56 research outputs found

    Многофазный конвертор мощного двигателя постоянного тока

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    Показана возможность реализации мощных многофазных конверторов, ключевые элементы которых управляются импульсами с равномерным фазовым сдвигом по времени и цифровым кодом задания скважности

    How does mitochondrial heteroplasmy affect cell proliferation?

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    Mitochondrial mutations and heteroplasmy have been associated with disease states that result from inadequate cellular energy production. As mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) encodes many of the polypeptides involved in oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS), mtDNA mutations may lower energy production which is required for cell division and sustained ATP synthesis. In order to test the relationship between mtDNA mutations and the rate of cell division, a mammary epithelial cancer cell line, MCF-7, is used as a model. Nine proliferate single cell clones have been isolated from MCF-7. Population doubling times of six single cell clones and the MCF-7 stock have been determined. Clones with distinctly different growth rates were selected for mutational analysis. Growth rates of these clones appeared to be different from each other. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing, three cases of heteroplasmy have been identified in the mitochondrial genes of the MCF-7 stock and four single cell clones (ATPase C9119T, ND6 T14300G, Cytb G15807A). Heteroplasmy present in the Cytb gene is differs between single cell clones. Differences between the growth rates may be indicative of metabolic variations in these single cell clones. The OXPHOS enzymes encoded by the mutated genes were quantified by standard enzymatic assays. The assays demonstrated significant differences in specific activity between the clones, but were not correlated with mitochondrial heteroplasmy. This thesis determines that the differences in specific activity observed between clones is of nuclear origin

    Высвобождение персонала с использованием аутплейсмента

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    В настоящей статье рассматривается аутплейсмент как программа, направленная на устранение негативных последствий высвобождения персонала, увольнения, результатом которой является гарантированное трудоустройство. Также показаны особенности его применения за рубежом ив России, отмечены его положительные стороны

    Рабочие электромагнитные процессы в трехфазном мостовом инверторе с полюсной коммутацией в режиме синусоидальной ШИМ

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    В статье описана работа схемы тиристорного мостового инвертора с полюсной коммутацией в режиме синусоидальной ШИМ, которая реализуется за счет модуляции путем перемещения переднего фронта импульсов с одновременным использованием си­ловых тиристоров в режиме управляемого нулевого вентиля. Произведено рассмотрение рабочих электромагнитных процессов в инверторе и построены диаграммы фазных и линейных напряжений, а также токов нагрузки при различных коэффициентах мощности ее

    Interdisciplinary perspectives on privacy awareness in lifelogging technology development

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    Population aging resulting from demographic changes requires some challenging decisions and necessary steps to be taken by different stakeholders to manage current and future demand for assistance and support. The consequences of population aging can be mitigated to some extent by assisting technologies that can support the autonomous living of older individuals and persons in need of care in their private environments as long as possible. A variety of technical solutions are already available on the market, but privacy protection is a serious, often neglected, issue when using such (assisting) technology. Thus, privacy needs to be thoroughly taken under consideration in this context. In a three-year project PAAL (‘Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Lifelogging Services for Older and Frail People’), researchers from different disciplines, such as law, rehabilitation, human-computer interaction, and computer science, investigated the phenomenon of privacy when using assistive lifelogging technologies. In concrete terms, the concept of Privacy by Design was realized using two exemplary lifelogging applications in private and professional environments. A user-centered empirical approach was applied to the lifelogging technologies, investigating the perceptions and attitudes of (older) users with different health-related and biographical profiles. The knowledge gained through the interdisciplinary collaboration can improve the implementation and optimization of assistive applications. In this paper, partners of the PAAL project present insights gained from their cross-national, interdisciplinary work regarding privacy-aware and acceptable lifelogging technologies.Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This work is part of the PAAL-project (“Privacy-Aware and Acceptable Lifelogging services for older and frail people”). The support of the Joint Programme Initiative “More Years, Better Lives” (award number: PAAL_JTC2017), the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant no: 16SV7955), the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life, and Welfare (grant no: 2017–02302), the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (PCIN-2017-114), the Italian Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Universitá e della Ricerca, (CUP: I36G17000380001), and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research is gratefully acknowledged

    Acceptance of eHealth technology in home environments : advanced studies on user diversity in ambient assisted living

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    Acceptance of eHealth Technology in Home Environments: AdvancedStudies on User Diversity in Ambient Assisted LivingThe present work focuses on a psychological perspective of technologyacceptance, considering the users of electronic Health technology(eHealth) in their home environments. The aim is to explore and identifyfactors that influence a successful interaction and adoption of such medicalassistance technology that is meant to support people in an activeand healthy aging. A particular attention is directed to the aspectof user diversity. To realize the objectives, a user-centered researchapproach was applied in an interdisciplinary environment. In this way,the exploration of how to design and adapt ambient systems to theindividual concepts and needs could be optimized. Using qualitativeand quantitative methods, the potential users’ motives and barriers forusing eHealth in domestic settings were revealed. This work providesa rich depiction of their specific requirements and demonstrates whichindividual aspects must be considered to reach a high acceptance andan optimal commercial launch