1,707 research outputs found

    The fluid-fluid interface in a model colloid-polymer mixture: Application of grand canonical Monte Carlo to asymmetric binary mixtures

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    We present a Monte Carlo method to simulate asymmetric binary mixtures in the grand canonical ensemble. The method is used to study the colloid-polymer model of Asakura and Oosawa. We determine the phase diagram of the fluid-fluid unmixing transition and the interfacial tension, both at high polymer density and close to the critical point. We also present density profiles in the two-phase region. The results are compared to predictions of a recent density functional theory.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Distribution and Implications of Sponge Spicules in Surficial Deposits in Ohio

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    Author Institution: Agronomy Department, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OhioMicroscopic examination of biogenic opal isolated from the 0.05-0.02-mm total mineral fraction of 12 upland soil profiles indicates that fragments of sponge spicules are minor but ubiquitous constituents of Ohio soils, with major concentrations in the upper 10 to 15 inches of the profile. Quantities range from about 30 to 2000 parts per million biogenic opal or 1 to 65 parts per 10 million parts soil. Spicules are absent or extremely rare in calcareous Wisconsin-age till deposits. Their correlation with horizons high in silt content (50-75%), and their size and depth distribution in landscape positions which preclude an authigenic origin, indicate their aeolian transport from aquatic source areas with other loessial materials. Identification of spicules thus provides direct evidence that these horizons have been derived from loess or loess-till admixtures. This microscopic technique may serve useful for the identification of loess when field or laboratory particle-size analysis yields inconclusive evidence

    Self-assembly and crystallisation of indented colloids at a planar wall

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    We report experimental and simulation studies of the structure of a monolayer of indented ("lock and key") colloids, on a planar surface. On adding a non-absorbing polymer with prescribed radius and volume fraction, depletion interactions are induced between the colloids, with controlled range and strength. For spherical particles, this leads to crystallisation, but the indented colloids crystallise less easily than spheres, in both simulation and experiment. Nevertheless, simulations show that indented colloids do form plastic (rotator) crystals. We discuss the conditions under which this occurs, and the possibilities of lower-symmetry crystal states. We also comment on the kinetic accessibility of these states.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Separating content-specific retrieval from post-retrieval processing

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    According to cortical reinstatement accounts, neural processes engaged at the time of encoding are re-engaged at the time of memory retrieval. The temporal precision of event-related potentials (ERPs) has been exploited to assess this possibility, and in this study ERPs were acquired while people made memory judgments to visually presented words encoded in two different ways. There were reliable differences between the scalp distributions of the signatures of successful retrieval of different contents from 300 to 1100 ms after stimulus presentation. Moreover, the scalp distributions of these content-sensitive effects changed during this period. These findings are, to our knowledge, the first demonstration in one study that ERPs reflect content-specific processing in two separable ways: first, via reinstatement, and second, via downstream processes that operate on recovered information in the service of memory judgments

