127 research outputs found

    Experiments and Modeling of the Autoignition of Methyl-Cyclohexane at High Pressure

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    The autoignition delays of mixtures of methyl-cyclohexane (MCH), oxygen, nitrogen, and argon have been studied in a heated rapid compression machine under the conditions PCP_C = 50 bar, TCT_C = 690 - 910K. Three different mixture compositions were studied, with equivalence ratios ranging from Ï•\phi = 0.5 - 1.5. The trends of the ignition delay measured at 50 bar were similar to the trends measured in earlier experiments at PCP_C = 15.1 and 25.5 bar. The experimentally measured ignition delays were compared to a newly updated chemical kinetic model for the combustion of MCH. The model has been updated to include newly calculated reaction rates for much of the low-temperature chemistry. The agreement between the experiments and the model was substantially improved compared to a previous version of the model. Nevertheless, despite the encouraging improvements, work continues on further advances, e.g. in improving predictions of the first stage ignition delays.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, presented at the 8th US National Combustion Meetin

    Development of a diesel surrogate for improved autoignition prediction: Methodology and detailed chemical kinetic modeling

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    While the surrogate fuel approach has been successfully applied to the simulation of the combustion behaviors of complex gasoline and jet fuels, its application to diesel fuels has been challenging. One of the main challenges derives from the large molecular size of the representative surrogate components necessary to simulate diesel blends, as the development of detailed chemical kinetic models and their validation becomes more complex. In this study, a new surrogate mixture that emulates the chemical and physical properties of a well-characterized diesel fuel is proposed. An optimization procedure was used to select surrogate components that can match both the physical and chemical properties of the target diesel fuel comprehensively. The surrogate fuel mixture composition was designed to have fuel properties (e.g., boiling point, cloud point, etc.) that enable its use in future diesel engine experiments. A detailed kinetic model for the surrogate fuel mixture was developed by combining well-validated sub-mechanisms of each surrogate component from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The ability of the surrogate mixture and kinetic model to emulate ignition delay times was assessed by comparing the simulated results with measurements for the target diesel fuel. Comparison of the experimental and simulated ignition delay times shows that the current surrogate mixture and kinetic model well capture the autoignition response of the target diesel fuel at varying conditions of pressure, temperature, oxygen concentration, and fuel concentration. The current study is one of the first to demonstrate the efficacy of detailed chemical kinetics for diesel range fuels by assembling validated sub-mechanisms for palette compounds and successfully simulating the autoignition characteristics of a target diesel fuel. The experimental ignition delay times of diesel measured with a rapid compression machine, the surrogate mixture, and the kinetic model developed shall aid in progress of understanding diesel ignition under engine relevant conditions

    Development of the RIOT Web Service and Information Technologies to enable mechanism reduction for HCCI simulations.

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    Abstract. New approaches are being explored to facilitate multidisciplinary collaborative research of Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) combustion processes. In this paper, collaborative sharing of the Range Identification and Optimization Toolkit (RIOT) and related data and models is discussed. RIOT is a developmental approach to reduce the computational of detailed chemical kinetic mechanisms, enabling their use in modeling kinetically controlled combustion applications such as HCCI. These approaches are being developed and piloted as a part of the Collaboratory for Multiscale Chemical Sciences (CMCS) project. The capabilities of the RIOT code are shared through a portlet in the CMCS portal that allows easy specification and processing of RIOT inputs, remote execution of RIOT, tracking of data pedigree, and translation of RIOT outputs to a table view and to a commonly-used mechanism format. Introduction The urgent need for high-efficiency, low-emission energy utilization technologies for transportation, power generation, and manufacturing processes presents difficult challenges to the combustion research community. The needed predictive understanding requires systematic knowledge across the full range of physical scales involved in combustion processes -from the properties and interactions of individual molecules to the dynamics and products of turbulent multi-phase reacting flows. Innovative experimental techniques and computational approaches are revolutionizing the rate at which chemical science research can produce the new information necessary to advance our combustion knowledge. But the increased volume and complexity of this information often makes it even more difficult to derive the systems-level knowledge we need. Combustion researchers have responded by forming interdisciplinary communities intent on sharing information and coordinating research priorities. Such efforts face many barriers, however, including lack of data accessibility and interoperability, missing metadata and pedigree information, efficient approaches for sharing data and analysis tools, and the challenges of working together across geography, disciplines, and a very diverse spectrum of applications and funding. This challenge is especially difficult for those developing, sharing and/or using detailed chemical models of combustion to treat the oxidation of practical fuels. This is a very complex problem, and the development of new chemistry models requires a series of steps that involve acquiring and keeping track of a large amount of data and its pedigree. Also, this data is developed using a diverse range of codes and experiments spanning ab initio chemistry codes, laboratory kinetics and flame experiments, all the way to reacting flow simulations on massively parallel computers. Each of these processes typically requires different data formats, and often the data and/or analysis codes are only accessible by personally contacting the creator. Chemical models are usually shared in a legacy file format, such as Chemki
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