987 research outputs found

    Mid-adolescent predictors of adult drinking levels in early adulthood and gender differences: longitudinal analyses based on the South Australian school leavers study

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    There is considerable public health interest in understanding what factors during adolescence predict longer-term drinking patterns in adulthood. The aim of this study was to examine gender differences in the age 15 social and psychological predictors of less healthy drinking patterns in early adulthood. The study investigates the relative importance of internalising problems, other risky health behaviours, and peer relationships after controlling for family background characteristics. A sample of 812 young people who provided complete alcohol consumption data from the age of 15 to 20 years (5 measurement points) were drawn from South Australian secondary schools and given a detailed survey concerning their psychological and social wellbeing. Respondents were classified into two groups based upon a percentile division: those who drank at levels consistently below NHMRC guidelines and those who consistently drank at higher levels. The results showed that poorer age 15 scores on measures of psychological wellbeing including scores on the GHQ-12, self-esteem, and life-satisfaction as well as engagement in health-related behaviours such as smoking or drug-taking were associated with higher drinking levels in early adulthood. The pattern of results was generally similar for both genders. Higher drinking levels were most strongly associated with smoking and marijuana use and poorer psychological wellbeing during adolescence.Paul H. Delfabbro, Helen R.Winefield, Anthony H.Winefield, and Anne Hammarströ

    Developing a Constitutionally Appropriate Method of Circumventing Statutory Ouster Clauses

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    The Court's approach towards circumventing ouster clauses has varied dramatically over time. The original focus of the Court was on whether the body in question had 'jurisdiction' to make a decision. If they were found to be acting outside of their jurisdiction, this would justify circumventing the statutory ouster clause on the grounds that the body was acting ‘ultra vires’, and as such against the will of Parliament. This thesis has found ‘ultra vires’ to be an inappropriate theoretical foundation for judicial review, in its inability to properly delineate the boundaries of administrative power. Furthermore, the focus on ‘jurisdiction’ as central to the standard of judicial review has been criticised for its narrow and inflexible nature, and its failure to respect the unique contexts of each individual case. In the later cases of Cart and Privacy International, the courts rejected the narrow focus on ‘jurisdiction’ and ‘ultra vires’, favouring a more holistic approach to delineating the boundaries of judicial review. This approach embodies the modified ultra vires theory, which will be shown to provide the most appropriate basis for judicial review. It works to balance the intention of Parliament as evident in statute with the implied intention of Parliament to confer power within the boundaries of the Rule of Law, justifying the recent controversial decision in Privacy International

    Investigating the optimal integration of airborne, ship-borne, satellite and terrestrial gravity data for use in geoid determination

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    Each gravity observation technique has different parameters and contributes to different pieces of the gravity spectrum. This means that no one gravity dataset is able to model the Earth’s gravity field completely and the best gravity map is one derived from many sources. Therefore, one of the challenges in gravity field modelling is combining multiple types of heterogeneous gravity datasets. The aim of this study is to determine the optimal method to produce a single gravity map of the Canterbury case study area, for the purposes of use in geoid modelling. This objective is realised through the identification and application of a four-step integration process: purpose, data, combination and assessment. This includes the evaluation of three integration methods: natural neighbour, ordinary kriging and least squares collocation. As geoid modelling requires the combination of gravity datasets collected at various altitudes, it is beneficial to be able to combine the dataset using an integration method which operates in a three-dimensional space. Of the three integration methods assessed, least squares collocation is the only integration method which is able to perform this type of reduction. The resulting product is a Bouguer anomaly map of the Canterbury case study area, which combines satellite altimetry, terrestrial, ship-borne, airborne, and satellite gravimetry using least squares collocation

    Reliability and vailidity of self-reported questionnaires related to adolescent violence and consequences, Thailand

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    In Thailand physical violence among male adolescents is considered a significant public health issue, although there has been little published research into the aetiology and functions of violence in Thai youth. Research in this area has been hampered by a lack of psychometrically sound tools that have been validated to assess problem behaviours in Asian youth. The purpose of this paper is to provide validity and reliability data on an instrument to measure violence in Thai youth. In this study, reliability and validity data for a sample of adolescent Thai youth are reported for the Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTC-YS), a measure of risk and protective factors for violent behaviour, and the STAXI-II, a measure of angry experience and expression. The findings showed overall high internal consistency for both questionnaires, and there was evidence of construct validity. It is concluded that these measures are appropriate for use in research that seeks to investigate youth violence among adolescents in Thailand

