94 research outputs found

    FAIRE-seq data analysis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under carbon deprivation

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    For the genome-wide identification of nucleosome depleted regions under carbon deprivation, we analyze an available set of data from an assay of formaldehyde-assisted isolation of regulatory elements followed by sequencing (FAIRE-seq). Mapping to the sequenced nuclear genome of C.reinhardtii, followed by the identification of the enrichment-sequenced fragments was performed. We examined the location of these fragments relative to annotated genes. The related genes were associated to the corresponding Gene-Ontology (GO), for an evaluation of over-representate GO categories. Some genes, link with functions or locations, that have been previous described, indicating the success of the method finding carbon-metabolism related fragments

    Evaluation of cough peak flow in COPD

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    Ecomorphology and feeding behavior of the Pleistocene South American equids (Mammalia, Perissodactyla, Equidae)

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    The fossil record of the South American Pleistocene presents two Equidae taxa: Hippidion Owen and Equus (Amerhippus) Hoffstetter. These equids were possibly sympatric and, although being considered closely related, present distinct cranial morphologies. This study aimed to verify possible variations on the masticatory patterns and dental wear between both genera, as well as to compare their rostral morphology and functional differences related to feeding habits. We performed quantitative analyses of macrowear and occlusion surface area of teeth from Toca dos Ossos (Bahia, Brazil). The morphofunctional analysis was conducted using photographs of specimens housed at the Museo de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina) and Museu de Ciências Naturais PUC Minas (Minas Gerais, Brazil), and based on the anatomy of the extant horse Equus caballus Linnaeus, due to its resemblance to E. (Amerhippus). Results showed that E. (Amerhippus) exhibits a more significant macrowear on the antero-posterior region of the teeth, while Hippidion has a more uniform wear. Analyses of occlusion surface area confirm the difference on the structure of dental enamel between genera, where Hippidion presents more complex folds. The morphofuctional analysis indicates that the rostral portion and the premaxillary shape of E. (Amerhippus) are similar to E. caballus. However, based on anatomical studies of the premaxillary region of other extinct ungulates, Hippidion exhibits morphological structures compatible with the presence of a vestibular proboscis and premaxillary region usually found on browsing ungulates. These results indicated that E. (Amerhippus) had the capacity to feed on more abrasive food items than Hippidion. Nevertheless, the morphofunctional dissimilarities on their skull suggest marked variations on their ecomorphological strategies. Therefore, these two different approaches corroborate our point of view that Hippidion and E. (Amerhippus), despite their possible sympatry, presented consistent mechanisms related to the reduction of niche overlap concerning the partition of food resources.Sesiones libresFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Modelos de estructura de ramas para Pinus taeda: contribución al desarrollo de herramientas que permitan evaluar la calidad del fuste y planificar su trozado = Branches structure models for Pinus taeda: a contribution to the development of tools that allow for evaluate bole quality and bucking planning

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    La posibilidad de predecir la calidad y valor de los productos forestales es de gran interés por el sector foresto-industrial. En relación a la madera rolliza, la cantidad y el tamaño de nudos, así como la longitud de los entrenudos, influyen en gran medida sobre su calidad y precio final. Para modelizar el tamaño y distribución de los nudos a lo largo del fuste, así como la longitud de los internodios, resulta necesario un acabado entendimiento de la arquitectura de la copa (Weiskittel et al., 2010). Con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo de herramientas para abordar los aspectos mencionados, se ajustó un conjunto de funciones que permiten modelizar las principales variables que describen la estructura de la copa, tales como la distancia entre verticilos (DV) y el área basal de las ramas (GR) (Trincado, 2006; Mäkinen y Song, 2000). A lo anterior se sumaron las funciones de forma del fuste disponibles (Yapura et al., 2016) y un algoritmo basado en cadenas de Markov, con la finalidad de consolidar un modelo de simulación de estructura de copas mediante la programación de rutinas con el lenguaje de programación Visual Basic for Aplications (VBA) y el empleo de planillas de cálculo.Being able to predict the quality and value of forest products is much desired by the timber industry. The final price and quality of the wood is largely determined by knots and internodes length. To model size and distribution of knots, as well as internodes length, a good understanding of crown architecture is needed. In order to contribute to this goal, several models were developed for Pinus taeda in Misiones province.EEA MontecarloFil: Sañudo, G. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales; ArgentinaFil: Yapura, P. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Laboratorio de Investigación de Sistemas Ecológicos y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Fassola, Hugo Enrique. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Winck, Rosa Ángela. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Barth, Sara Regina. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Crechi, Ernesto Hector. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Keller, Aldo Esteban. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Montecarlo; ArgentinaFil: Caraballo, H. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Laboratorio de Investigación de Sistemas Ecológicos y Ambientales; Argentin

