318 research outputs found

    The Region Coding for the Helix Termination Motif and the Adjacent Intron 6 of the Human Type I Hair Keratin Gene hHa2 Contains Three Natural, Closely Spaced Polymorphic Sites

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    Mutations in distinct sites of epidermal keratins, in particular in the helix initiation and termination regions, cause human genodermatoses due to faulty intermediate filament formation. Extension of this observation to human hereditary hair and nail diseases includes population analyses of human hair keratin genes for natural sequence variations in the corresponding sites. Here we report on a large-scale genotyping of the short helix termination region (HTR) of the human type I cortical hair keratins hHa1, a3-I, and a3-II, and the cuticular hair keratin hHa2. We describe two polymorphic loci, P1 and P2, exclusively in the cuticular hHa2 gene, both creating dimorphic protein variants. P1 is due to a C→T mutation in a CpG element leading to a threonine→methionine substitution; P2 concerns a serine codon AGT that also occurs as an asparagine coding variant AAC. A third polymorphism, P3, is linked with a C→T point mutation located at the very beginning of intron 6. The three polymorphic sites are clustered in a 39-nucleotide sequence of the hHa2 gene. Both allelic frequency calculations in individuals of different races and pedigree studies indicate that the two-allelic hHa2 variants resulting from P1 and P2 occur ubiquitously in a ratio of about 1:1 (P1) and 2:1 (P2) respectively in our survey, and are clearly inherited as Mendelian traits. A genotype carrying both mutations simultaneously on one allele could not be detected in our sampling, and there was no association of a distinct allelic hHa2 variant with the known ethnic form variations of hairs. Sequence comparisons of the HTR of hHa2 with those of other type I hair keratins including the hHa2-ortholog from chimpanzee provide evidence that the P1- and P2-linked mutations must have occurred very early in human evolution and that the two P2-associated codon variations may be the result of two independent point mutations in an ancestral AGC serine codon. These data describe natural polymorphisms in the HTR of a member of the keratin multigene family

    Role of contextual and compositional characteristics of schools for health inequalities in childhood and adolescence: protocol for a scoping review

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    Introduction: Childhood and adolescence are crucial life stages for health trajectories and the development of health inequalities in later life. The relevance of schools for health and well-being of children and adolescents has long been recognised, and there is some research regarding the association of contextual and compositional characteristics of schools and classes with health, health behaviour and well-being in this population. Little is known about the role of meso-level characteristics in relation to health inequalities. The aim of this scoping review is to retrieve and synthesise evidence about the mediating or moderating role of compositional or contextual characteristics of schools for the association between students' socioeconomic position and health in primary and secondary education. Methods and analysis We will conduct a systematic search of electronic databases in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and Education Resources Information Center. Studies must meet the following inclusion criteria: (1) The population must be students attending primary or secondary schools in developed economies. (2) The outcomes must include at least one indicator for individual health, health behaviour or well-being. (3) The study must include at least one contextual or compositional characteristic of the school context and one individual determinant of socioeconomic position. (4) The study must also examine the mediating or moderating role of the contextual or compositional characteristic of the school context for the associations between socioeconomic position and health, health behaviour or well-being. (5) The study must be published since 1 January 2000 in English or German language. We will provide a narrative synthesis of findings. Ethics and dissemination We will not collect primary data and only include secondary data derived from previously published studies. Therefore, ethical approval is not required. We intend to publish our findings in an international peer-reviewed journal and to present them at national and international conferences

    Alkohol-, Tabak- und Cannabiskonsum im Jugendalter – Querschnittergebnisse der HBSC-Studie 2017/18

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    Tabak, Alkohol und Cannabis sind psychoaktive Substanzen, die oftmals im Jugendalter zum ersten Mal ausprobiert und im späteren Leben weiter konsumiert werden. Die gesundheitlichen Folgen eines regelmäßigen Tabak- und Cannabiskonsums oder des Alkoholmissbrauchs sind gravierend. Im Sinne der Gesundheitsberichterstattung ist es das Ziel, aktuelle Prävalenzen für den Substanzkonsum bei Heranwachsenden nach sozialen Determinanten auszuweisen. Datenbasis bilden die für Deutschland repräsentativen Daten der „Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC)“-Studie 2017/18 von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Alter von 11, 13 und 15 Jahren. Analysiert wird sowohl die Lebenszeit- und 30-Tages-Prävalenz des Tabak-, Alkohol- und Cannabiskonsums (letztere nur 15-Jährige) als auch alkoholbedingte Rauscherfahrungen (Binge Drinking). Tabak und Alkohol wird unter 11- und 13-Jährigen noch vergleichsweise selten konsumiert, die Prävalenz steigt bei den 15-Jährigen jedoch deutlich an. Auch Cannabiskonsum ist bei 15-Jährigen recht weit verbreitet. Schülerinnen und Schüler, die nicht das Gymnasium besuchen, haben ein höheres Risiko zu rauchen. Schülerinnen und Schüler mit einem hohen familiären Wohlstand haben ein höheres Risiko Alkohol zu konsumieren, vor allem Mädchen. Heranwachsende mit Migrationshintergrund haben einerseits ein geringeres Risiko für einen regelmäßigen Alkoholkonsum oder Binge Drinking, andererseits jedoch ein erhöhtes Risiko für Cannabiskonsum (Mädchen mit einseitigem Migrationshintergrund). Die Ergebnisse verweisen darauf, dass Präventionsmaßnahmen vor allem früh ansetzen sollten, da die Prävalenzen bei älteren Schülerinnen und Schülern für den Substanzkonsum deutlich höher ausfallen. Es lassen sich je nach betrachteter Substanz unterschiedliche Risikogruppen identifizieren, die besonderer Berücksichtigung bei Präventionsmaßnahmen bedürfen

