2,221 research outputs found

    Stability of Negative Image Equilibria in Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity

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    We investigate the stability of negative image equilibria in mean synaptic weight dynamics governed by spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP). The neural architecture of the model is based on the electrosensory lateral line lobe (ELL) of mormyrid electric fish, which forms a negative image of the reafferent signal from the fish's own electric discharge to optimize detection of external electric fields. We derive a necessary and sufficient condition for stability, for arbitrary postsynaptic potential functions and arbitrary learning rules. We then apply the general result to several examples of biological interest.Comment: 13 pages, revtex4; uses packages: graphicx, subfigure; 9 figures, 16 subfigure

    Superconducting properties of RuSr2GdCu2O8 studied by SQUID magnetometry

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    For polycrystalline RuSr2GdCu2O8 (Ru-1212), distinct peaks have been reported in d.c. magnetization in the superconducting state of the sample. Sr2GdRuO6 (Sr-2116), the precursor for the preparation of Ru-1212, shows similar peaks in the same temperature regime. Based on measurements performed on both bulk and powdered samples of Ru-1212 and Sr-2116, we exclude the possibility, that the observed behavior of the magnetization of Ru-1212 is due to Sr-2116 impurities. The effect is related to the superconductivity of Ru-1212, but it is not an intrinsic property of this compound. We provide evidence that the observation of magnetization peaks in the superconducting state of Ru-1212 is due to flux motion generated by the movement of the sample in an inhomogeneous field, during the measurement in the SQUID magnetometer. We propose several tests, that help to decide, whether the features observed in a SQUID magnetization measurement of Ru-1212 represent a property of the compound or not.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    Baryon resonances from a novel fat-link fermion action

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    We present first results for masses of positive and negative parity excited baryons in lattice QCD using an O(a^2) improved gluon action and a Fat Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators are constructed with fat links. The results are in agreement with earlier calculations of N^* resonances using improved actions and exhibit a clear mass splitting between the nucleon and its chiral partner, even for the Wilson fermion action. The results also indicate a splitting between the lowest J^P = 1/2^- states for the two standard nucleon interpolating fields.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, talk given by W.Melnitchouk at LHP 2001 workshop, Cairns, Australi

    Methods for the recognition of geological weakness zones and other surface discontinuities caused by underground mining in Carboniferous terrain

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    Since March 1992 the British Geological Survey (BGS) has collaborated in a CEC part-funded project under the leadership of Dr Clasen of Saarberg, Saarbrueken, Germany. The aim of this project was to determine the most efficient combination of surface geophysical techniques to be used in combination with airborne optical scanning data for the routine detection of shallow faults. Such features, when reactivated following undermining, may become the locii of damaging subsidence, but where they can be traced in advance of mining operations then remedial measures (such as underpinning etc) may be undertaken. This final report outlines the geophysical methods applied and describes our most significant results. Conclusions are drawn concerning the relative efficiencies of each technique and possible complementary applications

    Novel fat-link fermion actions

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    The hadron mass spectrum is calculated in lattice QCD using a novel fat-link clover fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators of the fermion action are constructed using smeared links. The simulations are performed on a 16^3 X 32 lattice with a lattice spacing of a=0.125 fm. We compare actions with n=4 and 12 smearing sweeps with a smearing fraction of 0.7. The n=4 Fat Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) action provides scaling which is superior to mean-field improvement, and offers advantages over nonperturbative O(a) improvement.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, talk given by J.Zanotti at LHP 2001 workshop, Cairns, Australi

    The Dynamic Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion Test (DISST) - a novel measure of insulin sensitivity

