159 research outputs found

    The Evidence of Buyer Bargaining Power in The Stockholm Residential Real Estate Market

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    The objective is to investigate whether uninformed buyers pay higher prices for single-family houses than do other buyers and test whether the bargaining power increases with information. We examine data on real estate prices and attributes, as well as household characteristics and buying process from Stockholm. Our results show that uninformed buyers seem to pay a higher price than informed buyers do. Bargaining power is not weaker for a first-time buyer but is weaker if the household has participated in several biddings and lost. Repeated bidding-and-losing households are more willing to increase their reservation price and pay a higher overall price compared to other households.

    Confronting the Future: Coping with Discovery of Electronic Material

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    Earlier research has found that housing and childbearing are linked, difficulties accessinghousing possibly delaying childbearing and negatively effecting education opportunities. Toincrease housing accessibility, some municipalities have earmarked apartments for youngadults. These “youth dwellings” are criticized for being small and not necessarily facilitatingfamily formation and fertility, better suiting students’ needs. We analyze the childbearing andeducation patterns of young adults entering youth housing in 1996. We follow them for 14years to examine the causal effect of youth housing on childbearing and higher educationusing a propensity score matching technique. Results indicates that gaining access to small,low-rent inner-city rental apartments earmarked for young adults promote higher educationbut negatively affect childbearing, unless the rest of the housing market permits these rentersto advance their housing careers.Qc 20150205</p

    The value of retail rents with regression models: a case study of Shanghai

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    AbstractPurpose&ndash; The purpose of this paper is to estimate the determinants of the retail space rent in Shanghai.Design/methodology/approach &ndash; Hedonic model and spatial regression models are used in the paper. The problem of spatial autocorrelation is tested by Moran&rsquo;s I statistics, and the root mean square error (RMSE) test is performed to find out the best model.Findings &ndash; The significant explaining variables are the age, the area of retail space, the distance to the Jing An CBD centre, the type of the retail and the district of the property. A new classification of district in retail research context is suggested in this paper, and it is proved to be better than the districts set up by government to explain the retail rent variation.Originality/value &ndash; This paper presents the first empirical study about the retail rental market in Shanghai. The research helps retail property investors and retail tenants deepen their understanding of the retail market in Shanghai. Spatial econometrics techniques are first introduced into the empirical retail rent research to produce a more precise estimation.<br /

    Impacts of shopping malls on apartment prices: the case of Stockholm

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    Shopping malls, as an important type of commercial facilities, are growing dramatically. They have gradually become one of the most dominant factors that can influence people's daily life as well as a city's economic development. People's willingness to pay for dwellings is also primarily associated with the surrounding commercial layout. Hence, it is of interest to find out more from a quantitative perspective on the relationship between shopping malls and housing prices. This study aims to analyze how the prices of condominiums will be affected by the proximity of shopping malls. Two aspects are considered and examined in the empirical study, namely a proximity to the shopping mall, and the number of shopping malls within 3 kilometers radius. We try to examine if there is any price premium for those apartments near the shopping mall or with more shopping malls in the neighborhood. In this empirical study, 36 shopping malls in different locations in the county of Stockholm, Sweden, is utilized. The sample of transactions consists of 336,914 apartments. By using regression analysis, based on the traditional hedonic model, the results show that there is an inverse relationship between the apartment prices and its distance from the shopping mall while the number of shopping malls is positively correlated with apartment prices. However, the impact has declined over time

    A model for analyzing influence of timber production on lichens for reindeer grazing

