9 research outputs found


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    AbstractThis research aims to find out the relationship of motivation and self-study skills of students to the learning outcomes of students of class V SDN 06 South Pontianak. Research methods use descriptive methods with a form of correlation study research. The population in this study was a student of class V SDN 06 South Pontianak. The samples in this study used non-probability sampling techniques with saturated/total sampling types. Data collection techniques use indirect communication techniques and documentary study techniques. The data collection tools are UAS value questionnaires and documents. The results showed that students' learning motivation fell into the good category of 53.33%. Self-learning skills fall into the good category of 46.66%. While the student learning results obtained from UAS grades fall into an excellent category (A). Based on the results of statistical calculations of product moment correlation for learning motivation calculations with learning results obtained rcount of 0.638 (strong category). For the calculation of self-learning skills with learning results obtained rcount of 0.523 (medium category). For the calculation of learning motivation with selflearning skills obtained rcount of 0.764 (strong category). Calculation of the double correlation of motivation and self-study skills of students to student learning outcomes obtained rcount of 0.640 (strong category).Keywords : Learning Motivation, Independent Learning Skills, Learning Outcome

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Kebijakan Dividen, Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, Dan Size Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    The purpose of this research to analyze the effect of profitability, dividend policy,growth and firm size to firm value. This research used all the companies listed on Indonesian Exchange in the periods are five which is started from 2013 until 2017. The number of all companies that were became in this study were 36 companies with 5 years observation. Based on method purposive sampling, research sample total is 180 financial statement .The analysis method by using multiple linear regressions. Result of this research indicates that profitability, dividen policy, growth, does not influences significantly positive on the firm value. Meanwhile, firm size influences significantly positive to the firm value

    Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Kebijakan Dividen, Pertumbuhan Perusahaan, Dan Size Perusahaan Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan

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    The purpose of this research to analyze the effect of profitability, dividend policy,growth and firm size to firm value. This research used all the companies listed on Indonesian Exchange in the periods are five which is started from 2013 until 2017. The number of all companies that were became in this study were 36 companies with 5 years observation. Based on method purposive sampling, research sample total is 180 financial statement .The analysis method by using multiple linear regressions. Result of this research indicates that profitability, dividen policy, growth, does not influences significantly positive on the firm value. Meanwhile, firm size influences significantly positive to the firm value


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    Pengaruh Latihan Pasrah Diri terhadap Depresi, Kadar Gula Darah, Leukosit dan Perbaikan Luka Pasien Ulkus Diabetik dengan Gejala Depresi di RSUD dr. M Zein Painan tahun 2020 xiv + 105 Hal + 11 Tabel + 15 Lampiran + 7 Skema Abstrak Depresi pada pasien diabetes mellitus dengan ulkus diabetik meningkat dua kali lipat dibanding pasien diabetes mellitus tanpa ulkus diabetik. Perpaduan teknik relaksasi dan zikir dalam latihan pasrah diri diketahui menurunkan depresi pada pasien diabetes mellitus. Namun belum banyak penelitian yang melihat kombinasi perawatan luka dengan latihan pasrah diri dapat mempercepat perbaikan luka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh latihan pasrah diri terhadap depresi, kadar gula darah, leukosit dan perbaikan luka pasien ulkus diabetik di RSUD dr. M Zein Painan. Desain penelitian adalah quasi experiment dengan pre dan post test with control group. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 28 orang (14 orang pada tiap kelompok). Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan Kuisioner Back Depression Indeks (BDI II) dan Skala Battle Jansen. Analisa data menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh latihan pasrah diri terhadap depresi (P=0,000), kadar gula darah (P=0,024) dan perbaikan luka (P=0,000). Penurunan nilai leukosit pada kelompok intervensi lebih baik dari kelompok kontrol, namun secara statistik pengaruhnya tidak signifikan. Perawatan luka modern dan latihan pasrah diri efektif dalam menurunkan depresi, gula darah dan perbaikan luka pasien ulkus diabetik. Direkomendasikan agar perawat memasukkan latihan pasrah diri dalam intervensi keperawatan terhadap pasien ulkus diabetik. Kata Kunci: Latihan Pasrah Diri, Ulkus Diabetik, Depresi, Kadar Gula Darah, Leukosit, Perbaikan luka Daftar Pustaka : 90 (2008-2019

