17 research outputs found


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    Ethnicity consists of a set of perceived boundaries created through a long process of social construction. It allows people to critically think of their social world and their position in that world. Ethnic diversity could facilitate intercultural dialogues and teamworks but it could also lead people into vigilant society where one group over-anticipates what another group are able to do. This is, however, the result of the dynamics of the construction of identity that relates to ethnicity as one of it major pillars. This paper, thus, aims at analyzing the identity construction among people in ethnic organizations settings. The concept of I and Me, once popularized by Mead, is utilized as a framework by which identity constructions of social actors in the setting of ethnic organizations are understood.Keywords: ethnicity, organization, and Herbert Mead


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    Communication plan explain how communicator spread his/her message widely and appropriately through the right channel at the right time. Strategy of communication can be defined as a framework built to change people behavior in wide scale through disseminating new ideas. To achieve targeted result of development process, right planning and strategy are necessary. Right strategy starts from choosing right communicator, deciding targeted audience, analyzing audience needs, crafting the message, choosing appropriate media and communication channels, and estimating the impact of the whole process. Throughout the process of communication, it is normal that a number of barriers stand. Therefore, planning a communication strategy is aimed at overcoming those barriers in order to optimize effectiveness of communication. From the perspective of function and utility of communication, planning plays a vital role in the implementation of programs.Planning of communication in a simple framework relates to the question of how to create an effective communication. In a wider sense, communication planning is necessary for constructing appropriate strategy by which national development programs can work. Keywords: Planning, strategy of communication, developmen


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    Abstract; Komunikasi merupakan aktivitas dasar manusia, dengan berkomunikasi manusia dapat berhubungan satu sama lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dimanapun manusia itu berada. Komunikasi dapat dilakukan dengan cara yang sederhana sampai cara yang kompleks. Komunikasi tidak terbatas pada kata-kata yang terucap belaka, melainkan bentuk dari apa saja interaksi, senyuman, anggukan kepala yang membenarkan hati, sikap badan, ungkapan minat, perhatian yang mendukung diterimanya pengertian, sikap dan perasaan yang sama. Komunikasi organisasi mengandung tujuh konsep kunci yaitu: proses, pesan, jaringan, saling tergantung, hubungan, lingkungan, dan ketidakpastian. Hambatan komunikasi dalam organisasi juga dapat dibagi menjadi tiga yaitu hambatan teknis, hambatan semantik, dan hambatan perilaku. Teknik komunikasi ialah keahlian yang dimiliki oleh seseorang dalam menyampaikan informasi kepada pihak lain sehingga informasi yang disampaikan dapat diterima dengan cepat dan tepat oleh penerima informasi. Kurangnya apresiasi dan motivasi dari pimpinan di perguruan tinggi dapat mempengaruhi sikap dari bawahannya. Untuk dapat memperbaiki hubungan, selain mempersiapkan kata-kata yang tepat untuk menyampaikan pesan, juga diperlukan hubungan yang baik antara komunikator dengan komunikan, ini karena keefektifan komunikasi secara keseluruhan masih memerlukan suasana psikologis yang positif dan penuh kepercayaan. Komunikator selalu menginginkan agar komunikan melakukan apa yang diungkapkannya. Ketidakefektifan komunikasi terjadi karena adanya hambatan dalam komunikasi, hambatan tersebut paling banyak adalah hambatan dalam hal perbedaan persepsi. Kata Kunci : Dinamika, Komunikasi Communication is a basic human activity, with people communicate can relate to each other in everyday life wherever human being. Communication can be done in a way that is simple to complex ways. Communication is not limited to the spoken words alone, but any form of interaction, a smile, a nod of the head that justify the liver, posture, expressions of interest, attention which supported the adoption of understanding, attitudes and feelings are the same. Organizational communication contains seven key concepts: process, messaging, network, interdependent, relationships, environment, and uncertainty. Barriers to communication within the organization can also be divided into three technical barriers, barriers semantic, and behavioral barriers. Communications engineering expertise that is owned by someone in conveying information to others so that information can be delivered quickly and accurately received by the receiver of information. Lack of appreciation and motivation of leadership in higher education can affect the attitude of his subordinates. In order to improve relations, in addition to preparing for the right words to convey the message, also needed a good relationship between the communicator to the communicant, this is because the effectiveness of the overall communication still requires a positive psychological atmosphere and full of confidence. Communicators have always wanted to do what it expresses communicant. Ineffectiveness of communication occurred because of barriers in communication, these barriers are most obstacle in terms of differences in perception. Keywords : Dynamics, Communicatio


