381 research outputs found

    Measurement of Plasmodium falciparum transmission intensity using serological cohort data from Indonesian schoolchildren.

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    BACKGROUND: As malaria transmission intensity approaches zero, measuring it becomes progressively more difficult and inefficient because parasite-positive individuals are hard to detect. This situation may arise shortly before achieving local elimination, or during surveillance post-elimination to prevent reintroduction. Antibody responses against the parasite last longer than the infections themselves. This "footprint" of infection may thus be used for assessing transmission intensity. A statistical approach is presented for measuring the seroconversion rate (SCR), a correlate of the force of infection, from individual-level longitudinal data on antibody titres in an area of low Plasmodium falciparum transmission. METHODS: Blood samples were collected from 160 Indonesian schoolchildren every month for six months. Titres of antibodies against AMA-1 and MSP-1(19) antigens of P. falciparum were measured using ELISA. The distribution of antibody titres among seronegative and -positive individuals, respectively, was estimated by comparing the titres from the study data (a mixture of both seropositive and -negative individuals) with titres from a (unexposed) negative control group of Indonesian individuals. Two Markov-Chain models for the transition of individuals between serological states were fitted to individual anti-PfAMA-1 or anti-PfMSP-1 titre time series using Bayesian Markov-Chain-Monte-Carlo (MCMC). This yielded estimates of SCR as well as of the duration of seropositivity. RESULTS: A posterior median SCR of 0.02 (Pf AMA-1) and 0.09 (PfMSP-1) person(-1) year(-1) was estimated, with credible intervals ranging from 1E-4 to 0.2 person(-1) year(-1). This level of transmission intensity is at the lower range of what can reliably be measured with the present study size. A Bayesian test for seroconversion of an individual between two observations is presented and used to identify the subjects who have most likely experienced an infection. Furthermore, the theoretical limits of measuring transmission intensity, and how these depend on duration and size of a study as well as on transmission intensity itself, is illustrated. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis shows that it is possible to measure SCR's from individual-level longitudinal data on antibody titres. In addition, individual seroconversion events can be identified, which can be useful in assessing interruption of transmission. Analyses of further serological datasets using the present method are required to improve and validate it. This includes measurement of the duration of antibody responses, how it depends on host age or cumulative exposure, or on the particular antigen used

    Evaluation of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) to uncomplicated falciparum malaria patients in Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia

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    Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACT) to treat uncomplicated Plasmodiumfalciparum malaria has been applied in Purworejo District, Central Java, Indonesia, since2004. However evaluation of the two ACT regimens used ie: Artesunate Amodiaquine(AAQ) and Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine (DHP) co-administered with Primaquine (PQ)has not been performed. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and side effects ofAAQ+PQ and DHP+PQ treatment in uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Purworejo. Inthis descriptive and observational study, 46 Pf infected patients who fullfill the inclusionand exclusion criterias were recruited from December 2010 to August 2011. StandardACT treatment were given to the patients followed by WHO drug efficacy evaluation for28 days. The clinical symptoms and adverse events was also evaluated over the course ofthe treatment. From all recruited subjects, 37 patients received DHP+PQ and 9 patientsreceived AAQ+PQ. On the DHP+PQ treated patient, all subjects were free of asexualand sexual parasites by Day-3 while on AAQ+PQ treated patient, this parasite clearancewas achieved faster as early as on D-2 at the latest. On the otherhand, the disappearanceof fever was also last longer in DHP+PQ treated patient which in one patient last onD-14, while in AAQ+PQ treated patient, the symptom of fever dissappeared by D-2at the latest. No Early or Late Treatment Failures were found on either DHP+PQ orAAQ+PQ treatment as well as clinical and parasitological failures. However, the presenceof adverse events cause by both drugs should not be ignored to ensure drug compliance

    Protein coingestion with alcohol following strenuous exercise attenuates alcohol-induced intramyocellular apoptosis and inhibition of autophagy

