2,802 research outputs found

    Constraints on short, hard gamma-ray burst beaming angles from gravitational wave observations

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    The first detection of a binary neutron star merger, GW170817, and an associated short gamma-ray burst confirmed that neutron star mergers are responsible for at least some of these bursts. The prompt gamma-ray emission from these events is thought to be highly relativistically beamed. We present a method for inferring limits on the extent of this beaming by comparing the number of short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) observed electromagnetically with the number of neutron star binary mergers detected in gravitational waves. We demonstrate that an observing run comparable to the expected Advanced LIGO (aLIGO) 2016–2017 run would be capable of placing limits on the beaming angle of approximately \theta \in (2\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 88,14\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 15), given one binary neutron star detection, under the assumption that all mergers produce a gamma-ray burst, and that SGRBs occur at an illustrative rate of Rgrb=10 Gpc−3 yr−1{{ \mathcal R }}_{\mathrm{grb}}=10\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}. We anticipate that after a year of observations with aLIGO at design sensitivity in 2020, these constraints will improve to \theta \in (8\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 10,14\buildrel{\circ}\over{.} 95), under the same efficiency and SGRB rate assumptions

    Flt-3 Ligand And Androgen Withdrawal Enhance Immune Reconstitution After HSCT

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    Optimization of superstructured fiber bragg gratings for microwave photonic filters response

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    The microwave photonic responses of superstructured fiber Bragg gratings in combination with dispersive fiber are investigated theoretically and experimentally. The superstructured gratings are optimized, taking account of the spectral response of the broad-band source, Erbium-doped fiber amplifier, and optical tunable filter to achieve a filter response with sidelobe suppression of more than 60 dB. © 2004 IEEE

    Direct real-time cavity mode assessment and optimization technique for fiber lasers

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    A simple technique for direct real-time assessment of a fiber laser cavity-mode condition during operation is demonstrated. Mode stabilization and optimization with this cavity-mode monitoring and conditioning feedback scheme shows significant improvements to the output performance

    On Convergence Properties of Shannon Entropy

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    Convergence properties of Shannon Entropy are studied. In the differential setting, it is shown that weak convergence of probability measures, or convergence in distribution, is not enough for convergence of the associated differential entropies. A general result for the desired differential entropy convergence is provided, taking into account both compactly and uncompactly supported densities. Convergence of differential entropy is also characterized in terms of the Kullback-Liebler discriminant for densities with fairly general supports, and it is shown that convergence in variation of probability measures guarantees such convergence under an appropriate boundedness condition on the densities involved. Results for the discrete setting are also provided, allowing for infinitely supported probability measures, by taking advantage of the equivalence between weak convergence and convergence in variation in this setting.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Mask-less lithography for fabrication of optical waveguides

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    A flexible method for fabricating shallow optical waveguides by using femtosecond laser writing of patterns on a metal coated glass substrate followed by ion-exchange is described. This overcomes the drawbacks of low index contrast and high induced stress in waveguides directly written using low-repetition rate ultrafast laser systems. When compared to conventional lithography, the technique is simpler and has advantages in terms of flexibility in the types of structures which can be fabricated

    A new method for microwave generation and data transmission using DFB laser based on fiber bragg gratings

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    A novel architecture for microwave/millimeter-wave signal generation and data modulation using a fiber-grating-based distributed feedback laser has been proposed in this letter. For demonstration, a 155.52-Mb/s data stream on a 16.9-GHz subcarrier has been transmitted and recovered successfully. It has been proved that this technology would be of benefit to future microwave data transmission systems. © 2006 IEEE

    The meaning of maxima and minima in first order reversal curves: Determining the interaction between species in a sample

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    First-order reversal curves (FORCs) are a characterization technique for magnetic materials used in a wide range of research fields. Since their first application in the Earth Sciences two decades ago, their importance in science has been continuously growing and new experimental techniques have been subsequently designed based on the original idea of FORCs. Nonetheless, very recent experimental works on very well designed and simple magnetic structures demonstrate that even for the most simple cases the interpretation of FORC data lacks understanding. In this work, we address this problem analytically, explaining the meaning of maxima, minima and noisy tails and set a strategy to extract the interaction field between magnetic structures. The origin of this interaction field is often the magnetostatic energy, however, we propose that this strategy could be applied for estimating exchange interactions too

    Optical autocorrelator that uses a surface-emitting second-harmonic generator on (211)B GaAs

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    An optical autocorrelator grown on a (211)B GaAs substrate that uses visible surface-emitted second-harmonic generation is demonstrated. The (211)B orientation needs TE mode excitation only, thus eliminating the problem of the beating between the TE and TM modes that is required for (100)-grown devices; it also has the advantage of giving higher upconversion efficiency than (111) growth. Values of waveguide loss and the difference in the effective refractive index between the TE(0) and TE(1) modes were also obtained from the autocorrelation experiment

    Mid-Miocene cooling and the extinction of tundra in continental Antarctica

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    A major obstacle in understanding the evolution of Cenozoic climate has been the lack of well dated terrestrial evidence from high-latitude, glaciated regions. Here, we report the discovery of exceptionally well preserved fossils of lacustrine and terrestrial organisms from the McMurdo Dry Valleys sector of the Transantarctic Mountains for which we have established a precise radiometric chronology. The fossils, which include diatoms, palynomorphs, mosses, ostracodes, and insects, represent the last vestige of a tundra community that inhabited the mountains before stepped cooling that first brought a full polar climate to Antarctica. Paleoecological analyses, 40Ar/39Ar analyses of associated ash fall, and climate inferences from glaciological modeling together suggest that mean summer temperatures in the region cooled by at least 8°C between 14.07 ± 0.05 Ma and 13.85 ± 0.03 Ma. These results provide novel constraints for the timing and amplitude of middle-Miocene cooling in Antarctica and reveal the ecological legacy of this global climate transition
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