21 research outputs found

    Penyuluhan Cuci Tangan Pakai Sabun Pada Santri TPA Nurul Muallim Kab. Gowa

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    Sekolah memiliki peran penting dalam mendidik santrinya dalam menerapkan perilaku kesehatan. Untuk itu, selama pandemi ini sangat penting menerapkan cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS) di lingkungan sekolah untuk mencegah terjadinya penularan Covid 19. Kebiasaan mencuci tangan pakai sabun perlu diajarkan sejak dini. Hal ini diharapkan untuk memberikan contoh kepada lingkungannya. Tujuan penyuluhan ini untuk meningkatkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat yaitu cuci tangan pakai sabun (PHBS) pada santri TPA Nurul Muallim Kab. Gowa. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode ceramah, memberikan leaflet dan mendengarkan audio kepada santri. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan santri terkait cuci tangan pakai sabun setelah dilakukan penyuluhan. Diharapkan kepada pihak TPA dapat memberikan dukungan pada anak-anak untuk membiasakan diri cuci tangan pakai sabun (CTPS) di lingkungan sekolah dengan menyediakan fasilitas cuci tangan. Hal ini dikarenakan untuk menerapkan kebiasaan cuci tangan pakai  sabun (CTPS) harus ditunjang dengan fasilitas atau sarana dan prasarana yang baik


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    One of the focuses of the No Smoking Area is based on the lawHealth and Makassar City Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2013 is a place of teaching and learning process. This rule has not been implemented yet State Islamic University Alauddin Makassar, the reality shows that there are still lecturers, staff, and students who still smoke in campus area. So, this research was conducted to find out how SWOT Analysis of the Implementation of No Smoking Areas at UIN Alauddin Makassar.This research uses a qualitative method with a case study design. The number of informants was 26 people consisting of Vice Chancellor III, Dean, Lecturers, Employees, Students. Results research shows that there is strength  in implementing a Smoking Free Area at UIN Alauddin Makassar namely there are rules of conduct regulated in the UIN Alauddin Student Pocket Book Makassar regarding the prohibition of smoking in buildings or faculties. However, there are Weaknesses that are owned by the Academic Community namely the existence of lecturers, employees and students who smoke in the building area or faculty so that it can disturb the people around him. As for in terms of Opportunities that there are Anti-Smoking Alauddin Makassar which can be used as empowerment and relationship relationships built with external institutions, namely Hasanuddin Contact which can work together to implement a No-Smoking Area at UIN Alauddin Makassar. On the other hand, that there is a threat that will generated as a disagreement, can creates a contradiction to active smokers if no room is provided specifically for smoking so it could be a demonstration to sue that matter

    Exposure to Reproductive Health Information and Behavior in Islamic Boarding School, Sinjai District

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    Improving reproductive health for adolescents is one of the efforts to improve the quality of human life which will increase the human resource index in the future. This study aims to determine the effect of information exposure on adolescent reproductive health behavior. This study used a quantitative research method with a cross sectional approach to female students at the Darul Ihsan Islamic Boarding School, East Sinjai District, Sinjai Regency with a total of 68 respondents. The results showed that the information exposure variable had a relationship with attitude (p=0.006) then what was not related was the knowledge level variable (p=0.121) and the action variable (p=0.091). The results of the multivariate analysis showed that information exposure had an influence on attitudes with a 5.857 chance of reproductive health behavior for young female students at Islamic boarding schools. This study provides information to young female students to be tabayun to all health information obtained and to increase their knowledge regarding reproductive health. Good health information in terms of maintaining cleanliness will be a very important asset during adolescence

    Hubungan Penggunaan Media Sosial dengan Perilaku Makan Mahasiswa di Kota Makassar 

