43 research outputs found

    GORAB scaffolds COPI at the trans-Golgi for efficient enzyme recycling and correct protein glycosylation

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    COPI is a key mediator of protein trafficking within the secretory pathway. COPI is recruited to the membrane primarily through binding to Arf GTPases, upon which it undergoes assembly to form coated transport intermediates responsible for trafficking numerous proteins, including Golgi-resident enzymes. Here, we identify GORAB, the protein mutated in the skin and bone disorder gerodermia osteodysplastica, as a component of the COPI machinery. GORAB forms stable domains at the trans-Golgi that, via interactions with the COPI-binding protein Scyl1, promote COPI recruitment to these domains. Pathogenic GORAB mutations perturb Scyl1 binding or GORAB assembly into domains, indicating the importance of these interactions. Loss of GORAB causes impairment of COPI-mediated retrieval of trans-Golgi enzymes, resulting in a deficit in glycosylation of secretory cargo proteins. Our results therefore identify GORAB as a COPI scaffolding factor, and support the view that defective protein glycosylation is a major disease mechanism in gerodermia osteodysplastica.Peer reviewe

    Golgi function and dysfunction in the first COG4-deficient CDG type II patient

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    The conserved oligomeric Golgi (COG) complex is a hetero-octameric complex essential for normal glycosylation and intra-Golgi transport. An increasing number of congenital disorder of glycosylation type II (CDG-II) mutations are found in COG subunits indicating its importance in glycosylation. We report a new CDG-II patient harbouring a p.R729W missense mutation in COG4 combined with a submicroscopical deletion. The resulting downregulation of COG4 expression additionally affects expression or stability of other lobe A subunits. Despite this, full complex formation was maintained albeit to a lower extent as shown by glycerol gradient centrifugation. Moreover, our data indicate that subunits are present in a cytosolic pool and full complex formation assists tethering preceding membrane fusion. By extending this study to four other known COG-deficient patients, we now present the first comparative analysis on defects in transport, glycosylation and Golgi ultrastructure in these patients. The observed structural and biochemical abnormalities correlate with the severity of the mutation, with the COG4 mutant being the mildest. All together our results indicate that intact COG complexes are required to maintain Golgi dynamics and its associated functions. According to the current CDG nomenclature, this newly identified deficiency is designated CDG-IIj

    Approches de glycomique appliquées à l'étude des pathologies métaboliques des glycoprotéines

