1,081 research outputs found

    Far-infrared photometry of compact extragalactic sources: OJ 187 and BL Lac

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    The 50 and 100 micron emissions of OJ 287 were detected and upper limits for BL Lac were obtained. These first measurements of two BL Lac objects in the far-infrared show them to be similar to the few quasars previously observed in the far-infrared. In particular, there is no evidence for significant dust emission, and the lambda approximately 100 micron flux density fits on a smooth line joining the near-infrared and millimeter continuum fluxes. The implications of the results for models of the sources are discussed briefly

    An infrared study of the bi-polar outflow region GGD 12-15

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    Infrared observations from 1 to 100 microns are presented for the region associated with a bipolar CO outflow source near the nebulous objects GGD 12 to 15. A luminous far-infrared source was found associated with a radio-continuum source in the area. This object appears to be a compact HII region around a nearly main-sequence BO star. A faint 20 micron source was also discovered at the position of an H2O maser 3O deg northwest of the HII region. This object appears to be associated with but not coincident with a 2 micron reflection nebula. This structure serves as evidence for a non-spherically symmetric, possibly disk-like dust distribution around the exciting star for the maser. This object probably powers the bi-polar CO outflow although its luminosity is less than 10% that of the star which excites the compact HII region. A number of other 2 micron sources found in the area are probably members of a recently formed cluster

    Far-infrared observations of young clusters embedded in the R Coronae Austrinae and RHO Ophiuchi dark clouds

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    Multicolor far infrared maps in two nearby dark clouds, R Coronae Austrinae and rho Ophiuchi, were made in order to investigate the individual contribution of low mass stars to the energetics and dynamics of the surrounding gas and dust. Emission from cool dust associated with five low mass stars in Cr A and four in rho Oph was detected; their far infrared luminosities range from 2 far infrared luminosities L. up to 40 far infrared luminosities. When an estimate of the bolometric luminosity was possible, it was found that typically more than 50% of the star's energy was radiated longward of 20 micrometers. meaningful limits to the far infrared luminosities of an additional eleven association members in Cr A and two in rho Oph were also obtained. The dust optical depth surrounding the star R Cr A appears to be asymmetric and may control the dynamics of the surrounding molecular gas. The implications of the results for the cloud energetics and star formation efficiency in these two clouds are discussed

    Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of Young Stellar Objects in rho-Ophiuchi

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    The results of a near-infrared (J H K LP) imaging linear polarimetry survey of 20 young stellar objects (YSOs) in rho Ophiuchi are presented. The majority of the sources are unresolved, with K-band polarizations, P_K < 6 per cent. Several objects are associated with extended reflection nebulae. These objects have centrosymmetric vector patterns with polarization discs over their cores; maximum polarizations of P_K > 20 per cent are seen over their envelopes. Correlations are observed between the degree of core polarization and the evolutionary status inferred from the spectral energy distribution. K-band core polarizations >6 per cent are only observed in Class I YSOs. A 3D Monte Carlo model with oblate grains aligned with a magnetic field is used to investigate the flux distributions and polarization structures of three of the rho Oph YSOs with extended nebulae. A rho proportional to r^(-1.5) power law for the density is applied throughout the envelopes. The large-scale centrosymmetric polarization structures are due to scattering. However, the polarization structure in the bright core of the nebula appears to require dichroic extinction by aligned non-spherical dust grains. The position angle indicates a toroidal magnetic field in the inner part of the envelope. Since the measured polarizations attributed to dichroic extinction are usually <10 per cent, the grains must either be nearly spherical or very weakly aligned. The higher polarizations observed in the outer parts of the reflection nebulae require that the dust grains responsible for scattering have maximum grain sizes <=1.05 microns.Comment: 26 pages. Accepted by MNRAS. Available as online early versio

    A Mid-Infrared Imaging Survey of Embedded Young Stellar Objects in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Core

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    Results of a comprehensive, new, ground-based mid-infrared imaging survey of the young stellar population of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud are presented. Data were acquired at the Palomar 5-m and at the Keck 10-m telescopes with the MIRLIN and LWS instruments, at 0.25 arcsec and 0.25 arcsec resolutions, respectively. Of 172 survey objects, 85 were detected. Among the 22 multiple systems observed, 15 were resolved and their individual component fluxes determined. A plot of the frequency distribution of the detected objects with SED spectral slope shows that YSOs spend ~400,000 yr in the Flat Spectrum phase, clearing out their remnant infall envelopes. Mid-infrared variability is found among a significant fraction of the surveyed objects, and is found to occur for all SED classes with optically thick disks. Large-amplitude near-infrared variability, also found for all SED classes with optically thick disks, seems to occur with somewhat higher frequency at the earlier evolutionary stages. Although a general trend of mid-infrared excess and NIR veiling exists proceeding through SED classes, with Class I objects generally exhibiting K-veilings > 1, Flat Spectrum objects with K-veilings > 0.58, and Class III objects with K-veilings =0, Class II objects exhibit the widest range of K-band veiling values, 0-4.5. However, the highly variable value of veiling that a single source can exhibit in any of the SED classes in which active disk accretion can take place is striking, and is direct observational evidence for highly time-variable accretion activity in disks. Finally, by comparing mid-infrared vs. near-infrared excesses in a subsample with well-determined effective temperatures and extinction values, disk clearing mechanisms are explored. The results are consistent with disk clearing proceeding from the inside-out.Comment: 18 pages + 5 tables + 7 figure

