1,643 research outputs found

    Regulation of arginine transport by GCN2 eIF2 kinase is important for replication of the intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a prevalent protozoan parasite that can infect any nucleated cell but cannot replicate outside of its host cell. Toxoplasma is auxotrophic for several nutrients including arginine, tryptophan, and purines, which it must acquire from its host cell. The demands of parasite replication rapidly deplete the host cell of these essential nutrients, yet Toxoplasma successfully manages to proliferate until it lyses the host cell. In eukaryotic cells, nutrient starvation can induce the integrated stress response (ISR) through phosphorylation of an essential translation factor eIF2. Phosphorylation of eIF2 lowers global protein synthesis coincident with preferential translation of gene transcripts involved in stress adaptation, such as that encoding the transcription factor ATF4 (CREB2), which activates genes that modulate amino acid metabolism and uptake. Here, we discovered that the ISR is induced in host cells infected with Toxoplasma. Our results show that as Toxoplasma depletes host cell arginine, the host cell phosphorylates eIF2 via protein kinase GCN2 (EIF2AK4), leading to induced ATF4. Increased ATF4 then enhances expression of the cationic amino acid transporter CAT1 (SLC7A1), resulting in increased uptake of arginine in Toxoplasma-infected cells. Deletion of host GCN2, or its downstream effectors ATF4 and CAT1, lowers arginine levels in the host, impairing proliferation of the parasite. Our findings establish that Toxoplasma usurps the host cell ISR to help secure nutrients that it needs for parasite replication

    Periodic Prime Knots and Toplogically transitive Flows on 3-Manifolds

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    Suppose that φ is a nonsingular (fixed point free) C1 flow on a smooth closed 3-dimensional manifold M with H2(M)=0. Suppose that φ has a dense orbit. We show that there exists an open dense set N ⊆ M such that any knotted periodic orbit which intersects N is a nontrivial prime knot

    GCN2-like eIF2α kinase manages the amino acid starvation response in Toxoplasma gondii

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    The apicomplexan protozoan Toxoplasma gondii is a significant human and veterinary pathogen. As an obligate intracellular parasite, Toxoplasma depends on nutrients provided by the host cell and needs to adapt to limitations in available resources. In mammalian cells, translational regulation via GCN2 phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2α) is a key mechanism for adapting to nutrient stress. Toxoplasma encodes two GCN2-like protein kinases, TgIF2K-C and TgIF2K-D. We previously showed that TgIF2K-D phosphorylates T. gondii eIF2α (TgIF2α) upon egress from the host cell, which enables the parasite to overcome exposure to the extracellular environment. However, the function of TgIF2K-C remained unresolved. To determine the functions of TgIF2K-C in the parasite, we cloned the cDNA encoding TgIF2K-C and generated knockout parasites of this TgIF2α kinase to study its function during the lytic cycle. The TgIF2K-C knockout did not exhibit a fitness defect compared with parental parasites. However, upon infection of human fibroblasts that were subsequently cultured in glutamine-free medium, the intracellular TgIF2K-C knockout parasites were impeded for induced phosphorylation of TgIF2α and showed a 50% reduction in the number of plaques formed compared with parental parasites. Furthermore, we found that this growth defect in glutamine-free media was phenocopied in parasites expressing only a non-phosphorylatable TgIF2α (TgIF2α-S71A), but not in a TgIF2K-D knockout. These studies suggest that Toxoplasma GCN2-like kinases TgIF2K-C and TgIF2K-D evolved to have distinct roles in adapting to changes in the parasite’s environment

    A glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored carbonic anhydrase-related protein of Toxoplasma gondii is important for rhoptry biogenesis and virulence

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    Carbonic anhydrase-related proteins (CARPs) have previously been described as catalytically inactive proteins closely related to α-carbonic anhydrases (α-CAs). These CARPs are found in animals (both vertebrates and invertebrates) and viruses as either independent proteins or domains of other proteins. We report here the identification of a new CARP (TgCA_RP) in the unicellular organism Toxoplasma gondii that is related to the recently described η-class CA found in Plasmodium falciparum. TgCA_RP is posttranslationally modified at its C terminus with a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor that is important for its localization in intracellular tachyzoites. The protein localizes throughout the rhoptry bulbs of mature tachyzoites and to the outer membrane of nascent rhoptries in dividing tachyzoites, as demonstrated by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy using specific antibodies. T. gondii mutant tachyzoites lacking TgCA_RP display a growth and invasion phenotype in vitro and have atypical rhoptry morphology. The mutants also exhibit reduced virulence in a mouse model. Our results show that TgCA_RP plays an important role in the biogenesis of rhoptries

    A review of suitable companion crops for black walnut

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    Abstract Black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) is a temperate tree grown for nuts and wood, but it is allelopathic to certain plants and animals. We compiled reports of valuable black walnut companion crops which may be grown in the short term (<15 years after planting walnut trees), medium term (15-30 years), and long term (>30 years). There are many black walnut companion cropping systems for the short and medium term, but there are few for the long term. Companion crops for black walnut serve multiple functions, including nitrogen fixation, added yields, the development of straight walnut stems, and added protection from forest pests such as deer. Black walnut polyculture is a viable alternative worthy of further development and implementation

    Translational Control in the Latency of Apicomplexan Parasites

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    Apicomplexan parasites Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium spp. use latent stages to persist in the host, facilitate transmission, and thwart treatment of infected patients. Therefore, it is important to understand the processes driving parasite differentiation to and from quiescent stages. Here, we discuss how a family of protein kinases that phosphorylate the eukaryotic initiation factor-2 (eIF2) function in translational control and drive differentiation. This translational control culminates in reprogramming of the transcriptome to facilitate parasite transition towards latency. We also discuss how eIF2 phosphorylation contributes to the maintenance of latency and provides a crucial role in the timing of reactivation of latent parasites towards proliferative stages

    Guanabenz repurposed as an antiparasitic with activity against acute and latent toxoplasmosis

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    Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that persists as a chronic infection. Toxoplasma evades immunity by forming tissue cysts, which reactivate to cause life-threatening disease during immune suppression. There is an urgent need to identify drugs capable of targeting these latent tissue cysts, which tend to form in the brain. We previously showed that translational control is critical during infections with both replicative and latent forms of Toxoplasma. Here we report that guanabenz, an FDA-approved drug that interferes with translational control, has antiparasitic activity against replicative stages of Toxoplasma and the related apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium falciparum (a malaria agent). We also found that inhibition of translational control interfered with tissue cyst biology in vitro. Toxoplasma bradyzoites present in these abnormal cysts were diminished and misconfigured, surrounded by empty space not seen in normal cysts. These findings prompted analysis of the efficacy of guanabenz in vivo by using established mouse models of acute and chronic toxoplasmosis. In addition to protecting mice from lethal doses of Toxoplasma, guanabenz has a remarkable ability to reduce the number of brain cysts in chronically infected mice. Our findings suggest that guanabenz can be repurposed into an effective antiparasitic with a unique ability to reduce tissue cysts in the brain
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