1,074 research outputs found

    Muon spin rotation/relaxation measurements of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Mg10Ir19B16

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    We have searched for time-reversal symmetry breaking fields in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Mg10_{10}Ir19_{19}B16_{16} via muon spin relaxation in zero applied field, and we measured the temperature dependence of the superfluid density by muon spin rotation in transverse field to investigate the superconducting pairing symmetry in two polycrystalline samples of signficantly different purities. In the high purity sample, we detected no time-reversal symmetry breaking fields greater than 0.05 G. The superfluid density was also found to be exponentially-flat as T\to 0, and so can be fit to a single-gap BCS model. In contrast, the lower purity sample showed an increase in the zero-field μ\muSR relaxation rate below Tc_c corresponding to a characteristic field strength of 0.6 G. While the temperature-dependence of the superfluid density was also found to be consistent with a single-gap BCS model, the magnitude as T\to 0 was found to be much lower for a given applied field than in the case of the high purity sample. These findings suggest that the dominant pairing symmetry in high quality Mg10_{10}Ir19_{19}B16_{16} samples corresponds to the spin-singlet channel, while sample quality drastically affects the superconducting properties of this system.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, revised version resubmitted to PR

    Enhanced neutralising antibody response to bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) induced by DNA vaccination in calves

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    DNA vaccination is effective in inducing potent immunity in mice; however it appears to be less so in large animals. Increasing the dose of DNA plasmid to activate innate immunity has been shown to improve DNA vaccine adaptive immunity. Retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I) is a critical cytoplasmic double-stranded RNA pattern receptor required for innate immune activation in response to viral infection. RIG-I recognise viral RNA and trigger antiviral response, resulting in type I interferon (IFN) and inflammatory cytokine production. In an attempt to enhance the antibody response induced by BVDV DNA in cattle, we expressed BVDV truncated E2 (E2t) and NS3 codon optimised antigens from antibiotic free-plasmid vectors expressing a RIG-I agonist and designated either NTC E2t(co) and NTC NS3(co). To evaluate vaccine efficacy, groups of five BVDV-free calves were intramuscularly injected three times with NTC E2t(co) and NTC NS3(co) vaccine plasmids individually or in combination. Animals vaccinated with our (previously published) conventional DNA vaccines pSecTag/E2 and pTriExNS3 and plasmids expressing RIG-I agonist only presented both the positive and mock-vaccine groups. Our results showed that vaccines coexpressing E2t with a RIG-I agonist induced significantly higher E2 antigen specific antibody response (p < 0.05). Additionally, E2t augmented the immune response to NS3 when the two vaccines were delivered in combination. Despite the lack of complete protection, on challenge day 4/5 calves vaccinated with NTC E2t(co) alone or NTC E2t(co) plus NTC NS3(co) had neutralising antibody titres exceeding 1/240 compared to 1/5 in the mock vaccine control group. Based on our results we conclude that co-expression of a RIG-I agonist with viral antigen could enhance DNA vaccine potency in cattle

    Alternate trait-based leaf respiration schemes evaluated at ecosystem-scale through carbon optimization modeling and canopy property data

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    Leaf maintenance respiration (Rleaf,m) is a major but poorly understood component of the terrestrial carbon cycle (C). Earth systems models (ESMs) use simple sub‐models relating Rleaf,m to leaf traits, applied at canopy scale. Rleaf,m models vary depending on which leaf N traits they incorporate (e.g., mass or area based) and the form of relationship (linear or nonlinear). To simulate vegetation responses to global change, some ESMs include ecological optimization to identify canopy structures that maximize net C accumulation. However, the implications for optimization of using alternate leaf‐scale empirical Rleaf,m models are undetermined. Here we combine alternate well‐known empirical models of Rleaf,m with a process model of canopy photosynthesis. We quantify how net canopy exports of C vary with leaf area index (LAI) and total canopy N (TCN). Using data from tropical and arctic canopies, we show that estimates of canopy Rleaf,m vary widely among the three models. Using an optimization framework, we show that the LAI and TCN values maximizing C export depends strongly on the Rleaf,m model used. No single model could match observed arctic and tropical LAI‐TCN patterns with predictions of optimal LAI‐TCN. We recommend caution in using leaf‐scale empirical models for components of ESMs at canopy‐scale. Rleaf,m models may produce reasonable results for a specified LAI, but, due to their varied representations of Rleaf,mfoliar N sensitivity, are associated with different and potentially unrealistic optimization dynamics at canopy scale. We recommend ESMs to be evaluated using response surfaces of canopy C export in LAI‐TCN space to understand and mitigate these risks