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    Alcohol ingestion decreases postexercise rates of muscle protein synthesis, but the mechanism(s) (e.g., increased protein breakdown) underlying this observation is unknown. Autophagy is an intracellular “recycling” system required for homeostatic substrate and organelle turnover; its dysregulation may provoke apoptosis and lead to muscle atrophy. We investigated the acute effects of alcohol ingestion on autophagic cell signaling responses to a bout of concurrent (combined resistance- and endurance-based) exercise. In a randomized crossover design, eight physically active males completed three experimental trials of concurrent exercise with either postexercise ingestion of alcohol and carbohydrate (12 ± 2 standard drinks; ALC-CHO), energy-matched alcohol and protein (ALC-PRO), or protein (PRO) only. Muscle biopsies were taken at rest and 2 and 8 h postexercise. Select autophagy-related gene (Atg) proteins decreased compared with rest with ALC-CHO (P < 0.05) but not ALC-PRO. There were parallel increases (P < 0.05) in p62 and PINK1 commensurate with a reduction in BNIP3 content, indicating a diminished capacity for mitochondria-specific autophagy (mitophagy) when alcohol and carbohydrate were coingested. DNA fragmentation increased in both alcohol conditions (P < 0.05); however, nuclear AIF accumulation preceded this apoptotic response with ALC-CHO only (P < 0.05). In contrast, increases in the nuclear content of p53, TFEB, and PGC-1α in ALC-PRO were accompanied by markers of mitochondrial biogenesis at the transcriptional (Tfam, SCO2, and NRF-1) and translational (COX-IV, ATPAF1, and VDAC1) level (P < 0.05). We conclude that alcohol ingestion following exercise triggers apoptosis, whereas the anabolic properties of protein coingestion may stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis to protect cellular homeostasis

    Beberapa Aspek Perilaku Vektor Malaria Nyamuk an. Sundaicus (Theobald) Di Lampung, Sumatera

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    Or alternatively a section in the results should give data about what species were collected [t2]It is unclear if the MBRs in this sentence are for all anopheles species combined or just sundaicus. [t3]The previous sentence contradicts this – in that it shows no difference in indoor and outdoor biting rates [t4]It is not clear what is meant 0 [t5]It appears that these secondary peaks may just be random variations and not true peaks – if statistical analyses shows that there are significantly higher, than leave this statement in, otherwise, probably should remove. [t6]Do you have any data to present in this manuscript to document this statement? [t7]It appears to be both exo- and endophilic with equal indoor and outdoor feedin

    Seasonal changes in the antibody responses against Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface antigens in areas of differing malaria endemicity in Indonesia.

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    BACKGROUND: The transmission of malaria in Indonesia is highly heterogeneous spatially and seasonally. Anti-malaria antibody responses can help characterize this variation. In the present study antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum MSP-1 and AMA-1 were measured to assess the transmission intensity in a hypo-endemic area of Purworejo and a meso-endemic area of Lampung during low and high transmission seasons. METHODS: Filter-paper blood spot samples collected from Purworejo and Lampung by cross-sectional survey during high and low transmission season were stored at -20°C. Indirect ELISA assays were carried out using PfMSP1-19 and PfAMA1 antigens. A positivity threshold was determined by samples from local unexposed individuals, and the differences in seroprevalence, antibody level and correlation between antibody level and age in each site were statistically analysed. RESULTS: Prevalence of antibodies to either PfMSP1-19 or PfAMA1 was higher in Lampung than in Purworejo in both the low (51.3 vs 25.0%) and high transmission season (53.9 vs 37.5%). The magnitude of antibody responses was associated with increasing age in both sites and was higher in Lampung. Age-adjusted seroconversion rates showed an approximately ten-fold difference between Lampung and Purowejo. Two different seroconversion rates were estimated for Lampung suggesting behaviour-related differences in exposure. In both settings antibody responses to PfMSP1-19 were significantly lower in the low season compared to the high season. CONCLUSION: Seasonal changes may be detectable by changes in antibody responses. This is particularly apparent in lower transmission settings and with less immunogenic antigens (in this case PfMSP1-19). Examination of antibody levels rather than seroprevalence is likely to be a more sensitive indicator of changes in transmission. These data suggest that sero-epidemiological analysis may have a role in assessing short-term changes in exposure especially in low or seasonal transmission settings

    Dynamic proteome profiling of individual proteins in human skeletal muscle after a high-fat diet and resistance exercise.