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    A model for long-term analysis of the influence of timber production on lichens for reindeer grazing (Cladina, Alectoria, Bryoria spp and others) in Sweden is presented. The annual production of and demand for lichens are estimated and compared. Production of these lichens is presumed to set the upper limit for the reindeer population. Reindeer graze on both ground and tree lichens, which both must be accessible in sufficient amounts and at the right times of the year if reindeer husbandry is to succeed without supplementary feeding. The model is based mainly on existing data, and uses are estimations from the National Forest Survey and the Hugin system for calculation of longterm potential cut (Bengtsson, 1981). Geographically the study is limited to Vasterbotten and Norrbotten, the northernmost counties in Sweden, where most reindeer husbandry in Sweden is located, and where reindeer grazing takes place over almost the whole area. The calculations cover a period of one hundred years from 1980, and are based on a timber production programme which relies more on &laquo;multiple use&raquo; than the current Swedish forest policy (Bengtsson, 1986). The annual production of ground lichens is calculated by multiplying the area covered with ground lichens by their increment as estimated from their rate of biomass increase, which in turn depends on site factors and age of the stand. The estimation of the area is based on data from the National Forest Survey. Sample plots with ground lichens are assumed to maintain lichens during the whole hundred year period. Areas with stands that have been thinned within ten years and stands younger than 20 years are excluded due to logging residues from thinnings and packed snow. Some of the remaining area cannot practically be utilized for reindeer grazing. Representatives of three communities of reindeer herders classified 212 plots from the National Forest Survey with ground lichens and assessed that 3/4 of the plots can be utilized. The reduction was because of location (near buildings, roads, railroads, and recreation facilities), or because the area with lichens was too small and isolat&eacute;d. Demand for ground lichens is calculated as the daily demand for ground lichens by the reindeer multiplied by the number of days every year that reindeer depend on this forage. Figures used are based upon estimations from persons with great experience of reindeer farming. The annual production of tree lichens consists of two parts, i.e., tree lichens within reach of the reindeer, and tree lichens which become accessible after falling down from the trees onto the snow. Forest stands dominated by conifers and older than one hundred years are assumed to bear tree lichens. This area is also reduced to 75 per cent for reasons of practical accessibility. Annual production of lichens in reach of the reindeer is then estimated as the area multiplied by the increment rate of the biomass. One quarter of the annually fallen tree lichens is assumed to be available as fodder during late winter/early spring. The demand for tree lichens is principally estimated in the same way as for ground lichens, but the number of days per years is lower because tree lichens are mainly considered to be fodder in distress periods. Two sources of uncertainty are present in the results, namely the influence of factors not included in the models, and the influence of uncertainty in factors included in the models. The models used to estimate production and demand obviously imply simplifactions of true relations. These simplifications are mainly due to a basic lack of knowledge, one example being that variation, i.e. in volume per hectare, might very well influence the production of lichens, but is not taken into consideration in the models. One example of uncertainty in data used is the increment rate of lichen fodder. Another example is the estimation of biomass of lichens, here based upon investigations (Eriksson, unpubl.) with other purposes than to provide data about grazing availability in the large geographic regions used in this study. The possibilities for drawing reliable conclusions will increase when better estimations of input data and relationship are available. The geographic division into four regions is a result of the design of the National Forest Survey. However, great differences may be present within these geographic areas, each containing a number of communities of