    A Spitzer Search For Planetary-Mass Brown Dwarfs With Circumstellar Disks: Candidate Selection

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    We report on initial results from a Spitzer program to search for very low-mass brown dwarfs in Ophiuchus. This program is an extension of an earlier study by Allers et al. which had resulted in an extraordinary success rate, 18 confirmed out of 19 candidates. Their program combined near-infrared and Spitzer photom- etry to identify objects with very cool photospheres together with circumstellar disk emission to indicate youth. Our new program has obtained deep IRAC pho- tometry of a 0.5 deg2 field that was part of the original Allers et al. study. We report 18 new candidates whose luminosities extend down to 10-4 L\cdot which sug- gests masses down to ~ 2 MJ if confirmed. We describe our selection techniques, likely contamination issues, and follow-on photometry and spectroscopy that are in progress

    Proper Motion of H2O Masers in IRAS 20050+2720 MMS1: An AU Scale Jet Associated with An Intermediate-Mass Class 0 Source

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    We conducted a 4 epoch 3 month VLBA proper motion study of H2_2O masers toward an intermediate-mass class 0 source IRAS 20050+2720 MMS1 (d=700 pc). From milli-arcsecond (mas) resolution VLBA images, we found two groups of H2O maser spots at the center of the submillimeter core of MMS1. One group consists of more than 50\sim 50 intense maser spots; the other group consisting of several weaker maser spots is located at 18 AU south-west of the intense group. Distribution of the maser spots in the intense group shows an arc-shaped structure which includes the maser spots that showed a clear velocity gradient. The spatial and velocity structures of the maser spots in the arc-shape did not significantly change through the 4 epochs. Furthermore, we found a relative proper motion between the two groups. Their projected separation increased by 1.13+/-0.11 mas over the 4 epochs along a line connecting them. The spatial and velocity structures of the intense group and the relative proper motions strongly suggest that the maser emission is associated with a protostellar jet. Comparing the observed LSR velocities with calculated radial velocities from a simple biconical jet model, we conclude that the most of the maser emission are likely to be associated with an accelerating biconical jet which has large opening angle. The large opening angle of the jet traced by the masers would support the hypothesis that poor jet collimation is an inherent property of luminous (proto)stars.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, Fig.3 was downsized significantly. accepted for publication in A&

    VLT/NACO adaptive optics imaging of the TY CrA system - A fourth stellar component candidate detected

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    We report the detection of a possible subsolar mass companion to the triple young system TY CrA using the NACO instrument at the VLT UT4 during its commissioning. Assuming for TY CrA a distance similar to that of the close binary system HD 176386, the photometric spectral type of this fourth stellar component candidate is consistent with an ~M4 star. We discuss the dynamical stability of this possible quadruple system as well as the possible location of dusty particles inside or outside the system.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures postscrip

    Low-Mass Star Formation and the Initial Mass Function in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Core

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    We have obtained moderate-resolution (R=800-1200) K-band spectra for ~100 stars within and surrounding the cloud core of rho Oph. We have measured spectral types and continuum veilings and have combined this information with results from new deep imaging. The IMF peaks at about 0.4 M_sun and slowly declines to the hydrogen burning limit with a slope of ~-0.5 in logarithmic units (Salpeter is +1.35). Our lower limits on the numbers of substellar objects demonstrate that the IMF probably does not fall more steeply below the hydrogen burning limit, at least down to ~0.02 M_sun. We then make the first comparison of mass functions of stars and pre-stellar clumps (Motte, Andre, & Neri) measured in the same region. The similar behavior of the two mass functions in rho Oph supports the suggestion of Motte et al. and Testi & Sargent that the stellar mass function in young clusters is a direct product of the process of cloud fragmentation. After considering the effect of extinction on the SED classifications of the sample, we find that ~17% of the rho Oph stars are Class I, implying ~0.1 Myr for the lifetime of this stage. In spectra separated by two years, we observe simultaneous variability in the Br gamma emission and K-band continuum veiling for two stars, where the hydrogen emission is brighter in the more heavily veiled data. This behavior indicates that the disk may contribute significantly to continuous K-band emission, in contrast to the proposal that the infalling envelope always dominates. Our detection of strong 2 micron veiling (r_K=1-4) in several Class II and III stars, which should have disks but little envelope material, further supports this proposition.Comment: 35 pages, 14 figures, accepted to Ap