18 research outputs found

    The ASE Research Model: A Lightning Talk

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    This PowerPoint describes the Analyze, Search, Evaluate (ASE) model for building a research strategy. This pedagogical model was field tested by Dr. Melissa Gross and Dr. Don Latham in a large, IMLS funded study of Florida college students who were targeted for remedial instruction regarding research skills and information literacy. Using this method at the Portland State University Library in research classes for freshman and international students, I have found the ASE research model to be an engaging way to organize an hour library class so that students learn an efficient and easy way to construct their research strategies

    Facets: Drivers of Discovery

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    This presentation covers how facets can drive user discovery in Primo whether students have library instruction or not. At the Portland State University Library, the new Primo UI was launched August 2016. The design team decided which facets to turn on, their order, and which ones should be open or closed. The pedagogical perspective addressed the student user who does not receive formal library instruction face to face or online. This presentation covers the decision-making process, statistical analysis, and how enhancements informed subsequent changes to the facets

    Facets: Drivers of Discovery

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    This presentation covers how facets can drive user discovery in Primo whether students have library instruction or not. At the Portland State University Library, the new Primo UI was launched August 2016. The design team decided which facets to turn on, their order, and which ones should be open or closed. The pedagogical perspective addressed the student user who does not receive formal library instruction face to face or online. This presentation covers the decision-making process, statistical analysis, and how enhancements informed subsequent changes to the facets

    International Students and the ASE Research Process: A Language Acquisition Approach to Research

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    The ASE research model, Analyze, Search, Evaluate, developed by Don Latham and Melissa Gross with IMLS funding for teaching community college students remedial information literacy and research skills works remarkably well with international students studying English. The ASE research model can be incorporated into LibGuides and used to structure library classroom instruction especially in regards to vocabulary building within the disciplines. In this presentation, I will demonstrate how this process works toward discovering new language. The Intensive English Language Program (IELP) at Portland State University is the oldest English immersion program for higher education in the Pacific Northwest. As the library liaison to this program, I have successfully applied the ASE research model to serve undergraduate and graduate students in this program

    ACRL Instruction Section Website: Primo Bonus Site of the Month

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    Interview by Amanda Clossen about the site, Analyze Your Research Strategy Tutorial Project description: Part of a suite of five tutorials developed to provide online research support for freshman just learning academic research skills, as well as sophomore and junior transfer students who might need remedial instruction about the research process and academic library services. This 25-minute tutorial helps students identify a paper topic that is not too narrow or too broad, select evidence that will answer their research question, and brainstorm keywords to find pertinent resources

    How the Dark Horse Came in: Portland State University Library Acquires Dark Horse Comics Archive

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    The article reports on the acquisition made by the Portland State University (PSU) on the archives of Dark Horse Comics Inc. The acquisition is done after PSU alumnus and founder of Dark Horse Comics Mark Richardson donated multiple copies of the past issues of their publication and succeeding copies of the publication. The donation is also for the purpose of preserving the publication in the university library. The donated publication is also expected to be used by researchers as a destination resource in popular culture, gender studies, and sequential art. Donating copies to the library, Richardson also expects to create an ideal atmosphere for creative professionals as well as a sense of ownership for Dark Horse creators

    The ASE Research Model: A Lightning Talk

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    This PowerPoint describes the Analyze, Search, Evaluate (ASE) model for building a research strategy. This pedagogical model was field tested by Dr. Melissa Gross and Dr. Don Latham in a large, IMLS funded study of Florida college students who were targeted for remedial instruction regarding research skills and information literacy. Using this method at the Portland State University Library in research classes for freshman and international students, I have found the ASE research model to be an engaging way to organize an hour library class so that students learn an efficient and easy way to construct their research strategies

    Research Models, Primo [PSU Library Catalog], and the First Year Experience

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    Research can be daunting for freshman who are challenged to gather scholarly information beyond Google for their research projects. Applying and blending two research models, ASE (Analyze, Search, Evaluate) with BEAM (Background, Exhibit, Argument, and Method), students can think critically about their topics and strategically search PRIMO for relevant results. This approach addresses several ACRL Framework threshold concepts, especially research as strategic exploration and scholarship as conversation. In this presentation, I will show how effective Primo can be for first year experience students especially in regards to discovering keywords, understanding and organizing citations, finding relevant scholarly resources, and discovering other pertinent, authoritative resources

    Research Models, Primo, & the First Year Experience

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    Research can be daunting for freshman who are challenged to gather scholarly information beyond Google for their research projects. Applying and blending two research models, ASE (Analyze, Search, Evaluate) with BEAM (Background, Exhibit, Argument, and Method), students can think critically about their topics and strategically search PRIMO for relevant results. This approach addresses several ACRL Framework threshold concepts, especially research as strategic exploration and scholarship as conversation. In this presentation, I will show how effective Primo can be for first year experience students especially in regards to discovering keywords, understanding and organizing citations, finding relevant scholarly resources, and discovering other pertinent, authoritative resources

    Three Paths to Scholarly Articles

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    Participants will gain a better understanding of how to introduce students to scholarly, peer-reviewed articles. Participants will actively engage in searching in order to face some of the pitfalls and highlights of the research experience