9 research outputs found

    Five lichen species new to Poland

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    Athallia cerinelloides, Caloplaca ulcerosa, Flavoplaca arcis, Lecanora sinuosa and Sclerophora amabilis are reported for the first time from Poland. Descriptions, notes on similar species, habitat preferences and general distribution are provided for each species

    Additions to the lichen biota of the Sudety Mountains. I. Records from the Karkonosze Mountains

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    Records of 10 rare and noteworthy lichen species in Poland have been presented. Four species, Japewia subaurea, Myriolecis persimilis, Palicella filamentosa, and Scoliciosporum sarothamni are new to the Polish part of the Sudetes. Anisomeridium polypori and Pyrenula coryli are new species to the Karkonosze Mountains

    Lichen diversity in the managed forests of the Karnieszewice Forest Division and its surroundings (N Poland)

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    The lichen biota of the Karnieszewice Forest Division (N Poland) is presented. Despite it is predominantly a strongly managed woodland area, 270 lichen species were found there including many rare species for Poland, as well as for European Lowland. Near 20% of the whole lichen biota are considered to be threatened in the country (categories CR, EN, VU), and 34 species are protected by law in Poland. Agonimia flabelliformis is reported for the second time from Polish lowlands

    What Is the Species Protection? Part III. Comments on the Need to Amend the Plant Protection Regulation

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    W artykule przedstawiono krytyczne uwagi do rozporządzenia o ochronie gatunkowej roślin, dotyczące m.in. zbyt dużej liczby zawartych w nim gatunków (ponad 700), czy też niekonsekwentnego stosowania kryteriów. Wskazano również na emocjonalne podejście do ochrony niektórych roślin, uwzględniające ich urodę, a nie stan zagrożenia. Podano przykłady roślin chronionych mimo ich wyłącznej obecności w parkach narodowych, a także gatunków trudnych do odszukania i oznaczenia nawet przez specjalistów. Zarzucono nadużycie zasady przezorności oraz umieszczenie w rozporządzeniu gatunków, których ochrona jest możliwa wyłącznie z równoczesną ochroną ich siedlisk.Critical remarks to the regulation on the protection of plant species were presented. The attention was paid to the excessive number of species included in the regulation (more than 700); inconsistent application of the criteria was demonstrated. The emotional approach to the protection of some plants was also indicated, taking into account their beauty and not the state of danger. Examples of protected plants are given despite their exclusive presence in national parks, as well as species that are difficult to find and identify even by specialists. It was alleged that the precautionary principle was abused and that species that could be protected only with the simultaneous protection of their habitats were included in the regulation.The research was self-financed by the author

    What Is the Species Protection? Part II. Lichens – A Case Study

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    Artykuł zawiera diagnozę obecnego stanu ochrony gatunkowej porostów w Polsce. W aktualnym rozporządzeniu znalazło się bardzo dużo błędów i nieścisłości, dlatego wymaga ono zmian. W tekście przedstawiono sugestie zmiany systemu ochrony gatunkowej w kraju i zaproponowano wprowadzenie krótkich list regionalnych, oprócz równie ograniczonej listy krajowej. Zamieszczono także propozycje nowych list gatunków chronionych, dla kraju i dla wybranych województw.The article contains a diagnosis of the current status of lichen species protection in Poland. The current regulation contains a lot of errors and inaccuracies and needs to be changed. The text presents suggestions to change the species protection system in the country and introduce short regional lists, in addition to an equally very limited national list. Proposals for new lists of protected species for the country and for selected provinces were also included.The research was self-financed by the author

    What Is the Species Protection? Part I. Species Protection of Lichens, or What Are We Really Protecting?

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    W artykule podano informacje o wszystkich gatunkach porostów, których lista jest zawarta w Rozporządzeniu Ministra Środowiska z dnia 9 października 2014 r. w sprawie ochrony gatunkowej grzybów. Uporządkowano ich pozycję w systemie, omówiono rozmieszczenie ogólne i w kraju. Przy każdym gatunku podano też sugestie dotyczące potrzeby ich ochrony prawnej. Dogłębna analiza pozwoliła stwierdzić, że to rozporządzenie w rzeczywistości zawiera nie 205, lecz 168 gatunków stwierdzonych w Polsce, z których 29 uznano za wymarłe i niewidziane w kraju od 1970 r. Ponad 30 zamieszczonych w nim nazw okazało się synonimami, a 3 gatunki nigdy u nas nie występowały.The article contains information on all lichen species included in the Regulation on the species protection of fungi. Their systematic position is put in order, their general and country distribution is discussed. For each species, suggestions regarding the need for their legal protection are also given. An in-depth analysis showed that the regulation does not actually contain 205, but 168 species currently growing in Poland. More than 35 names listed in the ordinance turned out to be synonyms, and three species have never appeared in our country. Moreover, it turned out that the list includes 29 species that have become extinct in Poland.The research was self-financed by the author

    Lichens as indicators of bog-community degeneration

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    The lichen flora of raised and transition-bogs in West Pomerania (N Poland) is poor and characterized by dominance of acidophilous epiphytes associated with pine bark, and of humus-loving lichens. Lichens are not good indicators of the degradation of transition and raised-bog phytocoenoses, mainly because it is difficult to properly determine their response - whether it is caused by natural or anthropogenic factors. U does not seem possible to create a lichenoindicative system for bogs, similar to that used in studies of the pollution of the atmospheric air. Lichens can successfully be used in analyses of changes in thc vegetation of isolated bogs; this should, however, be done at the most in addition to other procedures used to determine the degree of naturalness of plant communities