    Utjecaj izloženosti 1,6-heksametilen diizocijanatu (HDI) na vršni ekspiratorni protok u autolakirera u Iranu

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of occupational exposure to 1,6-hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI) on peak flowmetry in automobile body paint shop workers in Iran. We studied a population of 43 car painters exposed to HDI at their workplaces. Peak expiratory fl ow was tested for one working week, from the start to the end of each shift. Air was sampled and HDI analysed in parallel, according to the OSHA 42 method. Daily and weekly HDI exposure averages were (0.42±0.1) mg m-3 and (0.13±0.05) mg m-3, respectively. On painting days, 72 % of workers showed more than a 10 % variation in peak expiratory fl ow. Inhalation exposure exceeded the threshold limit value (TLV) ten times over. This strongly suggests that HDI affected the peak fl owmetry in the studied workers.Cilj je ovog ispitivanja bio utvrditi vršni protok u 43 iranska autolakirera profesionalno izložena 1,6-heksametilen diizocijanatu (HDI). Vršni ekspiratorni protok testiran je tjedan dana na početku i kraju svake smjene. Uzorkovanje i mjerenje HDI-ja u zraku radilo se istodobno s testiranjem vršnoga protoka, prema metodi OSHA 42. Prosječna dnevna izloženost radnika HDI-ju iznosila je (0.42±0.1) mg m-3, a tjedna (0.13±0.05) mg m-3. U 72 % radnika vršni ekspiratorni protok tijekom dana varirao je više od 10 %. Radnici su udisali deset puta više razine HDI-ja od graničnih te je moguće da je HDI utjecao na mjerenja plućne funkcije

    Use of mechanical airway clearance devices in the home by people with neuromuscular disorders: effects on health service use and lifestyle benefits

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    Background; People with neuromuscular disorders (NMD) exhibit weak coughs and are susceptible to recurrent chest infections and acute respiratory complications, the most frequent reasons for their unplanned hospital admissions. Mechanical insufflation-exsufflation (MI-E) devices are a non-invasive method of increasing peak cough flow, improving cough efficacy, the clearance of secretion and overcoming atelectasis. There is limited published evidence on the impact of home use MI-E devices on health service utilisation. The aims of the study were: to assess the self-reported health and lifestyle benefits experienced as a result of home use of MI-E devices; and evaluate the effects of in-home use of MI-E devices on Emergency Department (ED) presentations, hospital admissions and inpatient length of stay (LOS). Methods: Individuals with NMD who were accessing a home MI-E device provided through Muscular Dystrophy Western Australia were invited to participate in a quantitative survey to obtain information on their experiences and self-assessed changes in respiratory health. An ad-hoc record linkage was performed to extract hospital, ED and mortality data from the Western Australian Department of Health (DOHWA). The main outcome measures were ED presentations, hospital separations and LOS, before and after commencement of home use of an MI-E device.Results: Thirty seven individuals with NMD using a MI-E device at home consented to participate in this study. The majority (73%) of participants reported using the MI-E device daily or weekly at home without medical assistance and 32% had used the machine to resolve a choking episode. The survey highlighted benefits to respiratory function maintenance and the ability to manage increased health care needs at home. Not using a home MI-E device was associated with an increased risk of ED presentations (RR = 1.76, 95% CI 1.1-2.84). The number of hospital separations and LOS reduced after the use of MI-E device, but not significantly. No deaths were observed in participants using the MI-E device at home. Conclusions: Home use of a MI-E device by people living with NMD may have a potential impact on reducing their health service utilisation and risk of death. Future research with greater subject numbers and longer follow-up periods is recommended to enhance this field of study