reindeer herders. Thus, results are not applicable to single communities of reindeer herders. The study illustrates a method of revealing how lichen fodder for reindeer will develop in relation to timber production. The results of the calculations, however, are too uncertain to allow reliable conclusions to be drawn. Nonetheless, the results indicate that in some areas there is already a shortage of lichen fodder for the number of reindeer assumed in this study. The calculations hint that production will decrease in the future. These indications should motivate more research in this topic. If the results of this study are accurate and if forestry develops according to the assumptions, the owners of the reindeer will have to continue or increase the supplementary feeding and/or reduce the number of reindeer significantly. They will also have to utilize all of the areas that are possible to graze, even if some of them today are considered to be of marginal value for reindeer grazing. Another way to improve the balance of production and demand is to adjust forest management on areas with lichens to a greater extent than has been done in the timber production alternative analysed in this study.Virkesproduktionens inverkan p&aring; renskotselns lavbete - En metodstudie.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: En modell for l&aring;ngsiktig analys av virkesproduktionens inverkan p&aring; renskotselns lavbete(Cladina, Alectoria, Bryoria spp mfl) i Sverige presenteras. Modellen ber&aring;knar &aring;rlig produktion och behov av lavbete, ef^ersom tillg&aring;ngen p&aring; dessa lavar bedoms begr&aring;nsa renpopulationen. B&aring;de tr&aring;d- och marklavar betas av renarn&pound;| och m&aring;ste finnas tillg&aring;ngliga i tillr&aring;cklig m&aring;ngd och vid r&aring;tt tidpunkt under &aring;ret om renskotseln skall klara sig utan stodutfordring. Modellen bygger huvudsakligen p&aring; redan existerande data. Skattningarna av areal gors med data fr&aring;n riksskogstaxeringen och fr&aring;n ber&aring;kningar med Hugin-systemet for l&aring;ngsiktiga analyser av avverkningsmojlighe-terna (Bengtsson, 1981). Studien begr&aring;nsas geografiskt till Norr- och V&aring;sterbottens l&aring;n. Ber&aring;kningarna gors for en hun^ra&aring;rsperiod med start 1980, och bygger p&aring; ett virkesproduktionsprogram i A VB-85 som syftar till mera m&aring;ngbruk an dagens skogspolitik (Bengtsson, 1986). Den &aring;rliga produktionen av marklav skattas som produkten av m&aring;ngden marklav per hektar, dess till-v&aring;xtprocerit och arealen med marklav. M&aring;ngden marklav per hektar beror av st&aring;ndortsforh&aring;llanden och bes-t&aring;nds&aring;ldern. Skattningen av arealen baseras p&aring; uppgifter fr&aring;n riksskogstaxeringen. Provytor med marklav antas vara layb&aring;rande under hela prognosperioden. Provytor d&aring;r best&aring;nds&aring;ldern &aring;r l&aring;gre &aring;n 20 &aring;r, samt provytor som i awerkningsber&aring;kningen rojts eller gallrats under senaste tio&aring;rsperiod r&aring;knas dock bort. Orsaken &aring;r att snopacknirig och kvarl&aring;mnade stammar och ris forsv&aring;rar eller omojliggor for renen att komma &aring;t laven. Hela den &aring;terst&aring;ende arealen kan dock inte nytt jas for planerad renskotsel. Representanter for tre samebyar bedomd)e 212 av riksskogstaxeringens provytor med marklav med avseende p&aring; om de kan nytt jas for planerad renskotsel. Resultatet blev att 3/4 av provytorna ans&aring;gs kunna utnyttjas. Provytor r&aring;knades bort p&aring; grund av bel&aring;genlhet n&aring;ra byggnader, v&aring;gar, j&aring;rnv&aring;gar och friluftsanl&aring;ggningar, eller pga att arealen med marklav var for liten och isolerad for att kunna utnyttjas. Behovet av marklav ber&aring;knas som produkten av det genomsnittliga dygnsbehovet for en ren, antalet renar samt det ailital dagar per &aring;r som renarna bedoms ha behov av detta foder. De tv&aring; senare uppgifterna grundas p&aring; uppskattningar av personer med stor erfarenhet av renskotsel. Den &aring;rliga produktionen av tr&aring;dlavar best&aring;r dels av lavtillv&aring;xten i det betningsbara hojdintervallet, dels av tr&aring;dlav som faller ner p&aring; snon. Barrdominerade best&aring;nd aldre &aring;n hundra &aring;r antas vara tr&aring;dlavb&aring;rande, men &aring;ven denna areal reduceras med h&aring;nsyn till praktisk tillg&aring;nglighet. &Aring;rlig produktion av tr&aring;dlav inom r&aring;ckh&aring;ll for renen skattas