2,727 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of human kidney stone formation

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    The precise mechanisms of kidney stone formation and growth are not completely known, even though human stone disease appears to be one of the oldest diseases known to medicine. With the advent of the new digital endoscope and detailed renal physiological studies performed on well phenotyped stone formers, substantial advances have been made in our knowledge of the pathogenesis of the most common type of stone former, the idiopathic calcium oxalate stone former as well as nine other stone forming groups. The observations from our group on human stone formers and those of others on model systems have suggested four entirely different pathways for kidney stone formation. Calcium oxalate stone growth over sites of Randall's plaque appear to be the primary mode of stone formation for those patients with hypercalciuria. Overgrowths off the ends of Bellini duct plugs have been noted in most stone phenotypes, do they result in a clinical stone? Micro-lith formation does occur within the lumens of dilated inner medullary collecting ducts of cystinuric stone formers and appear to be confined to this space. Lastly, cystinuric stone formers also have numerous small, oval, smooth yellow appearing calyceal stones suggestive of formation in free solution. The scientific basis for each of these four modes of stone formation are reviewed and used to explore novel research opportunities

    Micro-CT imaging of Randall's plaques

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    Micro-computed tomographic imaging (micro-CT) provides unprecedented information on stone structure and mineral composition. High-resolution micro-CT even allows visualization of the lumens of tubule and/or vessels within Randall's plaque, on stones or in papillary biopsies, thus giving a non-destructive way to study these sites of stone adhesion. This paper also shows an example of a stone growing on a different anchoring mechanism: a mineral plug within the lumen of a Bellini duct (BD plug). Micro-CT shows striking structural differences between stones that have grown on Randall's plaque and those that have grown on BD plugs. Thus, Randall's plaque can be distinguished by micro-CT, and this non-destructive method shows great promise in helping to elucidate the different mechanisms by which small stones are retained in the kidney during the development of nephrolithiasis

    Integration and utilization of modern technologies in nephrolithiasis research

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    Nephrolithiasis, or stones, is one of the oldest urological diseases, with descriptions and treatment strategies dating back to ancient times. Despite the enormous number of patients affected by stones, a surprising lack of conceptual understanding of many aspects of this disease still exists. This lack of understanding includes mechanisms of stone formation and retention, the clinical relevance of different stone compositions and that of formation patterns and associated pathological features to the overall course of the condition. Fortunately, a number of new tools are available to assist in answering such questions. New renal endoscopes enable kidney visualization in much higher definition than was previously possible, while micro-CT imaging is the optimal technique for assessment of stone microstructure and mineral composition in a nondestructive fashion. Together, these tools have the potential to provide novel insights into the aetiology of stone formation that might unlock new prevention and treatment strategies, and enable more effective management of patients with nephrolithiasis

    Label-free proteomic methodology for the analysis of human kidney stone matrix composition.

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    Background: Kidney stone matrix protein composition is an important yet poorly understood aspect of nephrolithiasis. We hypothesized that this proteome is considerably more complex than previous reports have indicated and that comprehensive proteomic profiling of the kidney stone matrix may demonstrate relevant constitutive differences between stones. We have analyzed the matrices of two unique human calcium oxalate stones (CaOx-Ia and CaOx-Id) using a simple but effective chaotropic reducing solution for extraction/solubilization combined with label-free quantitative mass spectrometry to generate a comprehensive profile of their proteomes, including physicochemical and bioinformatic analysis.` Results: We identified and quantified 1,059 unique protein database entries in the two human kidney stone samples, revealing a more complex proteome than previously reported. Protein composition reflects a common range of proteins related to immune response, inflammation, injury, and tissue repair, along with a more diverse set of proteins unique to each stone. Conclusion: The use of a simple chaotropic reducing solution and moderate sonication for extraction and solubilization of kidney stone powders combined with label-free quantitative mass spectrometry has yielded the most comprehensive list to date of the proteins that constitute the human kidney stone proteome. Electronic supplementary material: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12953-016-0093-x) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Elevated carbon dioxide alters neural signaling and anti-predator behaviors in ocean phase coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)

