355 research outputs found

    Iodine filters in nuclear power stations

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    Iodine Filters in Nuclear Power Stations

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    Laboratorium fuer Filtertechnik. Jahresbericht 1974

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    Portfolio Vol. V N 2

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    Koons, Marilynn. America Is . Poem. 4. Rucker, J.G. Nothing but the Beat . Prose. 5. Wyman, John. Pringle . Prose. 6. Tolan, Marace. Hands at Midnight . Poem. 7. Wright, Edward A. All in a Day\u27s Work . Prose. 8. Benson, Virginia. Now is the Time . Prose. 9. Moll, Wilhelm. The Dead Lover . Prose. 12. Flammt, Marga. Escape . Poem. 14. Rolph, Alice. Fancy\u27s Flight . Poem. 14. Vercoe, Mary. Future . Poem. 14. Klammt,Marga. Parting . Poem. 14. Anonymous. Denisoniana . Picture. 10. Benson, Virginia. Marquand-H.M. Pulham. Esquire . Prose. 15. Benson, Virginia. Junior Miss . Prose. 15. Reynolds, Virginia. Stubs of the Jungle . Prose. 16. Masquers. Thespiana . Prose. 17. Anonymous. How to Knit a Sweater, or, Eighteen Holes . Prose. 20

    Automated Coronal Hole Detection using Local Intensity Thresholding Techniques

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    We identify coronal holes using a histogram-based intensity thresholding technique and compare their properties to fast solar wind streams at three different points in the heliosphere. The thresholding technique was tested on EUV and X-ray images obtained using instruments onboard STEREO, SOHO and Hinode. The full-disk images were transformed into Lambert equal-area projection maps and partitioned into a series of overlapping sub-images from which local histograms were extracted. The histograms were used to determine the threshold for the low intensity regions, which were then classified as coronal holes or filaments using magnetograms from the SOHO/MDI. For all three instruments, the local thresholding algorithm was found to successfully determine coronal hole boundaries in a consistent manner. Coronal hole properties extracted using the segmentation algorithm were then compared with in situ measurements of the solar wind at 1 AU from ACE and STEREO. Our results indicate that flux tubes rooted in coronal holes expand super-radially within 1 AU and that larger (smaller) coronal holes result in longer (shorter) duration high-speed solar wind streams

    Anomalous accelerations in spacecraft flybys of the Earth

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    [EN] The flyby anomaly is a persistent riddle in astrodynamics. Orbital analysis in several flybys of the Earth since the Galileo spacecraft flyby of the Earth in 1990 have shown that the asymptotic post-encounter velocity exhibits a difference with the initial velocity that cannot be attributed to conventional effects. To elucidate its origin, we have developed an orbital program for analyzing the trajectory of the spacecraft in the vicinity of the perigee, including both the Sun and the Moon¿s tidal perturbations and the geopotential zonal, tesseral and sectorial harmonics provided by the EGM96 model. The magnitude and direction of the anomalous acceleration acting upon the spacecraft can be estimated from the orbital determination program by comparing with the trajectories fitted to telemetry data as provided by the mission teams. This acceleration amounts to a fraction of a mm/s2 and decays very fast with altitude. 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