92 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of variables usefulness, ease of use, and trust on customer decision in using BSI Mobile in Covid-19 pandemic era for Bidikmisi students at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta. The populations of this study are the Bidikmisi students of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta from the class of 2018 and 2019. The sampling technique used in this study is saturation sampling method. This sampling technique obtained the study sample as many as 92 respondents. The research method used in this study is qualitative research method using multiple regression analysis technique. As for analysing the data, this study used SPSS program 22.0 version for windows. The result of multiple linear regression shows that usefulness variable has positive and significant impact towards the decision of Bidikmisi students who use BSI Mobile. Ease of use variable shows positive and significant impact towards the decision of Bidikmisi students who use BSI Mobile. As for the variable shows that it has a positive and significant impact towards the decision of Bidikmisi students who use BSI Mobile. Keywords : usefulness, ease of use, trust, decision to us

    Impelementasi Konsep Maksim dalam Menilai Kejujuran Komunikasi Antara Dosen dan Mahasiswa

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    This research uses quantitative and qualitative descriptive methods. The objectives of the research are (a) to know what maxims are violated by students and lecturers of Hamzanwadi University in communicating, (b) explain the implementation of Maksim concept in assessing the honesty of Lecturer and Student  ommunication at Hamzanwadi University. The location of the research was conducted on the campus of Hamzanwadi University with the sample of research were 30 students and 3 lecturers. Data collection is done by using questionnaire, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used in this study are descriptive statistics in the form of frequency distribution. The value of honesty data (beginning and end) is analyzed using T-Test type Paired Samples Test, while the data of honesty value using T-Test for each Independent Samples Test. Based on the research results found that the maxim is often violated by lecturers and students PGSD in the verbal stage of the maxim quality and maxim way. Based on the normality test the level of honesty of PGSD Student communication with 0.56 rerate categorized "quite honest" in class A, B da C at the interval of the suspension 0.30-0.70. Based on the questionnaire of honesty of lecturer of MKU BI teaching in PGSD found different level of honesty that is 66,67% elementary lecturer with index score interval of 0,67 which categorized "quite honest", then lecturer HY 80% with index intervalskor 0,80 which is categorized as "honest", and dose NE 73.33% with index score interval score of 0.73 which is "honest" with third rerate of lecturer is 73.33. Implementation of maxim concept of honesty value of communication between lecturers and students of PGSD on learning general course of Indonesia Language (BI) has fulfilled the principle of cooperation maxim with a fair degree of good honesty.Keywords: Implementation, Maxim, Honesty Value, Communication

    Peningkatan Nilai Ujian Nasional melalui Pengayaan Materi Bahasa Indonesia di Sekolah SMA/MA Lombok Timur Tahun Akademik 2018/2019

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    oai:ojs.madaniya.pustaka.my.id:article/1Pada umumnya, mahasiswa yang memilih jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia di perguruan tinggi adalah mereka yang memiliki dasar Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia yang baik di SMA atau yang sederajat. Hal ini merupakan isu penting dalam rangka memaksimalkan potensi yang ada untuk memberikan perhatian lebih kepada siswa/siswi SMA atau sederajat yaitu dengan mengadakan program pengayaan persiapan ujian nasional (UN) bagi kelas XII. Program ini dilaksanakan di 2 sekolah yaitu MA NW Hizbul Wathan dan MA NW Wanasaba. Tujuan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dalam menjawab soal Bahasa Indonesia dalam menghadapi Ujian Nasional dan meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Indonesia dengan baik dan benar. Selain itu, tujuan program ini adalah memberikan kesadaran kepada siswa/I SMA sederajat bahwa keterampilan Berbahasa Indonesia merupakan hal yang dasar yang harus di miliki oleh setiap siswa untuk membantu mereka dalam memahami bidang ilmu yang lainnya


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    Nowadays, Micro Air Vehicle (MAV) is mostly developed for surveillance purpose, either for military or civilian. In this article, a design and building of a MAV will be presented. A tailless configuration was chosen. The design and build process started with a study of several design parameters of existing MAVs. Then, it is followed by initial sizing, detail design and production of the MAV. In general, the designed MAV could meet the design requirements and objectives stated. Some preliminary tests had shown that the basic flying characteristics was sufficiently good, although further development still has to be done. The design and build process was also able to evaluate the implementation of some aircraft design formula and method being implemented to design MAV


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    Pragmatism could be understood as an approach whose position is equal to the other approaches in literary studies. Pragmatism focussed discussion on the role and readers functin totally. Cultural studies has to do with the whole aspects of human’s life as a method to undertand cultural changes and its effect in social life. The Text of Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru as literary objection this research was understood in cultural changes and the previous phenomenon was a prat of field discusiion of cultural studies wich could be done by decoding organic structure which shapes it (diction), function (das sein=reality), and the meaning (das sollen=idealisme). Research data ws collected trough transcription tehnique because the text of Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru is a lingual symbol (forms) to understand meaning and function. Analysis and data interpretation used phenomenology approach. It was conclued that the pragmatism of Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru composed by Hamzanwadi was understood through pattern realtions function and meaning.  Culture decentring was someone’s emotion expression to keep expectation to one he loves, communication for a reality which have to be faced, satire toward unconciousness on life reality. Pragmatism constituted idea guidance and good deeds, direction and goal of noble strugle, warning to the unappropriate events, inspirations the new appropriate  one, basic and good behaviour standard in choosing and selecting life struggle instruments.  Key words: Wasiat Renungan Masa-Pengalaman Baru, Pragmatism, Culture Studie

    Critical discourse analysis on gender relations: women's images in Sasak song

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    Sasak song as one form of artistic discourse is used as an instrument of male domination of women in gender relations through various forms of imaging that do not benefit women. The image is understood through the process and mechanism of work of critical discourse analysis. This study aims to reveal the image of women in the Sasak song by discovering the tendency of social construction in gender relations between men and women based on the principles of Critical Discourse Analysis. Through the position of the Sasak song text, the importance of the text, and the consequences of the text in the social reality of gender relations between men and women, found six images of women in the Sasak song text, namely women as male subordination; women as inferior, resigned women, cheap women, dependent women, and women without choice. As a text, discursive reasoning, and social reality, the results of the study show the tendency to dominate women who give birth to forms of discrimination. The six images of women in Sasak song texts are contained in works of art for the purpose of disguising the tendencies behind artistic elements, so that they are accepted as truth and reasonableness in history inherited between generations


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan taraf indigofera zollingeriana (25%, 50%, 75%) pengganti konsentrat dalam ransum kambing PE. Percobaan dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan tersebut antara lain: Perlakuan A adalah rumput lapangan 60% : konsentrat 40%; Perlakuan B adalah rumput lapangan 60% : konsentrat 30% + I.zollingeriana10%; Perlakuan C adalah rumput lapangan 60% : konsentrat 20% + I.zollingeriana20%; Perlakuan D adalah rumput lapangan 60% : konsentrat 10% + I.zollingeriana30%. Parameter Yang diamati yaitu kualitas susu, produksi dan kecernaan zat makanan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan leguminosa indigofera zollingeriana sebagai pengganti konsentrat berpengaruh tidak nyata (P>0,05) terhadap kecernaan zat makanan, produksi susu dan kualitas susu. Hasil terbaik yaitu pada perlakuan D dengan rumput lapangan 60% : konsentrat 10% + I.zollingeriana30%