56 research outputs found

    Polish adaptation of the Sexual Arousability Inventory SAI-PL and validation for the males

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    Wstęp: Pobudliwość seksualna określa zdolność jednostki do reagowania podnieceniem seksualnym na bodźce zewnętrzne i wewnętrzne (np. fantazje). Jej pomiar jest istotnym elementem badania seksualności oraz diagnozowania dysfunkcji w tym zakresie. Jedną z form pomiaru pobudliwości seksualnej są narzędzia kwestionariuszowe. Dotąd nie powstało żadne narzędzie w języku polskim przeznaczone stricte do tego celu. Odpowiadając na ten brak, opracowano polskojęzyczną adaptację Kwestionariusza Pobudliwości Seksualnej (SAI) autorstwa Hoon i wsp. Materiały i metody: Właściwości psychometryczne narzędzia zbadano na próbie 132 osób (42 kobiety, 90 mężczyzn), natomiast walidację narzędzia wykonano w grupie 39 heteroseksualnych mężczyzn korzystających regularnie z pornografii. Wyniki: Kwestionariusz SAI-PL charakteryzuje się bardzo wysoką spójnością wewnętrzną, strukturą czynnikową niemal identyczną z oryginałem oraz dobrą trafnością. Wnioski: Kwestionariusz może z powodzeniem znaleźć zastosowanie w diagnozie zaburzeń pobudzenia seksualnego, ocenie postępu terapii oraz w badaniach naukowych zarówno z udziałem kobiet, jak i mężczyzn.Introduction: Sexual arousability is defined as an ability to react with sexual arousal in response to external and internal stimuli. Sexual arousablity measuring is important for research purposes and for diagnostics of sexual dysfunctions. Self-assessment techniques can be used for such measurement. Due to absence of Polish-language psychometric tools dedicated for sexual arousability measuring we adapted Sexual Arousability Inventory. Material and methods: Psychometrical characteristic of Polish version of SAI (SAI-PL) was examined in the study with 132 participants (42 females, 90 males) and validation with behavioral factors was performed on the group of 39 heterosexual males consuming pornography on the weekly basis. Results: SAI-PL has almost identical characteristics as original SAI (high internal consistency, the same factorial structure and high reliability). Conclusions: Polish version of SAI can be successfully used for research purposes as well as in clinical setups

    Kamizelka defibrylująca w okresie poporodowym u pacjentki z kardiomiopatią

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    Cardiovascular diseases during pregnancy increase the risk of morbidity and mortality in pregnant women and their children. We present the case of a 37-year-old patient with cardiomyopathy who developed significant deterioration of left ventricular function accompanied by fetal death at 28 gestational week, and who was subsequently provided with a wearable cardioverter defibrillator as a part of sudden cardiac death prevention.Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego u kobiet w ciąży zwiększają ryzyko chorobowości i śmiertelności zarówno matek, jak i dzieci. W artykule przedstawiono przypadek 37-letniej pacjentki z kardiomiopatią, u której w 28. tygodniu ciąży doszło do znacznego pogorszenia funkcji lewej komory oraz obumarcia płodu i którą zaopatrzono kamizelką defibrylującą w ramach prewencji nagłego zgonu sercowego

    Does exposure to nature make children more intelligent? : analysis in Polish children with and without ADHD

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    Previous studies have shown that exposure to nature and physical activity (PA) may be associated with higher intelligence in children. We examined whether there is an association between lifelong exposure to greenspace and bluespace and intelligence in children aged 10–13 with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and whether PA mediates this association. The sample (N = 714) was collected within the NeuroSmog case-control study, where children with (N = 206) and without ADHD (N = 508) were recruited from 18 towns in Southern Poland. Nature exposure was estimated as the sum of the z-scores of the objective and perceived measures. Objective greenspace exposure was defined as the percentage of grass and tree cover in 500 m and 1 km buffers around lifelong residential addresses, respectively. Objective bluespace exposure was defined as the percentage of water cover in 500 m and 1 km buffers. Perceived greenspace/bluespace was measured as the parent-rated availability, quality, and use of greenspace/bluespace. Intelligence was assessed using the Polish version of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, 5th edition (SB5). SB5 Full Scale Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Nonverbal IQ, Verbal IQ, five factor and ten subtest scores were analysed as outcomes. The associations between nature and IQ scores were assessed by linear regressions separately for cases and controls, adjusting the models for sex, parental education, and urbanicity. Structural equation modeling was implemented to test whether PA mediated the association between nature and intelligence. None of the greenspace or bluespace measures were consistently associated with intelligence. PA was not found to be a mediator. We did not find evidence that higher lifelong nature exposure is associated with higher intelligence in Polish schoolchildren with or without ADHD. This casts doubts on whether exposure to nature has relevant influence on IQ

    Udar mózgu — możliwości efektywnego monitorowania Zastosowanie kardiografii impedancyjnej, tonometrii aplanacyjnej oraz spirografii mózgowej

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    Leczenie ostrej fazy udaru mózgu napotyka liczne trudności. Śmiertelność wynosi ponad 20%. Istotną rolę odgrywają niewydolność krążenia, zaburzenia oddechowe, zaburzenia rytmu serca, choroby współistniejące, jak nadciśnienie tętnicze, zatorowość płucna. Do klasycznej oceny stanu klinicznego pacjenta należy monitorowanie ciepłoty ciała, częstości akcji serca, ciśnienia tętniczego, a także glikemii i utlenowania krwi. Standardowe postępowanie diagnostyczne może nie być wystarczające do właściwej reakcji terapeutycznej w odpowiedzi na dynamiczne zmiany układu krążenia zachodzące po uszkodzeniu ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. Celem prezentowanej pracy jest wskazanie metod rozszerzających możliwości monitorowania poprzez nieinwazyjne badanie hemodynamiczne z zastosowaniem kardiografii impedancyjnej, analizę ciśnienia centralnego, monitorowanie funkcji oddechowej. Istnieją przesłanki badawcze sugerujące, że zastosowanie dodatkowych technik poprawi efektywność leczenia chorych. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2011, tom 5, nr 2, 87–10

