50 research outputs found

    The Effects of Two Polychlorinated Biphenyls (Aroclor 1016R and Aroclor 1242R) on the Growth and Chlorophyll Production of Cultures of Selenastrum Capricornutum

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the School of Sciences and Mathematics at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science by Jude William Grosser on May 11, 1979

    Application of agronomic practice improves phytoextraction on a multipolluted site

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    In the context of a joint research project in collaboration with the municipal water works of Leipzig, BioPlanta optimizes the phytoremediation process. This Phytotechnology has been applied since 1996 to a former sewage sludge dewatering plant in Schladitz near Leipzig (Fig 1). At the time of closing in 1990 about 300,000 m3 of heavy metal‐ and hydrocarbon‐contaminated sludge were stored on this site. It is the biggest phytoremediation project of this kind in Europe. An extensive monitoring and analysis program was established to evaluate the progress of the remediation (ending in 2012). Up to now the contamination of the site could be considerably decreased. The removal of heavy metals sums up to several kilograms with an increasing tendency over the last years (Fig 2). The aim of ongoing research activities is to set up improved conditions for an even more efficient extraction of heavy metal ions from contaminated soil and sediments. Optimizing this process should reduce the remediation period by up to two thirds. The technology is to be implemented not only in the Leipzig region but also in future remediation projects. Agronominių priemonių taikymas, gerinant fitoekstrakciją įvairiais teršalais užterštose vietose Santrauka Vykdydama bendrą tiriamąjį projektą atliekant vandens tyrimus Leipcige BioPlanta optimizuoja fitoatkūrimo procesą. Ši fitotechnologija taikoma nuo 1996 metų ankstesnei iš nuotekų dumblo vandenį šalinančiai įrangai Šladice netoli Leipcigo (1 pav.). Uždarant įrangą 1990 metais apie 300 000 m3 dumblo, užteršto sunkiaisiais metalais ir angliavandeniliais, buvo sukaupta šiame sklype. Tai didžiausias tokio pobūdžio fitoatkūrimo projektas Europoje. Buvo sukurta plati monitoringo ir analizės programa siekiant įvertinti atkūrimo eigą (iki 2012 metų). Sklypo tarša galėjo labai sumažėti. Sunkiųjų metalų pašalinimas siekia daugiau kaip kelis kilogramus su didėjimo tendencija pastaraisiais metais (2 pav.). Tyrimo tikslas – sudaryti geresnes sąlygas dar efektyvesnei sunkiųjų metalų jonų ekstrakcijai iš užteršto dirvožemio ir nuosėdų. Optimizuojant šį procesą atkūrimo laikotarpis turėtų sutrumpėti iki dviejų trečdalių. Ši technologija turi būti įgyvendinama ateityje vykdant atkūrimo projektus. Reikšminiai žodžiai: fitoatkūrimas, metalų biogalimybės, augalų parinkimas, pasėlių priežiūra, augalų biomasė. Применение агрономических средств для улучшения фитоэкстракции в местах, загрязненных несколькими загрязнителями Резюме В результате сотрудничества с самоуправлением Лейпцига в создании общего проекта исследований по вопросам водных работ «БиоПланта» оптимизирует процесс фиторемедиации. Эта фитотехнология применялась в Шладице около Лейпцига с 1996 г. в оборудовании по удалению воды из ила сточных вод (Рис. 1). После 1990 г., когда упомянутое оборудование перестало применяться, на участке было собрано 300 000 м3 ила, загрязненного тяжелыми металлами и углеводородом. Это самый крупный проект фиторемедиации такого типа в Европе. Для оценки эффективности процесса восстановления до 2012 г. будет создана широкая программа мониторинга и анализа. Загрязнение этого места должно значительно уменьшиться. Загрязнение тяжелыми металлами составляет несколько килограммов, а в последние годы имеет тенденцию к увеличению (Рис. 2). Целью проводящихся исследований было создание лучших условий для более эффективной экстракции ионов тяжелых металлов из загрязненной почвы и осадков. В результате оптимизации этого процесса период восстановления должен уменьшиться. Названная технология должна быть внедрена в Лейпцигском регионе, а также внедряться в будущем при осуществлении восстановительных проектов. Ключевые слова: фиторемедиация, биовозможности металлов, подбор растений, уход за посевами, биомасса растений. First Published Online: 14 Oct 201