som produkt av m&aring;ngden tr&aring;dlav, dess tillv&aring;xtprocent och arealen. Av den tr&aring;dlav som &aring;rli-gen faller n)er p&aring; marken antas en fj&aring;rdedel vara tillg&aring;nglig under v&aring;rvintern. Efterfr&aring;gan p&aring; tr&aring;dlav ber&aring;knas p&aring; i princip samma s&aring;tt som efterfr&aring;gan p&aring; marklav, men antal betningsda-gar per &aring;r &aring;k l&aring;gre eftersom tr&aring;dlav huvudsakligen &aring;r ett visserligen hogkvalitativt och l&aring;ttillg&aring;ngligt, men dock nodfoder. Resultaten &aring;r os&aring;kra av tv&aring; huvudorsaker. Dels pga inverkan av faktorer som inte ing&aring;r i modellen, dels os&aring;kerhetejn i de faktorer som ing&aring;r i modellen. Modellen inneh&aring;ller uppenbart forenklingar av verkliga samband. Dessa forenklingar beror huvudsakligen p&aring; viss brist p&aring; grunddata. Mojligheterna att dra s&aring;kre slutsatser kommer att oka i takt med b&aring;ttre kunskap om utnyttjade samband och uppgifter. Den geografiska indelningen i l&aring;nsdelar beror p&aring; utformningen av riksskogstaxeringen. Forh&aring;llandena kan givetvis variera inom dessa l&aring;nsdelar, som var och en best&aring;r av ett flertal samebyar. Resultaten f&aring;r s&aring;ledes inte till&aring;mpas p&aring; enskilda samebyar. Studien visar p&aring; en metod for att belysa hur renskotselns lavbete kommer att utvecklas i relation till virkes-produktionen. Resultaten &aring;r dock allt for os&aring;kra for att man skall kunna dra n&aring;gra s&aring;kra slutsatser. Resultaten antyder emellertid att for vissa omr&aring;den finns redan i dag en brist p&aring; lavbete for den renpopulation som kalkylerats med i denna studie. Ber&aring;kningarna antyder att produktionen av lavbete kommer att minska i framtiden, vilket bor motivera mer forskning inom omr&aring;det. Om resultaten i denna studie &aring;r riktiga och om det virkesproducerande skogsbruket utvecklas enligt exemplet, m&aring;ste ren&aring;garna forts&aring;tta med eller utoka stodutfodringen och/eller minska antalet renar betydligt. De tvingas ocks&aring; utnyttja alla betningsbara omr&aring;den, &aring;ven s&aring;dana som for n&aring;rvarande anses vara marginella. Ett annat s&aring;tt att forb&aring;ttra balansen &aring;r att modifiera det virkesproducerande skogsbruket p&aring; arealer med lavbete i storre utstr&aring;ckning &aring;n vad som gors i det alternativ som analyseras h&aring;r.Puuntuotannon vaikutus j&auml;k&auml;l&auml;laitumiin.Abstract in Finnish / Yhteenveto: Artikkelissa esitet&aring;&aring;n pitk&aring;naikav&aring;lin analyysimalli puuntuotannon vaikutuksista ruotsin j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;-laitumille (Cladina, Alectoria, Bryoria spp. ym.). Koska j&aring;k&aring;lien saantia pidet&aring;&aring;n porojenlukum&aring;&aring;r&aring;&aring; rajoittava, laskee malli j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;laidunten vuotuisen tuoton ja tarpeen. Porot laiduntavat sek&aring; puussa ett&aring; maassa kasvavia j&aring;k&aring;li&aring;, ja nit&aring; molempia on oltava saatavilla, sek&aring; tarvittava m&aring;&aring;r&aring;, ett&aring; oikeaan aikaan vuodesta, jos poronhoito aikoo selviyty&aring; ilman tukiruokintaa. Malli rakentuu p&aring;&aring;siassa jo aikaisemmin hankittuihin tietoihin. Pinta-ala arviot tehd&aring;&aring;n valtakunnanmets&aring;narvioinnin tietojen, ja hakkuumahdollisuuksien pitk&aring;naikav&aring;lin analysoimiseksi perustetun Hugin-systeemin laskelmien avulla (Bengtsson, 1981). Maantieteellisesti tutkielma rajoittuu Norrbotte-nin ja V&aring;sterbottenin l&aring;&aring;neihin. Laskelmat tehd&aring;&aring;n sadanvuoden aikav&aring;lille alkaen 1980, perustuen yhteen AVB-85:en puuntuotantoohjelmaan, joka t&aring;ht&aring;&aring; t&aring;m&aring;np&aring;iv&aring;ist&aring; laajempaan metsien moninaisk&aring;yttoon (Bengtsson, 1986). Vuotuinen maassa kasvavien j&aring;k&aring;lien tuotanto arvioidaan j&aring;k&aring;lien hehtaarim&aring;&aring;rien, sen kasvuprosentin ja pinta-alan tulona. J&aring;k&aring;lien m&aring;&aring;r&aring; hehtaaria kohti on riippuvainen kasvupaikan ja metsikon i&aring;st&aring;. Pinta-ala arviot perustuvat valtakunnanmets&aring;narvioinnin tietoihin. J&aring;k&aring;l&aring;&aring; kasvavien koealojen odotetaan pit&aring;v&aring;n j&aring;k&aring;-l&aring;kasvustonsa koko prognoosiajan. Koealat, joissa metsikon ik&aring; on alle 20 vuotta, sek&aring; koealat, jotka hak-kuulaskelmissa on perattu tai harvennettu viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana, on j&aring;tetty huomioimatta. Syyn&aring; t&aring;h&aring;n on lumenpakkaantuminen, sek&aring; j&aring;ljelle j&aring;tetyt rungot ja oksat, jotka vaikeuttavat tai tekev&aring;t po-rojen j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n saannin mahdottomaksi. Vuotuinen puussa kasvavien j&aring;k&aring;lien tuotanto koostuu, osittain poron ulottuvilla olevasta, ja osittain lu&not;melle putoavasta jak&aring;l&aring;st&aring;. Yli sata vuotta vanhojen havupuuvaltaisten metsikkojen oletetaan tuottavan puussa kasvavia j&aring;k&aring;li&aring;, mutta myos t&aring;m&aring; pinta-ala pienenee k&aring;yt&aring;nnon syist&aring;. Vuotuinen poronulottuvilla puussa kasvavien j&aring;k&aring;li&aring; tuotanto arvioidaan j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;n m&aring;&aring;r&aring;n, sen kasvuprosentin ja pinta-alan tulona. Yksi nelj&aring;nnesosa siit&aring; vuosittain lumelle tippuvasta j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;m&aring;&aring;r&aring;st&aring; oletetaan olevan saatavilla kev&aring;ttalvella. Puussa kasvavien j&aring;k&aring;lien kysynt&aring; lasketaan periaatteessa samalla tavoin kuin maassa kasvavien j&aring;k&aring;lien ky-synt&aring;, paitsi ett&aring; vuorokausien m&aring;&aring;r&aring; vuodessa on pienempi, koska puussa kasvavavien j&aring;k&aring;lien katsotaan p&aring;-&aring;asiassa olevan h&aring;t&aring;ravintoa. Tulokset ovat ep&aring;varmoja kahdesta p&aring;&aring;syyst&aring;. Osittain niiden tekijoiden vuoksi, jotka eiv&aring;t sis&aring;lly malliin, osittain niiden tekijoiden ep&aring;tarkkuudesta, jotka sis&aring;ltyv&aring;t malliin. Malli sis&aring;lt&aring;&aring; selvi&aring; todellisten yhteyksien yksinkertaistamisia. N&aring;m&aring; yksinkertaistamiset johtuvat p&aring;&aring;asiassa perustietojen puutteesta. Esimerkkin&aring; voidaan mainita, ett&aring; mets&aring;n tila muuttuu paljolti prognoosikauden aikana. T&aring;t&aring; vaihtelua esimerkiksi puus-tossa ei kuitenkaan mallissa huomioida. Esimerkki niiden tekijoiden ep&aring;tarkkuudesta, jotka sis&aring;ltyv&aring;t malliin, on j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;laidunten kasvuprosentti. Toinen esimerkki on j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;m&aring;&aring;rien arviot, jotka t&aring;ss&aring; perustuvat tutkielmiin (Eriksson, julkaisematon), joilla on ollut toinen tarkoitusper&aring; kuin t&aring;ss&aring; tutkimuksessa k&aring;sitelt&aring;vien l&aring;&aring;ninosien laiduntamahdollisuuksien arvioiminen. Mahdollisuudet varmojen johtop&aring;&aring;tosten tekoon lis&aring;&aring;ntyv&aring;t yhdess&aring; parempien perustietojen myot&aring; k&aring;ytetyist&aring; yhteyksist&aring; ja tiedoista. Maantieteellinen jako l&aring;&aring;ninosiin johtuu valtakunnanmets&aring;narvioinin rakenteesta. Olosuhteet voivat tie-tysti vaihdella n&aring;iden l&aring;&aring;ninosien sis&aring;ll&aring;, joista jokainen sis&aring;lt&aring;&aring; useamman paliskunnan. Tuloksia ei siis saa tulkita paliskunta kohtaisesti. Tutkielma esitt&aring;&aring; tavan valoittaa kuinka porohoidon j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;laitumet kehittyv&aring;t suhteessa puuntuotantoon. Tulokset ovat kuitenkin liian ep&aring;varmoja, jotta niist&aring; voitaisiin vet&aring;&aring; varmoja loppup&aring;&aring;telmi&aring;. Tulokset viittaavat kuitenkin, ett&aring; tietyill&aring; alueilla on jo talla hetkell&aring; pula j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;laitumista niill&aring; porom&aring;&aring;rill&aring;, joilla tassa tutkielmassa on laskettu. Laskelmat viittaavat, ett&aring; tuotanto v&aring;henee tulevaisuudessa, mink&aring; pit&aring;isi motivoida laajempaa tutkimukseen t&aring;ll&aring; alueella. Jos tulokset t&aring;ss&aring; tutkimuksessa ovat oikeat ja jos puuntuotannollinen mets&aring;talous kehittyy esimerkin mu-kaisesti, pit&aring;&aring; poronomistajien jatkaa tai lis&aring;t&aring; tukiruokintaa ja/tai v&aring;hent&aring;&aring; porojen lukum&aring;&aring;r&aring;&aring; huomatta-vasti. He joutuvat my os hyodynt&aring;m&aring;&aring;n kaikki laiduntamiskelpoiset alueet, my os sellaiset jotka t&aring;ll&aring; hetkell&aring; ovat v&aring;hemm&aring;n t&aring;rkeit&aring;. Toinen tapa par ant aa tasapainoa on sopeuttaa j&aring;k&aring;l&aring;alueiden puuntuotannollinen mets&aring;talous suuremmassa m&aring;&aring;rin kuin t&aring;ss&aring; analysoitavassa vaihtoehdossa tehd&aring;&aring;n

