9,457 research outputs found

    Two new genera and three new species of leeches (Hirudinida:Piscicolidae) from New Zealand marine fishes

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    The marine leech fauna of New Zealand is poorly known and based primarily on studies by Richardson in the 1950s. Three new species have recently been discovered. Dollfusobdella kaikourae n. gen.. n. sp. is described from Kaikoura, New Zealand parasitising pectoral fins of Scorpaena cardinalis, and thornfish, Bovichtus variegatus. It is characterised by a cylindrical body widest at the posterior portion Of the urosome and tapering, gradually to the oral sucker: the total length is not known to exceed 10 mm. The urosome segments are 3-annulate. each with large tubercles dorsally and smaller tubercles ventrally, but lacking Pulsatile vesicles. The reproductive system has five pairs of testisacs and a small bursa. Leporinabdella digglesi n. gen.. n. sp. is described from Manukau Harbour. Auckland, from the body and Mouth of yellowbelly flounder, Rhombosolea leporina. It is characterised by a wide. flat body not known to exceed 10 mm total length and a large caudal sucker. urosome segments are 3-annulate with lateral conical tubercles on each annulus, but lacking Pulsatile vesicles. The reproductive system has five pairs of testisacs and a large bursa. Pontobdella novaezaelandiae n. sp. is described from a single specimen collected near Wellington. It is characterised by a large oral sucker without a fringe and lacking papillae, a moderate-size caudal sucker. and four annuli per segment with large tubercles on the first three annuli

    A Cross-Sectional Survey of the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Antimicrobial Users and Providers in an Area of High-Density Livestock-Human Population in Western Kenya

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    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is one of the most important global health crises in recent times and is driven primarily by antimicrobial consumption. In East Africa, there is a paucity of data regarding the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to antimicrobial use (AMU). We investigate the ways in which antimicrobial users in the veterinary sector accessed veterinary antimicrobials, and common behaviors of veterinary antimicrobial users and prescribers associated with AMU and AMR. // Methods: In total, 70 farmers, staff at 49 agricultural-veterinary antimicrobial shops (agrovet staff) and 28 veterinary animal healthcare workers or veterinary surgeons (veterinary professionals) were interviewed in Busia county, western Kenya in 2016 using a standard questionnaire as a framework for structured interviews. Data recorded included participant demographics, level of education, access to and sources of veterinary antimicrobials, prescribing patterns, and knowledge of AMR and antimicrobial withdrawal periods. // Results: The majority of antimicrobials were accessed through informal means, purchased from agroveterinary shops; more than half of staff did not hold nationally mandated qualifications to advise on or sell veterinary antimicrobials. Approximately 40% of veterinary antimicrobials were sold without a prescription and it was noted that both price and customer preference were important factors when selling antimicrobials in almost all agrovet shops. Knowledge of the dangers associated with AMR and AMU were mostly superficial. Treatment failure occurred often, and there was a lack of differentiation between AMR and simply treatment failure. // Conclusion: In this study area in East Africa with high-density human and livestock populations, AMU was primarily for maintenance of livestock health. These findings have highlighted several aspects surrounding inappropriate access to antimicrobials, and as such require attention from policy makers concerned with AMR in both livestock and human medicine sectors. Improving prescribing practices and ensuring a minimum level of general education and awareness of prescribers, as well as expanding the role of agrovet staff in antimicrobial stewardship programmes, may help begin to mitigate the maintenance and transmission of AMR, particularly amongst livestock

    Membrane receptors of mouse leukocytes. II. Sequential expression of membrane receptors and phagocytic capacity during leukocyte differentiation

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    Analysis of four mature cell markers on mouse bone marrow leukocytes grown in vitro, demonstrated a distinct sequence of marker appearance during the terminal phases of granulocytic cell differentiation. A similar pattern of marker expression was also suggested by analysis of mature neutrophils and macrophages isolated from normal tissues. Among cultured neutrophils, receptors for the Fc portion of IgG (FcR) were first expressed on myelocytes and metamyelocytes, and then subsequently on more mature cells. Morphologically mature colony neutrophils (polymorphs) from agar cultures contained only FcR and complement receptor type two (CR(2)) (C3d receptor), and lacked both complement receptor type one (CR(1)) (C3b receptor) and the capacity to ingest latex, bacteria, or iron particles. Neutrophils from 2 and 3 wk liquid media cultures of marrow cells differed from agar grown neutrophils in that they had phagocytic capacity (particle ingestion) [Pi] in addition to FcR and CR(2). Furthermore, in the 4th and 5th wk of these continuous liquid cultures, CR(1) was also expressed, completing the surface marker profile of normal blood neutrophils. Based on these studies, the following order of appearance of these four markers on cells from the myelocytic series was proposed: FcR {arrow} FcR CR(2) {arrow} FcR CR(2) Pi {arrow} FcR CR(2) Pi CR(1). Differential studies of tissue leukocytes containing these same markers revealed that a heterogeneity existed among morphologically mature neutrophils. Even though 95 percent of blood polymorphs contained all four markers, the same was true of only half of spleen polymorphs and only 20 percent of bone marrow polymorphs. Cells of the monocyte-macrophage series were studies in parallel with neutrophils. Cultured marrow monocytes acquired the four mature cell markers so rapidly that the order of receptor appearance could not be determined. However, it was found that CR2 was lost during the terminal phase of monocyte maturation into activated macrophages

