1,610 research outputs found

    The Físchlár-News-Stories system: personalised access to an archive of TV news

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    The “Físchlár” systems are a family of tools for capturing, analysis, indexing, browsing, searching and summarisation of digital video information. Físchlár-News-Stories, described in this paper, is one of those systems, and provides access to a growing archive of broadcast TV news. Físchlár-News-Stories has several notable features including the fact that it automatically records TV news and segments a broadcast news program into stories, eliminating advertisements and credits at the start/end of the broadcast. Físchlár-News-Stories supports access to individual stories via calendar lookup, text search through closed captions, automatically-generated links between related stories, and personalised access using a personalisation and recommender system based on collaborative filtering. Access to individual news stories is supported either by browsing keyframes with synchronised closed captions, or by playback of the recorded video. One strength of the Físchlár-News-Stories system is that it is actually used, in practice, daily, to access news. Several aspects of the Físchlár systems have been published before, bit in this paper we give a summary of the Físchlár-News-Stories system in operation by following a scenario in which it is used and also outlining how the underlying system realises the functions it offers

    Exploiting Human Memory B Cell Heterogeneity for Improved Vaccine Efficacy

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    The major goal in vaccination is establishment of long-term, prophylactic humoral memory to a pathogen. Two major components to long-lived humoral memory are plasma cells for the production of specific immunoglobulin and memory B cells that survey for their specific antigen in the periphery for later affinity maturation, proliferation, and differentiation. The study of human B cell memory has been aided by the discovery of a general marker for B cell memory, expression of CD27; however, new data suggests the existence of CD27− memory B cells as well. These recently described non-canonical memory populations have increasingly pointed to the heterogeneity of the memory compartment. The novel B memory subsets in humans appear to have unique origins, localization, and functions compared to what was considered to be a “classical” memory B cell. In this article, we review the known B cell memory subsets, the establishment of B cell memory in vaccination and infection, and how understanding these newly described subsets can inform vaccine design and disease treatment

    Liquid flow measurement using silicone polymer wedge clamp-on ultrasonic transducers

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    Accurate liquid flow measurement is vital to many industries, and the benefits and limitations of ultrasonic transit-time clamp-on measurements are well understood. The ultrasonic transducers used in high quality clamp-on systems tend to be high cost items, containing an ultrasonic wedge of machined polyether ether ketone plastic (PEEK). PEEK is used because of its consistency and favourable ultrasonic properties of relatively low attenuation and consistent ultrasonic wave velocity over a wide range of frequencies. The viability of a new, high performance and low cost design of clamp-on ultrasonic transducers is described, made from a silicone based polymer moulded inside a shell and directly bonded to the active piezoelectric element. In addition to the reduced material and production cost, the new transducers have good thermal stability, consistency, conform well to the surface of the pipe. Tests were performed on a flow rig and on calibration blocks for thermal stability tests, showing that the sensors are of comparable performance to quality devices constructed using PEEK wedges

    Bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) from Yuscarán in Eastern Honduras: Conservation and acoustic characterization for the insectivorous species

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    In Honduras, most bat inventories have been carried out with mist nets as the main sampling method, skewing knowledge towards the Phyllostomidae family, therefore the diversity and distribution of insectivorous bats is underrepresented. In order to have a more complete knowledge of the diversity of bats in the municipality of Yuscarán and mainly in the Yuscarán Biological Reserve, an inventory was carried out using the techniques of mist-netting and acoustic monitoring. The samplings were carried out between 910 and 1,827 m.a.s.l., covering agroecosystems, broadleaf forest, pine forest and urban environment. A total of 32 species of bats were registered, which represents 28% of the species diversity present in Honduras. Species belonging to five families were recorded: Emballonuridae (6.25%), Mormoopidae (15.22%), Phyllostomidae (56.25%), Molossidae (9.37%) and Vespertilionidae (12.5%). With the mist nets, a sampling effort of 7,128 m²/h was reached, which allowed the capture of 20 species and 186 individuals. Through the acoustic method, with 84 h/r, 13 species of insectivorous bats were recorded. The values of the acoustic parameters analysed from the search phase of each insectivorous species are provided, which can serve as a reference for the identification of species from Hondurans. To advance our understanding of the distribution patterns, composition, and vocal signatures of insectivore bats, we suggest the complementary use of mist nets and acoustic recorders in the inventories

    The (Parental) Whole Is Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts: A Multifactorial Model of Parent Factors in Pediatric Chronic Pain

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International LicenseParents play a critical role in children's experience of, and recovery from, chronic pain. Although several parental factors have been linked to child pain and functioning, these factors are typically examined in isolation or as moderators or mediators. Structural equation modeling affords the opportunity to examine the extent to which parental factors are interrelated, and if there are differential associations among parental factors and child outcomes. Based on extant literature, a unified model of parental factors, including chronic pain status, physical functioning, responses to child pain, and psychological factors, and their effect on child pain and functioning, was conceptualized. This model was evaluated using structural equation modeling based on data from 146 dyads recruited from a multidisciplinary pain clinic. Modifications to model iterations were made based on theoretical and statistical justification. The final model revealed associations among all parental factors, with significant loadings on child pain and functioning. Findings indicated the conceptual model was supported, with the exception of parent responses to child pain. Findings support the inclusion of parent chronic pain status and physical and psychological functioning as part of a comprehensive assessment of youth with chronic pain and may inform new parental intervention targets to improve child outcomes

    Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Pad B Catenary Capability Analysis and Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM) Support

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    The existing lightning protection system at Pad 39B for the Space Shuttle is an outgrowth of a system that was put in place for the Apollo Program. Dr. Frank Fisher of Lightning Technologies was a key participant in the design and implementation of that system. He conveyed to the NESC team that the catenary wire provision was put in place quickly (as assurance against possible vehicle damage causing critical launch delays) rather than being implemented as a comprehensive system designed to provide a high degree of guaranteed protection. Also, the technology of lightning protection has evolved over time with considerable work being conducted by groups such as the electric utilities companies, aircraft manufacturers, universities, and others. Several accepted present-day methods for analysis of lightning protection were used by Drs. Medelius and Mata to study the expected lightning environment for the Pad 39B facility and to analyze the degree of protection against direct lightning attachment to the Space Shuttle. The specific physical configuration directly affects the vulnerability, so cases that were considered included the RSS next to and rolled back from the Space Shuttle, and the GOx Vent Arm both extended and withdrawn from the ET. Elements of the lightning protection system at Pad 39B are shown in Figure 6.0-1 and consist of an 80 foot insulating mast on top of the Fixed Support Structure (FSS), a catenary wire system that runs from the mast in a North/South direction to grounds 1000 feet away on each side of the mast, the RSS which can either be next to or away from the Space Shuttle, and a GOx vent that can either be extended or retracted from the top of the ET

    Quantum entanglement between electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom in molecules

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    We consider the quantum entanglement of the electronic and vibrational degrees of freedom in molecules with a tendency towards double welled potentials using model coupled harmonic diabatic potential-energy surfaces. The von Neumann entropy of the reduced density matrix is used to quantify the electron-vibration entanglement for the lowest two vibronic wavefunctions in such a bipartite system. Significant entanglement is found only in the region in which the ground vibronic state contains a density profile that is bimodal (i.e., contains two separate local minima). However, in this region two distinct types of entanglement are found: (1) entanglement that arises purely from the degeneracy of energy levels in the two potential wells and which is destroyed by slight asymmetry, and (2) entanglement that involves strongly interacting states in each well that is relatively insensitive to asymmetry. These two distinct regions are termed fragile degeneracy-induced entanglement and persistent entanglement, respectively. Six classic molecular systems describable by two diabatic states are considered: ammonia, benzene, semibullvalene, pyridine excited triplet states, the Creutz-Taube ion, and the radical cation of the "special pair" of chlorophylls involved in photosynthesis. These chemically diverse systems are all treated using the same general formalism and the nature of the entanglement that they embody is elucidated

    Annual Progress Report, Study of Dynamic Rigidity of Marine Sediments

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    The report is divided into two tasks with each task summary being prepared by the principal investigators of that task. Task 1 includes a study of the dynamic rigidity, acoustic, and other engineering properties of marine sediments. Task 2 covers a study of upper ocean turbulence as related to acoustic measurements. (Author)http://archive.org/details/studyofdynamicri00and

    Sink or swim: Virtual life challenges among African American families during COVID-19 lockdown

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    This study explores African American parents’ experiences with using technology toengage their children in meaningful activities (e.g., e-learning) during COVID-19 and its impact on family health. Eleven African American families were recruited through a local health department program from a rural Midwestern community to participate in semi-structured interviews. The majority of participants reported stresses from feelings of “sink or swim” in a digital world, without supports from schools to effectively provide for their children’s technology needs. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the importance of family-school collaborative engagement and empowerment. Digital technology needs to become part of our school education system so that technology use among African Americans is elevated and families protected against future outbreaks. Further research with a more diverse African American sample is needed

    Sustained Expression with Partial Correction of Neutrophil Defects 5 Years After Intramuscular rAAV1 Gene Therapy for Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

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    Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency is a common monogenic disorder resulting in emphysema, which is currently treated with weekly infusions of protein replacement. We previously reported achieving plasma wild-type (M) AAT concentrations at 2.5-3.8% of the therapeutic level at 1 year after intramuscular (IM) administration of 6×1012vg/kg of a recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 1 (rAAV1)-AAT vector in AAT-deficient patients, with an associated regulatory T cell (Treg) response to AAV1 capsid epitopes in the absence of any exogenous immune suppression. Here, we report sustained expression at greater than 2% of the therapeutic level for 5 years after one-time treatment with rAAV1-AAT in an AAT-deficient patient from that study, with partial correction of neutrophil defects previously reported in AAT-deficient patients. There was also evidence of an active Treg response (FoxP3+, Helios+) and an exhausted cytotoxic T cell response (PD-1+, LAG-3+) to AAV1 capsid. These findings suggest that muscle-based AAT gene replacement is toleragenic and that very stable levels of M AAT may exert beneficial effects at lower concentrations than previously anticipated