138 research outputs found

    Das System Karsai: Afghanistan und die USA im SchlĂĽsseljahr 2014

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    Zwölf Jahre nach Beginn der Intervention in Afghanistan ist dieses Land weit entfernt von Stabilität und Prosperität. Eine Verlängerung der Sicherheitsabkommen mit den USA und der NATO lehnt Präsident Hamid Karsai bisher ab. Karsais politische Motive kurz vor seiner Abdankung als Präsident sind geprägt von dem Versuch, die paschtunische Übermacht im Land und auch die eigene privilegierte Stellung zu konsolidieren. Der Artikel erklärt die verschiedenen Optionen sowie ihre möglichen Folgen für Afghanistan und die westlichen Alliierten im Präsidentschaftswahljahr 2014 - einem Schlüsseljahr für die weitere Zukunft Afghanistans und der Region.Twelve years after the start of the intervention in Afghanistan, the country is as far from stability and prosperity as ever. Hamid Karzai has up until now been unwilling to extend his country's long-term security agreement with the US and NATO. Coming so soon before he steps down from the presidency, the political motives of this decision are doubtless marked by an attempt to consolidate Pashtun supremacy - as well as his own position of privilege. The article explores various options and their likely consequences for Afghanistan as well as Western allies in 2014 - an election year in Afghanistan and therefore of key importance for the country and the region as a whole

    Vergleich des Einsatzes von Arbeitspferden und Traktortechnik im Kartoffelanbau bzgl. Boden- und Ertragsparameter

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    Ergebnisse eines Tastversuches unter Praxisbedingungen zum Vergleich des Einflusses von Zugpferde- vs. Traktoreinsatz auf Bodenparameter und Ertrag im Kartoffelbau

    Methods for Estimating Fluxes and Absorptions of Faint X-ray Sources

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    X-ray sources with very few counts can be identified with low-noise X-ray detectors such as ACIS onboard the Chandra X-ray Observatory. These sources are often too faint for parametric spectral modeling using well-established methods such as fitting with XSPEC. We discuss the estimation of apparent and intrinsic broad-band X-ray fluxes and soft X-ray absorption from gas along the line of sight to these sources, using nonparametric methods. Apparent flux is estimated from the ratio of the source count rate to the instrumental effective area averaged over the chosen band. Absorption, intrinsic flux, and errors on these quantities are estimated from comparison of source photometric quantities with those of high S/N spectra that were simulated using spectral models characteristic of the class of astrophysical sources under study. The concept of this method is similar to the long-standing use of color-magnitude diagrams in optical and infrared astronomy, with X-ray median energy replacing color index and X-ray source counts replacing magnitude. Our nonparametric method is tested against the apparent spectra of 2000 faint sources in the Chandra observation of the rich young stellar cluster in the M17 HII region. We show that the intrinsic X-ray properties can be determined with little bias and reasonable accuracy using these observable photometric quantities without employing often uncertain and time-consuming methods of non-linear parametric spectral modeling. Our method is calibrated for thermal spectra characteristic of stars in young stellar clusters, but recalibration should be possible for some other classes of faint X-ray sources such as extragalactic AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 39 pages, 15 figure

    An improved method for high-throughput quantification of autophagy in mammalian cells

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    Autophagy is a cellular homeostatic pathway with functions ranging from cytoplasmic protein turnover to immune defense. Therapeutic modulation of autophagy has been demonstrated to positively impact the outcome of autophagy-dysregulated diseases such as cancer or microbial infections. However, currently available agents lack specificity, and new candidates for drug development or potential cellular targets need to be identified. Here, we present an improved method to robustly detect changes in autophagy in a high-throughput manner on a single cell level, allowing effective screening. This method quantifies eGFP-LC3B positive vesicles to accurately monitor autophagy. We have significantly streamlined the protocol and optimized it for rapid quantification of large numbers of cells in little time, while retaining accuracy and sensitivity. Z scores up to 0.91 without a loss of sensitivity demonstrate the robustness and aptness of this approach. Three exemplary applications outline the value of our protocols and cell lines: (I) Examining autophagy modulating compounds on four different cell types. (II) Monitoring of autophagy upon infection with e.g. measles or influenza A virus. (III) CRISPR/Cas9 screening for autophagy modulating factors in T cells. In summary, we offer ready-to-use protocols to generate sensitive autophagy reporter cells and quantify autophagy in high-throughput assays

    Gene expansion shapes genome architecture in the human pathogen Lichtheimia corymbifera: an evolutionary genomics analysis in the ancient terrestrial mucorales (Mucoromycotina)

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    Lichtheimia species are the second most important cause of mucormycosis in Europe. To provide broader insights into the molecular basis of the pathogenicity-associated traits of the basal Mucorales, we report the full genome sequence of L. corymbifera and compared it to the genome of Rhizopus oryzae, the most common cause of mucormycosis worldwide. The genome assembly encompasses 33.6 MB and 12,379 protein-coding genes. This study reveals four major differences of the L. corymbifera genome to R. oryzae: (i) the presence of an highly elevated number of gene duplications which are unlike R. oryzae not due to whole genome duplication (WGD), (ii) despite the relatively high incidence of introns, alternative splicing (AS) is not frequently observed for the generation of paralogs and in response to stress, (iii) the content of repetitive elements is strikingly low (<5%), (iv) L. corymbifera is typically haploid. Novel virulence factors were identified which may be involved in the regulation of the adaptation to iron-limitation, e.g. LCor01340.1 encoding a putative siderophore transporter and LCor00410.1 involved in the siderophore metabolism. Genes encoding the transcription factors LCor08192.1 and LCor01236.1, which are similar to GATA type regulators and to calcineurin regulated CRZ1, respectively, indicating an involvement of the calcineurin pathway in the adaption to iron limitation. Genes encoding MADS-box transcription factors are elevated up to 11 copies compared to the 1–4 copies usually found in other fungi. More findings are: (i) lower content of tRNAs, but unique codons inL. corymbifera, (ii) Over 25% of the proteins are apparently specific for L. corymbifera. (iii) L. corymbifera contains only 2/3 of the proteases (known to be essential virulence factors) in comparision to R. oryzae. On the other hand, the number of secreted proteases, however, is roughly twice as high as in R. oryzae

    Sumoylation and phosphorylation: hidden and overt links

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    Post-translational modifications are essential mediators between stimuli from development or the environment and adaptive transcriptional patterns. Recent data allow a first glimpse at how two modifications, phosphorylation and sumoylation, act interdependently to modulate stress responses. In particular, many components of the SUMO conjugation system are phosphoproteins, and some regulators and enzymes of protein phosphorylation can be sumoylated. Equally important, however, a number of proteins can be subject to both modifications. These substrates also have the capacity to connect stimuli transmitted via sumoylation with those transmitted via phosphorylation. As a prime example, we review data suggesting that nitrate reductase is a hub that integrates cues from these two modifications. Powerful proteomics approaches allowed the identification of additional common substrates, paving the way for studies to understand, on a broader basis, the cross-talk of phosphorylation with sumoylation and how it contributes to plant growth
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