755 research outputs found

    Block copolymer self-assembly for nanophotonics

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    The ability to control and modulate the interaction of light with matter is crucial to achieve desired optical properties including reflection, transmission, and selective polarization. Photonic materials rely upon precise control over the composition and morphology to establish periodic interactions with light on the wavelength and sub-wavelength length scales. Supramolecular assembly provides a natural solution allowing the encoding of a desired 3D architecture into the chemical building blocks and assembly conditions. The compatibility with solution processing and low-overhead manufacturing is a significant advantage over more complex approaches such as lithography or colloidal assembly. Here we review recent advances on photonic architectures derived from block copolymers and highlight the influence and complexity of processing pathways. Notable examples that have emerged from this unique synthesis platform include Bragg reflectors, antireflective coatings, and chiral metamaterials. We further predict expanded photonic capabilities and limits of these approaches in light of future developments of the field

    Der klinische Fall

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    Transport processes in rivers investigated by tracer experiments

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    ABSTRACT In advanced research of hydrology, tracer experiments are reliable tools for the evaluation of natural data. Described for the river Rhine calibration and verification of an one-dimensional alarm model by such data allows prediction results of high accuracy

    Ultrafast nonlinear response of gold gyroid three-dimensional metamaterials

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    We explore the nonlinear optical response of 3D gyroidal metamaterials, which show >10-fold enhancements compared to all other metallic nanomaterials as well as bulk gold. A simple analytical model for this metamaterial response shows how the reflectivity spectrum scales with the metal fill fraction and the refractive index of the material that the metallic nanostructure is embedded in. The ultrafast response arising from the interconnected 3D nanostructure can be separated into electronic and lattice contributions with strong spectral dependences on the dielectric filling of the gyroids, which invert the sign of the nonlinear transient reflectivity changes. These metamaterials thus provide a wide variety of tuneable nonlinear optical properties, which can be utilised for frequency mixing, optical switching, phase modulators, novel emitters, and enhanced sensing.This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final version is available from APS in Physical Review Applied at http://journals.aps.org/prapplied/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.2.044002#fulltext#fulltext

    Controlling the coassembly of highly amphiphilic block copolymers with a hydrolytic sol by solvent exchange

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    The coassembly of an inorganic sol by organic structure-directing agents is a widely established technique for solution processed mesoporous metal oxides. Block copolymers with highly amphiphilic blocks are promising candidates for fast and robust material assembly into a range of periodic nano-morphologies. The high polarity difference is however an inherent challenge for the simultaneous processing of hydrophilic and hydrophobic components. Here, we show that a solvent exchange through the evaporation of the initial volatiles and redissolution in an azeotrope mixture of polar and apolar solvents with a common high boiling point allows the evolution of a micellar solution towards block copolymer-dictated structures near thermodynamic equilibrium, with controlled access to inorganic cylinders, lamellae and organic cylinders within a continuous inorganic matrix

    Gyroid Optical Metamaterials: Calculating the Effective Permittivity of Multidomain Samples

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    Gold gyroid optical metamaterials are known to possess a reduced plasma frequency and linear dichroism imparted by their intricate subwavelength single gyroid morphology. The anisotropic optical properties are, however, only evident when a large individual gyroid domain is investigated. Multidomain gyroid metamaterials, fabricated using a polyisoprene-bb-polystyrene-bb-poly(ethylene oxide) triblock terpolymer and consisting of multiple small gyroid domains with random orientation and handedness, instead exhibit isotropic optical properties. Comparing three effective medium models, we here show that the specular reflectance spectra of such multidomain gyroid optical metamaterials can be accurately modeled over a broad range of incident angles by a Bruggeman effective medium consisting of a random wire array. This model accurately reproduces previously published results tracking the variation in normal incidence reflectance spectra of gold gyroid optical metamaterials as a function of host refractive index and volume fill fraction of gold. The effective permittivity derived from this theory confirms the change in sign of the real part of the permittivity in the visible spectral region (so, that gold gyroid metamaterials exhibit both dielectric and metallic behavior at optical wavelengths). That a Bruggeman effective medium can accurately model the experimental reflectance spectra implies that small multidomain gold gyroid optical metamaterials behave both qualitatively and quantitatively as an amorphous composite of gold and air (i.e., nanoporous gold) and that coherent electromagnetic contributions arising from the subwavelength gyroid symmetry are not dominant.This research was supported through the Swiss National Science Foundation through the National Center of Competence in Research Bio-Inspired Materials and grant numbers 200021_163220 (to U.S.) and PZ00P2_168223 (to B.D.W.), the Adolphe Merkle Foundation, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the Cambridge NanoDTC EP/G037221/1, EP/L027151/1, and EP/ G060649/1, and ERC LINASS 320503 and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 706329 (to I.G.). Y.G. and U.W. thank the National Science Foundation (DMR-1409105) for financial support

