purpose of this study to determine and analyze the effect of Hindu leadership pattern and organization culture towards employee performance at LPD Desa Pekraman Padangtegal, Ubud, Gianyar both simultaneously or partially. The populations is all employee of LPD Desa Pekraman Padangtegal, Ubud, Gianyar that consisted of 42 employees. Sampling done by saturated sampling. Instruments that used questionnaires form, data obtained fromstatement answer, quantified using Likert scale. The technique of data anaysis which is used regression linear double analysis, test of hypothesis include (1) test of F; (2) test of T, and determination coefficient. The results obtained from this study are, the results of the Ftest in this study amounted to 22.553 with a significant value of 0.000 significant value of 0.000 smaller than 0.05. From this it can be interpreted that there is a positive and significant influence of hindu leadership and organizational culture on employee performance at LPD Desa Pekraman Padangtegal, Ubud, Gianyar