42 research outputs found

    Anti-hyperglycemic Activity in Vitro, Actuate Toxicity in Vivo and Antioxidant Activity of the Crude Extract of the Root of Plumeria alba L.

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    Medicinal plants are the single most productive sources for the development of drugs and play an important role in treating and preventing a variety of diseases through the world.  Plumeria alba Linn. commonly known as Tayoke-sakar-aphyu in Myanmar is one of the medicinal plants belonging to Apocynaceae family. The pharmacological studies were carried out to investigate antimicrobial activity, antioxidant activity, anti-hyperglycemic activity in vitro and acute toxicity in vivo. The main aim of the present research is to evaluate the biological activities of the root of Plumeria alba L, Firstly, phytochemical screening of the collected sample was performed. Elemental composition of the crude sample was examined by EDXRF (Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence) spectroscopy. Moreover three different solvents such as ethanol, ethyl acetate and n-hexane extracts of the sample were examined for their antimicrobial activities against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus pumilus, Candida albicans and E. coli by Agar- well diffusion method. The antioxidant activity of ethanol extract of the root of Plumeria alba L. was studied by DPPH (1,1-Diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrayl) assay. The acute toxicity of ethanol extract of the root of Plumeria alba L. on Artemia salinna were investigated. The glucose lowering activities of the water and ethanol extracts of the sample were determined by iodometric titration

    Factors associated with psychological distress among Myanmar residents during COVID-19 pandemic crises

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    Background: COVID-19 pandemic reached a public health emergency status of international concern. The impacts and events associated with this were associated with adverse psychological impacts among the general public globally. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of psychological distress and to identify predictors associated with psychological distress due to the COVID-19 pandemic among the population in Myanmar. Design and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from March to April 2020 among adults, 18 years old and above, who reside in Myanmar through a structured questionnaire distributed in social media platforms. Univariate and Bivariate analyses were used to estimate the prevalence of COVID-19 Peritraumatic Distress Index (CPDI) symptoms and to test the associations between CPDI and the exposure variables. Logistic Regression Analysis was done to identify significant predictors of distress. Results: There were 530 participants in this study.37.4% of them did not have psychological distress,55.6% experienced mild to moderate psychological distress, and 7% experienced severe psychological distress due to COVID-19 pandemic. Simple and Multiple Logistic Regression Analyses were performed to determine the factors associated with psychological distress due to COVID-19. Conclusions: It was shown that the self-employed group and age group older than 45 years old had more psychological distress than others. However, Buddhists and people from the capital city had less distress than other religions and districts. This study recommends the government to develop better strategies for self-employed groups, elders, and the poor for a support, relief, and resettlement of their ruined status

    Prevalence of Depression and its Associated Factors Among Adults during Third Wave of COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia, 2021

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    Malaysia recently entered third-wave of COVID-19 pandemic starting from October 2020 to end of January 2021. Therefore, objective of our study was to identify the prevalence of depression and its associated factors among adults during third wave of COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. A total of 1468 Malaysian adults participated in this cross-sectional web-based survey. A standardized questionnaire was generated using the Google Form, and the link was shared through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and WhatsApp. Patient Health Questionnaires (PHQ-9) was used to assess the levels of depression. Among 1468 participants, 320 (22 %) and 358 (24.6 %) indicated to have moderate to severe depression during third-wave of COVID-19 in Malaysia. Multiple predictors were identified that contributed to depression. These included female gender, family’s source income affected by the pandemic, do not perform exercise, victim of abuse and those with family and/or friends infected with COVID-19 virus. COVID-19 pandemic had caused the implementation of lockdown and physical distancing in Malaysia and nations across the globe. The pandemic had brought serious negative impacts on mental health of the adults especially depression especially during third wave of pandemic. The findings of our study suggested that new interventions or strategies are needed to be developed to address the severity of depression among Malaysian adults

    Assessment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders and its Associations with Suicidal Behaviour among Adults Following Movement Control Order During COVID-19 Pandemic in Malaysia