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    Abstract; Komunikasi merupakan aktivitas dasar manusia, dengan berkomunikasi manusia dapat berhubungan satu sama lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dimanapun manusia itu berada. Organisasi adalah sistem yang mapan dari mereka yang bekerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama, melalui jenjang kepangkatan dan pembagian tugas. Salah satu ciri komunikasi organisasi yang paling nyata adalah konsep hubungan (relationship). Organisasi sebagai sebuah jaringan hubungan yang saling bergantung. Jika sesuatu saling bergantung, ini berarti bahwa hal-hal tersebut saling mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi satu sama lain. Komunikasi antarpribadi adalah komunikasi antara orang-orang secara tatap muka, yang memungkinkan setiap pesertanya menangkap reaksi orang lain secara langsung, baik secara verbal ataupun nonverbal. Komunikasi interpersonal sebagai komunikasi anatar komunikator dengan komunikan, dianggap sebagai jenis komunikasi yang paling efektif dalam hal upaya mengubah sikap, pendapat, atau perilaku seseorang. Komunikasi interpersonal yang berlangsung secara intensif dengan mengutamakan aspek kuantitas dan kualitas yang seimbang, akan menciptakan hubungan interpersonal yang kuat antara atasan dan bawahan serta antarsesama karyawan, sehingga keterbukaan dan kepercayaan yang didapat dari proses komunikasi tersebut dapat turut menentukan perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku dalam organisasi. Kepuasan komunikasi membawa hubungan dengan kepuasan kerja, kepuasan kerja merupakan respons seseorang terhadap bermacam-macam lingkungan kerja yang dihadapinya, seperti teman sekerja, kebijakan, promosi dll. Pentingnya iklim yang mendukung dalam komunikasi organisasi lebih ditekankan untuk mendapatkan kepuasan kerja. Pimpinan sebagai orang yang bertanggung jawab dalam organisasi dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam membangkitkan iklim komunikasi yang baik dalam organisasinya. Kata Kunci : Komunikasi, Interpersonal, Iklim, Organisasi Communication is a basic human activity, with people communicate can relate to each other in everyday life wherever human being. Organization is established system of those who work together to achieve a common goal, through the ranks and division of tasks. One characteristic of most real organizational communication is the concept of the relationship (relationship). Organization as a network of interdependent relationships. If something interdependent, this means that these things affect each other and influenced each other. Interpersonal communication is communication between people face to face, which allows each participant capture the reactions of others directly, either verbally or nonverbally. Interpersonal communication as communication between communicator with communicant, regarded as the most effective type of communication in terms of efforts to change attitudes, opinions, or behavior. Interpersonal communication that takes place intensively with emphasis on the quantity and quality aspects are balanced, will create strong interpersonal relationships between superiors and subordinates and employees between people, so that openness and trust gained from the communication process can also determine changes in attitudes and behavior within the organization. Satisfaction communication carries relationship with job satisfaction, job satisfaction is an individual's response to various working environment it faces, such as coworkers, policy, promotion etc. The importance of a favorable climate in organizational communication is emphasized to obtain job satisfaction. Leadership as a responsible person in the organization can contribute to generate good communication climate in the organization Keywords : Communication , Interpersonal , Climate , Organizatio

    Strategi Public Relations dalam Pengembangan Brand Image Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Kota Samarinda

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    Public relation is an important aspect within the process of building positive image for an organization. Selecting appropriate strategy, therefore, must be applied very carefully since it determines the success or failure of the organization in the long run. This paper, thus, aims at explaining the strategy of public relation applied by Cordova Integral Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda in building a positive brand image that suits its’ long-term objectives. Utilizing qualitative approach, this paper finds out that Cordova Integral Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda applies four strategy such as research-listening, planning-decision, communication-action, and evaluation.Keywords: Image brand, organizational strategy, and public relation

    Islamic Expressions On The Culprits Of Islamic Centers In East Kalimantan

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    The aim of this paper is to (1) explore the dynamics within the implementation of religious sermon in the culprit of Islamic Centers and Mosques in East Kalimantan, and (2) to assess how Da’is and board of Islamic Centers and Mosques contruct the concept of Ideal Da’wa thus what topics should be promoted and what topics should be avoided. Findings of this paper reveal that the implementation of religious sermons in Islamic Centers in East Kalimantan aims at representing the many mosques within the region where the Islamic Center stands. Islamic Center is suppose to play the role model of ideal mosque and every mosque in the region must revitalize its role and functions to become those of the Islamic Centers. However, Islamic Centers in East Kalimantan are not successful enough in representing the many mosques it claims to represent due to explicit rules on who can and cannot gives sermon in the culprit of those Islamic Centers

    The Role of Piety (Taqwa) and Gratitude (Syukur) in Islam on Human Emotional Intelligence