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    Objective: To validate the methodology for the Dynamic Insulin Sensitivity and Secretion Test (DISST) and to demonstrate its potential in clinical and research settings. Methods: 123 men and women had routine clinical and biochemical measurements, an oral glucose tolerance test and a DISST. For the DISST, participants were cannulated for blood sampling and bolus administration. Blood samples were drawn at t=0, 10, 15, 25 and 35 minutes for measurement of glucose, insulin and C-peptide. A 10g bolus of intravenous glucose at t=5 minutes and 1U of intravenous insulin immediately after the t=15 minute sample were given. Fifty participants also had a hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp. Relationships between DISST insulin sensitivity (SI) and the clamp, and both DISST SI and secretion and other metabolic variables were measured. Results: A Bland-Altman plot showed little bias in the comparison of DISST with the clamp; with DISST underestimating the glucose clamp by 0.1·10-2·mg·l·kg-1·min-1·pmol-1 (90%CI -0.2 to 0). The correlation between SI as measured by DISST and the clamp was 0.82, the c unit for the ROC analysis for the two tests was 0.96. Metabolic variables showed significant correlations with DISST IS, and the second phase of insulin release. DISST also appears able to distinguish different insulin secretion patterns in individuals with identical SI values. Conclusions: DISST is a simple, dynamic test that compares favourably with the clamp in assessing SI and allows simultaneous assessment of insulin secretion. DISST has the potential to provide even more information about the pathophysiology of diabetes than more complicated tests

    HadISDH: an updateable land surface specific humidity product for climate monitoring

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    HadISDH is a near-global land surface specific humidity monitoring product providing monthly means from 1973 onwards over large-scale grids. Presented herein to 2012, annual updates are anticipated. HadISDH is an update to the land component of HadCRUH, utilising the global high-resolution land surface station product HadISD as a basis. HadISD, in turn, uses an updated version of NOAA's Integrated Surface Database. Intensive automated quality control has been undertaken at the individual observation level, as part of HadISD processing. The data have been subsequently run through the pairwise homogenisation algorithm developed for NCDC's US Historical Climatology Network monthly temperature product. For the first time, uncertainty estimates are provided at the grid-box spatial scale and monthly timescale. HadISDH is in good agreement with existing land surface humidity products in periods of overlap, and with both land air and sea surface temperature estimates. Widespread moistening is shown over the 1973–2012 period. The largest moistening signals are over the tropics with drying over the subtropics, supporting other evidence of an intensified hydrological cycle over recent years. Moistening is detectable with high (95%) confidence over large-scale averages for the globe, Northern Hemisphere and tropics, with trends of 0.089 (0.080 to 0.098) g kg−1 per decade, 0.086 (0.075 to 0.097) g kg−1 per decade and 0.133 (0.119 to 0.148) g kg−1 per decade, respectively. These changes are outside the uncertainty range for the large-scale average which is dominated by the spatial coverage component; station and grid-box sampling uncertainty is essentially negligible on large scales. A very small moistening (0.013 (−0.005 to 0.031) g kg−1 per decade) is found in the Southern Hemisphere, but it is not significantly different from zero and uncertainty is large. When globally averaged, 1998 is the moistest year since monitoring began in 1973, closely followed by 2010, two strong El Niño years. The period in between is relatively flat, concurring with previous findings of decreasing relative humidity over land

    The celebrity entrepreneur on television: profile, politics and power

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    This article examines the rise of the ‘celebrity entrepreneur’ on television through the emergence of the ‘business entertainment format’ and considers the ways in which regular television exposure can be converted into political influence. Within television studies there has been a preoccupation in recent years with how lifestyle and reality formats work to transform ‘ordinary’ people into celebrities. As a result, the contribution of vocationally skilled business professionals to factual entertainment programming has gone almost unnoticed. This article draws on interviews with key media industry professionals and begins by looking at the construction of entrepreneurs as different types of television personalities and how discourses of work, skill and knowledge function in business shows. It then outlines how entrepreneurs can utilize their newly acquired televisual skills to cultivate a wider media profile and secure various forms of political access and influence. Integral to this is the centrality of public relations and media management agencies in shaping media discourses and developing the individual as a ‘brand identity’ that can be used to endorse a range of products or ideas. This has led to policy makers and politicians attempting to mobilize the media profile of celebrity entrepreneurs to reach out and connect with the public on business and enterprise-related issues