    The 2017/18 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study – Methodology of the World Health Organization’s child and adolescent health study

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    The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is an international research project in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) for over 35 years. HBSC is the largest study on child and adolescent health and one of the most important sources of data for the WHO’s international comparative health monitoring. Every four years, data on the health and health behaviour of students aged 11, 13 and 15, as well as the social contexts and conditions for growing up healthy, are collected. A total of 50 countries belong to the HBSC network, with 45 countries taking part in the 2017/18 survey. Germany has contributed to the HBSC surveys since 1993/94. For the most recent 2017/18 cycle, students at 146 schools in Germany were interviewed (response rate of schools: 15.6%). A net sample of n = 4,347 girls and boys was achieved for Germany (response rate: 52.7%). Participation was voluntary and the survey was conducted in German school years five, seven and nine (corresponding to ages 11, 13 and 15). A weighting procedure was applied to allow for representative findings on the health of children and adolescents in Germany. HBSC offers a valuable contribution to health monitoring and provides numerous starting points to identify needs, risk groups and fields of action to initiate targeted and actual needs-based measures of prevention and health promotion in the school setting

    Scientific Opinion on the pest categorisation of Strawberry vein banding virus

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    The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of Strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV) for the European Union (EU) territory. SVBV is a well-defined virus species of the genus Caulimovirus for which the entire genome sequence is known and molecular detection assays are available. SVBV is transmitted by vegetative multiplication of infected hosts and through the activity of aphid vectors, the most efficient being Chaetosiphon spp. The virus is reported from all continents and is present in three EU Member States: the Czech Republic, Italy and Slovakia. The host range of SVBV is restricted to cultivated and wild strawberries. It is listed in Annex IAI of Directive 2000/29/EC. SVBV is not expected to be affected by ecoclimatic conditions wherever its hosts are present and has the potential to establish in large parts of the EU territory, and to subsequently spread through the action of its Chaetosiphon fragaefolii vector, which is present in many Member States. SVBV does not cause severe symptoms, and modern cultivars are mostly symptomless if infected with SVBV alone. SVBV can, however, contribute to more severe symptoms when it occurs in mixed infections with other strawberry viruses. Despite this, SVBV is considered a minor problem in strawberry production as a consequence of modern practices including the systematic use of certified planting materials and the use of short crop cycles, which have greatly reduced the impact of strawberry viruses. Overall, SVBV does not have the potential to be a quarantine pest as, given current agricultural practices, it does not fulfil the pest categorisation criteria defined in the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No 11 of having a severe impact. However, SVBV has the potential to be a regulated non-quarantine pest because it fulfils all pest categorisation criteria defined in the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No 21

    Intermittent Hypoxia Activates Duration-Dependent Protective and Injurious Mechanisms in Mouse Lung Endothelial Cells

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    Intermittent hypoxia is a major factor in clinical conditions like the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or the cyclic recruitment and derecruitment of atelectasis in acute respiratory distress syndrome and positive pressure mechanical ventilation. In vivo investigations of the direct impact of intermittent hypoxia are frequently hampered by multiple co-morbidities of patients. Therefore, cell culture experiments are important model systems to elucidate molecular mechanisms that are involved in the cellular response to alternating oxygen conditions and could represent future targets for tailored therapies. In this study, we focused on mouse lung endothelial cells as a first frontier to encounter altered oxygen due to disturbances in airway or lung function, that play an important role in the development of secondary diseases like vascular disease and pulmonary hypertension. We analyzed key markers for endothelial function including cell adhesion molecules, molecules involved in regulation of fibrinolysis, hemostasis, redox balance, and regulators of gene expression like miRNAs. Results show that short-time exposure to intermittent hypoxia has little impact on vitality and health of cells. At early timepoints and up to 24 h, many endothelial markers are unchanged in their expression and some indicators of injury are even downregulated. However, in the long-term, multiple signaling pathways are activated, that ultimately result in cellular inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis

    Scientific Opinion on the pest categorisation of Eotetranychus lewisi

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    The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of the Lewis spider mite, Eotetranychus lewisi, for the European Union (EU). The Lewis spider mite is a well-defined and distinguishable pest species that has been reported from a wide range of hosts, including cultivated species. Its distribution in the EU territory is restricted to (i) Madeira in Portugal; and to (ii) Poland where few occurrences were reported in glasshouses only. The pest is listed in Annex IIAI of Council Directive 2000/29/EC. A potential pathway of introduction and spread is plants traded from outside Europe and between Member States. The Lewis spider mite has the potential to establish in most part of the EU territory based on climate similarities with the distribution area outside the EU and the widespread availability of hosts present both in open fields and in protected cultivations. With regards to the potential consequences, one study is providing quantitative data on impact showing that the pest can reduce yield and affect quality of peaches and poinsettias, and only few studies describe the general impact of the pest on cultivated hosts. Although chemical treatments are reported to be effective in controlling the Lewis spider mite, it is mentioned as a growing concern for peaches, strawberries, raspberries and vines in the Americas. Overall, Eotetranychus lewisi meets the pest categorisation criteria defined in the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No 11 for a quarantine pest and in No 21 for a regulated non-quarantine pest
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