24,454 research outputs found

    Single-Base DNA Discrimination via Transverse Ionic Transport

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    We suggest to discriminate single DNA bases via transverse ionic transport, namely by detecting the ionic current that flows in a channel while a single-stranded DNA is driven through an intersecting nanochannel. Our all-atom molecular dynamics simulations indeed show that the ionic currents of the four bases are statistically distinct, thus offering another possible approach to sequence DNA.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    An ERP study of visual search showing early detection of feature conjunctions

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    An ERP study of visual search showing early detection of feature conjunction

    On the Large N Limit of 3D and 4D Hermitian Matrix Models

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    The large N limit of the hermitian matrix model in three and four Euclidean space-time dimensions is studied with the help of the approximate Renormalization Group recursion formula. The planar graphs contributing to wave function, mass and coupling constant renormalization are identified and summed in this approximation. In four dimensions the model fails to have an interacting continuum limit, but in three dimensions there is a non trivial fixed point for the approximate RG relations. The critical exponents of the three dimensional model at this fixed point are Μ=0.665069\nu = 0.665069 and η=0.19882\eta=0.19882. The existence (or non existence) of the fixed point and the critical exponents display a fairly high degree of universality since they do not seem to depend on the specific (non universal) assumptions made in the approximation.Comment: Number 0.519689 in eqs (36) and (37) should be replaced by 0.303152. The critical exponents were computed with the correct number entry and are therefore UNCHANGE

    Power corrections and perturbative coupling from lattice gauge thoeries

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    From the analysis of the perturbative expansion of the lattice regularized gluon condensate, toghether with MC data, we present evidence of OPE-unexpected dim-2 power corrections in the scaling behaviour of the Wilson loop. These can be interpreted as an indication that in lattice gauge theories the running coupling at large momentum contains contributions of order Q^2.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at the Lattice97 conference, Edinburgh, U

    eIDeCert: a user-centric solution for mobile identification

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    The necessity to certify one's identity for different purposes and the evolution of mobile technologies have led to the generation of electronic devices such as smart cards, and electronic identities designed to meet daily needs. Nevertheless, these mechanisms have a problem: they don't allow the user to set the scope of the information presented. That problem introduces interesting security and privacy challenges and requires the development of a new tool that supports user-centrity for the information being handled. This article presents eIDeCert, a tool for the management of electronic identities (eIDs) in a mobile environment with a user-centric approach. Taking advantage of existing eCert technology we will be able to solve a real problem. On the other hand, the application takes us to the boundary of what the technology can cope with: we will assess how close we are to the boundary, and we will present an idea of what the next step should be to enable us to reach the goal

    The Status of a PA Endangered Bird- the Upland Sandpiper

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    The upland sandpiper (Bartramia Longuardia) has experienced a steep population decline in the northeastern U.S. since the mid-20th Century. In Pennsylvania it was found in less than 0.5% of atlas blocks during the Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in Pennsylvania project (2nd PBBA; 2004-09) and breeding was confirmed at only two locations. Due to continued declines and a small population size, the upland sandpiper was listed as PA endangered in 2012. During May 2012 the areas around 15 2nd PBBA upland sandpiper sightings were resurveyed by Gettysburg College students and volunteer birdwatchers. The aim was to establish whether the atlas records related to persisting populations. We used five-minute audio playback at up to 10 locations within 4km of the atlas sightings. A maximum of 19 pairs/calling male upland sandpipers were found across the state in 2012, most of them on or close to reclaimed surface mines. However, locating such a scarce species can be problematic, and it is still not known to what extent the species is under-reported. To help direct future surveys we analyzed data from the 2nd PBBA and the 2012 survey to produce a habitat suitability model for the upland sandpiper in Pennsylvania. We used a GIS framework to determine areas of suitable habitat and then stratified these by proximity to recent (2004-2012) upland sandpiper sightings. We recommend that our suitability model be used to establish a sampling protocol for more thorough statewide upland sandpiper survey every five years, in order that the species’ precarious status can be closely monitored