    A label-free mass spectrometry method for the quantification of protein isotypes

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    Successful quantitative mass spectrometry (MS) requires strategies to link the mass spectrometer response to the analyte abundance, with the response being dependent on more factors than just analyte abundance. Label-dependent strategies rely on the incorporation of an isotopically labeled internal standard into the sample. Current label-free strategies (performed without internal standards) are useful for analyzing samples that are unsuitable for isotopic labeling but are less accurate. Here we describe a label-free technique applicable to analysis of products from related genes (isotypes). This approach enables the invariant tryptic peptide sequences within the family to serve as “built-in” internal standards and the isotype-specific peptide sequences to report the amount of the various isotypes. A process of elimination segregates reliably trypsin-released standard and reporter peptides from unreliably released peptides. The specific MS response factors for these reporter and standard peptides can be determined using synthetic peptides. Analysis of HeLa tubulin digests revealed peptides from ÎČI-, ÎČII-, ÎČIII-, ÎČIVb-, and ÎČV-tubulin, eight of which were suitable; along with five standard peptides for quantification of the ÎČ-tubulin isotypes. To show the utility of this method, we determined that ÎČI-tubulin represented 77% and ÎČIIItubulin represented 3.2% of the total HeLa ÎČ-tubulin

    Reliability and Validity of Self-Reported Questionnaires Related to Adolescent Violence and Consequences, Thailand

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    Copyright © 2013 Wongtonkam et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.In Thailand physical violence among male adolescents is considered a significant public health issue, although there has been little published research into the aetiology and functions of violence in Thai youth. Research in this area has been hampered by a lack of psychometrically sound tools that have been validated to assess problem behaviours in Asian youth. The purpose of this paper is to provide validity and reliability data on an instrument to measure violence in Thai youth. In this study, reliability and validity data for a sample of adolescent Thai youth are reported for the Communities That Care Youth Survey (CTC-YS), a measure of risk and protective factors for violent behaviour, and the STAXI-II, a measure of angry experience and expression. The findings showed overall high internal consistency for both questionnaires, and there was evidence of construct validity. It is concluded that these measures are appropriate for use in research that seeks to investigate youth violence among adolescents in Thailand

    Job Embeddedness Demonstrates Incremental Validity When Predicting Turnover Intentions for Australian University Employees

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    Job embeddedness is a construct that describes the manner in which employees can be enmeshed in their jobs, reducing their turnover intentions. Recent questions regarding the properties of quantitative job embeddedness measures, and their predictive utility, have been raised. Our study compared two competing reflective measures of job embeddedness, examining their convergent, criterion, and incremental validity, as a means of addressing these questions. Cross-sectional quantitative data from 246 Australian university employees (146 academic; 100 professional) was gathered. Our findings indicated that the two compared measures of job embeddedness were convergent when total scale scores were examined. Additionally, job embeddedness was capable of demonstrating criterion and incremental validity, predicting unique variance in turnover intention. However, this finding was not readily apparent with one of the compared job embeddedness measures, which demonstrated comparatively weaker evidence of validity. We discuss the theoretical and applied implications of these findings, noting that job embeddedness has a complementary place among established determinants of turnover intention

    Mid-Adolescent Predictors of Adult Drinking Levels in Early Adulthood and Gender Differences: Longitudinal Analyses Based on the South Australian School Leavers Study

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    There is considerable public health interest in understanding what factors during adolescence predict longer-term drinking patterns in adulthood. The aim of this study was to examine gender differences in the age 15 social and psychological predictors of less healthy drinking patterns in early adulthood. The study investigates the relative importance of internalising problems, other risky health behaviours, and peer relationships after controlling for family background characteristics. A sample of 812 young people who provided complete alcohol consumption data from the age of 15 to 20 years (5 measurement points) were drawn from South Australian secondary schools and given a detailed survey concerning their psychological and social wellbeing. Respondents were classified into two groups based upon a percentile division: those who drank at levels consistently below NHMRC guidelines and those who consistently drank at higher levels. The results showed that poorer age 15 scores on measures of psychological wellbeing including scores on the GHQ-12, self-esteem, and life-satisfaction as well as engagement in health-related behaviours such as smoking or drug-taking were associated with higher drinking levels in early adulthood. The pattern of results was generally similar for both genders. Higher drinking levels were most strongly associated with smoking and marijuana use and poorer psychological wellbeing during adolescence
