5,516 research outputs found

    Capture of non-relativistic particles in eccentric orbits by a Kerr black hole

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    We obtain approximate analytic expressions for the critical value of the total angular momentum of a non-relativistic test particle moving in the Kerr geometry, such that it will be captured by the black hole. The expressions apply to arbitrary orbital inclinations, and are accurate over the entire range of angular momentum for the Kerr black hole. The expressions can be easily implemented in N-body simulations of the evolution of star clusters around massive galactic black holes, where such captures play an important role.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Post-Newtonian gravitational radiation and equations of motion via direct integration of the relaxed Einstein equations. V. Evidence for the strong equivalence principle to second post-Newtonian order

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    Using post-Newtonian equations of motion for fluid bodies valid to the second post-Newtonian order, we derive the equations of motion for binary systems with finite-sized, non-spinning but arbitrarily shaped bodies. In particular we study the contributions of the internal structure of the bodies (such as self-gravity) that would diverge if the size of the bodies were to shrink to zero. Using a set of virial relations accurate to the first post-Newtonian order that reflect the stationarity of each body, and redefining the masses to include 1PN and 2PN self-gravity terms, we demonstrate the complete cancellation of a class of potentially divergent, structure-dependent terms that scale as s^{-1} and s^{-5/2}, where s is the characteristic size of the bodies. This is further evidence of the Strong Equivalence Principle, and supports the use of post-Newtonian approximations to derive equations of motion for strong-field bodies such as neutron stars and black holes. This extends earlier work done by Kopeikin.Comment: 14 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev. D; small changes to coincide with published versio

    A cosmic vector for dark energy

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    In this work we show that the presence of a vector field on cosmological scales could explain the present phase of accelerated expansion of the universe. The proposed theory contains no dimensional parameters nor potential terms and does not require unnatural initial conditions in the early universe, thus avoiding the so called cosmic coincidence problem. In addition, it fits the data from high-redshift supernovae with excellent precision, making definite predictions for cosmological parameters. Upcoming observations will be able to clearly discriminate this model from standard cosmology with cosmological constant.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. New comments and references included. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Testing Alternative Theories of Gravity using LISA

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    We investigate the possible bounds which could be placed on alternative theories of gravity using gravitational wave detection from inspiralling compact binaries with the proposed LISA space interferometer. Specifically, we estimate lower bounds on the coupling parameter \omega of scalar-tensor theories of the Brans-Dicke type and on the Compton wavelength of the graviton \lambda_g in hypothetical massive graviton theories. In these theories, modifications of the gravitational radiation damping formulae or of the propagation of the waves translate into a change in the phase evolution of the observed gravitational waveform. We obtain the bounds through the technique of matched filtering, employing the LISA Sensitivity Curve Generator (SCG), available online. For a neutron star inspiralling into a 10^3 M_sun black hole in the Virgo Cluster, in a two-year integration, we find a lower bound \omega > 3 * 10^5. For lower-mass black holes, the bound could be as large as 2 * 10^6. The bound is independent of LISA arm length, but is inversely proportional to the LISA position noise error. Lower bounds on the graviton Compton wavelength ranging from 10^15 km to 5 * 10^16 km can be obtained from one-year observations of massive binary black hole inspirals at cosmological distances (3 Gpc), for masses ranging from 10^4 to 10^7 M_sun. For the highest-mass systems (10^7 M_sun), the bound is proportional to (LISA arm length)^{1/2} and to (LISA acceleration noise)^{-1/2}. For the others, the bound is independent of these parameters because of the dominance of white-dwarf confusion noise in the relevant part of the frequency spectrum. These bounds improve and extend earlier work which used analytic formulae for the noise curves.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Classical & Quantum Gravit

    Gravity in the Randall-Sundrum Brane World

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    We discuss the weak gravitational field created by isolated matter sources in the Randall-Sundrum brane-world. In the case of two branes of opposite tension, linearized Brans-Dicke (BD) gravity is recovered on either wall, with different BD parameters. On the wall with positive tension the BD parameter is larger than 3000 provided that the separation between walls is larger than 4 times the AdS radius. For the wall of negative tension, the BD parameter is always negative but greater than -3/2. In either case, shadow matter from the other wall gravitates upon us. For equal Newtonian mass, light deflection from shadow matter is 25 % weaker than from ordinary matter. Hence, the effective mass of a clustered object containing shadow dark matter would be underestimated if naively measured through its lensing effect. For the case of a single wall of positive tension, Einstein gravity is recovered on the wall to leading order, and if the source is stationary the field stays localized near the wall. We calculate the leading Kaluza-Klein corrections to the linearized gravitational field of a non-relativistic spherical object and find that the metric is different from the Schwarzschild solution at large distances. We believe that our linearized solution corresponds to the field far from the horizon after gravitational collapse of matter on the brane.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Replaced with revised version to be published in Phys. Rev. Lett. Some comments adde

    Weak-field limit of Kaluza-Klein models with spherical compactification: experimental constraints

