5 research outputs found

    The production of upstream space (area) of river as tourism site in economic recovery post-COVID-19

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    This study seeks to explore and analyze the production of the upstream area of the river on the western Anjasmoro flank as a tourism site in economic recovery post-COVID-19. The focus of this research is on the spatial practice, representations of space, and representational spaces carried by the migrants on the flanks of Mount Anjasmoro. The informants were determined using the snowball technique with a subject of seven informants consisting of three key informants and four supporting informants. The results showed that the spatial practice was observed from the method by which migrants obtained the place they desired, and the local society survived as a form of their existence during the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, the representation of the upstream river area has undergone a complex transformation. The land that was originally used as productive land has turned into built-up land, creating a gap between local society and migrants that triggers spatial conflicts. Third, the representational space of an agropolitan area into a tourist destination is created and advertised worldwide to accelerate its marketing and consumption. In the end, the production of upstream river areas carried out by migrants presents a positive impact on the economy of local society, as it increases their economy

    Makna Sosial Tentang Hidup Sehat Pada Masyarakat di Era Pandemi Covid -19

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    Since the world entered the Covid-19 pandemic, society has experienced many changes in the new adaptations that are taking place. One of them is active in doing a healthy lifestyle. The action is caused by two motives, namely because of motive and in order to motive. This study tries to explore and analyze the social context behind individual actions in interpreting healthy living in the era of the Covid 19 pandemic by using Alfred Schutz's phenomenology approach. The selection of informants used a purposive technique with the criteria of individuals who fall into the category of productive age and work in the public sector and services dealing with the community who collect 10 informants. The results of the research in the field have 4 meanings in healthy living, namely 1) Mental health in the pandemic era, 2) family resilience as protection in the pandemic era, 3) Traditional herbal medicine as an immunity enhancer, 4) Health protocols and social distancing to prevent the spread of the Covid 19 disease.Keywords: Social Meaning; Healthy Living; Population; Productive; Covid-19 AbstrakSejak dunia memasuki masa pandemi Covid 19, masyarakat telah mengalami banyak perubahan dalam adaptasi baru yang tengah berlangsung. Salah satunya adalah tindakan dalam melakukan gaya hidup sehat. Tindakan tersebut disebabkan dua motif, yaitu motif sebab dan motif tujuan. Penelitian ini berusaha mengeksplorasi dan menganalisis konteks sosial yang melatarbelakangi tindakan individu dalam memaknai hidup sehat di era pandemi Covid 19 dengan menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi Alfred Schutz. Pemilihan informan menggunakan teknik purposif dengan kriteria individu yang masuk dalam kategori usia produktif dan bekerja di sektor publik dan pelayanan yang berhadapan dengan masyarakat yang berjumlah 10 informan. Hasil penelitian dilapangan terdapat 4 pemaknaan dalam hidup sehat yaitu 1) Kesehatan mental di era pandemi, 2) ketahanan keluarga sebagai proteksi di era pandemi, 3) Jamu tradisional sebagai peningkat imunitas, 4) Protokol kesehatan dan social distancing untuk mencegah penyebaran virus Covid-19.Kata Kunci:  Makna sosial; Hidup sehat; Penduduk; Produktif; Covid 1


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    SWOT mempunyai empat aspek pokok, yaitu Strength (kekuatan), Weakness (kelemahan), Opportunity (peluang) dan Threat (ancaman). SWOT dipakai sebagai salah satu teknik identifikasi berbagai faktor dan unsur penentu pembangunan suatu institusi atau daerah secara sistematis. Analisis SWOT digunakan untuk mencapai visi dan misi yang telah ditetapkan oleh para pemangku kepentingan. Wisata Pandansili terletak di desa Ngampungan Kecamatan Bareng Kabupaten Jombang. Pandansili menawarkan wahana wisata berupa kolam renang serta tempat bermain anak-anak selain itu di tempat tersebut menawarkan pemandangan suasana pegunungan. Pandansili salah satu tempat wisata yang berada di sekitar Daerah Jombang selatan. Selain itu daya tarik masyarakat akan wisata pandansili cukup ramai dengan persaingan wisata yang ada di wonosalam. Terdapat empat tahapan analisis SWOT yang dapat digunakan dalam perumusan strategi, Dari hasil analisa didapatkan nilai IFE sebesar 5,56 dan nilai EFE sebesar 5,01. Dari hasil analisis nilai IFE dan EFE berada di Kuadran I (Strategi Agresif / Ofensif), di mana Kuadran I dianggap mempunyai posisi yang paling menguntungkan sehingga dengan kekuatan yang dimiliki dimungkinkan untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang ada. Dengan penerapan  SWOT ini pengelolaan dan perencanaan pengembangan Wisata Pandansili berjalan dengan baik dan lanca


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    The global covid-19 pandemic has affected all sectors of human life. Humans have to adapt the new ways of life. One of the new ways of life is to use a mask when doing activities outside the home. Health protocol policies, including the use of masks, are a form of government responsibility in overcoming the covid-19 pandemic. The policy will not be able to achieve success if it is not supported by the public. Health protocol policies, including the use of masks, have the main goal of breaking the chain of the spread of covid-19. In Jombang regency regulation of health, protocols are regulated in Peraturan Bupati no. 57 Tahun 2020. This study was conducted to find out how the public adheres to these policies and regulations. This study uses qualitative methods using primary and secondary data. Data collections techniques used are interviews, observation and, documentation. The data analysis used in this study is the Miles and Huberman model which consists of data reduction, data display and, conclusion drawing or verification. The results of this study indicate that the public is obedient to the policies and rules for the use of masks, only to obey the regulation and avoid sanctions and not to realize the main goal of the policy, which is to break the chain of the spread of covid-19 so that the pandemic can end soon