299 research outputs found

    Women’s Sports and the Forgotten Gender

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    Feminism in the Space of the World Social Forum

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    Despite clear affinities, the integration of feminism into the World Social Forum remains uneven, in ways reminiscent of well-known histories of women’s movements with various lefts. This essay draws on observations of the 2005 WSF at Porto Alegre, Brazil and the 2006 African Social Forum in Bamako, Mali, as well as secondary literature, to explore the articulation of transnational feminism and the World Social Forum. Using concrete practices, texts, and spaces, I discuss different dimensions of the interaction of feminism with the WSF, including political norms, political geography, and historical trajectories. The relation between feminism and the WSF hinges not only on how “feminist” the WSF is but also on what feminists are doing and trying to do at the Forum

    Intra-Asian circuits and the problem of global queer

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    This paper advances a regional approach to understanding gay, lesbian, GLTB, or queer sexualities in Asia. Debates about queer globalisations have largely rotated on the relation of non-Western to Western formulations of erotic identities: to what extent are queer subjectivities a Western export? As conversations about queer sexualities grapple with the global level, they have had difficulty avoiding the centrifugal powers of Western formulations, particularly those attached to the hegemonic force of United States. The dominant model for global queer subjectivities is an import-export framework: the assumption that legible queer sexualities derive from U.S. – infected Western modes of sexuality or from Western-based systems of modernity, such as capitalism. One version of the import-export model underpins homophobic nationalist discourses, which assert that Western imperialism produced Third World queers. An import-export logic also surfaces in well-meaning work in sexual rights, which, when it stresses the homophobia of third-world traditions, implies – or even asserts – that modernisation will make the non-Western world more liberated for queers. In this way, sexual rights reproduce a geopolitical progress narrative. Discussions about non-normative sexuality in the global south conflate Western, modern, and globalisation. Even when they are critical of Western dominance in the world, as is the case with nationalists and many sexual rights advocates, their interpretation recapitulates Western hegemony, by locating the origin and agency of modern queer life squarely in the West.AsiaPacifiQueer Network, Australian National Universit

    Aprendizado mediado pela tecnologia: bioindicadores de qualidade de ?gua (macroinvertebrados bent?nicos) como subs?dios para atividades de educa??o ambiental por meio de v?deo educacional

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar a efic?cia de um v?deo educacional produzido pelo pesquisador, com o intuito de subsidiar discuss?es em sala de aula sobre a import?ncia da ?gua, sua preserva??o e a fun??o dos macroinvertebrados bent?nicos como organismos capazes de avaliar a qualidade dos cursos d??gua. O trabalho contou com uma revis?o bibliogr?fica sobre a Educa??o Ambiental, apresentando conceitos, import?ncia da mesma e suas tend?ncias, revelando a import?ncia desta na escola p?blica, como tamb?m apresentou a relev?ncia do uso das tecnologias na educa??o b?sica e principalmente a import?ncia do uso de v?deos como ferramenta auxiliar no aprendizado dos estudantes. Foi discutida a import?ncia dos bioindicadores de qualidade da ?gua ? macroinvertebrados aqu?ticos e sua identifica??o, partindo do pressuposto que esses organismos podem ser utilizados para aferi??o de ambientes aqu?ticos alterados por agentes nocivos, que em longo prazo, em um processo de recupera??o e gerenciamentos de recursos h?dricos, possibilita acompanhar a avalia??o da qualidade das ?guas utilizando esse recurso como forma de biomonitoramento. Por fim, foram apresentados os resultados de question?rios aplicados em duas escolas municipais rurais, em Gouveia, Minas Gerais, bem como as suas respectivas an?lises, com o escopo de desvelar a opini?o de estudantes e professores sobre o conte?do do v?deo, ao qual revelou um resultado satisfat?rio para estes sujeitos participantes desta pesquisa.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018.The work aims to show the effectiveness of an educational video produced by the researcher in order to subsidize classroom discussions about the importance of water, its preservation and the function of benthic macroinvertebrates as organisms capable of evaluating the quality of the courses of water. The work had a bibliographic review on Environmental Education, presenting concepts, its importance and its trends, revealing the importance of this in the public school, but also presented the relevance of the use of technologies in basic education and especially the importance of using videos as an auxiliary tool in student learning. It was discussed the importance of the bioindicators of water quality - aquatic macroinvertebrates and their identification, based on the assumption that these organisms can be used to measure aquatic environments altered by harmful agents, that in the long term, in a process of recovery and resource management, allows the evaluation of water quality using this resource as a form of biomonitoring. Finally, the results of questionnaires applied at two rural municipal schools in Gouveia, Minas Gerais, as well as their respective analyzes were presented, with the purpose of revealing the opinion of students and teachers about the content of the video, which revealed a result satisfactory for these subjects participating in this research