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    A rapid review of previous outbreaks shows that a quarantine policy had greater effects on one’s psychological state including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), confusion and anger caused by various stressors. This study aimed to assess the levels of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and its associations with suicidal behavior among Malaysian adults following Movement Control Order (MCO) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Malaysia. This cross-sectional study was distributed using an online standardized questionnaire composed of three parts, the socio-demographic characteristics, PTSD assessment using PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 and the suicidal behavior assessment using Suicidal Behaviors Questionnaire-Revised (SBQ-R). Almost half of the respondents had high PTSD symptoms (41.7 %) and low PTSD was 58.3 % among Malaysian adults. Furthermore, 69.6 % of participants had no suicidal behavior but, 30.4 % from the participants has suicidal behavior. This study found single status with highest PTSD (83.3 %) and marital status had significant correlation with PTSD which p-value was < 0.05. Malay was high percentage in high PTSD (74.6 %) and significant correlation between race and PTSD (p < 0.05). Employment status also had significant correlation with PTSD with p-value was 0.002 and students was counted highest PTSD (65.7 %). This study identified some socio-demographic factors and suicidal behavior associated with PTSD among Malaysian adults, which may lay ground for further interventions

    Supply side evidence of Myanmar’s growing agricultural mechanization market

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    Recent evidence suggests that the mechanization of agriculture is proceeding rapidly in areas of Myanmar close to the country’s major city, Yangon, as farmers - driven by the need to remain profitable in the face of labor shortages and rising wage rates - adopt a variety of labor saving technologies (Win and Thinzar 2016). In this brief, we present findings from the first survey in Myanmar to analyze the supply side of agricultural mechanization. We find evidence of rapid growth in the number, geographical distribution, and sales of agricultural machinery supply businesses. The range and value of machinery sold accelerated rapidly, especially post-2011 as the country opened economically. New hire-purchase financing arrangements for machinery played a key role in facilitating this growth.Non-PRFeed the Future Innovation Laboratory for Food Security Policy (FSP); IFPRI5DSG

    Agricultural mechanization and structural transformation in Myanmar’s Ayeyarwady delta

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    Agricultural mechanization is already well advanced in the village tracts surveyed, almost completely replacing the use of draft cattle. Economic reforms and the growth in the non-farm sector from 2011 have stimulated an ongoing process of structural transformation, in which labor is moving from agriculture to the more productive urban industrial and service sectors. Resultant rural labor shortages and increases in real wage rates have been major drivers of mechanization in agricultural sector, particularly from 2013 onwards. The declining real price of some types of machinery has contributed to the acceleration of this process. The increasing availability of financial services following reforms post-2011 is also likely to have accelerated the adoption of large-scale agricultural machinery, particularly from 2013 onwards. The rise of rental markets, especially for large-scale equipment (combine harvesters and four-wheel tractors), has further improved access to these machines for farmers with small and large landholdings alike.Non-PRFeed the Future Innovation Laboratory for Food Security Policy (FSP); IFPRI5DSG

