427 research outputs found

    Review of \u3ci\u3eForging New Rights in Western Waters\u3c/i\u3e By Robert G. Dunbar

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    Dunbar does not address this thorny question. What has resulted is a remarkably useful survey of the flourishing of these new rights in western waters. Students of resource policy as well as water law historians will find this volume crucial to any beginning studies on this complex topic. It offers encouragement and understanding even to the timid who previously had avoided the jungle of water resource law in the West

    Water Quality, Stormwater Management, and Development Planning on the Urban Fringe

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    This Article reports on a study to formulate an environmental plan for a large development project in Austin, Texas. The issue was stormwater quality, and the principal concern was the meaningfulness of Austin\u27s environmental ordinance, which is based on environmental indicators. We present an alternative approach to planning for stormwater management: one based on the form and function of the runoff system. The development project, called Steiner Ranch, is a 4600-acre parcel in the Hill Country, fifteen miles west of Austin

    Hyperspectral imaging for detection of corrosion on intermediate level nuclear waste containers

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    Intermediate level nuclear waste (ILW) will be stored above ground in 304L stainless steel (SS) containers for the next 100 years. During this period, the containers need to be monitored for atmospheric pitting corrosion - a known precursor of atmospherically induced stress corrosion cracking. Hyperspectral (HS) and optical imaging of pitting corrosion products from droplet experiments have been investigated towards developing a system for long term monitoring of atmospheric pitting corrosion of stainless steel containers in ILW stores. Common corrosion products were first identified via Raman spectroscopic mapping as akaganeite (β-FeOOH) and lepidocrocite (γ-FeOOH), with a secondary presence of layered double hydroxide (green rust). HS and optical methods were then compared for their efficacy at rust detection. Whilst it was not possible to identify specific corrosion species using HS imaging, HS images of rust under pitted droplets provided better contrast with the background steel than colour photography due to species having lower absorbance the near infrared (850 nm) than red (650 nm). Finally, the relationship between rust area and pit volume was determined by comparing colour photography (rust area) with confocal laser scanning microscopy (pit volume). A good correlation was present for samples exposed to a fixed relative humidity (RH) for MgCl2 droplets and CaCl2 droplets with small pit volumes. Poor correlation was found for samples exposed to natural fluctuations in RH. It was concluded that optical methods are viable for the detection of rust, but less effective for quantification of pit volumes

    Adaptability of Scanning Electron Microscopy to Studies of Pollen Morphology

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    We have explored methods to achieve excellent results in study of the pollen grain wall by using only one electron microscope, the scanning electron microscope (SEM). While the secondary electron imaging mode, the most common in use, has great value in characterizing the exine surface it is possible to obtain a more comprehensive representation of pollen grain walls by expanding the capability of the secondary mode and making use of backscatter and transmission imaging detectors. In this way information is obtained about internal exine features that are likely to be more stable phylogenetically than the generally late-to-form surface structure. We illustrate the usefulness of natural and induced fractures, cryornicrotomy, thin-section examination, section deplasticization, localized acetolysis and pollen erosion by ionic bombardment in imaging exine structure. Techniques for expanding the use of SEM in taxonomic studies of mature pollen grain walls are outlined in flow chart sketches and illustrated with numerous examples from angiosperm pollen

    Unsteadiness in Flow over a Flat Plate at Angle-of-Attack at Low Reynolds Numbers

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    Flow over an impulsively started low-aspect-ratio flat plate at angle-of-attack is investigated for a Reynolds number of 300. Numerical simulations, validated by a companion experiment, are performed to study the influence of aspect ratio, angle of attack, and planform geometry on the interaction of the leading-edge and tip vortices and resulting lift and drag coefficients. Aspect ratio is found to significantly influence the wake pattern and the force experienced by the plate. For large aspect ratio plates, leading-edge vortices evolved into hairpin vortices that eventually detached from the plate, interacting with the tip vortices in a complex manner. Separation of the leading-edge vortex is delayed to some extent by having convective transport of the spanwise vorticity as observed in flow over elliptic, semicircular, and delta-shaped planforms. The time at which lift achieves its maximum is observed to be fairly constant over different aspect ratios, angles of attack, and planform geometries during the initial transient. Preliminary results are also presented for flow over plates with steady actuation near the leading edge

    Dual-Main-Drain Suction-Entrapment Test Report

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    Life-threatening suction entrapment events have been recorded in swimming pools and spas since before World War II, although formal documentation and investigation did not occur until the Consumer Product Safety Commission began maintaining National Electronic Incident Surveillance System data. Of 147 incidents documented between 1985 and 2002, 36 incidents, 1 in 4, were fatal. Suction entrapment occurs in wading pools, spas, or swimming pools when a person’s body blocks the flow of water from a pool or spa to the circulation pump. When the source of suction to the pump is blocked, the pump continues to operate creating a strong suction on whatever is blocking the water flow. The dual-main-drain-suction-entrapment tests were developed to determine the effectiveness of dual main drains as a means of avoiding suction-entrapment accidents

    The changeling

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    The Changeling, a play written by Thomas Middleton and William Rowley in 1622, offers a picture of the operation of folly and madness within the mind. In doing so it explores 'abnormal' mental states. While the focus is on what happens within the individual, the impact on others is not ignored. Madness is of greater concern than folly, and is presented particularly in association with sex

    Vertical Jump Performance as a Discriminator of Playing Ability in Collegiate Female Soccer Players

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    Previous studies have assessed the importance of physical characteristics to soccer playing ability by comparing performance-based outcomes between starters and non-starters. Starters are often considered the most skilled players on the team. These players get more playing time than non-starters and have been shown to achieve higher performance outcomes on intermittent fitness tests. However, it remains unclear whether starters can achieve higher performance outcomes on a countermovement vertical jump. PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of countermovement vertical jump height and peak power to discriminate between starters and non-starters in collegiate female soccer. METHODS: Twenty-seven collegiate female soccer players (age = 19.56 ± 1.28 years; height = 164.26 ± 5.74 cm; body mass = 66.65 ± 8.43 kg) were recruited to participate in the present study. All testing was completed during the 2021 preseason training period. The players were classified as starters (n = 12) or non-starters (n = 15) according to their average number of minutes played per game during the subsequent exhibition season. Each participant reported to the laboratory for a single visit where they performed three countermovement vertical jump tests on a jump mat. For each jump, participants stood on the mat with feet shoulder width apart and hands positioned on the hips. Participants were not allowed to take any steps prior to performing the vertical jump and a quick descending quarter-squat countermovement was allowed before the ascending takeoff phase. The participants were instructed to jump as explosively as possible with both feet at the same time and land on the jump mat in the starting position. Vertical jump height (cm) was estimated from the flight time recorded by the jump mat. Peak power output was estimated using a previously validated regression equation: peak power (W) = 51.9 × vertical jump height (cm) + 48.9 × body mass (kg) - 2007. Independent samples t-tests were used to compare vertical jump height and peak power between the starting and non-starting groups. RESULTS: Vertical jump height was significantly greater (P = 0.039) for the starters (38.60 ± 6.11 cm) compared to the non-starters (34.43 ± 3.75 cm). There was no significant difference (P = 0.448) between the starters (3076.72 ± 331.98 W) and non-starters (3182.23 ± 369.67 W) for peak power. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that vertical jump height is an effective measure for discriminating between starters and non-starters in collegiate female soccer. Vertical jump characteristics are critical to a player’s performance on the field. Because the starters in this study were able to jump higher than the non-starters, vertical jump height may be an important parameter for identifying players with a high degree of soccer playing ability
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