    Experimental Tests of General Relativity

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    Einstein's general theory of relativity is the standard theory of gravity, especially where the needs of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology and fundamental physics are concerned. As such, this theory is used for many practical purposes involving spacecraft navigation, geodesy, and time transfer. Here I review the foundations of general relativity, discuss recent progress in the tests of relativistic gravity in the solar system, and present motivations for the new generation of high-accuracy gravitational experiments. I discuss the advances in our understanding of fundamental physics that are anticipated in the near future and evaluate the discovery potential of the recently proposed gravitational experiments.Comment: revtex4, 30 pages, 10 figure

    The International Mass Loading Service

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    The International Mass Loading Service computes four loadings: a) atmospheric pressure loading; b) land water storage loading; c) oceanic tidal loading; and d) non-tidal oceanic loading. The service provides to users the mass loading time series in three forms: 1) pre-computed time series for a list of 849 space geodesy stations; 2) pre-computed time series on the global 1deg x 1deg grid; and 3) on-demand Internet service for a list of stations and a time range specified by the user. The loading displacements are provided for the time period from 1979.01.01 through present, updated on an hourly basis, and have latencies 8-20 hours.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the Reference Frames for Applications in Geosciences Simposium, held in Luxemboug in October 201

    Patients’ experiences of lupus related foot problems : a qualitative investigation

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    Background: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can present with a variety of symptoms. Previous research has shown there is a high prevalence of lower limb and foot problems in patients with SLE associated with the musculoskeletal, vascular and neurological changes. Furthermore, there is a high prevalence of infections affecting the feet and a range of common skin and nail problems. However, it is not known how these foot problems impact upon people’s lives. Therefore, we aimed to explore this using a qualitative approach. Method: Following ethical approval, 12 participants were recruited who had a diagnosis of SLE, current and/or past experience of foot problems and were over 18 years in age. Following consent, interviews were carried out with an interpretivist phenomenological approach to both data collection and analysis. Results: Seven themes provide insight into: foot problems and symptoms; the impact of these foot problems and symptoms on activities; disclosure and diagnosis of foot problems; treatment of foot problems and symptoms; perceived barriers to professional foot care; unanswered questions about feet and foot care; and identification of the need for professional foot care and foot care advice. Conclusion: These participants tend to “self-treat” rather than disclose that they may need professional foot care. A lack of focus upon foot health within a medical consultation is attributed to the participant’s belief that it is not within the doctor’s role, even though it is noted to contribute to reduced daily activity. There is a need for feet to be included as a part of patient monitoring and for foot health management to be made accessible for people with SLE

    Innovative development of the inspired sinewave device to measure lung functions and inhomogeneity for diagnosis and evaluations of early lung diseases

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    Surprisingly, lung disease is still one of the leading causes of deaths in the developed countries, including UK. According to the UK National Health Service (NHS), Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the fifth biggest killer disease in the UK, killing approximately 25,000 people a year. This prob-lem is even worse in developing countries such as Vietnam, India and China, where air pollution is a big problem and the disease awareness is under-recognised. The NHS has set out one of its challenges is to identify people with lung disease earlier in the disease’s development pathway, in order to pro-vide more effective and timely intervention and treatment. This paper presents a novel Inspired Sinewave Device (ISD) to measure lung function and inhomogeneity. Both set of infor-mation are important for diagnosis and detection of early lung diseases. ISD has the potential to replace or supplement the traditional spirometry in the routine lung function testing. The paper describes both the principle of ISD and a set of experi-mental results demonstrating the capability of ISD to asymp-totically detect asthmatic symptoms. Finally the paper discuss-es the future plan, including the testing of 300+ COPD patients at the Oxford Respiratory Trials Unit in UK, and the potential collaborations among research institutions in Vietnam and UK about cost-effective and innovative developments of smart devices, biosensors, lab-on-chips and telehealth solutions for the routine lung function testing, diagnosis and evaluations of early lung diseases

    Joint association analysis of bivariate quantitative and qualitative traits

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    Univariate genome-wide association analysis of quantitative and qualitative traits has been investigated extensively in the literature. In the presence of correlated phenotypes, it is more intuitive to analyze all phenotypes simultaneously. We describe an efficient likelihood-based approach for the joint association analysis of quantitative and qualitative traits in unrelated individuals. We assume a probit model for the qualitative trait, under which an unobserved latent variable and a prespecified threshold determine the value of the qualitative trait. To jointly model the quantitative and qualitative traits, we assume that the quantitative trait and the latent variable follow a bivariate normal distribution. The latent variable is allowed to be correlated with the quantitative phenotype. Simultaneous modeling of the quantitative and qualitative traits allows us to make more precise inference on the pleiotropic genetic effects. We derive likelihood ratio tests for the testing of genetic effects. An application to the Genetic Analysis Workshop 17 data is provided. The new method yields reasonable power and meaningful results for the joint association analysis of the quantitative trait Q1 and the qualitative trait disease status at SNPs with not too small MAF
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