    The Edible Oil Milling Sector in Myanmar's Dry Zone

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    This report presents findings from a survey of edible oil mills in Myanmar’s Central Dry Zone, comprised of structured interviews with 144 mills in five urban centers, and 38 mills in rural areas of nine townships (total 182 mills). The following results stand out: Groundnut is the most important crop processed by Dry Zone millers, milled by 94% and 87% of urban and rural mills, respectively. Sesame is of lesser importance for urban mills (milled by 31%), but is a major crop for rural mills (milled by 74%). The domestic mill sector utilizes only a small share of Myanmar’s total oilseed production. The majority of sesame produced in Myanmar is exported. The quantity of oilseeds procured by urban mills fell by more than half from 2012 to 2017. The mean volume of groundnut procured fell 55%, from 509 t to 230 t, while the mean volume of sesame procured fell 53%, from 386 t to 182 t. The mill sector is highly concentrated and concentration has intensified since 2012. Large mills procured around 90% of all groundnut and sesame milled by urban mills in 2017. The Gini coefficient of oilseed procurement rose from 0.63 in 2012 to 0.76 in 2017, indicating deepening market concentration. Urban and rural mills have different business models. Urban mills earn income mainly by adding value to purchased oilseeds by processing them, whereas rural mills earn income mainly by providing custom milling services to oilseed farmers for a fee. Most equipment owned by mills is old. The average age of most items of milling equipment owned by urban mills is 14-17 years. Most oil produced in the Dry Zone is consumed locally. Sixty-nine percent of all oil produced by urban mills in the Dry Zone is sold locally. Local consumers account for 57% of sales. Local retailers are the second largest market segment (12% of sales). More than half of urban mills brand the oil that they sell, and one third advertise their products. The number of mills that advertise has grown rapidly since 2011. Oilcake is an important co-product that contributes mill income. Oilcake sales account for around 20% of the gross revenues earned by urban mills. Mills have responded to demand for cheaper oil by selling blended oils. Many mills sell groundnut oil blended with palm oil to consumers more cheaply than pure groundnut oil. Palm oil accounted for 15% of the volume of reported oil sales by Dry Zone mills in 2017. The real retail price of palm oil has halved since 2011, while the price of groundnut oil has remained stable. The long run decline in the price of palm oil corresponds with the removal of restrictions on imports in April 2011 that opened up the market to private importers. Domestically milled oil cannot compete with imported palm oil on the basis of price. Processed palm oil is cheaper than un-milled groundnut, and groundnut oil sells for more than double the price of palm oil. Myanmar’s market for edible oil has become segmented. Retail prices for groundnut oil and palm oil have diverged to such an extent that locally sourced products cater to a relatively small group of better-off consumers who can afford domestically produced oil, and a large group of lower income consumers who cannot Better-off consumers are willing to pay a premium for niche high quality oil. Lack of confidence in the provenance of oil produced by conventional ‘expeller’ mills has created opportunities for a ‘niche’ oil with distinct sensory characteristics produced by small artisanal mills adapted from traditional designs. Oil from these mills attracts a price premium over oil produced by expeller mills Numbers of conventional oil mills fell 30% over the past decade, but the number of artisanal mills doubled. Numbers of urban ‘expeller’ mills dropped from 266 to 186, whereas the number of small artisanal urban mills producing premium oil jumped from 78 to 156, but artisanal mills account for only 2-3% of edible oil production. Implications for policy and programming These results paint a picture of Myanmar’s edible oil milling industry attempting to adjust to the longterm challenge posed by liberalization of palm oil imports, and suggests a number of implications for policy and programming, as follows. Efforts to protect Myanmar’s edible oil milling industry (e.g. by restricting palm oil imports or raising import duties) would hurt poorer consumers. Although liberalization of palm oil imports has proven challenging for domestic millers, it enables consumers to access edible oil at affordable prices. Establishing a national quality assurance scheme for edible oil could give customers more confidence in the quality and provenance of the oil they buy. However, costs of compliance should not represent a barrier to SMEs, and training and support would be needed to help to mills to upgrade practices to meet the standard. Support for improving branding and marketing strategies could help mills differentiate their products and target a larger customer base. For example, by developing more effective online marketing campaigns and integration with emerging e-commerce platforms, or adopting geographical indications or regional brands (e.g. for Pakkoku sone hsi oil). Adoption of national standards combined with better marketing can provide a foundation for entry into export markets with higher quality standards for the best performing mills, enabling more of the value added from the oilseed sector to be retained in Myanmar. Infrastructure such as laboratory testing facilities will be needed if Myanmar is to climb the value ladder. Productivity increases in Dry Zone oilseed farming will increase farm incomes but are unlikely to improve the competitiveness of the milling sector relative to imported palm oil. Any oilseed surplus to domestic requirements is exported, dampening any effect that an increase in oilseed production by farms in Myanmar might have on domestic oil prices

    Stream-based Traffic Management for Mobile Devices in Wireless LAN

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    Nowadays, as a number of mobile devices areincreasing rapidly, each user may use multipletraffics at the same time in wireless environment. Theoptimal traffic scheduling of mobile networks formulticasting and unicasting between various mixedmobile traffic is a challenging problem. Therefore,there are various researches concerning with trafficscheduling methods in order to have efficienttransmission rate and to reduce traffic’s bottleneck atAccess Point (AP) for mixed traffic. In this paper, thevarious scheduling methods in wireless network areanalyzed and the framework of a new schedulingmethod, a two-step stream-based traffic schedulingmethod is proposed to satisfy efficient some Qualityof Services (QoS) parameters: throughput, fairnessand delay. In the first step, stream based schedulingadaptively balances between unicast and multicasttraffic and in the second step, compound schedulingcombines Proportional Fair (PF) for non-real timetraffic and Delay Related Scheduling for real time traffic

    Optimal Queue Sizing for Traffic Management of Mixed Mobile Traffic in Wireless Network

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    Nowadays, wireless networks which offer variousmultimedia services to mobile users are demandingQuality of Services (QoS) for these services.Therefore, defining optimal queue size of variousmixed applications at an Access Point (AP) not onlyplays a key role for resource scheduling and QoS ofmixed applications and but also is a challengingproblem in 802.11 Wireless networks. Due to the factthat queue size impacts on throughput and delay ofmixed multimedia applications in congested network,the main objective of this paper is to provide anoptimal queue sizing mechanism which maintain highlink utilization efficiently and give low queuing delaysin wireless networks. The optimal queue sizing methodwhich is based on router buffer sizing methods such asQFind and Rule of Thumb methods is proposed bytesting and analyzing the performance of users at anAP with various numbers of queues according toprevious proposed papers