6,338 research outputs found

    Composity particle reaction theory

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    Preliminary estimates of galactic cosmic ray exposures for manned interplanetary missions

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    Preliminary estimates of radiation exposures resulting from galactic cosmic rays are presented for interplanetary missions. The calculations use the Naval Research Laboratory cosmic ray transport code. The heavy ion portion of the transport code can be used with any number of layers of target material, consisting of up to five different constituents per layer. The nucleonic portion of the transport code can be used with any number of layers of target material of arbitrary composition except hydrogen. Calculated galactic cosmic ray particle fluxes, doses, and dose equivalents behind various thicknesses of aluminum shielding are presented for solar maximum and solar minimum periods

    Preliminary calculation of solar cosmic ray dose to the female breast in space mission

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    No regulatory dose limits are specifically assigned for the radiation exposure of female breasts during manned space flight. However, the relatively high radiosensitivity of the glandular tissue of the breasts and its potential exposure to solar flare protons on short- and long-term missions mandate a priori estimation of the associated risks. A model for estimating exposure within the breast is developed for use in future NASA missions. The female breast and torso geometry is represented by a simple interim model. A recently developed proton dose-buildup procedure is used for estimating doses. The model considers geomagnetic shielding, magnetic-storm conditions, spacecraft shielding, and body self-shielding. Inputs to the model include proton energy spectra, spacecraft orbital parameters, STS orbiter-shielding distribution at a given position, and a single parameter allowing for variation in breast size

    Simultaneous carotid angiography

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    Price/Quality Relationships in the Malting Barley Market

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    The objective of the study conducted in this article was to analyze statistically the relationships among various quality factors and malting barley prices in order to develop and to estimate a statistical model for the measurement of the implicit prices for selected quality factors. The article goes into the empirical procedures for estimating price relationships, the characteristics of sales and malting barley at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange and the estimated equations and marginal implicit prices for plumpness and protein

    Preliminary analysis of a radiobiological experiment for LifeSat

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    With the possibility of performing radiation life science experiments on a dedicated satellite (LifeSat) in space, a combined effort in radiation physics and radiation dosimetry, in addition to radiation biology, is clearly required to ensure that meaningful biological experiments can be performed. To better understand the relationship of these disciplines, some possible LifeSat missions are examined. As a trial biological system, tumorigenesis is considered in the Harderian gland of mice, a system of sufficient radiosensitivity for which relative biological effectiveness (RBE) is well defined by laboratory experiments

    Improved model for solar cosmic ray exposure in manned Earth orbital flights

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    A calculational model is derived for use in estimating Solar cosmic ray exposure to critical body organs in low-Earth orbit at the center of a large spherical shield of fixed thickness. The effects of the Earth's geomagnetic field and the astronauts' self-shielding are evaluated explicitly. The geomagnetic field model is an approximate tilted eccentric dipole with geomagnetic storms represented as a uniform-impressed field. The storm field is related to the planetary geomagnetic index K(sub p). The code is applied to the Shuttle geometry using the Shuttle mass distribution surrounding two locations on the flight deck. The Shuttle is treated as pure aluminum and the astronaut as soft tissue. Short-term, average fluence over a single orbit is calculated as a function of the location of the lines of nodes or long-term averages over all lines of nodes for a fixed inclination

    Analyses of risks associated with radiation exposure from past major solar particle events

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    Radiation exposures and cancer induction/mortality risks were investigated for several major solar particle events (SPE's). The SPE's included are: February 1956, November 1960, August 1972, October 1989, and the September, August, and October 1989 events combined. The three 1989 events were treated as one since all three could affect a single lunar or Mars mission. A baryon transport code was used to propagate particles through aluminum and tissue shield materials. A free space environment was utilized for all calculations. Results show the 30-day blood forming organs (BFO) limit of 25 rem was surpassed by all five events using 10 g/sq cm of shielding. The BFO limit is based on a depth dose of 5 cm of tissue, while a more detailed shield distribution of the BFO's was utilized. A comparison between the 5 cm depth dose and the dose found using the BFO shield distribution shows that the 5 cm depth value slightly higher than the BFO dose. The annual limit of 50 rem was exceeded by the August 1972, October 1989, and the three combined 1989 events with 5 g/sq cm of shielding. Cancer mortality risks ranged from 1.5 to 17 percent at 1 g/sq cm and 0.5 to 1.1 percent behind 10 g/sq cm of shielding for five events. These ranges correspond to those for a 45 year old male. It is shown that secondary particles comprise about 1/3 of the total risk at 10 g/sq cm of shielding. Utilizing a computerized Space Shuttle shielding model to represent a typical spacecraft configuration in free space at the August 1972 SPE, average crew doses exceeded the BFO dose limit
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