    The Effects of Acute Rauwolscine (α-Yohimbine) Ingestion on Repeated Wingate Sprint Performance in Healthy Males

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    Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology Volume 4: Issue 1, Article 1, 2023. Background: Rauwolscine (RW), also known as α-Yohimbine, is an α-2-adrenergic receptor antagonist which possesses sympathomimetic properties. RW is commercially sold in pre-workout and energy supplements. However, the ergogenic potential of RW has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of acute RW supplementation on repeated sprint performance. Methods: Healthy male participants (n=12) completed 3 × 15-second Wingate anaerobic tests (WAnT) separated by 2 minutes of active recovery. Blood lactate (La) was collected before exercise (Pre) and immediately following exercise (Post). Mean power, peak power, fatigue index, heart rate (HR), and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were taken immediately after each WAnT. Point of application #1: Acute RW supplementation does not result in the enhancement of repeated anaerobic sprint performance. Point of application #2: HR and RPE are not altered during repeated sprints with RW ingestion. Point of application #3: RW ingestion results in higher La levels post-exercise despite no changes in fatigue index

    Metagenomic covariation along densely sampled environmental gradients in the Red Sea

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    Oceanic microbial diversity covaries with physicochemical parameters. Temperature, for example, explains approximately half of global variation in surface taxonomic abundance. It is unknown, however, whether covariation patterns hold over narrower parameter gradients and spatial scales, and extending to mesopelagic depths. We collected and sequenced 45 epipelagic and mesopelagic microbial metagenomes on a meridional transect through the eastern Red Sea. We asked which environmental parameters explain the most variation in relative abundances of taxonomic groups, gene ortholog groups, and pathways—at a spatial scale of <2000 km, along narrow but well-defined latitudinal and depth-dependent gradients. We also asked how microbes are adapted to gradients and extremes in irradiance, temperature, salinity, and nutrients, examining the responses of individual gene ortholog groups to these parameters. Functional and taxonomic metrics were equally well explained (75–79%) by environmental parameters. However, only functional and not taxonomic covariation patterns were conserved when comparing with an intruding water mass with different physicochemical properties. Temperature explained the most variation in each metric, followed by nitrate, chlorophyll, phosphate, and salinity. That nitrate explained more variation than phosphate suggested nitrogen limitation, consistent with low surface N:P ratios. Covariation of gene ortholog groups with environmental parameters revealed patterns of functional adaptation to the challenging Red Sea environment: high irradiance, temperature, salinity, and low nutrients. Nutrient-acquisition gene ortholog groups were anti-correlated with concentrations of their respective nutrient species, recapturing trends previously observed across much larger distances and environmental gradients. This dataset of metagenomic covariation along densely sampled environmental gradients includes online data exploration supplements, serving as a community resource for marine microbial ecology

    Static magnetic order of Sr4_{4}A2_{2}O6_{6}Fe2_{2}As2_{2} (A = Sc and V) revealed by local probes

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    Static magnetic order of quasi two-dimensional FeAs compounds Sr4A2O6-xFe2As2, with A = Sc and V, has been detected by 57Fe Moessbauer and muon spin relaxation ({\mu}SR) spectroscopies. The non-superconducting stoichiometric (x = 0) A = Sc system exhibits a static internal/hyperfine magnetic field both at the 57Fe and {\mu}+ sites, indicating antiferromagnetic order of Fe moments below TN = 35 K with ~ 0.1 Bohr magneton per Fe at T = 2 K. The superconducting and oxygen deficient (x = 0.4) A = V system exhibits a static internal field only at the {\mu}+ site below TN ~ 40 K, indicating static magnetic order of V moments co-existing with superconductivity without freezing of Fe moments. These results suggest that the 42622 FeAs systems belong to the same paradigm with the 1111 and 122 FeAs systems with respect to magnetic behavior of Fe moments.Comment: 4 pages 4 figures: for information, contact [email protected]