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    Internet, sebagai bagian dari perkembangan teknologi informasi banyak sekali memberikan kemudahan untuk penggunanya dan telah masuk dalam semua bagian sendi kehidupan. Penggunaan internet dan media sosial saat ini bukan hanya untuk kebutuhan edukasi semata, namun juga dipergunakan untuk hiburan, belanja, media sosial dan hal lainnya. Hasil Survei Pangan tahun 2018 menemukan bahwa penduduk yang berusia di atas 10 tahun di Indonesia mempunyai perilaku konsumsi makanan berlemak, berkolesterol, dan makanan gorengan 40,7%, konsumsi maknan asin 26,2%, dan konsumsi makanan manis 53,1%, dan perilaku kurang konsumsi sayur dan buah mencapai 93,6%. Berbanding lurus dengan penggunaan internet yang juga semakin meningkat. Maka dari itu peneliti tertarik untuk melihat bagaiman hubungan penggunaan media sosial dengan perilaku makan, khususnya mahasiswa yang notabene merupakan kelompok yang menggunakan gadget sangat aktif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan sampel sebanyak 86 reseponden, yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari hasil penelitian yaitu tidak ada hubungan durasi penggunaan media sosial dengan perilaku makan, hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan p-value= 0,624 > 0,05. Tidak ada hubungan frekuensi penggunaan media sosial dengan perilaku makan, hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan p-value= 0,440> 0,05. Ada hubungan akses media sosial terkait informasi makanan dengan perilaku makan. Hasil p-value= 0,125> 0,05 dengan nilai ORcrude (95% CI)= 2,805 (1,123-7,005).   Kata kunci: internet, perilaku makan, social mediaInternet, sebagai bagian dari perkembangan teknologi informasi banyak sekali memberikan kemudahan untuk penggunanya dan telah masuk dalam semua bagian sendi kehidupan. Penggunaan internet dan media sosial saat ini bukan hanya untuk kebutuhan edukasi semata, namun juga dipergunakan untuk hiburan, belanja, media sosial dan hal lainnya. Hasil Survei Pangan tahun 2018 menemukan bahwa penduduk yang berusia di atas 10 tahun di Indonesia mempunyai perilaku konsumsi makanan berlemak, berkolesterol, dan makanan gorengan 40,7%, konsumsi maknan asin 26,2%, dan konsumsi makanan manis 53,1%, dan perilaku kurang konsumsi sayur dan buah mencapai 93,6%. Berbanding lurus dengan penggunaan internet yang juga semakin meningkat. Maka dari itu peneliti tertarik untuk melihat bagaiman hubungan penggunaan media sosial dengan perilaku makan, khususnya mahasiswa yang notabene merupakan kelompok yang menggunakan gadget sangat aktif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional, dengan sampel sebanyak 86 reseponden, yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan dari hasil penelitian yaitu tidak ada hubungan durasi penggunaan media sosial dengan perilaku makan, hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan p-value= 0,624 > 0,05. Tidak ada hubungan frekuensi penggunaan media sosial dengan perilaku makan, hal tersebut ditunjukkan dengan p-value= 0,440> 0,05. Ada hubungan akses media sosial terkait informasi makanan dengan perilaku makan. Hasil p-value= 0,125> 0,05 dengan nilai ORcrude (95% CI)= 2,805 (1,123-7,005).   Kata kunci: internet, perilaku makan, social medi


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    Penyakit dekompresi (Decompression Sickness) merupakan suatu penyakit yang disebabkan oleh pembentukandan peningkatan ukuran gelembung ketika tekanan parsial gas inert dalam darah dan jaringan melebihi tekananambient yang dapat menimbulkan gejala seperti rasa sakit di persendian, sakit kepala, gatal-gatal, mati rasa(numbness) kelumpuhan (paralysis) bahkan dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisisfaktor risiko kejadian penyakit dekompresi pada nelayan penyelam di Pulau Barrang Lompo Kota Makassartahun 2011-2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan Case Control Study yang dilakukan di Pulau BarrangLompo dengan sampel sebanyak 47 kasus dan 94 kontrol. Kasus adalah nelayan penyelam yang menderitapenyakit dekompresi, sedangkan kontrol adalah nelayan penyelam yang tidak menderita penyakit dekompresi.Penarikan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Analisis regresi logistik digunakan untuk melihatfaktor risiko yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kejadian penyakit dekompresi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa faktor risiko yang berpengaruh secara statistik dengan kejadian penyakit dekompresi pada nelayanpenyelam adalah masa kerja (OR=4,110; Cl 95% : 1,341-12,595) dan cara naik ke permukaan (OR=2,575; Cl95% : 1,210-5,478). Sedangkan waktu istirahat tidak berpengaruh secara statistik dengan kejadian penyakitdekompresi pada nelayan penyelam (OR=3,611; Cl 95% : 0,824-15,821). Analisis multivariat menunjukkanbahwa masa kerja merupakan variabel yang paling berisiko terhadap kejadian penyakit dekompresi pada nelayanpenyelam di Pulau Barrang Lompo (OR=3,900, Cl 95% : 1,241-12,253)

    Faktor Risiko Penyakit Dekompresi Pada Nelayan Penyelam Di Pulau Barrang Lompo

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    Decompression sickness is a disorder or disease caused by the release and increase of gas bubbles from the dissolved phase in blood or tissue due to the pressure drop that is often experienced by diving fishermen. Symptoms include dizziness, joint pain, paralysis, and even death. This study aimed to determine the risk factors of decompression disease in divers in Barrang Lompo Island. This study used a Case-Control Study design. The study population was all divers with 15-64 years of age, either suffering or not suffering decompression sickness. The research subjects were 47 cases and 94 controls obtained by accidental sampling. The results showed that the depth of diving (OR = 2.641; Cl 95% = 1.285-5.428), frequency of diving (OR = 4.067; Cl 95% = 1.939-8.531), and length of diving (OR = 3.872; Cl 95% = 1.657-9.052) were the risk factors of the decompression disease incidence on divers in Barrang Lompo Island. It is suggested to divers and all members who participate in the search to prepare a dive plan according to procedures related to depth, frequency, and duration of dives to reduce the incidence of decompression sickness

