334 research outputs found

    Relocated Pilgrimage: An Artistic Via Dolorosa in the Heart of Amsterdam

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    The route of the iconic Stations of the Cross is not only connected to physical locations of the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, but is also manifest in Catholic churches, processions, and passion plays, as well as heritage sites and shrines around the world. A twenty-first-century relocation of this pilgrimage is the international project Art Stations of the Cross. With the aim to offer artistic reflections on social injustice, each station is represented by an artwork especially located in a heritage site. Presented as a journey of contemplation, the 2019 edition took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In this article, participant observation, questionnaires, and Art Stations documentation material are brought into conversation with pilgrimage theory. Three elements in particular are discussed: pilgrimage experience, its relation to mass-tourism, and materialisation of the pilgrimage narrative. Taking place in the heart of Amsterdam, an area overtaken by mass-tourism, the paper analyses how Art Stations established a double liminal context that simultaneously challenged and reinforced the route’s contemplative character. In addition, through the interplay of materiality and narrative, the Stations of the Cross tradition offered a prism on contemporary forms of suffering, and vice versa. This study contributes to the understanding of the multifaceted nature of contemporary pilgrimage taking shape in ongoing negotiations between visual art, religious heritage, and ritual

    University teacher judgments in problem-based learning: Their accuracy and reasoning

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    This study investigated the accuracy of 14 university teachers’ judgments. Early in the first year, university teachers ratedthe chance each university student intheir groupwould successfullycomplete theirfirst year as well as the entire bachelor’s program. Results showthat university teachers’ chance ratingswere predictive of actual academic success. However, they were more accurate in predicting success than failure. Moreover, results revealed that university teachers mostly built upon their observations of university students’ engagement andmotivation, instead of students’ cognitive ability in their judgments. Unsuccessful university students received relatively more negatively framed statements than successful students did

    Motivation and Achievement in Problem-Based Learning: The Role of Interest, Tutors, and Self-Directed Study

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    __Abstract__ This study examines the effects of two learning environments (i.e., problem-based learning [PBL] versus lecture-based [LB] environments) on undergraduates’ study motivation. Survey results demonstrated that PBL students scored higher on competence but did not differ from LB students on autonomous motivation. Analyses of focus groups further indicated that active learning aspects, such as collaboration are perceived as motivating. However, controlling elements (i.e., mandatory presence) and uncertainty (i.e., in selecting the correct and sufficient literature) were described as detrimental for students’ motivation. In conclusion, PBL does not always seem to lead to higher intrinsic motivation. It is therefore crucial to build in the right amount of structure in learning environments and balance controlling elements versus autonomy, even in learning environments that are intended to be motivating for students

    Improved Bridging in FFF

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    This publication relates to a printing strategy that increases the visual quality and dimensional accuracy of “bridges” in 3D printed objects using FFF

    Экомузей «Салгирка» – проект или реальность?!

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    В статье обосновывается создание в г. Симферополе "Экомузея Салгирка",посвященного человеку, его природному и культурному окружению. В проекте предлагается создание музея на базе Таврического национального университета им В.И. Вернадского и принадлежащей ему территории парка Салгирка, приводится вариант классификации ресурсов экомузея, намечаются первые шаги в его организаци, описавается структура технологической карты по территории парка, разработанная автором.У статті улаштовується створення в м.Сімферополі "Экомузея Салгирка", присвяченого людині, його природному і культурному оточенню. У проекті пропонується створення музею на базі Таврического національного університету ім В.І Вернадського і приналежної йому території парку Салгирка, приводиться варіант класифікації ресурсів экомузея, намічаються перші кроки в його организаци, описуеться структура технологічної карти по території парку, розроблена автором

    The role of perceived quality of problems in the association between achievement goals and motivation in problem-based learning

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of perceived problem quality in the relationship between students’ (N = 226) achievement goals and autonomous motivation to study in a problem-based learning (PBL) environment. Specifically, the relationships between students’ achievement goals (mastery-approach, performance-approach, performance-avoidance, and mastery-avoidance goals), problem quality-related characteristics (triggering interest, familiarity, stimulating collaborative learning, resulting in intended learning objectives, and promoting critical reasoning), and autonomous motivation to study were investigated. The findings indicate that the perceived quality of problems (i.e., familiarity, resulting in intended learning objectives, promoting critical reasoning, and by that triggering interest) fosters autonomous motivation to study and that the perception of this quality is influenced by students’ achievement goals. Therefore, the quality of problems and students’ achievement goals should be taken into account in a PBL environment

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    La nature libre indéterminée anarchique s’oppose à la propension humaine à vouloir tout contrôler par l’organisation de ses structures sociales, à manifester sa présence par la pérennité de ses constructions. Mon travail plastique approche au plus près des végétaux qui poussent spontanément un peu partout dans la ville ou dans les zones périphériques. Ces végétaux qui peuvent être qualifiés de « mauvaises herbes » manifestent d’une nature qui n’aime pas la vide. Ma démarche plastique cherche à laisser une trace plus fragile, imaginant des rapports plus poétiques avec le vivant végétal. Comment approcher au plus près les herbes tant dans les significations que dans les symboliques qu’elles recouvrent que dans leur manifestation physique ? J’invite à un parcours, à un voyage plastique et sémantique. Il s’agira de voir comment je donne une légitimité esthétique à ces herbes en analysant les opérations plastiques mises en œuvre. La question du lieu de provenance de ces herbes nous permettra de voir la question du paysage. La constitution d’herbiers interrogera sur une tentative de travail de mémoire sur l’éphémère. En s’intéressant à cet outil scientifique, on s’intéresse à la botanique et à la manière dont les sciences inspirent l’art. Réaliser des herbiers illustrés sous forme de tableaux n’est-ce pas mettre en regard des temporalités essentielles de notre condition humaine ? Ne s’agirait-il pas de chercher dans le monde végétal des modèles analogiques à la société humaine