53 research outputs found

    Analysis of Availability of Tourism Infrastructure: Comparative Study in Joglosemar Area

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    The main purpose of this research is identifying the availability of tourism infrastructure in supporting the improvement of strategic cooperation area based tourism sector in Joglosemar (Yogyakarta city, Solo, and Semarang) area. The steps taken are by identifying the availability of tourism infrastructure, grouping the infrastructure based on its types, and comparing the availability of tourism infrastructure in three cities in Joglosemar area. The analysis used in this research is Skalogram analysis. The result of research indicates that the city having the highest availability of infrastructure is Yogyakarta city with a number of infrastructure unit amounted 1452. The next one is Surakarta city with a number of tourism infrastructure unit amounted 757 and then Semarang city with a number of tourism infrastructure unit amounted 728. The finding of this research indicates that the more complete the facilities and infrastructure of tourism will influence the high level of tourists’ visit in a region. Whereas if an area has many tourism objects without being supported by the facilities and infrastructure, this will not be able to support the increase in tourists’ visit.     Keywords: infrastructure, tourism, joglosemar, skalogra

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kota Pekanbaru No.3 Tahun 2002 Tentang Hiburan Umum (Studi Kasus Taman Rekreasi Alam Mayang Kota Pekanbaru)

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    Pekanbaru city is that the city will be minimal, especially tourism, nature tourism, and in spatial areas already rung can be used as a place of tourism. Goverment Pekanbaru indeed less able to manage the tourist area and to achieve the tourist destination ahead does the government involves a third person in the management, one of which is a recreational park Alam Mayang in Pekanbaru, Recreation Alam Mayang is one of the natural attractions in the city of Pekanbaru in is owned by the private sector, and has a strategic location not far from downtown, but there are some issues that are not in accordance with local regulations in force in the city of Pekanbaru, one of which is abuse Recreation place this as a place sordid causing unrest of visitors and local residents and the lack of facilities available at this recreation area.To analyze these problems the author uses the theory of Van Meter Van Horn which in accordance with these problems, Standards policy objectives, resources, communication between organizations, implementing characteristics, economic and political environment. This research is a descriptive study with qualitative approach, where data collection techniques are observation and interviews with key informants as key informants.It can be concluded that the implementation of Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation 3 of 2002 on public entertainment (Case Study Recreation Park Alam Mayang In Pekanbaru City) have some problems so that this implementation is not effective because of the constraints faced by internally from them.Keywords: Implementation, Department of Culture and Tourism, Recreation Alam Mayan


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    The research objective is to examine the effect of firm size on tax avoidance, the effect of Return On Assets on tax avoidance, the effect of sales growth on tax avoidance. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive analysis method, data collection method used was the documentation method. The data used is secondary data from 2017-2020. The results of this study are the variable company size is negative on tax avoidance. which means that the larger a company is, the lower the occurrence of tax avoidance, the ROA variable has no effect on tax avoidance. Low or high value of ROA has no effect on tax avoidance, sales growth variable has a negative effect on tax avoidance, which means that the higher the value of sales growth, the lower the occurrence of tax avoidance. As for the suggestions to overcome the limitations in this study, the researchers provide several research recommendations, namely that further research is suggested to increase the number of independent variables, so that research results can be more accurate.Keywords: Company Growth, Firm Size, Return on Asset, Tax Avoidanc

    Analisis Peramalan Kombinasi terhadap Jumlah Permintaan Darah di Surabaya

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    Teknik peramalan seiring berjalannya waktu sampai dengan saat ini terus berkembang. Metode peramalan baru terus diciptakan para ahli statistik untuk memprediksi data yang akan datang secara akurat dan dengan tingkat kesalahan minimum. Salah satu metode yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini adalah metode peramalan kombinasi menggunakan simple average forecast. Diawali dengan pembentukan model ARIMA Box-Jenkins beserta pengujian asumsi-asumsinya. Kemudian diperoleh beberapa model ARIMA yang sesuai dan memenuhi asumsi yang akan dikombinasikan dengan merata-rata hasil ramalan tiap model tersebut. Penentuan model terbaik antara model ARIMA tunggal atau model kombinasinya dapat dilihat dari nilai RMSE dan MAPE. Objek yang akan diteliti adalah permintaan jenis darah di UDD PMI kota Surabaya tahun 2007-2011. Hasil yang diperoleh yakni tidak semua variabel permintaan jenis darah dapat diramalkan menggunakan model kombinasi. Beberapa variabel rupanya masih mampu diramalkan menggunakan model ARIMA tunggal. Namun beberapa variabel yang menggunakan model peramalan kombinasi mampu menghasilkan ramalan dengan tingkat kesalahan minimum. Hal ini jauh lebih baik daripada saat menggunakan model ARIMA tunggal. Namun bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa diantara banyaknya metode atau model peramalan, model kombinasi ini patut untuk dipertimbangkan saat dimana dalam analisis terdapat banyak kemungkinan model yang sesuai dan memenuhi asumsi

    Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Explicit Instruction Pada Materi Tari Serampang 12 Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa SMP

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    The purposeof this studyis to analyseandtest the application effect of Explicit Instruction learning models to student in 7 grade at SMPN 11 Pontianak.Thisstudyused an experimental method withquantitativeresearch form and research approachis uasi experimental (quasi experiment design), while theresearchapproachis pretest posttest control group design. The researchconducted in SMPN 11 Pontianak in 7 B dan C grade, located at Ahmad Marzuki street in south Pontianak. The populationthis study are all students in 7 grade. Data collection techniquesused in this study (1) measurement techniquewitha datacollection tool the form ofa writtentest. (2) documentation technique.Research results: there are differences instudentsthat is KK=70,31 KE= 78,44.Conclusionsofthis studyare generally showedthat the application of Explicit Instruction learning model goodeffectin improving learning outcomesespecially insubjectson the serampang 12dan cematerial in 7 grade at SMPN 11 Pontianak


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    Salah satu tugas Kelompok Kerja Guru (KKG) pada masing-masing Kabupaten/Kota adalah menyusun bahan ajar baik berupa buku ajar maupun lembar kerja siswa (LKS) yang nantinya digunakan secara massal di Kabupaten/Kota tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil kajian pustaka pada bahan ajar yang dihasilkan KKG, khususnya pada bahan ajar Bahasa Jawa yang termasuk dalam muatan lokal wajib di SD/MI, masih terdapat banyak bacaan yang tidak mengangkat kondisi lokal daerah bersangkutan. Misalnya saja, KKG Kabupaten Pacitan menyusun bahan ajar Bahasa Jawa dengan contoh bacaan berjudul Simpang Lima, yang jelas-jelas bukan daerah di Pacitan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk memetakan bahan-bahan bacaan pada bahan ajar mata pelajaran Bahasa Jawa SD/MI kelas IV berdasarkan tingkat etnografi dan kelokalan daerah setempat. Hal ini bertujuan agar siswa yang menggunakan bahan ajar lebih mengenal dan memahami potensi daerah masing-masing sehingga muncul kecintaan dan kebanggaan atas potensi daerahnya sebagai bagian dari pembentukan karakter

    Efektivitas Penerapan Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Multirepresentasi untuk Melatih Keterampilan Proses Sains Fisika Siswa Man 1 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to determine the effectiveness of implementation of physics learning by multiple representation through practicing students' science process skills in lesson Newton's law in class X IPA1 MAN 1 Pekanbaru. The subjects were students of class X IPA1 totalling 29 students, consisting of 8 male students and 21 female students. The instrument of data collection in this study is the process skills test consists of 8 essay questions. Analysis of the data in this study is a descriptive analysis to see an overview of the results of the students' learning skills by using the criteria of absorption, the effectiveness of learning, and students' learning completeness. The analysis of the data showed: absorption class average is 81.68% with a good category, otherwise learning effectiveness declared in effective way, then completeness of learning's students classically worth 86.21% and declared complete, completeness of lesson by 75% and declared incomplete. Nevertheless, it can be concluded that implementation of physics learning by multi representation is could be used in learning process class X IPA1 MAN 1 Pekanbaru

    Aplikasi Web Penjualan Qubah Stainless Steel di Mahkota Barokahmenggunakan Pemograman Php

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    Qubah merupakan arsitektur dari sebuah masjid yang berbentuk bulat penuh, setengah bola, putar dan berwarna. Telah dilakukan penelitian pada cabang Mahkota Barokah Dumai, dimana permasalahan yang mendasar terletak pada penjualan qubah mesjid di kota Dumai yang masih dilakukan secara konvensional, sedangkan informasi tentang penjualan qubah masih diketahui dari masyarakat setempat yang menyebabkan kurangnya pemasaran qubah mesjid di kota dumai.. Selain itu pendataan tentang penjualan qubah masih dicatat secara manual sehingga belum ada pendataan data customer yang pernah membeli qubah. Oleh karena itu dirancanglah sebuah aplikasi web secara online dengan menggunakan sistem penyimpanan data yang terstruktur yaitu database MySQL dan bahasa pemograman PHP, dengan adanya sistem ini transaksi penjualan qubah di kota dumai dapat dilakukan dimanapun dan kapanpun sehingga memudahkan pendataan penjualan
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