489 research outputs found
Sri Lanka Malaria Maps
BACKGROUND: Despite a relatively good national case reporting system in Sri Lanka, detailed maps of malaria distribution have not been publicly available. METHODS: In this study, monthly records over the period 1995 – 2000 of microscopically confirmed malaria parasite positive blood film readings, at sub-district spatial resolution, were used to produce maps of malaria distribution across the island. Also, annual malaria trends at district resolution were displayed for the period 1995 – 2002. RESULTS: The maps show that Plasmodium vivax malaria incidence has a marked variation in distribution over the island. The incidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria follows a similar spatial pattern but is generally much lower than that of P. vivax. In the north, malaria shows one seasonal peak in the beginning of the year, whereas towards the south a second peak around June is more pronounced. CONCLUSION: This paper provides the first publicly available maps of both P. vivax and P. falciparum malaria incidence distribution on the island of Sri Lanka at sub-district resolution, which may be useful to health professionals, travellers and travel medicine professionals in their assessment of malaria risk in Sri Lanka. As incidence of malaria changes over time, regular updates of these maps are necessary
Laboratory methods for case finding in human psittacosis outbreaks: a systematic review.
Psittacosis outbreak investigations require rapid identification of cases in order to trace possible sources and perform public health risk assessments. In recent outbreaks in the Netherlands, such investigations were hampered by the non-specificity of laboratory testing methods to identify human Chlamydia psittaci infections
Traditional and faith-based healthcare in the management of psychotic disorders in Africa:in search for synergy
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review summarizes the current literature on the role of traditional and faith-based healthcare in the management of psychotic disorders in Africa.RECENT FINDINGS: In contemporary Africa, individuals with psychosis and traditional and faith healers (TFH) are pluralistic towards their understanding of psychosis and their help-seeking behaviour. Traditional healing is perceived to be helpful to patients with psychotic disorders and their family members and may have a positive influence on the course of psychosis in some selected individuals. Studies show that potentially harmful practices are commonly used by African TFH, but that these are associated with a lack of resources and are susceptible to training. Although various TFH and biomedical practitioners are open to collaboration, the many identified obstacles hinder actual partnerships. However, the few studies that have been conducted on collaborative care for patients with psychotic disorders on the continent, show positive outcomes.SUMMARY: Rather than harmonizing the two healing paradigms, synergistic collaboration between traditional/faith-based and biomedical mental healthcare in the management of individuals with psychosis seems to be possible within certain limits. Synergistic collaboration is more culturally syntonic and may actually contribute to bridging the treatment gap for mental disorders in present-day Africa.</p
Влияние ледового сжатия на составляющие скорости движения жидкости под ледяным покровом в бегущей периодической изгибно-гравитационной волне конечной амплитуды
Методом многих масштабов с точностью до величин третьего порядка малости получены асимптотические разложения, определяющие составляющие скорости движения жидкости под плавающим ледяным покровом при распространении периодической поверхностной изгибногравитационной волны конечной амплитуды в условиях ледового сжатия. Рассмотрена зависимость распределений составляющих скорости вдоль профиля волны от величины сжимающего усилия и характеристик начальной гармоники. Показано, что с увеличением сжимающего усилия происходит уменьшение амплитудных значений составляющих скорости и отставание фазы колебаний.Методом багатьох масштабів з точністю до величин третього порядку малості отримані асимптотичні розкладання, які визначають складові швидкості руху рідини під плаваючим льодяним покривом при розповсюдженні періодичної поверхневої згинально-гравітаційної хвилі кінцевої амплітуди в умовах льодяного стиснення. Розглянуто залежність розподілів складових швидкості вздовж профілю хвилі від величини стискаючого зусилля та характеристик початкової гармоніки. Показано, що із збільшенням стискаючого зусилля відбувається зменшення амплітудних значень складових швидкості та відставання фази коливань.Using the method of multiple scales, the asymptotic expansions are obtained up to the values of the third order. The expansions condition the components of fluid movement velocity under floating ice cover at propagation of periodic surface flexural-gravity wave of finite amplitude in the condition of ice compression. Dependence of distribution of velocity components along the wave profile upon the compressive force value and the initial harmonic characteristics is considered. It is shown that rise of compressive force is accompanied by decrease of amplitude values of velocity components and lag of oscillations’ phase
Effectiveness of a MF-59™-adjuvanted pandemic influenza vaccine to prevent 2009 A/H1N1 influenza-related hospitalisation; a matched case-control study
