107 research outputs found

    W sprawie „dekalogu” etyki politycznej liberalnej demokracji

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    The creativity of Jakov Golosovker in the context of Russian and Western European culture

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    The aim of the present article is to open up the connection of Jakov Golosovker’s creativity with Russian and Western European culture (the Silver Age, Antique culture, German romanticism, German philosophy).The aim of the present article is to open up the connection of Jakov Golosovker’s creativity with Russian and Western European culture (the Silver Age, Antique culture, German romanticism, German philosophy).The aim of the present article is to open up the connection of Jakov Golosovker’s creativity with Russian and Western European culture (the Silver Age, Antique culture, German romanticism, German philosophy)

    Ateizm, metafizyka i filozofia demokracji. Refleksje o teologii Braci Polskich

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    The article is devoted to arguments for the thesis that not only the concept – according to which “God does not exist” (God in the sense given to him by theologies) – is indeed atheistic but also the theory which, initially declaring attachment to the idea of God religiously understood, simultaneously formulates its confession of faith in the socio-cultural and axiological order in a way fundamentally contradictory to the image of God as the highest level of the absolute hierarchy, the personification of absolute power, and exclusive competence to define good and evil. In this sense, atheism is the view of the fundamentally non-hierarchical structure of the world and the non-existence of one absolute authority. In this sense, atheism is (despite the theistic declaration) the worldview of the Polish Brethren.Artykuł poświęcony jest argumentom na rzecz tezy, że istotnie ateistyczna jest nie tylko koncepcja, zgodnie z którą „Bóg nie istnieje” (Bóg w znaczeniu, jakie nadają mu teologie), ale również teoria, która, wstępnie deklarując przywiązanie do idei Boga religijnie rozumianego, zarazem formułuje swoje wyznanie wiary w porządek społeczno-kulturowy i aksjologiczny w sposób zasadniczo sprzeczny z wizerunkiem Boga jako najwyższego szczebla absolutnej hierarchii, jako uosobienia absolutnej siły i wyłącznej kompetencji do definiowania dobra i zła. Ateizmem w tym rozumieniu jest pogląd o zasadniczo niehierarchicznej budowie świata i o nieistnieniu jednego absolutnego autorytetu i  ateizmem w tym rozumieniu jest (pomimo teistycznej deklaracji) światopogląd Braci Polskich

    Podmiotowość jako transcendencja. Przyczynek do definicji podmiotowości politycznej

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    To define political subjectiveness as a purpose-oriented activity brings about the obliteration of differences between authoritarian policy and liberal-and-democratic policy, as well as between an authoritarian and liberal-and-democratic definition of politics. The authors of the paper considered it justified to move from the common comprehension of subjectiveness to its metaphysical aspect, and to positioning it in the realm of philosophical transcedency. This required them to determine the difference between a philosophical and religious meaning of tanscendency. This difference is demonstrated in the article.To define political subjectiveness as a purpose-oriented activity brings about the obliteration of differences between authoritarian policy and liberal-and-democratic policy, as well as between an authoritarian and liberal-and-democratic definition of politics. The authors of the paper considered it justified to move from the common comprehension of subjectiveness to its metaphysical aspect, and to positioning it in the realm of philosophical transcedency. This required them to determine the difference between a philosophical and religious meaning of tanscendency. This difference is demonstrated in the article

    The Hermeneutics of the Socinian Atheology of the Polish Brethren. Introduction of a Democratic Political Philosophy

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    The paper discusses the arguments in favor of the proposition that an atheistic concept is not just one where “God does not exist” (in a sense bequeathed on it by theologies) but also one where, despite a declarative belief in the idea of God understood in religious terms, it formulates its creed in a socio-cultural and axiological order in ways that diametrically contradict a view of God seen as the supreme level of an absolute hierarchy, embodiment of an absolute power and an exclusive competence to defining good and evil. In this understanding, atheism is an outlook, holding that the world is built non-hierarchically and there is no one absolute authority. Thus seen, the ideology of the Polish Brethren is atheistic (despite a theistic declaration)

    50 lat badań Instytutu Ekologii PAN nad populacjami gryzoni

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    A review of rodent studies conducted in the Institute of Ecology is presented. The investigations took place both in the laboratory (mostly on Mus muscidus) and field conditions (first of all on Apodemus flavicollis, Clethrionomys glareolus and Microtus arvalis). The aim of the studies varied in time, and was always preceded by detailed, and often new, considerations on methods to be applied. Theoretical assumptions also evolved with time: from simple density-dependent approach to population demography, through the idea of the importance of population structures, to individualistic approach and neighborhood systems. A substantial part of the studies was aimed at interrelations between rodent species in heterogeneous habitats. The International Biological Program resulted in papers devoted to interrelations between rodent (secondary) productivity and basic habitat features (like food resources and their spatial distribution). Special attention was paid to confined populations, and among the long term (37 years) studies on a bank vole population inhabiting Crabapple Island

    Entretien polyphonique sur l’érotisme et la sexualité dans les littératures slaves

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    Présentation Comment l’érotisme se définit-il aujourd’hui ? Quelle est la place de l’érotisme dans la recherche scientifique en littérature slave ? Y-a-t-il des moments plus propices que d’autres pour explorer ce sujet dans l’histoire des littératures et des sociétés ? Le tabou constitue-t-il une notion fondamentale dans l’étude de l’érotisme et de la sexualité ? Comment les changements de mœurs et d’expression littéraire des auteurs slaves contemporains se déclinent-ils face aux attentes des..