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    Les glycannes des glycoprotéines sont impliqués dans de multiples processus biologiques, tels que l'inflammation, l'immunité, le développement et la reproduction. Ils sont responsables des nombreuses propriétés physicochimiques, immunologiques et biologiques des glycoprotéines. Ils peuvent, de fait, moduler les propriétés pharmacologiques des glycoprotéines recombinantes thérapeutiques. Leur importance a également été démontrée par la sévérité des présentations cliniques et les taux de morbidité / mortalité de CDG. Cependant, la médecine moderne manque cruellement d'outils glycobioanalytiques permettant l'exploration de ces métabolismes, à grand échelle. Les objectifs de notre thèse étaient donc fondés sur la mise au point d'approches et d'outils glycobioanalytiques, basés sur l'utilisation de la spectrométrie de masse appliqués à l'étude de la glycosylation d'une glycoprotéine d'intérêts biologiques, l'a-mannosidase lysosomale (LAMAN), et à l'étude de fluides biologiques d'intérêts, tels que le plasma sanguin et l'urine, qui regorgent de précieux glycobiomarqueurs diagnostiques et/ou pronostiques spécifiques, formés au cours de pathologie congénitales de la biosynthèse (CDG) et du catabolisme (glycoprotéinoses) des glycoprotéines. La première partie de notre travail de thèse a consisté en la caractérisation structurale de la glycosylation de la LAMAN bovine, qui constitue notre modèle d'étude de la LAMAN humaine et de la pathogénése moléculaire de l'a-mannosidose. Nous avons pu déterminer la structure détaillée d'une vingtaine de N-glycannes ainsi que leur positions sur six des huit sites de glycosylation de la LAMAN bovine. Les résultats obtenus constituent un base solide pour l'étude de la glycosylation de la LAMAN humaine recombinante, dédiée à l'évaluation de son efficacité thérapeutique dans le traitement expérimental de l'a-mannosidose. La seconde partie de notre travail de thèse a consisté en la mise au point de méthodologies de glycomique dédiées au profilage et à la caractérisation structurale de glycobiomarqueurs urinaires diagnostiques des glycoprotéinoses. Dans un premier temps, nous décrivons une méthode de profilage complet des oligosaccharides et de glycoasparagines urinaires perméthylés, par MALOI-TOF-MS, reflets du catabolisme Iysosomal de glycoprotéines cellulaires, par la microanalyse de 20 L d'urine de patients. Dans un second temps, appliquée, à l'étude des oligosaccharides urinaires d'un patient atteint d'une ß-mannosidose, nous avons pu identifier et partiellement caractériser neuf nouvelles structures, jamais décrites chez l'homme. Enfin, la dernière partie de notre travail de thèse a consisté en la mise au point d'une approche glycobioanalytique globale permettant d'explorer les processus de g!ycosylation des protéines. Dans cette étude, nous décrivons une méthode de profilage rapide du N- et du O-glycome des glycoprotéines sériques totales par MALOI-TOF-MS, par la microanalyse de 30 L de sérum, permettant la détection et la caractérisation de glycofonnes anormales, formées au cours des CDG. Appliquées au sérum de patients souffrant de CDG-lla et d'une déficience en protéine COG 1, cette stratégie a permis de mettre en évidence et de caractériser de précieux glycobiomarqueurs diagnostiques de ces maladiesGlycoprotein-derived glycans are involved in numerous biological processes , such as inflammation, immunity. development and reproduction. They are responsible for numerrous physicochemical, immunological and biological properties of glycoproteins, and, they can modulate the pharmacological properties of therapeutic recombinant glycoproteins. Their importance has been demonstrated by the severity of the clinical pictures and the high level of morbidity and mortality of patients suffering from congenital disorders of glycosylatlon (COG). Therefore, in the field of clinical chemistry, there is a lack of glycobioanalytica! tools for the exploration of the glycoprotein-derived glycan metabolism. Then, the objectives of our thesis was founded on the development of glycobioanalytical approaches, relied on mass spectrometry, applied to the study of the glycosylation of biologically interesting glycoproteins, such as LAMAN, or biological fluids, such as blood plasma and urine, known to contain numerous specific diagnostic and/or prognostic glycobiomarkers, yielded during congenital defect in the biosynthesis (CDG) and in the catabolism (glycoproteinoses) of glycoprotein-derived glycans. The first step of our thesis consisted in the site-specifie glycosylation analysis of bovine LAMAN, whlch constltutes our model of study of the human enzyme and of the molecular pathogenesis of a-mannosidosis. The detailed structures as well as their distribution within six of eight glycosy!ation:sites were determined. These results constitute a solid basis of work for the site-specific glycosylation analysis of the human recombinant LAMAN, in order to evaluate its therapeutic efficiency in the experimental treatment of a-mannosidosis. The second step of our thesis consisted in the elaboration of mass spectrometry methodologies for the profiling as well as the structural characterization of ths urinary oligosaccharides an glycoasparagmes, as valuable glycoprotemoses-assoclated glycobiomarkers. Applled to the mass profilinïg of urinary oligosaccharides of a patient suffering from ß-mannosidosis, nine new structures, never described in man, were identified and partially characterized. Finally, the last part of our thesis consisted in the elaboration of a global glycobloanalytlcal methodology, enablrng the exploratIon of g/ycosylation prccesses of cellular proteins. ln this study we described a.rapid mass spectrometric strategy for the structural characterization of N- and O-glycan chams ln the dlagnosis of genetlc defects in glycan blosynthesis. Applied to patients suffering from CDG-lla and CDG-llg ,valuable diagnostic glycobiomarkers were identified.LILLE1-Bib. Electronique (590099901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Characterization of N-glycans of recombinant human thyrotropin using mass spectrometry

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    Thyroid-stimulating hormone is a vital component of the regulatory mechanism that maintains the structure and function of the thyroid gland and governs thyroid hormone release. In this paper we report the first detailed structural characterization of the N-linked oligosaccharides of recombinant human thyroid-stimulating hormone (rhTSH). Using a strategy combining mass spectrometric analysis and sequential exoglycosidase digestion, we have defined the structures of the N-glycans released from recombinant human thyrotropin by peptide N-glycosidase F. All glycans are complex-type glycans and are mainly of the bi- and triantennary type with variable degrees of fucosylation and sialylation. The major non-reducing epitope in the complex-type glycans is: NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAc (sialylated LacNAc). The carbohydrate microheterogeneity at the three glycosylation sites was studied using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC), concanavalin A affinity chromatography and mass spectrometric techniques, including both matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) and electrospray. rhTSH was reduced, carboxymethylated and then digested with trypsin. The mixture of peptides and glycopeptides was subjected to RP-HPLC and the structures of the glycopeptides were determined by MALDI in conjunction with on-target exoglycosidase digestions. After PNGase F digestion, the peptide moiety of the glycopeptide was determined by the presence of the b- and y-series ions derived from its amino acid sequence in the quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass (QTOF-MS/MS) spectrum. Glycosylation sites Asn-alpha52 and Asn-alpha78 contain mainly bi- and triantennary complex-type glycans. Only glycosylation site Asn-alpha52 bears fucosylated N-glycans. Minor tetraantennary complex structures were also observed on both glycosylation sites. Profiling of the carbohydrate moieties of Asn-beta23 indicates a large heterogeneity. Bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary N-glycans were present at this site. These data demonstrate site-specificity of glycosylation in the alpha subunit but not in the beta subunit of rhTSH with Asn-alpha52 bearing essentially di- and triantennary glycans with or without core fucosylation and bi- and triantennary glycans with no core fucosylation being attached to Asn-alpha78