628 research outputs found

    Independent Educational Evaluations as Issues of Dispute in Special Education Due Process Hearings

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    This study examined the pertinent details and outcomes of special education due process hearings (n = 100) that addressed independent educational evaluations as an issue of dispute in a 14-state sample. Variables related to the frequency of these cases, the characteristics of students involved, the specific types of IEEs requested, and the other related issues and outcomes were coded and analyzed. Psycho-educational evaluations were addressed in the most due process hearings, followed by speech-language evaluations, and neuro-psychological evaluations. Statistically significant associations were identified between states regarding a) the extent to which IEEs are issues of dispute in due process hearings, b) the prevailing parties in these hearings, and c) the types of legal representation used by parents. Recommendations for policy, practice, and additional research related to IEEs and special education due process hearings are discussed

    The Firm\u27s Decision to Issue Debt Privately: Motivations and Costs

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    This dissertation examines the issue cost of public utility debt sold publicly and privately from June 1979 to December 1983 and determines: (1) whether private and public debt have the same issue cost for firms who substitute between private placements and public sales (switch hitters), ceteris paribus; (2) whether issue cost differences between public issues and private placements by switch hitters vary with the degree of market uncertainty; (3) whether firms who do not substitute between private placements and public sales (non-switch hitters) choose to issue debt privately because the agency costs of debt can be resolved less expensively in the private market than in the public market; and (4) whether the benefits which non-switch hitters obtain from issuing privately increase as agency costs of debt increase. The dissertation’s findings suggest that for switch hitters, there is no cost difference on average between public issues and private placements sold during our test period. This finding suggests that switch hitters view the two methods of sale as close substitutes. However, when credit market conditions are uncertain the results are much different. During periods of volatile interest rates such as 1980-1981, switch hitters can save an average of 49 basis points by issuing debt privately rather than publicly. This cost saving was not evident during more stable periods such as 1979 III and 1983. The results of the tests on non-switch hitters support an economic rationale for the existence of the private placement market. The tests indicate that below investment grade issues by non-switch hitters would have had substantially higher issue costs had they been sold publicly. Further, the findings show that the cost advantage of private placements over public issues increases as agency costs of debt increase. For investment grade non-switch, the tests indicate no cost difference between private placements and public issues; presumably, these firms could have issued publicly without incurring additional issue costs. However, these firms sell their debt privately because their issues are too small to enjoy a successful public sale

    Examining Pre-Service Teacher Candidates’ Sources and Levels of Knowledge about Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    This study was designed to identify what pre-service teacher candidates knew about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and how they had acquired that knowledge in order to design more effective preparation courses. Teacher candidates (N=87) from three teacher preparation programs completed questionnaires during, or prior to, their first special education course. The findings indicate a relationship between sources of knowledge about ASD and actual levels of knowledge. Based on the findings, the authors argue that there is a need for coursework that focuses on effective intervention strategies and utilizes direct opportunities for teacher candidates to work with students with ASD

    Youth and Jobs: A Bibliography of Publications, 1980-1986, with Selected Annotations

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    This working bibliography of publications on youth employment and unemployment covers the period between 1980 and mid-1986. It is designed to be of assistance to researchers seeking a reference tool that may facilitate their research and/or expedite efforts to review recent literature on the complex subject of youth employment, unemployment and outreach initiatives intended to address the problem. The areas encompassed by this document attest to the magnitude and scope of the problem of moving young people into the labor market. Assuming a need to be able to work through the maze of studies on youth and work, a plan of action was pursued. This plan is explicated in the organization of this document which is divided into three sections

    School Choice Vouchers and Special Education in Indiana Catholic Diocesan Schools