    Formation of a cultivated spodosol in east-central Finland

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    The processes involved in Spodosol (Podzol) formation are still being debated. The pedogenic processes in a Spodosol, 10,700 years-old, at Sotkamo that has been cultivated for about 50 years were studied by characterizing the morphology and analyzing the major chemical properties, texture and mineralogy. Before cultivation, organic acids produced by decomposition of organic matter from pine litter in O and A horizons had weathered primary minerals in A and E horizons releasing Al and Fe. Percolating waters moved the organo-metallic complexes from A and E horizons to Bhsm and Bs horizons where the complexes coated and bridged sand grains eventually forming cemented ortstein. Because of the high biotite content of the parent material, the index of accumulation of Fe and Al in the Bhsm horizon (Al + 0.5 Fe = 4.1%) was the highest reported in Spodosols of Finland. The data support the theory of downward movement of Al and Fe as organo-metallic complexes with formation of some ferrihydrite but little or no formation of imogolite type materials. Little, if any, podzolization has likely occurred since the initiation of cultivation because, after agricultural liming and consequent increase of pH in the Ap horizon, organic compounds are likely to chelate Ca and Mg rather than Al and Fe.;Karkeille hietamaille syntyneet podsolit ovat Suomen kehittyneimpiä maannoksia. Niitä tutkimalla saadaan uutta tietoa tämän koko pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeelläyleisen maannostyypin kehittymiseen johtaneista prosesseista, joista edelleenkin vallitsee erilaisia käsityksiä. Tämän tutkimuksen kohteena oli Sotkamossa karkealla hietamaalla oleva noin 50 vuotta viljelty maa, joka on ollut kuivillaan noin 10 700 vuotta. Muokkauskerroksen alapuolella oli huuhtoutumiskerros (valkomaa), joka sisälsi lähes pelkkää kvartsihiekkaa. Sen alapuolella oli noin 10 cm paksu rautapalsi eli iskostunut horisontti, johon ylempää orgaanisina kompleksiyhdisteinä huuhtoutuneet rauta ja alumiini ovat saostuneet. Mikroskoopilla voidaan nähdä, miten nämä saostuneet ainesosat peittävät kvartsihiekan jyväset ja sitovat ne yhteen. Tässä horisontissa oli erittäin runsaasti heikosti kiteytynyttä rautaoksidia, joka on uutettavissa ammoniumoksalaattiliuoksella, kun taas valkomaassa tällaista rautaa oli erittäin vähän. Rikastumiskerroksen alumiinista valtaosa oli pyrofosfaattiin uuttuvassa, oletettavasti orgaanisen aineksen sitomassa muodossa, mikä viittaa aineiden kulkeutuneen tähän horisonttiin nimenomaan kelaatteina eikä epäorgaanisina kolloideina. Syvä kyntö on nostanut valkomaata ja kappaleita rikastumiskerroksen iskostumasta myös muokkauskerrokseen. Rikastumiskerroksen alapuolella kvartsihiekkajyvästen pinnoilla ei ollut paljonkaan rautasaostumia, mutta mikroskoopilla näkyi runsaasti rapautumatonta biotiittia. Rikastumiskerroksen rauta lienee suureksi osaksi peräisin juuri biotiitista, joka on kokonaisuudessaan rapautunut pintamaasta. Vähemmän biotiittia sisältäviin maihin ei todennäköisesti kehity näin vahvaa rikastumiskerrosta maan pienemmän rautapitoisuuden takia. Podsoloituminen on luultavasti pysähtynyt sen jälkeen, kun maa on otettu viljelyyn ja sen pintaosien pH on kalkituksen seurauksena noussut

    The Lennard-Jones-Devonshire cell model revisited

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    We reanalyse the cell theory of Lennard-Jones and Devonshire and find that in addition to the critical point originally reported for the 12-6 potential (and widely quoted in standard textbooks), the model exhibits a further critical point. We show that the latter is actually a more appropriate candidate for liquid-gas criticality than the original critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Mol. Phy

    Interfacial tension of the isotropic--nematic interface in suspensions of soft spherocylinders

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    The isotropic to nematic transition in a system of soft spherocylinders is studied by means of grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations. The probability distribution of the particle density is used to determine the coexistence density of the isotropic and the nematic phases. The distributions are also used to compute the interfacial tension of the isotropic--nematic interface, including an analysis of finite size effects. Our results confirm that the Onsager limit is not recovered until for very large elongation, exceeding at least L/D=40, with L the spherocylinder length and D the diameter. For smaller elongation, we find that the interfacial tension increases with increasing L/D, in agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, and also 1 tabl

    Direct real-time neural evidence for task-set inertia

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    One influential explanation for the costs incurred when switching between tasks is that they reflect interference arising from completing the previous task—known as task set inertia. We report a novel approach for assessing task-set inertia in a memory experiment using event related potentials (ERPs). After a study phase participants completed a test block in which they switched between a memory task (retrieving information from the study phase) and a perceptual task. These tasks alternated every two trials. An ERP index of the retrieval of study information was evident in the memory task. It was also present on the first trial of the perceptual task but was markedly attenuated on the second. Moreover, this task-irrelevant ERP activity was positively correlated with a behavioral cost associated with switching between tasks. This real-time measure of neural activity thus provides direct evidence of task-set inertia, its duration, and the functional role it plays in switch costs