    Confronting law affectively: encounters of a Patpong sex tourist

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    When considering spaces of sex-work such as Patpong in Bangkok, Thailand, the inclination is to be drawn into habitual debates concerning the legitimacy of sex-work and the clear objectification of sex-workers. While these concerns are valid and real, there are significant absences in terms of the theoretical mapping of the space, such as the affect of the presence of law, bodies, space and the sexual encounter itself. Law emerges as the most significant presence, since it both forms the transactional surface of Patpong and produces the confusion and revilement that results from the confluence of cold legal exchange with the tactile intimacy of the sexual encounter. This text explores the ethnographic space of Patpong in order to understand ways in which law’s transactional, effective surface is both embodied through subjectivication and spatially emplaced, yet also disrupted through the affective agency of the bodies and spaces it enfolds in order to produce this surface. This exploration will point to the limitations of law’s effective surface and suggest ways in which law might be located within a regime of affect, which returns the law to the body it subjectivises

    Problem-based learning in engineering teaching.

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    A partir do estudo de uma disciplina regular do curso de gradua??o de Engenharia Agr?cola e Ambiental, relacionando as perspectivas do professor e dos estudantes e considerando a carga hor?ria e do conte?do abordado, foi proposta uma sistem?tica de trabalho em sala de aula, de curso presencial, para introdu??o do m?todo de ensino conhecido como ?Problem-Based Learning? (PBL) no ensino de Engenharia. Os resultados demonstraram viabilidade na proposi??o de uso do PBL de forma parcial e aplicado para disciplinas que preveem uma carga hor?ria pr?tica, como foi o caso da que foi estudada, a ?Termodin?mica?. O artigo apresenta, ainda, uma metodologia para organiza??o dos grupos de estudantes em sala de aula, para dinamizar o processo de aprendizagem e troca de conhecimentos pelo PBL

    Intravenous Formulation of HET0016 Decreased Human Glioblastoma Growth and Implicated Survival Benefit in Rat Xenograft Models

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is a hypervascular primary brain tumor with poor prognosis. HET0016 is a selective CYP450 inhibitor, which has been shown to inhibit angiogenesis and tumor growth. Therefore, to explore novel treatments, we have generated an improved intravenous (IV) formulation of HET0016 with HPßCD and tested in animal models of human and syngeneic GBM. Administration of a single IV dose resulted in 7-fold higher levels of HET0016 in plasma and 3.6-fold higher levels in tumor at 60 min than that in IP route. IV treatment with HPßCD-HET0016 decreased tumor growth, and altered vascular kinetics in early and late treatment groups (p \u3c 0.05). Similar growth inhibition was observed in syngeneic GL261 GBM (p \u3c 0.05). Survival studies using patient derived xenografts of GBM811, showed prolonged survival to 26 weeks in animals treated with focal radiation, in combination with HET0016 and TMZ (p \u3c 0.05). We observed reduced expression of markers of cell proliferation (Ki-67), decreased neovascularization (laminin and αSMA), in addition to inflammation and angiogenesis markers in the treatment group (p \u3c 0.05). Our results indicate that HPßCD-HET0016 is effective in inhibiting tumor growth through decreasing proliferation, and neovascularization. Furthermore, HPßCD-HET0016 significantly prolonged survival in PDX GBM811 model

    Queer Asian Subjects: Transgressive Sexualities and Heteronormative Meanings

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    This special issue of Asian Studies Review explores comparatively the production and transformation of gender and sexual subjectivities across and beyond South and Southeast Asia. More specifically, papers in this special issue disclose the complex intersections of ethnicity, race, class, gender, religion and nationality through which sexual subjectivities are formed and subject positions inhabited within and across these regions. By tracing the transnational movement of people and the circulation of images and ideas, their appropriations and effects, the papers in this volume reveal mutable and multiple sexual subjectivities that are no longer fixed in place, even as state discourses, hegemonic meanings and individual actors work to attach specific meanings to particular bodies. In this special issue we ask, what are the effects of migration, forced and chosen, on forms and formulations of gender and sexuality for people's embodied and discursive entanglements? How do spatial and temporal, as well as religious, economic and political changes alter and foreclose some kinds of intimacies and subjectivities even as they open and enable others? What are the social and cultural processes through which heteronormativity is articulated, enforced, transgressed and challenged

    The association between processes, structures and outcomes of secondary prevention care among VA ischemic heart disease patients