    Karakteristik dan Kualitas Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Limbah Cair Rumah Sakit (Studi Deskriptif di Rumah Sakit X Kabupaten Jeneponto)

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    Hospital waste treatment is part of the hospital environmental sanitation efforts, the goals is to protecting the public from the dangers of environmental pollution from hospital wastewater and preventing the increase in nosocomial infections in the hospital environment, because it is known that hospital waste can contain potential dangers that are infectious, toxic and radioactive. This type of research is observational analytic in a descriptive approach to determine the quality of wastewater at the hospital X District of Jeneponto in 2020. Conducted at the hospital X Jeneponto Regency in June-July 2020. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The sample in this study was wastewater originating from 2 points, namely the inlet and outlet of WWTP, the sampling technique and the frequency of sampling were 2 times, namely on the day Friday morning and afternoon, for 1 Day. The parameters measured in this study were temperature, pH, BOD and COD. Based on the results of laboratory examinations of wastewater samples at the hospital X, Jeneponto Regency, can draw the conclusion that temperature, pH and BOD levels, still meet different requirements The COD level value at the inlet during the daytime sampling with a value of 74.0567 mg / l does not meet the requirements according to the Liquid Waste Water Quality Standard. Hospital based on the Regulation of the Governor of South Sulawesi Number: 69/2010 concerning Quality Standards and Criteria for Environmental Damage Appendix II Point D.3 Wastewater Quality Standards for Hospital Activities (COD = 70 mg / l). The BOD and COD of hospital X wastewater, it is hoped that the hospital management and management will allocate the operational funds needed in order to maintain the Wastewater Treatment Plant, especially in aerobic / anaerobic tanks as well as filtration and check the quality of wastewater every time. Every 6 months to find out how much influence the waste water has on the hospital environment and its surroundings. Keywords : waste management, wastewater, hospital, environmen

    Level Of Anxiety Among College Students During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Background: The Coronavirus outbreak which has become a pandemic for more than a year could potentially cause health problems, including mental health. Mental health problems can occur to any group of people including the students because of the policy of learning from home using online learning technology. Mental health disorders or problems that may occur during the COVID-19 pandemic are high levels of anxiety.   Methods: It was quantitative with a cross-sectional design study. The sample was 344 respondents that were collected through purposive sampling. It was available from 1 to 12 August 2021 using Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-42) Questionnaire via a google form. The data was analyze through frequency for univariate analysis and chi-square for bivariate analysis using statistical software Results: Based on the level of anxiety, the normal level was 13.1%; mild level was 8.7%; moderate level was 21.8%; severe level was 23.8%; extremely severe was 32.6%. The majority of respondents showed an extremely severe level of anxiety with a percentage. According to bivariate analysis, gender variable has a significant correlation to anxiety level while others have not. Conclusion: It is recommended for the college to provide and develop student counseling centers in order to support the psychological condition of students

    Analisis Potensi Bahaya Pada Pekerja Maintenance Kapal Di PT. X Kota Makassar

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    Every workplace has a risk of accidents. The amount of risk depends on the industry, technology, and the risk control efforts undertaken. HIRARC (Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control)  is a way to identify the potential hazards that exist in each type of work. The steps begin with identifying the hazards, assessing the risks, and implementing controls. This study aimed to determine potential hazards, assess risks, and control risks to shipping maintenance workers at PT. X. This research was an observational study using a descriptive approach with the HIRARC concept method. The samples were laborers and a series of work processes in the ship maintenance section. Data were collected through observation, literature study, and documentation. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics with a qualitative presentation. The results showed that 9 potential hazards and 27 risks were identified. The controls carried out were elimination, substitution, isolation, engineering, control administration, and personal protective equipment. This study concluded that each maintenance work area had the potential to experience an accident risk. The company should control the work area so it becomes protected from work accidents risk and occupational diseases. Keywords: HIRARC, hazard identification, risk assessment, risk contro


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    Background: During the current covid-19 pandemic, public visits to health facilities such as hospitals, health centers and clinics have decreased. People are increasingly worried about visiting health facilities for fear of being infected. Objective: The purpose of this study was to measure the level of public concern about visiting health facilities during the pandemic when experiencing health problems. Method: This research is a quantitative research using an analytical approach and a cross sectional. The population in this study were all Indonesian people and the number of samples in this study was 118 people.sampling technique used was accidental sampling technique. Result: The results showed that the level of public knowledge about covid-19 showed that people with a low level of knowledge were 14 people (11.9%) and a high level of knowledge was 104 (88.1%). Respondents with the level of public concern visiting health facilities showed that their level of concern was low as many as 25 people (21.2%), moderate 40 people (33.9%) and high 53 (44.9%). There is no relationship between the level of knowledge with the level of public concern visiting health facilities with a p value 0.421. Conclusion: Public knowledge about COVID-19 is in the high category and the level of public concern for visiting health facilities during the pandemic is in the low category and there is no relationship between the level of public knowledge and the level of public concern for visiting health facilitie