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    This study aims to investigate the role of taqwa (belief in Allah) and gratitude (gratitude to Allah) in Islam on an individual's ability to manage their level of human emotional intelligence. This study uses a factorial design analysis research method with a structural transaction research model. Data analysis was performed using AMOS (Moment Structure Analysis) which is used for hypothesis testing. This research involved a research sample of 350 Muslims consisting of administration staff, teachers, students, and other staff at tertiary institutions. The research findings show that taqwa and gratitude make a positive contribution to emotional intelligence. Individuals who have high piety have the ability to assess and control their emotional levels. In addition, based on research results, individuals who have piety and gratitude have the ability to better understand and distinguish between positive and negative emotions because these individuals have a good level of understanding of the teachings of the Islamic religion. Individuals who have high piety and gratitude are also able to respond well when others are angry with them and act with compassion. Taqwa and gratitude can increase individual empathy, thus contributing to emotional competence and individual emotional intelligence. This research resulted in the originality of the findings, namely taqwa and gratitude affect the emotional intelligence of Muslims in dealing with various problems. In addition, the study of piety and gratitude is accompanied by self-development of the Qur'an to examine its relationship with the emotions and souls of Muslims. This can enrich the literature on Islamic religious scholarship. The implication of this research is that if someone is able to increase this devotion and gratitude, that person will be better able to manage emotions, so that they can create a harmonious atmosphere both at work and in the family environment

    Between the sacred and the profane: the dynamics of the memorization of the qur?an in east kalimantan

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    Menghafal teks-teks Al-Qur?an adalah salah satu perbuatan paling berharga, dan telah lama dianggap sebagai perwujudan dari gagasan menjaga agama. Pekerjaan menghafal Al Qur?an yang menguntungkan ditopang oleh manfaat material yang disediakan oleh masyarakat Muslim sehingga menciptakan interaksi yang dinamis antara motif profan dan sakral untuk ingatan (penghafal Al-Qur?an). Makalah ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi hubungan dinamis antara motif sakral dan profan dalam proses menghafal Al Qur?an di Kalimantan Timur dengan menjawab dua pertanyaan; (1) Apa faktor penentu utama yang mempengaruhi keputusan seseorang untuk menghafal Al Qur?an? (2) bagaimana haafiz penuh melihat upaya mereka dalam melakukan tugas-tugas seperti itu? Wawancara mendalam dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi terkait pertanyaan penelitian, sedangkan teknik kualitatif diterapkan untuk menganalisis data. Temuan riset menunjukkan bahwa faktor penentu utama untuk menghafal Al-Qur?an adalah kombinasi dari strata sosial yang tinggi yang dirasakan akan dinikmati oleh seorang haafiz jika mereka berhasil menyelesaikan tugasnya, dan adanya pengakuan masyarakat untuk strata tersebut dalam bentuk dukungan pemerintah bagi mereka. Pada haafiz yang secara penuh menghafal Al-Quran memandang upaya mereka untuk menghafal seluruh pasal Al- Quran sebagai tugas suci yang ditakdirkan oleh Tuhan sehingga perolehan materi dan pengakuan sosial yang mereka dapatkan saat melakukan tugas adalah perwujudan dari berkah Tuhan. Yang suci dan yang profan dalam konteks ini sedemikian cair di mana seringkali garis-garis demarkasi di antara yang sakral dan yang profan saling melampaui satu sama lain

    Effectiveness of Interreligious Literacy in Preventing Radical Views in Higher Education: Narrative Inquiry Research

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    The notion of radicalism or extremism is currently a problem faced in the world. Many organizations or institutions adhere to this ideology with the aim of their own interests on behalf of the Islamic religion. In dealing with these problems, various efforts have been made by the government, one of which is implementing interfaith literacy at the tertiary level to suppress radical views. Universities are the target of this organization because students are considered to have souls that are still unstable and volatile. This research aims to study the effectiveness of this interreligious literacy in suppressing radicalism in several universities. This study used a qualitative approach with a narrative inquiry design as its research methodology. This study involves students and stakeholders who play an important role in this interfaith literacy. The research findings show that this interreligious literacy program can prevent and suppress radical understanding among students by changing the pattern of religious education from a closed doctrinal pattern to shifting to using a functional humanistic approach. The increase in students' interfaith literacy skills can be seen from the change in their perspective or mindset towards the teachings of Christianity and other religions. It can be concluded that interreligious literacy is effective in counteracting and preventing the spread of radicalism in the campus environment. The implication of this research is that this inter-religious literacy program provides an alternative to revitalizing religious education and its models in increasing students' religious knowledge and socializing religious values in an inclusive and humanistic manner