225 research outputs found

    Teachers developing assessment for learning: impact on student achievement

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    While it is generally acknowledged that increased use of formative assessment (or assessment for learning) leads to higher quality learning, it is often claimed that the pressure in schools to improve the results achieved by students in externally-set tests and examinations precludes its use. This paper reports on the achievement of secondary school students who worked in classrooms where teachers made time to develop formative assessment strategies. A total of 24 teachers (2 science and 2 mathematics teachers, in each of six schools in two LEAs) were supported over a six-month period in exploring and planning their approach to formative assessment, and then, beginning in September 1999, the teachers put these plans into action with selected classes. In order to compute effect sizes, a measure of prior attainment and at least one comparison group was established for each class (typically either an equivalent class taught in the previous year by the same teacher, or a parallel class taught by another teacher). The mean effect size was 0.32

    Confinement of neutral fermions by a pseudoscalar double-step potential in (1+1) dimensions

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    The problem of confinement of neutral fermions in two-dimensional space-time is approached with a pseudoscalar double-step potential in the Dirac equation. Bound-state solutions are obtained when the coupling is of sufficient intensity. The confinement is made plausible by arguments based on effective mass and anomalous magnetic interaction.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Faktor Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kontribusi Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Gapura Angkasa Bandara Soekarno Hatta

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    Management is working with people to achieve organizational goals with the implementation of planning (planning), organizing, personnel or staffing, direction and leadership (leading), and controlling. planning, organizing, mobilizing and controlling to determine and achieve targeted goals that have been determined through the utilization of human and other resources. PT Gapura Angkasa is one of the Ground Handling companies that prioritizes customer satisfaction and loyalty where its customers are foreign and domestic airlines throughout Indonesia and to increase the profits of progress towards the company and can not be separated from qualified human resources and the role of human resources discipline is very important in the progress of the company. test results (Test f) there is a positive and significant influence between the work environment on employee performance PT. Gapura Angkasa Div Load Control of 62.9% and the remaining 37.1% explained that employee performance is influenced by other factors outside the work environment. testing the hypothesis individually (Test t) obtained the significance value of Work Discipline variable of 0.000 is smaller than 0.05 which means Work Discipline significantly influence Employee Performance. And the test results (Test f) there is a positive and significant influence between the discipline of work on the performance of employees of PT. Gapura Angkasa Div Load Control of 52.5% and the remaining 47.5% explained that employee performance is influenced by other factors the outside

    Studying changes in the practice of two teachers developing assessment for learning

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    This paper describes changes in the practice of two teachers, observed over an eighteen month period, who were participating in a study intended to support teachers in developing their use of assessment in support of learning. The design of the intervention allowed each teacher to choose for themselves which aspects of their practice to develop. Analysis of lesson observations, journal entries and interviews indicate that both teachers were keen to change their practice, but were concerned about the disruption to their established routines, and in particular about the potential for loss of control of their classes. Both teachers did effect significant changes in their classrooms, but these tended to be developments of existing preferred ways of working, rather than radical innovations. In conclusion, it is suggested that to be most effective, teacher professional development needs to be structured strongly enough to afford teacher growth, but flexible enough to allow different teachers to take their practice in different ways

    To what extent is behaviour a problem in English schools?:Exploring the scale and prevalence of deficits in classroom climate

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    The working atmosphere in the classroom is an important variable in the process of education in schools, with several studies suggesting that classroom climate is an important influence on pupil attainment. There are wide differences in the extent to which classroom climate is considered to be a problem in English schools. Some ‘official’ reports suggest that behaviour in schools is ‘satisfactory or better’ in the vast majority of schools; other sources have pointed to behaviour being a serious and widespread problem. The paper details four studies conducted over the past decade which aimed to explore these disparities. The aim of the research was to gain a more accurate insight into the extent to which deficits in classroom climate limit educational attainment and equality of educational opportunity in English schools. The findings question the suggestion that behaviour is satisfactory or better in 99.7% of English schools and the concluding section suggests ways in which deficits in classroom climate might be addressed. Although the study is limited to classrooms in England, OECD studies suggest that deficits in the working atmosphere in classrooms occur in many countries. The study therefore has potential relevance for education systems in other countries

    Balancing the demands of validity and reliability in practice: case study of a changing system of primary science summative assessment

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    Teacher summative judgements of children’s attainment in science, which are statutory at age 11 in England, require consideration of both valid sampling of the construct and reliable comparison of outcomes. In order to develop understanding of the enacted ‘trade off’ between validity and reliability, this three-year case study, within the Teacher Assessment in Primary Science (TAPS) project, was undertaken during a period of statutory assessment change in England. The case demonstrates an ongoing balancing act between the demands of reliability and validity, and resulted in the development of a teacher assessment seesaw, which provides a model for both interpreting and supporting practice, within and beyond primary science

    Assessment in the service of learning: challenges and opportunities or Plus ça Change, Plus c’est la mĂȘme Chose

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    This paper begins with a brief overview of literature indicating that, although there have been significant advances in the field’s capacity to conduct both formative and summative assessments over the past decades, those advances have not been matched by comparable impact. The bulk of the paper is devoted to a series of examples from the Mathematics Assessment Project that illustrate issues of methods, and the unrealized potential for advances

    Perturbations for transient acceleration

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    According to the standard Λ\LambdaCDM model, the accelerated expansion of the Universe will go on forever. Motivated by recent observational results, we explore the possibility of a finite phase of acceleration which asymptotically approaches another period of decelerated expansion. Extending an earlier study on a corresponding homogeneous and isotropic dynamics, in which interactions between dark matter and dark energy are crucial, the present paper also investigates the dynamics of the matter perturbations both on the Newtonian and GR levels and quantifies the potential relevance of perturbations of the dark-energy component. In the background, the model is tested against the Supernova type Ia (SNIa) data of the Constitution set and on the perturbative level against growth rate data and the data of the 2dFGRS project. Our results indicate, that a transient phase of accelerated expansion is not excluded by current observations.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, material and references adde