    Does the increase in house prices influence the creation of business startups?: the case of Sweden

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    Entrepreneurs are at the core of economic development in that they start new businesses or make existing firms grow. To fulfill this important role, entrepreneurs need access to finance. Owing to information asymmetry and the relatively high risk associated with business start-ups, many financiers shy away from engaging in relationships with firms during the early stages of their development. Based on the existing body of knowledge on the financing of entrepreneurship, we know that insider finance is of paramount importance in the early stages of firms’ development. We expand this knowledge base by analyzing the influence of house prices on business start-ups across municipalities in Sweden. In our analysis, we include data from all municipalities in Sweden. Our data on house prices and control variables are collected in period one, and our data on the frequency of start-ups are collected in period two. We find that rising house prices in a municipality lead to a higher frequency of start-ups. In our regression analysis, we find that a 1% increase in house prices leads to a 0.14% increase in start-ups. Our findings are in line with the limited international research that has been previously conducted, and for this reason, they could be seen as a vital addition to the existing body of knowledge within the area of entrepreneurship and regional development.

    Buyer’s willingness to pay for dwellings with different orientations

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    This paper applies spatial hedonic econometric models to estimate the willingness of buyers to pay for dwellings with different orientations based on a data set comprising 63 306 transactions of secondhand apartment sales in 10 districts in Beijing from October 2011 to September 2014. Our results indicate that apartments with South orientation are sold at a 7.8% premium compared with those with West orientation, and that apartments in ancient city areas are more sensitive to orientation. The obtained results can help architects and developers to maximize the value of development projects by optimizing the layout of apartment units on each floor

    Analysing location attributes with a hedonic model for apartment prices in Donetsk, Ukraine

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    A hedonic model is specified for asking prices for apartments in Donetsk (Ukraine). This model is used to determine statistically significant location attributes. These attributes can be used for land assessment in a city where data on the land market are lacking. Distance gradients for CBD accessibility are investigated in different geographical directions. Separate models are created for sub‐samples located inside and outside the city centre. A spatial weight matrix is used to detect spatial autocorrelation. The regression results are compared with the valuation of experts. Vietos atributų analizė su hedonistiniu modeliu siekiant nustatyti butų kainas Donceke (Ukraina) Santrauka Apibrėžtas hedonistinis modelis, leidžiantis nustatyti butu kainas Donecke (Ukraina). Pagal ši modeli nustatomi statistiškai reikšmingi vietos atributai. Šiuos atributus galima naudoti vertinant sklypus mieste, kur trūksta duomenų apie žemes rinka. Nagrinėjami atstumo gradientai siekiant įvertinti prieiga prie centriniu verslo rajonu įvairiomis geografinėmis kryptimis. Sukurti modeliai bandomiesiems objektams, esantiems miesto centre ir už jo. Remiantis erdves svorine matrica, nustatoma erdves autokoreliacija. Regresijos rezultatai lyginami su ekspertu vertinimais. First published online: 18 Oct 201

    Regional house price index construction – the case of Sweden

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    The academic literature on the construction of regional house price indexes usually uses geographic areas whose boundaries are administratively drawn. However such administrative regions might not be optimal for the construction of regional price indexes. When producing housing price indexes, we often encounter problems with insufficient number of observations. One way to remedy this problem is to estimate a quarterly index instead of a monthly index. Another possible way to mitigate the thin markets problem is to construct indexes for geographically aggregated regions. However, the literature that discusses methods of dealing with the problem of thin markets and especially geographical aggregation is very rare. The goal of this paper is to construct a housing price index for a major part of Sweden, and to construct price index series for a number of regions. The number of regions, and how their boundaries should be created in order to construct reliable regional price indexes, is however an open question. We apply traditional hedonic methodology in order to estimate house price indexes for both predefined regions whose boundaries are based on a division of labor markets in Sweden, as well as a division of regions based on statistical cluster analysis. The results from this study suggest that regions should be clustered together based on regional price levels and/or price development as clustering variables. If only geographical proximity is used as clustering variable, our computations show that there is a high risk that we end up with some clusters having large standard errors, which in turn might result in inaccurate indexes