181 research outputs found


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    Reverse logistics is a dynamically developing field, which is based on the flow of goods in the opposite direction to the traditional (from consumer to producer). The main purpose of this article is to introduce the concept of reverse logistics and to characterize specific solutions used in its aspect, as well as to present the advantages of using this type of logistics. To illustrate the theoretical considerations were used some reverse logistics processes in enterprises and the benefits that have been achieved as a result of them

    The influence of sense of coherence on emotional response in heart transplant recipients : a preliminary report

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    INTRODUCTION: The success of heart transplantation in prolonging life and well-being must be considered in reference to its psycho-social outcomes, which intrinsically affect the long-term post-transplant morbidity. Sense of coherence and emotional response to organ reception are important factors in this group of patients. THE AIM OF THIS STUDY: The aim of this study was to assess the contribution of sense of coherence to emotional response to transplantation in heart transplant recipients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted on a group of 46 heart transplant recipients. The following research tools were applied in the assessment of personal resources (sense of coherence) and emotional response to heart transplant surgery: the Sense of Coherence Questionnaire developed by Antonovsky (SOC-29) and the Transplant Effects Questionnaire (TxEQ). The data were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: Heart transplant recipients do not experience guilt toward the donors and have no difficulties in disclosing their identities as heart transplant recipients. The study reports good adherence to immunosuppressive treatment recommendations and both a moderate concern about and a sense of responsibility for the transplanted organs among the patients. Global SOC was associated with guilt toward the donor, concern about the transplanted heart, and disclosure of the recipient's identity. CONCLUSIONS: The strength of the patients’ global sense of coherence is related to the level of their emotional response to the heart transplant surgery

    Giant left atrium associated with massive thrombus formation 14 years after orthotopic heart transplantation

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    Abstract We report the case of a 60-year-old patient who underwent orthotopic heart transplant 14 years earlier. Routine echocardiography showed giant masses in the left atrium. There were no symptoms or thromboembolic events in the past. Magnetic resonance imaging study revealed very enlarged left atrium (8.7 × 10.6 cm) occupied by irregular smooth mass (7 × 5 × 6.1 cm) with a stalk that was attached to the posterior left atrial wall in the area of graft suture lines. Intraoperative examination revealed a massive thrombus (12 × 10 cm) that filled almost the entire left atrial area

    Zawał serca spowodowany materiałem zatorowym jako pierwsza manifestacja śluzaka lewego przedsionka

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    This report describes a 52 year-old women with an inferior myocardial infarction due to a coronary artery embolus. Coronaryangiography revealed occlusion of right coronary artery and echocardiographic findings showed a large left intraatrial tumour.The tumour was removed surgically and pathological findings confirmed the diagnosis of myxoma. Aetiology of the occlusionwas closely related to the left atrial tumour. Myocardial infarction was the first manifestation of left atrial myxoma

    Opieka nad pacjentem z niewydolnością serca i nerek kwalifikowanym do jednoczasowego przeszczepienia nerki i serca przy zastosowaniu wszczepienia mechanicznego wspomagania krążenia — opis przypadku

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    Renal impairment associated with heart failure is a common clinical problem that worsens prognosis in major illness. Severe renal failure is contraindicated for heart transplantation. An effective treatment is combined renal and cardiac transplantation provided the patient benefits are analyzed. Therapeutic option for this group of patients may also be the use of mechanical cardiovascular support. The aim of the study was to present nursing problems and proposals for nursing interventions in patients with severe heart and renal insufficiency referred for combinedheart-renal transplantation/mechanical cardiac support. The case of a 32-year-old patient with dilated cardiomyopathy, toxic etiology, chronic renal disease at stage V, treated with dialysis was analyzed. The study used the case study method using the following research techniques: observation, analysis of medical records of nurses and doctors.Zaburzenia czynności nerek towarzyszące niewydolności serca są częstym problemem klinicznym pogarszającym rokowanie w zasadniczej chorobie. Ciężka niewydolność nerek stanowi przeciwwskazanie do przeszczepienia serca. Skuteczną metodą leczenia jest jednoczasowe przeszczepienie nerki i serca. Opcją terapeutyczną dla tej grupy pacjentów może być również zastosowanie mechanicznego wspomagania krążenia. Celem pracy było przedstawienie problemów pielęgnacyjnych i propozycji interwencji pielęgniarskich u pacjenta z ciężką niewydolnością serca i nerek kwalifikowanego do jednoczasowego przeszczepienia serca i nerki/mechanicznego wspomagania krążenia. Analizie poddano przypadek 32-letniego pacjenta z kardiomiopatią rozstrzeniową o etiologii toksycznej, z przewlekłą chorobą nerek w stadium V leczoną dializoterapią. W pracy wykorzystano metodę case study z użyciem następujących technik badawczych: obserwacja, analiza dokumentacji medycznej pielęgniarskiej i lekarskiej

    Fulminant heart failure due to giant cell myocarditis affecting the left ventricle

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    A 56-year-old woman, previously healthy, was hospitalized after an episode of ventricular tachycardia in the course of infection. In view of the fulminant course of heart failure the patient was connected to an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) system. After 3 weeks of treatment with ECMO the patient received a heart transplant. A histopathological examination of the tissues of the explanted heart revealed giant cell myocarditis. The patient was treated with immunosuppression based on induction therapy followed by a standard regimen with steroids. Currently, the patient remains in good general condition with an left ventricular ejection fraction of 60%