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    It is generally accepted that muscle adaptation to resistance exercise (REX) training is underpinned by contraction-induced, increased rates of protein synthesis and dietary protein availability. By using dynamic proteome profiling (DPP), we investigated the contribution of both synthesis and breakdown to changes in abundance on a protein-by-protein basis in human skeletal muscle. Age-matched, overweight males consumed 9 d of a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet during which time they either undertook 3 sessions of REX or performed no exercise. Precursor enrichment and the rate of incorporation of deuterium oxide into newly synthesized muscle proteins were determined by mass spectrometry. Ninety proteins were included in the DPP, with 28 proteins exhibiting significant responses to REX. The most common pattern of response was an increase in turnover, followed by an increase in abundance with no detectable increase in protein synthesis. Here, we provide novel evidence that demonstrates that the contribution of synthesis and breakdown to changes in protein abundance induced by REX differ on a protein-by-protein basis. We also highlight the importance of the degradation of individual muscle proteins after exercise in human skeletal muscle.-Camera, D. M., Burniston, J. G., Pogson, M. A., Smiles, W. J., Hawley, J. A. Dynamic proteome profiling of individual proteins in human skeletal muscle after a high-fat diet and resistance exercise

    Velocity at maximal oxygen uptake best predicts 3 km race time in collegiate distance runners

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    Purpose: There is a lack of scientific investigation into the predictors of 3 km race performance in collegiate distance runners. The purpose of this investigation was to determine what physiological variables best predict 3 km race time in a group of collegiate distance runners. Methods: Twenty-one endurance trained runners (11 men, 10 women) volunteered for this investigation. Running economy (RE) and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) testing were conducted within 9 ± 6 days of the race in a single session. All participants ran in a 3 km race at an NCAA sanctioned track meet. Pearson’s product moment correlations were performed between 3 km race time and velocity at VO2max (vVO2max), relative VO2max, RE at 9.7, 11.3, 12.9, and 14.5 km‱hr-1 and percent of VO2max. A stepwise multiple regression was performed with 3 km race time as the dependent variable and independent variables of vVO2max, VO2max, RE9.7, RE11.3, RE12.9, RE14.5. Results: The results revealed that vVO2max was the best predictor of 3 km race performance in a heterogeneous group of collegiate distance runners (R2=0.90). For the men, vVO2max remained the best predictor of 3 km race performance (R2=0.49). For the women, the best predictors of 3 km performance were vVO2max and VO2max (R2=0.97). Conclusions: Distance coaches should consider emphasizing vVO2max as a primary factor in training to improve 3 km race performance and conversely, the pace achieved in a 3-km race is a good predictor of vVO2max

    Anopheles gambiae: historical population decline associated with regional distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets in western Nyanza Province, Kenya

