219 research outputs found

    A 2dF spectroscopic study of globular clusters in NGC 5128: Probing the formation history of the nearest giant Elliptical

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    We have performed a spectroscopic study of globular clusters (GCs) in the giant elliptical NGC 5128 using the 2dF facility at the Anglo-Australian telescope. We obtained integrated optical spectra for a total of 254 GCs, 79 of which are newly confirmed on the basis of their radial velocities and spectra. In addition, we obtained an integrated spectrum of the galaxy starlight along the southern major axis. We derive an empirical metallicity distribution function (MDF) for 207 GCs (~14 of the estimated total GC system) based upon Milky Way GCs. This MDF is multimodal at high statistical significance with peaks at [Z/H]~-1.3 and -0.5. A comparison between the GC MDF and that of the stellar halo at 20 kpc (~4 Reff) reveals close coincidence at the metal-rich ends of the distributions. However, an inner 8 kpc stellar MDF shows a clear excess of metal-rich stars when compared to the GCs. We compare a higher S/N subsample (147 GCs) with two stellar population models which include non-solar abundance ratio corrections. The vast majority of our sample (~90%) appears old, with ages similar to the Milky Way GC system. There is evidence for a population of intermediate-age (~4-8 Gy) GCs (<15% of the sample) which are on average more metal-rich than the old GCs. We also identify at least one younger cluster (~1-2 Gy) in the central regions of the galaxy. Our observations are consistent with a picture where NGC 5128 has undergone at least two mergers and/or interactions involving star formation and limited GC formation since z=1, however the effect of non-canonical hot stellar populations on the integrated spectra of GCs remains an outstanding uncertainty in our GC age estimates.Comment: 17 figures, some long table

    The Kinematics and Dynamics of the Globular Clusters and the Planetary Nebulae of NGC 5128

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    A new kinematic and dynamic study of the halo of the giant elliptical galaxy, NGC 5128, is presented. From a spectroscopically confirmed sample of 340 globular clusters and 780 planetary nebulae, the rotation amplitude, rotation axis, velocity dispersion, and the total dynamical mass are determined for the halo of NGC 5128. The globular cluster kinematics were searched for both radial dependence and metallicity dependence by subdividing the globular cluster sample into 158 metal-rich ([Fe/H] > -1.0) and 178 metal-poor ([Fe/H] < -1.0) globular clusters. Our results show the kinematics of the metal-rich and metal-poor subpopulations are quite similar. The kinematics are compared to the planetary nebula population where differences are apparent in the outer regions of the halo. The total mass of NGC 5128 is found using the Tracer Mass estimator (Evans et al. 2003), to determine the mass supported by internal random motions, and the spherical component of the Jeans equation to determine the mass supported by rotation. We find a total mass of (1.0+/-0.2) x 10^(12) Msun from the planetary nebulae data out to a projected radius of 90 kpc and (1.3+/-0.5) x 10^(12) Msun from the globular clusters out to a projected radius of 50 kpc. Lastly, we present a new and homogeneous catalog of known globular clusters in NGC 5128. This catalog combines all previous definitive cluster identifications from radial velocity studies and HST imaging studies, as well as 80 new globular clusters from a study of M.A. Beasley et al. (2007, in preparation).Comment: Accepted in the Astronomical Journal,52 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables - Changes made to Table 1 from originally submitted 0704.118

    Large Charge Moment Change Lightning in an Oklahoma Mesoscale Convective System

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    On 31 May 2013, a line of severe thunderstorms developed during the local afternoon in central Oklahoma, USA. One of the supercells produced the El Reno tornado, which caused significant damage and killed several people. During the 2300 UTC hour (during the mature supercell stage and just after the tornado began), the storm produced several positive cloud-to-ground (+CG) lightning strokes that featured large (> 100 C km) impulse charge moment changes (iCMCs; charge moment during the first 2 ms after the return stroke). These discharges occurred mainly in convection, in contrast to the typical pattern of large-CMC and sprite-parent +CGs occurring mainly in stratiform precipitation regions. After this time, the line of thunderstorms evolved over several hours into a large mesoscale convective system (MCS). By the 0700 UTC hour on 1 June 2013, the large-CMC pattern had changed markedly. Large-CMC negative CGs, which were absent early in the storm's lifetime, occurred frequently within convection. Meanwhile, large-CMC +CGs had switched to occurring mainly within the broad stratiform region that had developed during the intervening period. The evolution of the large-CMC lightning in this case will be examined using a mix of national mosaics of radar reflectivity, the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array (OKLMA), the Charge Moment Change Network (CMCN), and the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN). A major goal of this study is understanding how storm structure and evolution affected the production of large-CMC lightning. It is anticipated that this will lead to further insight into how and why storms produce the powerful lightning that commonly causes sprites in the upper atmosphere

    Formation of Compact Stellar Clusters by High-Redshift Galaxy Outflows II: Effect of Turbulence and Metal-Line Cooling

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    In the primordial universe, low mass structures with virial temperatures less than 104^{4} K were unable to cool by atomic line transitions, leading to a strong suppression of star formation. On the other hand, these "minihalos" were highly prone to triggered star formation by interactions from nearby galaxy outflows. In Gray & Scannapieco (2010), we explored the impact of nonequilibrium chemistry on these interactions. Here we turn our attention to the role of metals, carrying out a series of high-resolution three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement simulations that include both metal cooling and a subgrid turbulent mixing model. Despite the presence of an additional coolant, we again we find that outflow-minihalo interactions produce a distribution of dense, massive stellar clusters. We also find that these clusters are evenly enriched with metals to a final abundance of Z ≈\approx 10−2^{-2} Z⊙_{\odot}. As in our previous simulations, all of these properties suggest that these interactions may have given rise to present-day halo globular clusters.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, Accepted to Ap