    Determination total antocyanin in brown rice (Oryza bicara)

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    Brown rice contains anthocyanin compounds. Antosianin is a natural pigment that gives red color to brown rice. Anthocyanin is an unstable compound, so it is necessary to optimize the extraction method to find out the proper extraction method in obtaining the largest anthocyanin level in brown rice. Optimization of extraction conducted in this study include, solvent, addition of HCl and size of brown rice Measurement of levels in this study using the method of differential pH with visible spectrofotometer tool. Determination of levels that have been done obtained anthocyanin levels on samples of fine methanol rice, intact methanol, 1% HCl 1% methanol and 1% HCl 1% respectively are 0.0591 (mg / 100g), 0.0551 (mg / 100g), 0.1503 (mg / 100g), and 0.1212 (mg / 100g) respectively, . The results obtained by the fine rice samples dissolved with 1% HCl methanol had the highest anthocyanin levels.Beras merah memiliki kandungan yaitu senyawa antosianin.  Antosianin adalah pigmen alami yang memberikan warna merah pada beras merah.  Antosianin merupakan senyawa yang tidak stabil, sehingga perlu dilakukan pemilihan metode ekstraksi untuk mengetahui metode ekstraksi yang tepat dalam mendapatkan kadar antosianin terbesar dalam beras merah. Pemilihan ekstraksi yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini meliputi, pelarut, penambahan HCl dan ukuran dari beras merah. Pengukuran kadar pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode pH diferensial dengan alat spektrofotometer visibel. Penetapan kadar yang telah dilakukan diperoleh kadar antosianin pada sampel beras metanol halus, metanol utuh, metanol halus HCl 1% dan metanol utuh HCl 1% secara berurutan yaitu 0,0591 (mg/100g), 0,0551 (mg/100g), 0,1503 (mg/100g), dan 0,1212 (mg/100g). Hasil yang diperoleh sampel beras halus yang dilarutkan dengan metanol HCl 1% memiliki kadar antosianin tertinggi


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    Tumbuhan obat merupakan salah satu tumbuhan yang didalamnya terdapat suatu zat yang dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan untuk pengobatan. Tumbuhan obat ini memiliki fungsi untuk mencegah atau mengobati suatu jenis penyakit. Inventarisasi tanaman obat di Kebun Raya Purwodadi dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis tanaman obat, bagian tanaman obat, tempat memperoleh tanaman obat dan cara pengolahan tanaman obat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik observasi dimana peneliti melakukan pengamatan secara langsung kemudian melakukan pendataan dengan mencatat dan memotret menggunakan kamera. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada sekitar 24 jenis koleksi tanaman obat yang ada di Kebun Raya Purwodadi


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    Engaged employees tend to produce better results, which no doubt will bring benefits to organizations. Unfortunately, in Indonesia, only 25% of Millennial employees are engaged, while Millennial employees have occupied 35% of the total workforce. This research aims to identify the influence of the seven determinants of employee engagement, namely work environment, leadership, co-worker relationship, training and career development, compensation, organizational policies, and workplace well-being, on the engagement level of Millenial employees in one of the fastest growing industry in Indonesia, which is the Cafe and Restaurant Industry. The initial 115 data have been gathered, and multiple regression analysis shows that the seven determinants explained 93.6% of the variance in employee engagement (Adjusted R2=0.936, F=239.174, p<.000). Furthermore, only five factors show a significant individual influence on the engagement level: leadership (b=328, p<.000), co-worker relationship (b=.239, p<.004), training and career development (b=254, p<.011), compensation (b=383, p<.001), and workplace well-being (b=176, p<.005). Implications for these findings are discussed in the full paper