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High coverage of insecticide-treated bed nets in Asembo and low coverage in Seme, two adjacent communities in western Nyanza Province, Kenya; followed by expanded coverage of bed nets in Seme, as the Kenya national malaria programme rolled out; provided a natural experiment for quantification of changes in relative abundance of two primary malaria vectors in this holoendemic region. Both belong to the <it>Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (s.l.) </it>species complex, namely <it>A. gambiae sensu stricto (s.s.) </it>and <it>Anopheles arabiensis</it>. Historically, the former species was proportionately dominant in indoor resting collections of females.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data of the relative abundance of adult <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>and <it>A. arabiensis </it>sampled from inside houses were obtained from the literature from 1970 to 2002 for sites west of Kisumu, Kenya, to the region of Asembo ca. 50 km from the city. A sampling transect was established from Asembo (where bed net use was high due to presence of a managed bed net distribution programme) eastward to Seme, where no bed net programme was in place. Adults of <it>A. gambiae s.l. </it>were sampled from inside houses along the transect from 2003 to 2009, as were larvae from nearby aquatic habitats, providing data over a nearly 40 year period of the relative abundance of the two species. Relative proportions of <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>and <it>A. arabiensis </it>were determined for each stage by identifying species by the polymerase chain reaction method. Household bed net ownership was measured with surveys during mosquito collections. Data of blood host choice, parity rate, and infection rate for <it>Plasmodium falciparum </it>in <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>and <it>A. arabiensis </it>were obtained for a sample from Asembo and Seme from 2005.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>Anopheles gambiae s.s. </it>adult females from indoor collections predominated from 1970 to 1998 (ca. 85%). Beginning in 1999, <it>A. gambiae </it>s.s decreased proportionately relative to <it>A. arabiensis</it>, then precipitously declined to rarity coincident with increased bed net ownership as national bed net distribution programmes commenced in 2004 and 2006. By 2009, <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>comprised proportionately ca. 1% of indoor collections and <it>A. arabiensis </it>99%. In Seme compared to Asembo in 2003, proportionately more larvae were <it>A. gambiae s.s.</it>, larval density was higher, and more larval habitats were occupied. As bed net use rose in Seme, the proportion of <it>A. gambiae </it>larvae declined as well. These trends continued to 2009. Parity and malaria infection rates were lower in both species in Asembo (high bed net use) compared to Seme (low bed net use), but host choice did not vary within species in both communities (predominantly cattle for <it>A. arabiensis</it>, humans for <it>A. gambiae s.s.</it>).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A marked decline of the <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>population occurred as household ownership of bed nets rose in a region of western Kenya over a 10 year period. The increased bed net coverage likely caused a mass effect on the composition of the <it>A. gambiae s.l. </it>species complex, resulting in the observed proportionate increase in <it>A. arabiensis </it>compared to its closely related sibling species, <it>A. gambiae s.s. </it>These observations are important in evaluating the process of regional malaria elimination, which requires sustained vector control as a primary intervention.</p

    Assessment of molecular markers for anti-malarial drug resistance after the introduction and scale-up of malaria control interventions in western Kenya

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    Background Although it is well known that drug pressure selects for drug-resistant parasites, the role of transmission reduction by insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) on drug resistance remains unclear. In this study, the drug resistance profile of current and previous first-line anti-malarials in Kenya was assessed within the context of drug policy change and scale-up of ITNs. National first-line treatment changed from chloroquine (CQ) to sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) in 1998 and to artemether-lumefantrine (AL) in 2004. ITN use was scaled-up in the Asembo, Gem and Karemo areas of western Kenya in 1997, 1999 and 2006, respectively. Methods Smear-positive samples (N = 253) collected from a 2007 cross-sectional survey among children in Asembo, Gem and Karemo were genotyped for mutations in pfcrt and pfmdr1 (CQ), dhfr and dhps (SP), and at pfmdr-N86 and the gene copy number in pfmdr1 (lumefantrine). Results were compared among the three geographic areas in 2007 and to retrospective molecular data from children in Asembo in 2001. Results In 2007, 69 and 85% of samples harboured the pfmdr1-86Y mutation and dhfr/dhps quintuple mutant, respectively, with no significant differences by study area. However, the prevalence of the pfcrt-76T mutation differed significantly among areas (p <0.02), between 76 and 94%, with the highest prevalence in Asembo. Several 2007 samples carried mutations at dhfr-164L, dhps-436A, or dhps-613T. From 2001 to 2007, there were significant increases in the pfcrt-76T mutation from 82 to 94% (p <0.03), dhfr/dhps quintuple mutant from 62 to 82% (p <0.03), and an increase in the septuple CQ and SP combined mutant haplotype, K 76 Y 86 I 51 R 59 N 108 G 437 E 540 , from 28 to 39%. The prevalence of the pfmdr1-86Y mutation remained unchanged. All samples were single copy for pfmdr1. Conclusions Molecular markers associated with lumefantrine resistance were not detected in 2007. More recent samples will be needed to detect any selective effects by AL. The prevalence of CQ and SP resistance markers increased from 2001 to 2007 in the absence of changes in transmission intensity. In 2007, only the prevalence of pfcrt-76T mutation differed among study areas of varying transmission intensity. Resistant parasites were most likely selected by sustained drug pressure from the continued use of CQ, SP, and mechanistically similar drugs, such as amodiaquine and cotrimoxazole. There was no clear evidence that differences in transmission intensity, as a result of ITN scale-up, influenced the prevalence of drug resistance molecular markers