    GUT theories from Calabi-Yau 4-folds with SO(10) Singularities

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    We consider an SO(10) GUT model from F-theory compactified on an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau with a D5 singularity. To obtain the matter curves and the Yukawa couplings, we use a global description to resolve the singularity. We identify the vector and spinor matter representations and their Yukawa couplings and we explicitly build the G-fluxes in the global model and check the agreement with the semi-local results. As our bundle is of type SU(2k), some extra conditions need to be applied to match the fluxes.Comment: 27 page

    Racial and Ethnic Differences in Injury Prevention Behaviors Among Caregivers of Infants

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    African American and Latino children experience higher rates of traumatic injury and mortality, but the extent to which parents of different races and ethnicities disparately enact injury prevention behaviors has not been fully characterized. The objective of this study is to evaluate the association between caregiver race/ethnicity and adherence to injury prevention recommendations

    Toluene inhalation exposure for 13 weeks causes persistent changes in electroretinograms of Long–Evans rats

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    Studies of humans chronically exposed to volatile organic solvents have reported impaired visual functions, including low contrast sensitivity and reduced color discrimination. These reports, however, lacked confirmation from controlled laboratory experiments. To address this question experimentally, we examined visual function by recording visual evoked potentials (VEP) and/or electroretinograms (ERG) from four sets of rats exposed repeatedly to toluene. In addition, eyes of the rats were examined with an ophthalmoscope and some of the retinal tissues were evaluated for rod and M-cone photoreceptor immunohistochemistry. The first study examined rats following exposure to 0, 10, 100 or 1000 ppm toluene by inhalation (6 hr/d, 5 d/wk) for 13 weeks. One week after the termination of exposure, the rats were implanted with chronically indwelling electrodes and the following week pattern-elicited VEPs were recorded. VEP amplitudes were not significantly changed by toluene exposure. Four to five weeks after completion of exposure, rats were dark-adapted overnight, anesthetized, and several sets of electroretinograms (ERG) were recorded. In dark-adapted ERGs recorded over a 5-log (cd-s/m2) range of flash luminance, b-wave amplitudes were significantly reduced at high stimulus luminance values in rats previously exposed to 1000 ppm toluene. A second set of rats, exposed concurrently with the first set, was tested approximately one year after the termination of 13 weeks of exposure to toluene. Again, dark-adapted ERG b-wave amplitudes were reduced at high stimulus luminance values in rats previously exposed to 1000 ppm toluene. A third set of rats was exposed to the same concentrations of toluene for only 4 weeks, and a fourth set of rats exposed to 0 or 1000 ppm toluene for 4 weeks were tested approximately 1 year after the completion of exposure. No statistically significant reductions of ERG b-wave amplitude were observed in either set of rats exposed for 4 weeks. No significant changes were observed in ERG a-wave amplitude or latency, b-wave latency, UV- or green-flicker ERGs, or in photopic flash ERGs. There were no changes in the density of rod or M-cone photoreceptors. The ERG b-wave reflects the firing patterns of on-bipolar cells. The reductions of b-wave amplitude after 13 weeks of exposure and persisting for 1 year suggest that alterations may have occurred in the inner nuclear layer of the retina, where the bipolar cells reside, or the outer or inner plexiform layers where the bipolar cells make synaptic connections. These data provide experimental evidence that repeated exposure to toluene may lead to subtle persistent changes in visual function. The fact that toluene affected ERGs, but not VEPs, suggests that elements in the rat retina may be more sensitive to organic solvent exposure than the rat visual cortex

    Differential transcriptomic responses to heat stress in surface and subterranean diving beetles

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    Subterranean habitats are generally very stable environments, and as such evolutionary transitions of organisms from surface to subterranean lifestyles may cause considerable shifts in physiology, particularly with respect to thermal tolerance. In this study we compared responses to heat shock at the molecular level in a geographically widespread, surface-dwelling water beetle to a congeneric subterranean species restricted to a single aquifer (Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae). The obligate subterranean beetle Paroster macrosturtensis is known to have a lower thermal tolerance compared to surface lineages (CTmax 38°C cf. 42–46°C), but the genetic basis of this physiological difference has not been characterized. We experimentally manipulated the thermal environment of 24 individuals to demonstrate that both species can mount a heat shock response at high temperatures (35°C), as determined by comparative transcriptomics. However, genes involved in these responses differ between species and a far greater number were differentially expressed in the surface taxon, suggesting it can mount a more robust heat shock response; these data may underpin its higher thermal tolerance compared to subterranean relatives. In contrast, the subterranean species examined not only differentially expressed fewer genes in response to increasing temperatures, but also in the presence of the experimental setup employed here alone. Our results suggest P. macrosturtensis may be comparatively poorly equipped to respond to both thermally induced stress and environmental disturbances more broadly. The molecular findings presented here have conservation implications for P. macrosturtensis and contribute to a growing narrative concerning weakened thermal tolerances in obligate subterranean organisms at the molecular level
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