186 research outputs found

    Application of ERTS data to the detection of thin cirrus and clear air turbulence

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    The feasibility of detecting a thin cirrus and clear air turbulence from ERTS MSS data is explored. The result of analyses indicates that a thin cirrus not shown in conventional meteorological satellite picture can be revealed in ERTS MSS picture. It is also found that the core of jet stream can be located with high accuracy from ERTS pictures and the possible area of clear air turbulence can be predicted if the data of the quality of ERTS data are available in real time

    'It’s hard to define good writing, but i recognise it when i see it’: can consensus-based assessment evaluate the teaching of writing?

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    In a Higher Education environment where evidence-based practice and accountability are highly valued, most writing practitioners will be familiar with direct requests or less tangible pressures to demonstrate that their teaching has a positive impact on students’ writing skills. Although such evaluations are not devoid of risk and the need for them is contested, it can be argued that it is better to engage with them, as this can avoid the danger of overly simplistic forms of measurements being imposed. The current paper engages with this question by proposing the conceptual basis for a new measurement tool. Based on Amabile’s Consensual Assessment Technique (CAT), developed to assess creativity, the tool develops the idea of consensual assessment of writing as a methodology that can provide robust data through systematic measurement. At the same time, I argue consensual assessment reflects the evaluation of writing in real life situations more closely than many of the methodologies for writing assessment used in other contexts, primarily large scale tests. As such, it would allow writing practitioners to go beyond ethnographic methods, or self- reporting, in order to obtain greater insight into the ways in which their teaching helps change students’ actual writing, without sacrificing the complexity of writing as social interaction, which is fundamental to an academic literacies approach

    Many-Facet Rasch Designs: How Should Raters be Assigned to Examinees?

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    In Facets models, raters should be connected, and there are multiple ways to connect raters. Keeping the number of ratings constant and two raters scoring each examinee, the standard error of both rater severity and examinee ability was higher when raters scored one examinee in common with many different raters than when they scored many examinees in common with two raters. However, the differences were small, especially for the standard error of examinee ability. Alternatively, when only a subset of examinees were scored by two or more raters, the smallest standard errors were achieved when all raters scored a common linking set, although standard errors were larger than they were when all examinees were scored by two raters. If the rating design only allows for a single rating of most examinees, it is preferable to link the metric by assigning all raters to rate the same set of linking examinees

    Exploration of supervisees’ experiences of a transcultural supervision activity

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    Aims: Regulatory competences for educational psychologists (EPs) state specifications of understanding and acknowledging diversity and transcultural working within practice. This article explores the experiences of four trainee educational psychologists (TEPs) after participating in a Transcultural Supervision activity with their placement supervisors, which aims to promote culturally responsive working.Method: Supervisees’ views were gained through an online questionnaire and analysed using Thematic Analysis. The article explores the supervisee’s experience of the transcultural supervision activity and the impact of it on their cultural awareness and power dynamics within a supervisory relationship.Findings: Four superordinate themes were interpreted in the study, including: engagement, thoughts and feelings, developing cultural awareness and reducing power differential. The paper explores these themes in further detail alongside the subordinate themes constructed, before highlighting implications for educational psychology and supervisory practice.Limitations: Limitations of the research discussed including the sampling method, method of data collection used and the assumption made by the researcher that each participant has a similar understanding of the definitions of culture and power dynamics, limiting exploration of potentially contrasting discourses in practice. Conclusions: Overall, the transcultural supervision activity was reported to be beneficial in improving cultural awareness by supervisees and was also perceived as being influential in supporting power dynamics within new supervisory relationships. This complements previous research exploring the views of supervisors and their experience of the transcultural activity and has potential for further use in EP professional training and practice.<br/


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    An activity of collaboration between Mechanical Engineering Department of Sanata Dharma University and SMK Nusantara Kudus was conducted. The percepetion of High School Students of SMK Nusantara Kudus about Computer Aided Design was measured during the Solidworks Training as the main activity. Pre- and Post-Questionnaires were delivered among the 20 students joining the activity. Nineteen of them returned the questionnaires of 10 positive statements with 3 conditions of answers i.e. agree, disagree, and undecided. The results show that the students mostly are interested in designing manually and computer based. It also mentions that they appreciate CAD skills as their important future work skill. The activity did not affect the interest of the students in term of designing but helped them to be more engaged to the CAD

    A Samalan Wordlist from South-East Sulawesi

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    This study aims to assess students' English-speaking abilities based on peer assessment. This study is a quantitative study involving 10 students. Data was collected using tests and student speaking assessment rubrics with score criteria from 1 to 5. Speaking assessment criteria are pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency and understanding. Data were analyzed using Many Faceted Rasch Measurement (MFRM). The Facets Rasch Measurement model is able to see the interaction between respondents and items at once. The research results show that the item index for criteria/quality (6.39), speaker (0.51), and rater (5.32) as well as the standard deviation value clearly shows a good distribution of item difficulty. Criterion reliability is 0.98 for raters is 0.21, for raters is 0.97

    Motivasi Belajar Anak Keluarga Penerima Manfaat Program Keluarga Harapan di Kabupaten Sintang

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    Karya tulis ilmiah ini dilatarbelakangi oleh tantangan kemiskinan yang dialami menjadikan lemahnya motivasi belajar anak. Adapun tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi belajar anak keluarga penerima manfaat program keluarga harapan di kabupaten sintang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan bentuk penelitian deskriptif. Hasil pembahasan menyatakan bahwa: 1. anak-anak mengalami peningkatan motivasi belajar. 2. Motivasi anak-anak untuk sekolah terdiri dari dua, yakni secara internal dari kesadaran diri sendiri si anak dan faktor ekternal yakni dari motivasi orangtua dan lingkungan. 3. Terdapat 59 anak yang berprestasi baik dibidang akademik maupun non akademik, baik ditingkat lokal, nasional hingga ketingkat Internasional


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    Argumentation skill need to be enhanced through contextual problem with integrated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). This study aims to develop worksheet of STEM-EDP based worksheets that focus on students' arguments on the topic of climate change. This research is a Research and Development (R&amp;D) study using the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) focused on ADD stages. Worksheet designs are prepared by containing STEM indicators accompanied by worksheets that refer to aspects of Toulmin's Argument Pattern. The validity by two lecturers of Physics Education obtained content feasibility aspects (90.00%), linguistic aspects (91.25%), presentation aspects (93.75%), and graphical aspects (83.75%). The conclusion is that STEM-EDP based worksheets fall into the very valid category with a validity value of 89.69%. STEM-EDP based worksheets that focus on students' arguments on the topic of climate change are feasible to implement in classroom learning
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