    Tacit Lobbying Agreements: An Experimental Study

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    We experimentally study the common wisdom that money buys political influence. In the game, one lobbyist has the opportunity to influence redistributive tax policies in her favor by transferring money to two competing candidates. The success of the lobbying investment depends on whether or not the candidates are willing to respond and able to collude on lowtax policies that do not harm their relative chances in the elections. In the experiment, we find that lobbying is never successful when the lobbyist and candidates interact just once. By contrast, it yields substantially lower redistribution in about 40% of societies with finitelyrepeated encounters. However, lobbying investments are not always profitable, and profitsharing between the lobbyist and candidates depends on prominent equity norms. Our experimental results shed new light on the complex process of buying political influence in everyday politics and help explain why only relatively few corporate firms do actually lobby

    A Measure Of The Saliency And Content Of Opinion Toward Public Speaking.

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    PhDCommunicationUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/183238/2/0003506.pd

    Reactions to eye contact in aggressive and nonaggressive adolescent males

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    Few, if any, researchers have investigated the relationship between eye contact and aggression or hostility in aggressive, incarcerated adolescents where eye contact may induce hostility or where aggression would seem most prevalent because aggressive youth may be more provoked by ambiguous provocation stimuli (eye contact). Therefore, this study investigated possible differences in the interpretation of staring between incarcerated aggressive and nonincarcerated nonaggressive adolescents. Aggressive adolescents were selected from a juvenile justice center in California, while nonaggressive adolescents were recruited from a high school. Following tile lines of the hostile attributional bias theory (Dodge & Coie, 1987), three predictions were made. Compared to nonaggressive youth, aggressive youth would be more likely to: (a) attribute hostile intent to someone who stared at them; (b) expect to act aggressively if confronted by someone who stared at them, especially when the staring person does something unpleasant in which the intent is ambiguous; and (c) rate someone with direct eye contact higher on potency. To manipulate eye positions, the researcher utilized photographs, which the adolescents rated to test the above three predictions. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    Reactions to eye contact in aggressive and nonaggressive adolescent males

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    Few, if any, researchers have investigated the relationship between eye contact and aggression or hostility in aggressive, incarcerated adolescents where eye contact may induce hostility or where aggression would seem most prevalent because aggressive youth may be more provoked by ambiguous provocation stimuli (eye contact). Therefore, this study investigated possible differences in the interpretation of staring between incarcerated aggressive and nonincarcerated nonaggressive adolescents. Aggressive adolescents were selected from a juvenile justice center in California, while nonaggressive adolescents were recruited from a high school. Following tile lines of the hostile attributional bias theory (Dodge & Coie, 1987), three predictions were made. Compared to nonaggressive youth, aggressive youth would be more likely to: (a) attribute hostile intent to someone who stared at them; (b) expect to act aggressively if confronted by someone who stared at them, especially when the staring person does something unpleasant in which the intent is ambiguous; and (c) rate someone with direct eye contact higher on potency. To manipulate eye positions, the researcher utilized photographs, which the adolescents rated to test the above three predictions. (Abstract shortened by UMI.

    Sample IDs and Accession Numbers for each SRA Biosample

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    This csv file includes each individual sample ID and its respective SRA biosample accession numbe

    Los procesos didácticos y la mejora de los aprendizajes en el área de Matemática de los estudiantes de la I.E N° 3072 de la UGEL N° 04-Comas-Lima

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    Trabajo académicoEl presente Trabajo Académico titulado “Los procesos didácticos y la mejora de los aprendizajes en el área de matemática de los estudiantes de la I.E. 3072 de la UGEL 04” se ha elaborado a partir de la problemática detectada en referencia al bajo nivel de logro de los aprendizajes en el área de matemática en el segundo grado de EBR, la misma que ha sido identificada con la aplicación de técnicas de recojo de información el grupo de discusión y la entrevista con instrumentos debidamente validados. Ante este diagnóstico se plantea distintas actividades que se realizaran dentro de la institución con participación de los directivos, quienes dirigirán estas actividades, priorizando talleres de capacitación para fortalecer las competencias docentes así como, procesos de monitoreo y acompañamiento impulsando el trabajo colaborativo a partir de la reflexión y convivencia entre los docentes, es importante recordar que cada uno de las actividades responde a los objetivos propuestos en el plan