    Unenhanced helical computed tomography vs intravenous urography in patients with acute flank pain: accuracy and economic impact in a randomized prospective trial

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    Abstract.: Unenhanced helical computed tomography (UHCT) has evolved into a well-accepted alternative to intravenous urography (IVU) in patients with acute flank pain and suspected ureterolithiasis. The purpose of our randomized prospective study was to analyse the diagnostic accuracy of UHCT vs IVU in the normal clinical setting with special interest on economic impact, applied radiation dose and time savings in patient management. A total of 122 consecutive patients with acute flank pain suggestive of urolithiasis were randomized for UHCT (n=59) or IVU (n=63). Patient management (time, contrast media), costs and radiation dose were analysed. The films were independently interpreted by four radiologists, unaware of previous findings, clinical history and clinical outcome. Alternative diagnoses if present were assessed. Direct costs of UHCT and IVU are nearly identical (310/309 Euro). Indirect costs are much lower for UHCT because it saves examination time and when performed immediately initial abdominal plain film (KUB) and sonography are not necessary. Time delay between access to the emergency room and start of the imaging procedure was 32h 7min for UHCT and 36h 55min for IVU. The UHCT took an average in-room time of 23min vs 1h 21min for IVU. Mild to moderate adverse reactions for contrast material were seen in 3 (5%) patients. The UHCT was safe, as no contrast material was needed. The mean applied radiation dose was 3.3mSv for IVU and 6.5mSv for UHCT. Alternative diagnoses were identified in 4 (7%) UHCT patients and 3 (5%) IVU patients. Sensitivity and specificity of UHCT and IVU was 94.1 and 94.2%, and 85.2 and 90.4%, respectively. In patients with suspected renal colic KUB and US may be the least expensive and most easily accessable modalities; however, if needed and available, UHCT can be considered a better alternative than IVU because it has a higher diagnostic accuracy and a better economic impact since it is more effective, faster, less expensive and less risky than IVU. In addition, it also has the capability of detecting various additional renal and extrarenal pathologie

    Low temperature crystallisation of mesoporous TiO2

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    Conducting mesoporous TiO2 is rapidly gaining importance for green energy applications. To optimise performance, its porosity and crystallinity must be carefully fine-tuned. To this end, we have performed a detailed study on the temperature dependence of TiO2 crystallisation in mesoporous films. Crystal nucleation and growth of initially amorphous TiO2 derived by hydrolytic sol-gel chemistry is compared to the evolution of crystallinity from nanocrystalline building blocks obtained from non-hydrolytic solgel chemistry, and mixtures thereof. Our study addresses the question whether the critical temperature for crystal growth can be lowered by the addition of crystalline nucleation seeds

    Ordered mesoporous titania from highly amphiphilic block copolymers: tuned solution conditions enable highly ordered morphologies and ultra-large mesopores

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    Crystalline transition metal oxides with controlled mesopore architectures are in increasing demand to enhance the performance of energy conversion and storage devices. Solution based block copolymer self-assembly routes to achieve ordered mesoporous and crystalline titania have been studied for more than a decade, but have so far mostly been limited to water and alcohol dispersible polymers. This constraint has limited the accessible morphology space as well as structural dimensions. Moreover, synthetic approaches are mostly performed in a trial-and-error fashion using chemical intuition rather than being based on well-defined design parameters. We present solubility design guidelines that facilitate coassembly with highly amphiphilic block copolymers, enabling the formation of ordered structures with diverse length scales (d10 = 13.8–63.0 nm) and bulk-type morphologies. Thus, highly ordered and crystalline titania with the largest reported pores (d = 32.3 nm) was demonstrated for such a coassembly approach without the use of pore-expanders. Furthermore, the use of an ABC triblock terpolymer system led to a 3D ordered network morphology. In all cases, subsequent calcination treatments, such as the CASH procedure, enabled the formation of highly crystalline mesoporous materials while preserving the mesostructure
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