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    Elevated levels of CO2 have been shown to disrupt numerous neurological sensory systems in marine fish. This is of concern as Pacific salmon rely heavily on an important neurosensory system for survival, the olfactory system. In this study, we investigated the effects of elevated CO2 on a salmon olfactory driven behavior, as well as changes in neural signaling and gene expression within the peripheral and central olfactory system. Juvenile coho salmon were exposed to three different levels of CO2 for two weeks. These included a current CO2 level with a pH of 7.8, a medium CO2 level with a pH of 7.5, and a high CO2 level with a pH of 7.2. Our study found that juvenile coho salmon exposed to increasing levels of CO2 ceased avoiding an alarm odor compared to the controls. Furthermore, exposure to the high level of CO2 did not alter odorant induced signaling in the olfactory rosettes but did induce significant changes in signaling within the olfactory bulbs. RNA-seq analysis revealed significant changes in expression of genes involved in neuronal signaling and signal modulation within the olfactory bulbs from coho exposed to the high CO2 level compared to control coho. Our results indicate that coho salmon exposed to elevated CO2 can experience significant behavioral impairments that are potentially driven by alteration in higher-order neural signal processing within the olfactory bulbs. Supported by Washington Sea Grant, the Washington Ocean Acidification Center, and NIEHS Superfund ES-004696

    Contrasting histopathology and crystal deposits in kidneys of idiopathic stone formers who produce hydroxy apatite, brushite, or calcium oxalate stones

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    Our previous work has shown that stone formers who form calcium phosphate (CaP) stones that contain any brushite (BRSF) have a distinctive renal histopathology and surgical anatomy when compared with idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers (ICSF). Here we report on another group of idiopathic CaP stone formers, those forming stone containing primarily hydroxyapatite, in order to clarify in what ways their pathology differs from BRSF and ICSF. Eleven hydroxyapatite stone formers (HASF) (2 males, 9 females) were studied using intra-operative digital photography and biopsy of papillary and cortical regions to measure tissue changes associated with stone formation. Our main finding is that HASF and BRSF differ significantly from each other and that both differ greatly from ICSF. Both BRSF and ICSF patients have significant levels of Randall's plaque compared with HASF. Intra-tubular deposit number is greater in HASF than BRSF and nonexistent in ICSF while deposit size is smaller in HASF than BRSF. Cortical pathology is distinctly greater in BRSF than HASF. Four attached stones were observed in HASF, three in 25 BRSF and 5-10 per ICSF patient. HASF and BRSF differ clinically in that both have higher average urine pH, supersaturation of CaP, and calcium excretion than ICSF. Our work suggests that HASF and BRSF are two distinct and separate diseases and both differ greatly from ICSF

    Genetic cartography of longevity in humans and mice: Current landscape and horizons.

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    Aging is a complex and highly variable process. Heritability of longevity among humans and other species is low, and this finding has given rise to the idea that it may be futile to search for DNA variants that modulate aging. We argue that the problem in mapping longevity genes is mainly one of low power and the genetic and environmental complexity of aging. In this review we highlight progress made in mapping genes and molecular networks associated with longevity, paying special attention to work in mice and humans. We summarize 40years of linkage studies using murine cohorts and 15years of studies in human populations that have exploited candidate gene and genome-wide association methods. A small but growing number of gene variants contribute to known longevity mechanisms, but a much larger set have unknown functions. We outline these and other challenges and suggest some possible solutions, including more intense collaboration between research communities that use model organisms and human cohorts. Once hundreds of gene variants have been linked to differences in longevity in mammals, it will become feasible to systematically explore gene-by-environmental interactions, dissect mechanisms with more assurance, and evaluate the roles of epistasis and epigenetics in aging. A deeper understanding of complex networks-genetic, cellular, physiological, and social-should position us well to improve healthspan