    Epidemiology of diabetes in Poland in 2014–2017

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    Background. The number of people with diabetes increases every year, both in Poland and worldwide. In Poland, the exact number is not known, and the latest data comes from 2014. The aim of the study was to assess basic epidemiological indicators regarding diabetes in Poland in 2014–2017. Methods. Division into types of diabetes and other analyzes was carried out on the basis of data prepared by a team of experts and employees of the Department of Analysis and Strategy of the Ministry of Health. The NHF databases were used, concerning realized medical interventions and refunded prescriptions. Results. The number of people with diabetes in Poland in 2014 was 2.113 million (1.167 million women and 0.946 million men). This number increased in subsequent years and in 2017 amounted to 2.533 million (1.408 million women and 1.124 million men), which constituted 6.58% of the population. Using the adopted methodology, the number of patients in whom the type of diabetes could not be determined was large and ranged from 39.57% to 32.75% in individual years. Conclusions. Diabetes prevalence in Poland is increasing. The adopted methodological assumptions regarding the division criteria for type 2 and type 1 diabetes do not allow an accurate determination of the epidemiology of diabetes by type (incidence rate and morbidity), but they allow to determine “specific” subpopulations of patients with a given type of disease.Background. The number of people with diabetes increases every year, both in Poland and worldwide. In Poland, the exact number is not known, and the latest data comes from 2014. The aim of the study was to assess basic epidemiological indicators regarding diabetes in Poland in 2014–2017. Methods. Division into types of diabetes and other analyzes was carried out on the basis of data prepared by a team of experts and employees of the Department of Analysis and Strategy of the Ministry of Health. The NHF databases were used, concerning realized medical interventions and refunded prescriptions. Results. The number of people with diabetes in Poland in 2014 was 2.113 million (1.167 million women and 0.946 million men). This number increased in subsequent years and in 2017 amounted to 2.533 million (1.408 million women and 1.124 million men), which constituted 6.58% of the population. Using the adopted methodology, the number of patients in whom the type of diabetes could not be determined was large and ranged from 39.57% to 32.75% in individual years. Conclusions. Diabetes prevalence in Poland is increasing. The adopted methodological assumptions regarding the division criteria for type 2 and type 1 diabetes do not allow an accurate determination of the epidemiology of diabetes by type (incidence rate and morbidity), but they allow to determine “specific” subpopulations of patients with a given type of disease

    Air pollution and attention in Polish schoolchildren with and without ADHD

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    Background: Development and functioning of attention—a key component of human cognition—can be affected by en vironmental factors. We investigated whether long- and short-term exposure to particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter < 10 μm (PM10) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are related to attention in 10- to 13-year-old children living in Polish towns recruited in the NeuroSmog case-control study. Methods: We investigated associations between air pollution and attention separately in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD, n = 187), a sensitive, at-risk population with impaired attention and in population based typically developing children (TD, n = 465). Alerting, orienting, and executive aspects of attention were mea sured using the attention network test (ANT), while inhibitory control was measured with the continuous performance test (CPT). We assessed long-term exposure to NO2 and PM10 using novel hybrid land use regression (LUR) models. Short-term exposures to NO2 and PM10 were assigned to each subject using measurements taken at the air pollution monitoring station nearest to their home address. We tested associations for each exposure-outcome pair using adjusted linear and negative binomial regressions. Results: We found that long-term exposures to both NO2 and PM10 were associated with worse visual attention in chil dren with ADHD. Short-term exposure to NO2 was associated with less efficient executive attention in TD children and more errors in children with ADHD. It was also associated with shorter CPT response times in TD children; however, this effect was accompanied by a trend towards more CPT commission errors, suggestive of more impulsive performance in these subjects. Finally, we found that short-term PM10 exposure was associated with fewer omission errors in CPT in TD children. Conclusions: Exposure to air pollution, especially short-term exposure to NO2, may have a negative impact on attention in children. In sensitive populations, this impact might be different than in the general population

    Novel Bradykinin Analogues Modified in the N-Terminal Part of the Molecule with a Variety of Acyl Substituents

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    In the current work we present some pharmacological characteristics of ten new analogues of bradykinin (Arg–Pro–Pro–Gly–Phe–Ser–Pro–Phe–Arg) modified in the N-terminal part of the molecule with a variety of acyl substituents. Of the many acylating agents used previously with B2 receptor antagonists, the following residues were chosen: 1-adamantaneacetic acid (Aaa), 1-adamantanecarboxylic acid (Aca), 4-tert-butylbenzoic acid (t-Bba), 4-aminobenzoic acid (Aba), 12-aminododecanoic acid (Adc), succinic acid (Sua), 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid, 3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propionic acid and 6-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid. Biological activity of the compounds was assessed in the in vivo rat blood pressure test and the in vitro rat uterus test. Surprisingly, N-terminal substitution of the bradykinin peptide chain itself with aforementioned groups resulted in antagonists of bradykinin in the pressor test and suppressed agonistic potency in the uterotonic test. These interesting findings need further studies as they can be helpful for designing more potent B2 receptor blockers

    Emotion norms for 6,000 Polish word meanings with a direct mapping to the Polish wordnet

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    m-wierzba/hello-world: Zenodo release

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    My Hello Word repositor