Background: During the 2009 influenza A/H1N1 pandemic, adjuvanted influenza vaccines were used for the first time on a large scale. Results on the effectiveness of the vaccines in preventing 2009 influenza A/H1N1-related hospitalisation are scanty and varying.Methods: We conducted a matched case-control study in individuals with an indication for vaccination due to underlying medical conditions and/or age ≥ 60 years in the Netherlands. Cases were patients hospitalised with laboratory-confirmed 2009 A/H1N1 influenza infection between November 16, 2009 and January 15, 2010. Controls were matched to cases on age, sex and type of underlying medical condition(s) and drawn from an extensive general practitioner network. Conditional logistic regression was used to estimate the vaccine effectiveness (VE = 1 - OR). Different sensitivity analyses were used to assess confounding by severity of underlying medical condition(s) and the effect of different assumptions for missing dates of vaccination.Results: 149 cases and 28,238 matched controls were included. It was estimated that 22% of the cases and 28% of the controls received vaccination more than 7 days before the date of onset of symptoms in cases. A significant number of breakthrough infections were observed. The VE was estimated at 19% (95%CI -28-49). After restricting the analysis to cases with controls suffering from severe underlying medical conditions, the VE was 49% (95%CI 16-69).Conclusions: The number of breakthrough infections, resulting in modest VE estimates, suggests that the MF-59™ adjuvanted vaccine may have had only a limited impact on preventing 2009 influenza A/H1N1-related hospitalisation in this setting. As the main aim of influenza vaccination programmes is to reduce severe influenza-related morbidity and mortality from influenza in persons at high risk of complications, a more effective vaccine, or additional preventive measures, are needed
Community uptake of safe storage boxes to reduce self-poisoning from pesticides in rural Sri Lanka
BACKGROUND: Acute poisoning by agricultural pesticides is a well established global public health problem. Keeping pesticides under safe storage is now promoted as a potential way to reduce the number of severe poisoning cases. However, there have been no published studies documenting the feasibility of such an approach. Therefore, the objective of the study presented here was to determine community perceptions and use of in-house safe storage boxes for pesticides in rural Sri Lanka. METHODS: Boxes with a lock, to be used for the in-house safe storage of pesticides, were distributed to 200 randomly selected farming households in two agricultural communities. A baseline survey determined pesticide storage practices and household characteristics prior to distribution. The selected households were encouraged to make use of the box at community meetings and during a single visit to each household one month after distribution. No further encouragement was offered. A follow-up survey assessed storage practices seven months into the project. RESULTS: Following the distribution of the boxes the community identified a number of benefits including the protection of pesticide containers against exposure from the rain and sun and a reduced risk of theft. Data were analysed for 172 households that reported agricultural use of pesticides at follow-up. Of these, 141 (82%) kept pesticides in the house under lock against 3 (2%) at baseline. As expected, the distribution of boxes significantly reduced the number of households storing pesticides in the field, from 79 (46%) at baseline to 4 (2%) at follow-up. There was a significant increase in the number of households keeping pesticides safe from children between baseline (64%) and seven months after the distribution of boxes (89%). The same was true for adults although less pronounced with 51% at baseline and 66% at follow-up. CONCLUSION: The farming community appreciated the storage boxes and made storage of pesticides safer, especially for children. It seems that additional, intensive promotion is needed to ensure that pesticide boxes are locked. The introduction of in-house safe storage boxes resulted in a shift of storage into the farmer's home and away from the field and this may increase the domestic risk of impulsive self-poisoning episodes. This increased risk needs attention in future safe storage promotion projects
Ancestral calling, traditional health practitioner training and mental illness:An ethnographic study from rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