    Biopsy proven medullary sponge kidney: clinical findings, histopathology, and role of osteogenesis in stone and plaque formation

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    Medullary sponge kidney (MSK) is associated with recurrent stone formation, but the clinical phenotype is unclear because patients with other disorders may be incorrectly labeled MSK. We studied 12 patients with histologic findings pathognomonic of MSK. All patients had an endoscopically recognizable pattern of papillary malformation, which may be segmental or diffuse. Affected papillae are enlarged and billowy, due to markedly enlarged inner medullary collecting ducts (IMCD), which contain small, mobile ductal stones. Patients had frequent dilation of Bellini ducts, with occasional mineral plugs. Stones may form over white (Randall's) plaque, but most renal pelvic stones are not attached, and have a similar morphology as ductal stones, which are a mixture of calcium oxalate and apatite. Patients had no abnormalities of urinary acidification or acid excretion; the most frequent metabolic abnormality was idiopathic hypercalciuria. Although both Runx2 and Osterix are expressed in papillae of MSK patients, no mineral deposition was seen at the sites of gene expression, arguing against a role of these genes in this process. Similar studies in idiopathic calcium stone formers showed no expression of these genes at sites of Randall's plaque. The most likely mechanism for stone formation in MSK appears to be crystallization due to urinary stasis in dilated IMCD with subsequent passage of ductal stones into the renal pelvis where they may serve as nuclei for stone formation

    A Proposed Grading System to Standardize the Description of Renal Papillary Appearance at the Time of Endoscopy in Patients with Nephrolithiasis

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The appearance of the renal papillae in patients with nephrolithiasis can be quite variable and can range from entirely healthy to markedly diseased. The implications of such findings remain unknown. One potential reason is the lack of a standardized system to describe such features. We propose a novel grading scale to describe papillary appearance at the time of renal endoscopy. METHODS: Comprehensive endoscopic renal assessment and mapping were performed on more than 300 patients with nephrolithiasis. Recurring abnormal papillary characteristics were identified and quantified based on degree of severity. RESULTS: Four unique papillary features were chosen for inclusion in the PPLA scoring system- ductal Plugging, Pitting, Loss of contour, and Amount of Randall's plaque. Unique scores are calculated for individual papillae based on reference examples. CONCLUSIONS: The description and study of renal papillary appearance in stone formers have considerable potential as both a clinical and research tool; however, a standardized grading system is necessary before using it for these purpos

    Papillary Ductal Plugging Is a Mechanism for Early Stone Retention in Brushite Stone Disease

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    Purpose Mechanisms of early stone retention in the kidney are under studied and poorly understood. To date attachment via Randall plaque is the only widely accepted theory in this regard, which is best described in idiopathic calcium oxalate stone formers. Brushite stone formers are known to have distinct papillary morphology relative to calcium oxalate stone formers. As such we sought to determine whether stone attachment mechanisms in such patients may be similarly unique. Materials and Methods Patients undergoing percutaneous and or ureteroscopic procedures for stone removal consented to endoscopic renal papillary examination and individual stone collection. Each removed stone was processed using micro computerized tomography to assess the 3-dimensional microstructure and the minerals contained, and search for common structural features indicative of novel mechanisms of early growth and attachment to renal tissue. Results A total of 25 intact brushite stones were removed from 8 patients and analyzed. Video confirmed attachment of 13 of the 25 stones with the remainder believed to have been accidently dislodged during the procedure. Microscopic examination by light and computerized tomography failed to show evidence of Randall plaque associated with any stone containing brushite. Conversely each brushite stone demonstrated microstructural evidence of having grown attached to a ductal plug formed of apatite. Conclusions Three-dimensional analysis of small brushite stones suggests overgrowth on ductal apatite plugs as a mechanism of early stone growth and retention. Such findings represent what is to our knowledge the initial supporting evidence for a novel mechanism of stone formation which has previously been hypothesized but never verified
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