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    We investigate the classical gravitational tests for the six-dimensional Kaluza-Klein model with spherical (of a radius aa) compactification of the internal space. The model contains also a bare multidimensional cosmological constant Λ6\Lambda_6. The matter, which corresponds to this ansatz, can be simulated by a perfect fluid with the vacuum equation of state in the external space and an arbitrary equation of state with the parameter ω1\omega_1 in the internal space. For example, ω1=1\omega_1=1 and ω1=2\omega_1=2 correspond to the monopole two-forms and the Casimir effect, respectively. In the particular case Λ6=0\Lambda_6=0, the parameter ω1\omega_1 is also absent: ω1=0\omega_1=0. In the weak-field approximation, we perturb the background ansatz by a point-like mass. We demonstrate that in the case ω1>0\omega_1>0 the perturbed metric coefficients have the Yukawa type corrections with respect to the usual Newtonian gravitational potential. The inverse square law experiments restrict the parameters of the model: $a/\sqrt{\omega_1}\lesssim 6\times10^{-3}\ {{cm}}.Therefore,intheSolarsystemtheparameterizedpostNewtonianparameter. Therefore, in the Solar system the parameterized post-Newtonian parameter \gammaisequalto1withveryhighaccuracy.Thus,ourmodelsatisfiesthegravitationalexperiments(thedeflectionoflightandthetimedelayofradarechoes)atthesamelevelofaccuracyasGeneralRelativity.Wedemonstratealsothatourbackgroundmatterprovidesthestablecompactificationoftheinternalspaceinthecase is equal to 1 with very high accuracy. Thus, our model satisfies the gravitational experiments (the deflection of light and the time delay of radar echoes) at the same level of accuracy as General Relativity. We demonstrate also that our background matter provides the stable compactification of the internal space in the case \omega_1>0.However,if. However, if \omega_1=0,thentheparameterizedpostNewtonianparameter, then the parameterized post-Newtonian parameter \gamma=1/3$, which strongly contradicts the observations.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, revised version, equations and references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. arXiv admin note: significant text overlap with arXiv:1107.338

    Gravitomagnetism in superconductors and compact stars

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    There are three experimentally observed effects in rotating superconductors that are so far unexplained. Some authors have tried to interpret such a phenomena as possible new gravitational properties of coherent quantum systems: in particular, they suggest that the gravitomagnetic field of that kind of matter may be many orders of magnitude stronger than the one expected in the standard theory. Here I show that this interpretation would be in conflict with the common belief that neutron stars have neutrons in superfluid state and protons in superconductive one.Comment: 9 pages, no figur

    Sense-making of consumer wellbeing in information technology-enabled services from a relational ontology position

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    Information technology (IT) built into products and services have become the key drivers for service innovation. How information technology-enabled services (ITESs) affect consumer wellbeing has increasingly become a concern to service scholars. In response to this, transformative service research (TSR) has emerged as a new stream in service research. This paper investigates consumer wellbeing derived from the consumption of ITESs in consumers’ daily lives. A mixed-method approach was employed in our study, including self-reflective reports, in-depth interviews and visual artistic methods. We demonstrated that a relational ontology, drawing on the ‘focal things’ concept (Borgmann, 1984) and sociomateriality (Orlikowski, 2009), could be used as a lens for us to understand consumer wellbeing in ITESs. We used four vignettes to demonstrate how relational ontology can enhance our understanding of consumer wellbeing in ITESs. Theoretically, this paper contributes to TSR by proposing and demonstrating the need to shift or at least extend the extant predominant technology ontology in marketing literature to make sense of consumer experiences and wellbeing in ITESs. In practice, this research encourages ITESs designers to emphasise the relational entanglement of technology with consumer routine practices in their service innovations for the purposes of consumer wellbeing

    A new PPN parameter to test Chern-Simons gravity

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    We study Chern-Simons (CS) gravity in the parameterized post-Newtonian (PPN) framework through a weak-field solution of the modified field equations. We find that CS gravity possesses the same PPN parameters as general relativity, except for the inclusion of a new term, proportional to the CS coupling and the curl of the PPN vector potential. This new term leads to a modification of frame dragging and gyroscopic precession and we provide an estimate of its size. This correction might be used in experiments, such as Gravity Probe B, to bound CS gravity and test string theory.Comment: 4 pages, replaced with version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letters (December, 2007

    Description and simulation of an integrated power and attitude control system concept for space-vehicle application

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    An Integrated Power and Attitude Control System (IPACS) concept with potential application to a broad class of space missions is discussed. A description is given of the basic concept of combining the onboard energy storage and attitude control functions by storing energy in spinning flywheels which are used to provide control torques. A shuttle-launched Research and Applications Module (RAM) A303B solar-observatory mission having stringent pointing requirements (1.0 arc second) is selected to investigate possible interactions between energy storage and attitude control. A simulation of this spacecraft involving actual laboratory-model control-system hardware is presented. Simulation results are discussed which indicate that the IPACS concept, even in a failure-mode configuration, can readily meet the RAM A303B pointing requirements