5,035 research outputs found

    Muon bundles from the Universe

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    Recently the CERN ALICE experiment, in its dedicated cosmic ray run, observed muon bundles of very high multiplicities, thereby confirming similar findings from the LEP era at CERN (in the CosmoLEP project). Significant evidence for anisotropy of arrival directions of the observed high multiplicity muonic bundles is found. Estimated directionality suggests their possible extragalactic provenance. We argue that muonic bundles of highest multiplicity are produced by strangelets, hypothetical stable lumps of strange quark matter infiltrating our Universe.Comment: 4 pages, Proceedings for 17th International Conference on Strangeness in Quark Matter, Utrecht, the Netherland

    On the possibility of q-scaling in high energy production processes

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    It has been noticed recently that transverse momenta (p_T) distributions observed in high energy production processes exhibit remarkably universal scaling behaviour. This is the case when a suitable variable replaces the usual p_T. On the other hand, it is also widely known that transverse momentum distributions in general follow a power-like Tsallis distribution, rather than an exponential Boltzmann-Gibbs, with a (generally energy dependent) nonextensivity parameter q. Here we show that it is possible to choose a suitable variable such that all the data can be fitted by the same Tsallis distribution (with the same, energy independent value of the q-parameter). Thus they exhibit q-scaling.Comment: Final version, accepted by J.Phys.

    Polarization-controlled single photons

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    Vacuum-stimulated Raman transitions are driven between two magnetic substates of a rubidium-87 atom strongly coupled to an optical cavity. A magnetic field lifts the degeneracy of these states, and the atom is alternately exposed to laser pulses of two different frequencies. This produces a stream of single photons with alternating circular polarization in a predetermined spatio-temporal mode. MHz repetition rates are possible as no recycling of the atom between photon generations is required. Photon indistinguishability is tested by time-resolved two-photon interference.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Antiresonance phase shift in strongly coupled cavity QED

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    We investigate phase shifts in the strong coupling regime of single-atom cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED). On the light transmitted through the system, we observe a phase shift associated with an antiresonance and show that both its frequency and width depend solely on the atom, despite the strong coupling to the cavity. This shift is optically controllable and reaches 140 degrees - the largest ever reported for a single emitter. Our result offers a new technique for the characterization of complex integrated quantum circuits.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Analysis of the entanglement between two individual atoms using global Raman rotations

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    Making use of the Rydberg blockade, we generate entanglement between two atoms individually trapped in two optical tweezers. In this paper we detail the analysis of the data and show that we can determine the amount of entanglement between the atoms in the presence of atom losses during the entangling sequence. Our model takes into account states outside the qubit basis and allows us to perform a partial reconstruction of the density matrix describing the two atom state. With this method we extract the amount of entanglement between pairs of atoms still trapped after the entangling sequence and measure the fidelity with respect to the expected Bell state. We find a fidelity Fpairs=0.74(7)F_{\rm pairs} =0.74(7) for the 62% of atom pairs remaining in the traps at the end of the entangling sequence

    Entanglement of two individual neutral atoms using Rydberg blockade

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    We report the generation of entanglement between two individual 87^{87}Rb atoms in hyperfine ground states F=1,M=1>|F=1,M=1> and F=2,M=2>|F=2,M=2> which are held in two optical tweezers separated by 4 μ\mum. Our scheme relies on the Rydberg blockade effect which prevents the simultaneous excitation of the two atoms to a Rydberg state. The entangled state is generated in about 200 ns using pulsed two-photon excitation. We quantify the entanglement by applying global Raman rotations on both atoms. We measure that 61% of the initial pairs of atoms are still present at the end of the entangling sequence. These pairs are in the target entangled state with a fidelity of 0.75.Comment: text revised, with additional reference

    Coherent excitation of a single atom to a Rydberg state

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    We present the coherent excitation of a single Rubidium atom to the Rydberg state (58d3/2) using a two-photon transition. The experimental setup is described in detail, as well as experimental techniques and procedures. The coherence of the excitation is revealed by observing Rabi oscillations between ground and Rydberg states of the atom. We analyze the observed oscillations in detail and compare them to numerical simulations which include imperfections of our experimental system. Strategies for future improvements on the coherent manipulation of a single atom in our settings are given

    Unified model for network dynamics exhibiting nonextensive statistics

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    We introduce a dynamical network model which unifies a number of network families which are individually known to exhibit qq-exponential degree distributions. The present model dynamics incorporates static (non-growing) self-organizing networks, preferentially growing networks, and (preferentially) rewiring networks. Further, it exhibits a natural random graph limit. The proposed model generalizes network dynamics to rewiring and growth modes which depend on internal topology as well as on a metric imposed by the space they are embedded in. In all of the networks emerging from the presented model we find q-exponential degree distributions over a large parameter space. We comment on the parameter dependence of the corresponding entropic index q for the degree distributions, and on the behavior of the clustering coefficients and neighboring connectivity distributions.Comment: 11 pages 8 fig

    Consequences of temperature fluctuations in observables measured in high energy collisions

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    We review the consequences of intrinsic, nonstatistical temperature fluctuations as seen in observables measured in high energy collisions. We do this from the point of view of nonextensive statistics and Tsallis distributions. Particular attention is paid to multiplicity fluctuations as a first consequence of temperature fluctuations, to the equivalence of temperature and volume fluctuations, to the generalized thermodynamic fluctuations relations allowing us to compare fluctuations observed in different parts of phase space, and to the problem of the relation between Tsallis entropy and Tsallis distributions. We also discuss the possible influence of conservation laws on these distributions and provide some examples of how one can get them without considering temperature fluctuations.Comment: Revised version of the invited contribution to The European Physical Journal A (Hadrons and Nuclei) topical issue about 'Relativistic Hydro- and Thermodynamics in Nuclear Physics' guest eds. Tamas S. Biro, Gergely G. Barnafoldi and Peter Va

    Entanglement of two individual atoms using the Rydberg blockade

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    We report on our recent progress on the manipulation of single rubidium atoms trapped in optical tweezers and the generation of entanglement between two atoms, each individually trapped in neighboring tweezers. To create an entangled state of two atoms in their ground states, we make use of the Rydberg blockade mechanism. The degree of entanglement is measured using global rotations of the internal states of both atoms. Such internal state rotations on a single atom are demonstrated with a high fidelity.Comment: Proceeding of the 19th International Conference on Laser Spectroscopy ICOLS 2009, 7-13 June 2009, Hokkaido, Japa