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    BACKGROUND: Hyperlipidemia and hypertension are well-established risk factors for recurrent cardiovascular events among patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD). Despite national recommendations, concordance with guidelines for LDL cholesterol and blood pressure remains inadequate. The objectives of this study were to 1) determine concordance rates with LDL cholesterol and BP recommendations; and 2) identify patient factors, processes and structures of care associated with guideline concordance among VA IHD patients. METHODS: This was a cross sectional study of veterans with IHD from 8 VA hospitals. Outcomes were concordance with LDL guideline recommendations (LDL<100 mg/dl), and BP recommendations (<140/90 mm Hg). Cumulative logit and hierarchical logistic regression analyses were performed to identify patient factors, processes, and structures of care independently associated with guideline concordance. RESULTS: Of 14,114 veterans with IHD, 55.7% had hypertension, 71.5% had hyperlipidemia, and 41.6% had both conditions. Guideline concordance for LDL and BP were 38.9% and 53.4%, respectively. However, only 21.9% of the patients achieved both LDL <100 mg/dl and BP <140/90 mm Hg. In multivariable analyses, patient factors including older age and the presence of vascular disease were associated with worse guideline concordance. In contrast, diabetes was associated with better guideline concordance. Several process of care variables, including higher number of outpatient visits, higher number of prescribed medications, and a recent cardiac hospitalization were associated with better guideline concordance. Among structures of care, having on-site cardiology was associated with a trend towards better guideline concordance. CONCLUSION: Guideline concordance with secondary prevention measures among IHD patients remains suboptimal. It is hoped that the findings of this study can serve as an impetus for quality improvement efforts to improve upon secondary prevention measures and reduce the morbidity and mortality of patients with known IHD


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    A maioria dos estudos de sucess\ue3o em florestas secund\ue1rias na Amaz\uf4nia avalia s\uedtios de diferentes idades, que representam uma cronoseq\ufc\ueancia sucessional, em vez de monitorar um \ufanico s\uedtio por v\ue1rios anos pelo invent\ue1rio cont\uednuo. Este estudo comparou a composi\ue7\ue3o e estrutura flor\uedsticas de esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas com di\ue2metro a 1,3 m de altura (DAP) 65 1 cm, em s\uedtios com 4 e 12 anos na Amaz\uf4nia Oriental, e avaliou a mortalidade e o recrutamento em ambos os s\uedtios baseados em dados de invent\ue1rio cont\uednuo durante 4 anos de estudo. As \ue1reas de estudo foram abandonadas ap\uf3s m\ufaltiplos ciclos de uso agr\uedcola de 7 a 10 anos, desde ~1940. Ambos os s\uedtios s\ue3o dominados pelas esp\ue9cies arb\uf3reas Lacistema pubescens e Vismia guianensis , com densidade de indiv\uedduos, di\ue2metro, altura, \ue1rea basal e riqueza de esp\ue9cies significativamente maiores no s\uedtio de 12 anos. A densidade de indiv\uedduos, ao longo do tempo, foi crescente no s\uedtio de 4 anos e decrescente no de 12 anos; o di\ue2metro, a altura e a \ue1rea basal aumentaram nos dois s\uedtios. No s\uedtio de 4 anos, foi constatada uma taxa de recrutamento l\uedquido crescente entre 2000-2001 e 2001-2002, que diminuiu entre 2002-2003, indicando redu\ue7\ue3o gradual na coloniza\ue7\ue3o. No s\uedtio de 12 anos, foi observada alta mortalidade l\uedquida (13 e 11%), sobretudo nas duas primeiras avalia\ue7\uf5es, indicando o processo de autodesbaste. A combina\ue7\ue3o dos m\ue9todos de cronoseq\ufc\ueancia e invent\ue1rio cont\uednuo aumenta substancialmente o entendimento do desenvolvimento sucessional.Most published studies of secondary forest succession in the Amazon examine stands of different ages that represent a successional chronosequence, rather than monitoring a single stand over the long-term. This study compares floristic composition and structure of tree species with diameter at 1.3 m height (DBH) 65 1 cm in a 4-year-old and a 12-year-old re-growth stand in the Eastern Amazon, and examines mortality and recruitment occurring within both stands based on repeated sampling carried out annually for four years. The study areas were abandoned after multiple agricultural cicles that lasted 7 to 10 years, beginning in ~1940. Both stands are largely dominated by the same tree species Lacistema pubescens and Vismia guianensis , with significantly higher stem density, diameter, height, basal area and species richness in the 12-year-old stand. In the 4-year-old stand there were measured an increase in annual net recruitment during the first two data collection periods but relatively lower net recruitment during the last evaluation period, indicating on-going but gradually weakening colonization. There were registered a high net mortality during the first two data collection periods in the 12-years-old stand with a relatively lower net mortality during the last evaluation indicating rapid self thinning. When used in combination, the chronosequence and the longitudinal approaches significantly strengthen the understanding of successional development
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