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    Catholic schools are now located at a crossroads of school choice voucher programs and special education services. With enrollment in Catholic schools declining over the past several decades, voucher programs that allow parents to use public funds for tuition at private schools – including tuition for students with disabilities – could possibly help to steady or even reverse this decline. This study examined the impact of Indiana’s statewide voucher program on Catholic schools, student enrollment, and special education services in three large diocesan school systems. The findings address issues related to enrollment growth, changing student population characteristics, special education services, and the professional development needs of teachers in these schools. The authors discuss the implications of the voucher program for the enrollment and education of students with disabilities in Catholic schools. Los cupones para escuelas de elección y la educación especial en las escuelas de la diócesis católica de Indiana Las escuelas católicas se encuentran en una encrucijada entre los programas de cupones para escuelas de elección y los servicios de educación especial. Al disminuir las matrículas en las escuelas católicas en las últimas décadas, los programas de cupones que permiten que los padres utilicen fondos públicos para matrículas de escuelas privadas, incluyendo matrículas para estudiantes con discapacidades, pueden quizás ayudar a mantener, o incluso revertir, el declive. El presente estudio examina el impacto a nivel estatal en Indiana del programa de cupones en escuelas católicas, las matrículas de estudiantes y los servicios de educación especial en los sistemas escolares de tres diócesis grandes. Los resultados abordan problemas relacionados con el aumento de las matrículas, el cambio de las características de la población estudiantil, los servicios de educación especial y las necesidades de desarrollo profesional del profesorado de estas escuelas. Los autores discuten las implicaciones del programa de cupones en la matrícula y la educación de los estudiantes con discapacidades en las escuelas católicas. Palabras clave: escuela de elección, cupones, escuelas católicas, educación especial Chèques-éducation pour le choix de l\u27école et éducation spécialisée dans les écoles catholiques diocésaines en Indiana Les écoles catholiques sont maintenant au coeur des programmes de chèques-éducation pour le choix de l\u27école et des services d\u27éducation spécialisée. Étant donné que les inscriptions dans les écoles catholiques ont diminué au cours des dernières décennies, les programmes de chéques-éducation qui permettent aux parents d\u27utiliser des fonds publics pour les frais de scolarité d\u27écoles privées - y compris la scolarité des élèves handicapés - pourraient aider ou même inverser ce déclin. Cette étude examine l\u27impact du programme de chèques-éducation sur les écoles catholiques dans l\u27ensemble de l\u27État de l\u27Indiana, les inscriptions des élèves et l\u27éducation spécialisée dans trois vastes systèmes d\u27écoles catholiques diocésaines. Les constatations traitent des problèmes liés à l\u27augmentation des inscriptions, aux changements dans la population des élèves, aux services d\u27éducation spécialisée et aux besoins en développement professionnel des enseignants de ces écoles. Les auteurs présentent les conséquences du programme de chèques-éducation sur les inscriptions et l\u27enseignement aux élèves handicapés dans les écoles catholiques. Mots-clés : Choix de l\u27école, chèques-éducation, écoles catholiques, éducation spécialisé

    Trauma-Informed Supports for Rebuilding School Communities

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    This manuscript describes four principles of trauma-informed supports that can guide school leaders in rebuilding school communities that have been fractured by the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the work of Hobfoll et al. (2007), these principles are: a) promoting a sense of safety, b) addressing safety within behavior support practices, c) building relationships, and d) promoting self-efficacy and instilling hope. As schools slowly reopen, there is a risk that the re-opening will signify that the crisis has ended and schools can return to their previous policies and systems of support. However, the lingering and long-term effects of the isolation and stress experienced by students during the COVID-19 pandemic may go unrecognized. The schoolwide policies and practices described here are based upon evidence-informed principles which can help school communities serve as supportive, welcoming environments for children and families

    Analysis of Lunar Surface Charging for a Candidate Spacecraft Using NASCAP-2K

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    The characterization of the electromagnetic interaction for a spacecraft in the lunar environment, and identification of viable charging mitigation strategies, is a critical lunar mission design task, as spacecraft charging has important implications both for science applications and for astronaut safety. To that end, we have performed surface charging calculations of a candidate lunar spacecraft for lunar orbiting and lunar landing missions. We construct a model of the spacecraft with candidate materials having appropriate electrical properties using Object Toolkit and perform the spacecraft charging analysis using Nascap-2k, the NASA/AFRL sponsored spacecraft charging analysis tool. We use nominal and atypical lunar environments appropriate for lunar orbiting and lunar landing missions to establish current collection of lunar ions and electrons. In addition, we include a geostationary orbit case to demonstrate a bounding example of extreme (negative) charging of a lunar spacecraft in the geostationary orbit environment. Results from the charging analysis demonstrate that minimal differential potentials (and resulting threat of electrostatic discharge) occur when the spacecraft is constructed entirely of conducting materials, as expected. We compare charging results to data taken during previous lunar orbiting or lunar flyby spacecraft missions

    Exploring The Use of Witness Testimony in Special Education Due Process Hearings

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    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004 (IDEA) protects the rights of parents and/or guardians of children with disabilities to utilize the due process system to settle disagreements with school districts regarding their children’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). In the event that these disputes move before a due process hearing officer, it is common for each side to enlist experts to provide testimony to support one of the parties involved. In the current study, we examined the use of expert witness testimony in due process hearings in five large states throughout the United States. Findings indicated several concerning trends, such as data reporting differences between states, and parents/guardians having less attorney representation and utilizing witness testimony less frequently than school districts. In addition, we found that hearing officer decisions were most often decided in the favor of the districts. We will discuss these findings in the context of a social justice framework and suggest recommendations

    Exploring Ableism through Teacher Identity and Empowerment: Teaching about Disability through a Campus Common Reader

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    This study was conducted to find how teacher candidates at a southwestern regional university understood ableism and empowerment based on their reading and interaction with the campus common reader. This work was important to help future teachers form healthy instructional practices that are inclusive of all students, regardless of ability in their future classrooms. The findings of this study showed evidence that this reading experience was transformative in helping teacher candidates form a teacher identity that was not only inclusive and welcoming of all, but also empowering