5,829 research outputs found

    Evolution of Resource Competition between Mutually Dependent Digital Organisms

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    We study the emergence and dynamics of competing strains of digital organisms in a world with two depletable resources. Consumption of one resource produces the other resource as a by-product, and vice versa. As a consequence, two types of mutually dependent organisms emerge that each prey on the waste product of the other. In the absence of mutations, that is, in a purely ecological setting, the abundances of the two types of organisms display a wide range of different types of oscillations, from regular oscillations with large amplitude to irregular oscillations with amplitudes ranging from small to large. In this regime, time-averaged abundance levels seem to be controlled by the relative fitness of the organisms in the absence of resources. Under mutational pressure, on the other hand, populations evolve that seem to avoid the oscillations of intermediate to large amplitudes. In this case, the relative fitness of the organisms in the presence of resources plays an important role in the time-averaged abundance levels as well

    Ergosterol Effect on the Desaturation of 14C-Cis-Vaccenate in Tetrahymena

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    Supplement of ergosterol to the growth medium of the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis W leads to incorporation of the foreign sterol within cell membranes and suppression of synthesis of the native sterol-like compound tetrahymanol, as well as to changes in the fatty acid compositions of several major classes of membrane lipid. Alteration of fatty acid composition is thought to represent a regulatory mechanism whereby optimum membrane fluidity is maintained when the slightly dissimilar foreign sterol is added into the phospholipid bilayer of the membranes. The present study, using several different conditions of growth temperature, substrate concentrations and incubation time, and ergosterol concentrations and exposure time, is an attempt to provide evidence supporting a hypothetical regulatory mechanism. This mechanism proposes that there is a feedback regulation by membrane-bound sterol on an enzyme or enzymes involved in synthesis of the long chain fatty acids contained in membrane phospholipid. Such a mechanism could account for the balance between sterol and fatty acid content of membrane. The data presented here show that a statistically significant increase in desaturation of 14C-cis-vaccenate can be demonstrated in Tetrahymena cell cultures whose membranes contain the foreign sterol, when growth temperature is maintained at 20° or 29.5°. Tetrahymena desaturated 14C-cis-vaccenate substrate in both ergosterol supplemented and normal cultures. The 14C labeled product, 6,11-18:2 was recovered and separated by silver nitrate-Unisil column chromatography

    Atypical neuroimaging of neurocystercercosis

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    The look-ahead effect of phenotypic mutations

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    The evolution of complex molecular traits such as disulphide bridges often requires multiple mutations. The intermediate steps in such evolutionary trajectories are likely to be selectively neutral or deleterious. Therefore, large populations and long times may be required to evolve such traits. We propose that errors in transcription and translation may allow selection for the intermediate mutations if the final trait provides a large enough selective advantage. We test this hypothesis using a population based model of protein evolution. If an individual acquires one of two mutations needed for a novel trait, the second mutation can be introduced into the phenotype due to transcription and translation errors. If the novel trait is advantageous enough, the allele with only one mutation will spread through the population, even though the gene sequence does not yet code for the complete trait. The first mutation then has a higher frequency than expected without phenotypic mutations giving the second mutation a higher probability of fixation. Thus, errors allow protein sequences to ''look-ahead'' for a more direct path to a complex trait.Comment: Submitted to "Genetics

    Tradeoff between short-term and long-term adaptation in a changing environment

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    We investigate the competition dynamics of two microbial or viral strains that live in an environment that switches periodically between two states. One of the strains is adapted to the long-term environment, but pays a short-term cost, while the other is adapted to the short-term environment and pays a cost in the long term. We explore the tradeoff between these alternative strategies in extensive numerical simulations, and present a simple analytic model that can predict the outcome of these competitions as a function of the mutation rate and the time scale of the environmental changes. Our model is relevant for arboviruses, which alternate between different host species on a regular basis.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, PRE in pres

    Strong magnetoresistance induced by long-range disorder

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    We calculate the semiclassical magnetoresistivity ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) of non-interacting fermions in two dimensions moving in a weak and smoothly varying random potential or random magnetic field. We demonstrate that in a broad range of magnetic fields the non-Markovian character of the transport leads to a strong positive magnetoresistance. The effect is especially pronounced in the case of a random magnetic field where ρxx(B)\rho_{xx}(B) becomes parametrically much larger than its B=0 value.Comment: REVTEX, 4 pages, 2 eps figure

    Nanoscale grains, high irreversibility field, and large critical current density as a function of high energy ball milling time in C-doped magnesium diboride

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    Magnesium diboride (MgB2) powder was mechanically alloyed by high energy ball milling with C to a composition of Mg(B0.95C0.05)2 and then sintered at 1000 C in a hot isostatic press. Milling times varied from 1 minute to 3000 minutes. Full C incorporation required only 30-60 min of milling. Grain size of sintered samples decreased with increased milling time to less than 30 nm for 20-50 hrs of milling. Milling had a weak detrimental effect on connectivity. Strong irreversibility field (H*) increase (from 13.3 T to 17.2 T at 4.2 K) due to increased milling time was observed and correlated linearly with inverse grain size (1/d). As a result, high field Jc benefited greatly from lengthy powder milling. Jc(8 T, 4.2 K) peaked at > 80,000 A/cm2 with 1200 min of milling compared with only ~ 26,000 A/cm2 for 60 min of milling. This non-compositional performance increase is attributed to grain refinement of the unsintered powder by milling, and to the probable suppression of grain growth by milling-induced MgO nano-dispersions.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Zero-frequency anomaly in quasiclassical ac transport: Memory effects in a two-dimensional metal with a long-range random potential or random magnetic field

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    We study the low-frequency behavior of the {\it ac} conductivity σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) of a two-dimensional fermion gas subject to a smooth random potential (RP) or random magnetic field (RMF). We find a non-analytic ω\propto|\omega| correction to Reσ{\rm Re} \sigma, which corresponds to a 1/t21/t^2 long-time tail in the velocity correlation function. This contribution is induced by return processes neglected in Boltzmann transport theory. The prefactor of this ω|\omega|-term is positive and proportional to (d/l)2(d/l)^2 for RP, while it is of opposite sign and proportional to d/ld/l in the weak RMF case, where ll is the mean free path and dd the disorder correlation length. This non-analytic correction also exists in the strong RMF regime, when the transport is of a percolating nature. The analytical results are supported and complemented by numerical simulations.Comment: 12 pages, RevTeX, 7 figure