This qualitative ethnographic study complements an epidemiological study on first episode psychosis in Vulindlela, a rural area in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It focuses on two themes that emerged from our data: (1) the calling of the ancestors to become a traditional health practitioner and (2) ukuthwasa, the training to become a traditional health practitioner. The purpose of this study is to describe the ancestral calling, and to explore whether ukuthwasa may help with the management of mental disturbances, including unusual perceptual experiences. We also provide a discussion of the changing sociopolitical context of healing in KwaZulu-Natal, as a background to our study. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 (apprentice) traditional health practitioners, formal health practitioners, patients and relatives recruited through local traditional health practitioners and a health care clinic. Our results show that the ancestral calling might announce itself with symptoms of mental illness including unusual perceptual experiences, for which some participants consider ukuthwasa as the only effective cure. We found indications that in some individuals successful completion of ukuthwasa might promote recovery from their illness and lead to a profession in which the unusual perceptual experiences become a legitimate and positively valued aspect. We suggest that - in this particular community today, which has been subject to several sociopolitical changes - ukuthwasa may be a culturally sanctioned healing process which moderates experiences that a Western psychiatric system might characterize as psychotic symptoms, providing some individuals with a lucrative and respected role in society
The Association Between Exposure to COVID-19 and Mental Health Outcomes Among Healthcare Workers
Due to the unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health care systems, there has been great interest in the mental wellbeing of healthcare workers. While most studies investigated mental health outcomes among frontline vs. non-frontline healthcare workers, little is known about the impact of various work-related variables. The present study aimed to examine the association between work-related [i.e., having contact with COVID-19 patients, being redeployed due to the pandemic and availability of sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE)] and subjective (i.e., worries about getting infected or infecting others) exposures and self-reported mental health outcomes (i.e., psychological distress, depressive symptoms, and posttraumatic stress symptoms). Between February and May 2021, 994 healthcare workers employed at a variety of healthcare settings in the Netherlands filled out an online survey as part of the COVID-19 HEalth caRe wOrkErS (HEROES) study. Mental health outcomes were measured using the General Health Questionnaire-12, the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and the Primary Care PTSD Screen for DSM-5. Approximately 13% reported depressive symptoms, 37% experienced psychological distress, and 20% reported posttraumatic stress symptoms. Multilevel linear models consisted of three levels: individual (work-related and subjective exposures), healthcare center (aggregated redeployment and availability of sufficient PPE), and regional (cumulative COVID-19 infection and death rates). Worries about infection were associated with all three mental health outcomes, whereas insufficient PPE was associated with psychological distress and depressive symptoms. There were no differences in outcomes between healthcare centers or provinces with different COVID-19 infection and death rates. Our findings highlight the importance of adequate PPE provision and the subjective experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. These factors should be part of interventions aimed at mitigating adverse mental health outcomes among healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
An evidence synthesis approach to estimating the incidence of seasonal influenza in the Netherlands.
OBJECTIVES: To estimate, using Bayesian evidence synthesis, the age-group-specific annual incidence of symptomatic infection with seasonal influenza in the Netherlands over the period 2005-2007. METHODS: The Netherlands population and age group distribution for 2006 defined the base population. The number of influenza-like illness (ILI) cases was estimated from sentinel surveillance data and adjusted for underascertainment using the estimated proportion of ILI cases that do not consult a general practitioner. The estimated number of symptomatic influenza (SI) cases was based on indirect evidence from the surveillance of ILI cases and the proportions of laboratory-confirmed influenza cases in the 2004/5, 2005/6 and 2006/7 respiratory years. In scenario analysis, the number of SI cases prevented by increasing vaccination uptake within the 65 + age group was estimated. RESULTS: The overall symptomatic infection attack rate (SIAR) over the period 2005-2007 was estimated at 2·5% (95% credible interval [CI]: 2·1-3·2%); 410 200 SI cases (95% CI: 338 500-518 600) were estimated to occur annually. Age-group-specific SIARs were estimated for <5 years at 4·9% (2·1-13·7%), for 5-14 years at 3·0% (2·0-4·7%), for 15-44 years at 2·6% (2·1-3·2%), for 45-64 years at 1·9% (1·4-2·5%) and for 65 + years at 1·7% (1·0-3·0%). Under assumed vaccination uptake increases of 5% and 15%, 1970 and 5310 SI cases would be averted. CONCLUSIONS: By synthesising the available information on seasonal influenza and ILI from diverse sources, the annual extent of symptomatic infection can be derived. These estimates are useful for assessing the burden of seasonal influenza and for guiding vaccination policy
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Наций.In the article author explores the history of international justice and the judicial system
of the institute on the international level.Feature of theformation International Court of
Justice and its predecessor the Permanent Court of International Justice by the League of
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